Chapter 98 Do You Believe It? There are a hundred ways to get you to speak.


Please be as dead as ashes.



This was Wei Zhongxian’s mood at this moment.

He even chose to ask his master directly for death for his sins. Wei Zhongxian’s forehead touched the ground without lifting.

Because he didn’t have the face to look at the Son of Heaven at all.

For Jing Ke, a fearless and unyielding fierce character. Wei Zhongxian really couldn’t do anything about it.

Seeing His Highness Wei Zhongxian’s lifeless look. Nie Zheng smiled.

He smiled and got up from his throne. He went straight to Wei Zhongxian’s body. Wei Zhongxian did not dare to look up.

Even more have closed their eyes and waited to die.

Just wait for Nie Zheng to slap himself and end up.

After all, he had committed the crime of escorting the unfavorable driver first, and now he could not interrogate the name of the assassin. Not to mention interrogating who was the assassin who directed it.

These species add up.

Even if Nie Zheng killed himself.

Wei Zhongxian was unjustly wronged.

“Look at your faceless look.”

“Get up.”

Nie Zheng smiled.

Stride out of Weiyang Palace.

Wei Zhongxian was not reprimanded and reprimanded. Wei Zhongxian’s face was shocked.

Seeing that the master had left the Weiyang Palace, he hurriedly got up. Zhao Gao walked past him.

The two looked at each other.

Then quickly keep up with Nie Zheng’s pace. I don’t know where Nie Zheng is going.

“Driving death row.”

Nie Zheng sat on the dragon and spoke faintly. Hear that.

Zhao Gao and Wei Zhongxian looked shocked.

I didn’t expect Tianzi to go to see the assassin in person.

“Your Majesty’s golden body, the place of death row will never be able to go.”

Zhao Gao hurriedly dissuaded him, and then continued, “Your Majesty, it is better for the slaves to go and interrogate them personally.” ”

Nie Zheng squinted at Zhao Gao and said, “Do you think you can ask it?” ”



In fact.

Zhao Gao was only in a hurry.

Think of Jing Ke’s fearless look. He couldn’t go on with his words.


Wei Zhongxian was not interrogated.

His set was roughly similar to Wei Zhongxian’s. It must still end in failure.

“Get off the road.”

Nie Zheng spoke lightly.

Cao Tian hurriedly ordered someone to carry the dragon to the death row. Wei Zhongxian and Zhao Gao could only follow silently.

But doubts arose in my heart.

The means of the two men were already vicious enough. All kinds of punishments have been used.

Even the cannon pot was used.

But he still couldn’t pry open the assassin’s mouth. Even if His Majesty himself goes to death row.

But how can Your Majesty ask it? Put it this way.

Zhao Gao or Wei Zhongxian.

The two were in awe of the Heavenly Son’s scheming tactics and even Wen Tao’s martial strategy. But in terms of torture, interrogation, this aspect.

The two consider themselves to be experts here. It is also the existence of the grandmaster level.

Where does the Son of Heaven understand torture and interrogation? The two couldn’t understand.

I really don’t understand.

But it was seen that the Son of Heaven had already gone to death row in person. The two could only follow quickly.

… Inside death row.

Jing Ke was tied to a pillar by five flowers. No one is using torture anymore.

Because all the punishments have already been used.

Jing Ke really lost his temper for everyone. Although he would rather die than give in to make people hate it and itch their teeth.

But those who interrogated him had to say admiration in their hearts. It’s a tough character.

And indeed a hero.

This bone is so hard.

‘Your Majesty has arrived’.”


The voice of the eunuch was ringing. The door to death row was pushed open.

A large number of jailers knelt on the ground, prostrating in awe to the Son of Heaven.

“Open the cell door.”

Look at the Jingke on death row who is tortured into an inhuman form.

Nie Zheng opened his mouth lightly.

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

The jailer did not dare to be sloppy.

Hurry up and open the door to death row.

Nie Zheng strolled into death row.

Wei Zhongxian hurriedly brought a chair and put it down. Ren Nie Zheng slowly sat down.

A pair of eyes as deep and quiet as an ancient pond.

It was so faint to look at Jing Ke who was bound by the fine steel chain. It was also at this time.

When Nie Zheng went to death row.

Jing Ke’s originally cold and indifferent eyes changed slightly. His eyes trembled faintly.

Then it returned to a state of dead silence and indifference.

“Come man, take the chains from his lute bones and put him down.”

Nie Zheng spoke.

But it also fell with Nie Zheng’s words. The jailer on death row was stunned.

“Your Majesty must not do it, this man is extremely terrible, he is a supreme assassin, if you take out the chains in his lute bone….”

Death was firmly in the head to hurry to dissuade.

But he hadn’t finished speaking.

Wei Zhongxian slapped him and threw him away. Directly to this cell head confused.

“Your Majesty tells you to do whatever you want, where did all this nonsense come from?”

Wei Zhongxian scolded fiercely.

The cell boss hurried and did not dare to say more.

Quickly ask the two jailers to pull out the chains from the Jingke’s lute bone. He even lowered it from the pillar.

Even the chains that bound him were untied at the same time. For this is the will of the Son of Heaven.

But all the jailers were on the verge of a great enemy.

I was deeply afraid that Jing Ke’s violent rise would once again be detrimental to the Son of Heaven.

“Except for Zhao Gao and Wei Zhongxian, you all should all back off.”

Nie Zheng waved.

But it was also his command.

It surprised the jailers on death row. But they quickly withdrew.

Inside death row.

Jing Ke was no longer bound on his body.

But he had no intention of fleeing. Just sit on the ground.

Without a word.

Nor is it silent.

Even more so he didn’t look up at Nie Zheng. Because he knows it clearly.

Although he himself was loosened from the shackles.

But Nie Zheng is here.

His attempt to escape was a pipe dream. Jing Ke did not say a word.

Nie Zheng looked calm.

Just a calm and faint look in his eyes. All of a sudden.

It was quiet inside the death row.

The quiet made Wei Zhongxian and Zhao Gao frown.

The two did not understand what their master was doing. Did you just want to come and see this assassin? But what’s the use of that?

It would be better for the two to think about the cruel punishments and ask about the origin of this assassin. Time passes by minute by minute.

After a full hour.

Nie Zheng spoke.

But it was also his opening.

Wei Zhongxian and Zhao Gao were shocked.

Even Jing Ke, who was looking down and not saying a word, suddenly looked up at Nie Zheng.

“Jing Ke, I appreciate people who are not afraid of death.”

“Your bones are indeed very hard, and you are fearless of death.”

“I really appreciate you.”

As Nie Zheng’s words fell.

Wei Zhongxian and Zhao Gao’s faces changed sharply.

The original pair of sinister eyes all turned into a look of horror. It was even more fierce towards Jing Ke’s look.

Is he Jingke?

It is the one that makes the people of the world feel frightened. The most terrifying assassin Jing Ke? Zhao Gao Wei Zhongxian was shocked to change color.

No wonder the two couldn’t interrogate anything. Face Jing Ke this kind of character.

No punishment or means is of any use to them.

In the ranks of assassins in the world, Jing Ke was too famous. Like thunder, the world knows.

These eight words are enough to describe the horror of Jingke and its reputation. Don’t say that Wei Zhongxian and Zhao Gao were shocked to change color.

Jing Ke’s gaze was even more solemn towards Nie Zheng. He hadn’t thought of it at all.

His identity would be revealed.

And the big summer boy in front of him actually knew who he was. Finally.

Jing Ke spoke.

It was also the first time he had been sent to death row.

Even Wei Zhongxian and Zhao Gao did not open their mouths to torture him. But now he spoke.

“Jing Mou also did not expect that the Emperor of Great Xia, who spread throughout the Nine Weeks and Seven Kingdoms, causing the emperors and people of all countries to laugh at the weak and incompetent puppet Emperor Daxia, was actually a Gaidai master of the Terrestrial Immortal Realm.”

“I’m afraid that when the emperors of all countries hear this news, they will feel that it is a fantasy.”

Jing Ke laughed to himself.

There was an unspeakable bitterness in his eyes. I was too careless.

The carelessness did not thoroughly investigate the strength of the Great Summer Son. He thought contemptuously that he could kill him.

Nie Zheng could fully feel the bitterness in Jing Ke’s heart. There is no comment on Jing Ke’s comments.

“Tell me, who sent you to carry out the assassination?”

Nie Zheng asked lightly.


Jing Ke smiled.

And it’s a wild laugh.

It’s just that his smile is very cold and cold.

Even the look in Nie Zheng’s eyes was extremely sarcastic.

“Emperor Yi, do you think Jing will say?”

“Be bold, you are looking for death!”

Jing Ke called the name of the Son of Heaven directly.

Wei Zhongxian and Zhao Gao were furious and wanted to go forward and teach them a good lesson. But I didn’t wait for the two of them to do it.

Nie Zheng waved his hand at the two men.

This also made Zhao Gao Wei Zhongxian look frightened, but he still hurried to retreat.

“Well, not bad.”

“You really can’t say.”

“After all, Jing Ke is famous in the Nine Weeks and Seven Kingdoms, if you don’t even have this bit of assassin’s professional quality, you don’t deserve to be called Jing Ke.”

Nie Zheng said with a smile.

The expression on his face did not have any sense of anger.

“Emperor Yi, I have to say that you are hiding very deeply, so that everyone in the world in the Nine Weeks looks down on you.”

“Compared with the Qin Emperor, although you may not have his heroic name, you are indeed an extremely powerful character.”

“In the future, those who look down on you will certainly suffer a great loss at your hands.”

Jing Ke sincerely praised.

However, he said this slightly, and looked at Nie Zheng with a miserable smile, “But you want to ask who made me assassinate you.” ”

“Emperor Yi, you still have to worry about it, Jing Mou will not say.”

“If you are really a hero, give me Jingke.”


Nie Zheng nodded his palm.

Looking at Jing Ke’s eyes, he became more and more appreciative. Let’s be honest.

There were very few people who could make Nie Zheng appreciate it. But the thorn in front of you is definitely one.

Although he was only an assassin.

But this courage and fearlessness really made Nie Zheng look up to him. But!

Appreciation is appreciation.

Look high and look high.

This does not mean that Nie Zheng will be tolerant and generous not to pursue his assassination. Because no one can assassinate him without paying the price he deserves.

“He never became a hero, but he also wouldn’t kill you.”

“Jing Ke, can you believe it?”

“There are a hundred ways for you to confess who instructed you to stab you.”

Nie Zheng laughed.


Looking at the smile on Nie Zheng’s face.

Jing Ke laughed the same way, and it was laughing wildly. He wasn’t even afraid of the pot.

And there is no fear of death.

He really didn’t believe that Nie Zheng could have the means to make himself confess the Eighteen Martial Generals. Don’t say Jing Ke doesn’t believe it himself.

Even Wei Zhongxian and Zhao Gao, who were in awe of Nie Zheng, did not believe it. Because the two know it very well.

How hard are Jingke’s bones? All kinds of punishments were used.

But people just don’t say anything about men.

Although his master’s means are very powerful.

But in terms of torture, interrogation, this aspect is only afraid…

“It seems you don’t believe it.”

Nie Zheng smiled and nodded to Jing Ke. The smile on his face grew brighter.

However, if you look closely, you will find out. Nie Zheng’s eyes were cold and terrible.

That evil and brutal glare quietly rose from under his eyes.

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