Chapter 103 A cup of wine to release the military power, a grief-stricken choice!.


As Zhao Kuangyin’s words fell.

Lu Yan’s originally indifferent expression was suddenly shocked.

Even Zhao Gao, who was beside Nie Zheng, was also throbbing. The two looked at Zhao Kuangyin in shock at the same time.

A million soldiers?

Zhao Kuangyin was actually willing to hand over a million troops? It should be known that Zhao Kuangyin has held military power for many years. This is also his greatest heritage.

But he actually wanted the lives of his generals. Willing to hand over a million soldiers.

This simply shocked Lu Yan to the extreme.

If Zhao Kuangyin was really willing to surrender his military power. Eighteen warriors could indeed spare them from death. Because this transaction is not a good profit.

Lu Yan was moved.

It was even more obscure that Nie Zheng’s envoy was eye-catching. Obviously, he was telling Nie Zheng.

Agree to Zhao Kuangyin’s conditions.

A million soldiers are compared to eighteen generals.

As long as you are not a fool, you know how to choose. As long as there are millions of soldiers in hand.

Nie Zheng’s imperial power will be more solid. Even if the kings of the various clans rebelled.

With a million troops and thirty thousand Northern Dragon Riders. It was enough to suppress these feudal kings. At that time, the Bactrian Dynasty will be reunified.

All rights will also be refocused in the hands of the Son of Heaven. The temptation is simply too great.

Even Lu Yan couldn’t sit still. I really want to directly agree to it for Nie Zheng. However, Lu Yan still calmed down.

This kind of thing must not be overridden by oneself.

She could only be secretly anxious, constantly staring at Nie Zheng. Pity.

Nie Zheng’s expression did not change at all.

Even heard the conditions put forward by Zhao Kuangyin. His eyes remained indifferent.

Just take a sip of the wine in your glass.

It was as if he hadn’t heard the conditions put forward by Zhao Kuangyin.

“Your Majesty!”

“Please let them have a way to live.”

Zhao Kuangyin looked solemn.

A pair of eyes looked directly at the Heavenly Son. It’s a deal.

A deal that Tianzi can’t refuse. It is a safe and profitable transaction.

This moment.

Zhao Kuangyin is also good.

Lu Yan is also fine.

Even Zhao Gao, who was standing next to Nie Zheng. They all set their sights on Nie Zheng. They were waiting for Nie Zheng to speak.

Just a word from the Son of Heaven.

A million soldiers Zhao Kuangyin will be handed over. Nie Zheng smiled.


He laughed again.

Only this time the smile was unpredictable. The unpredictability made Zhao Kuangyin’s heart tremble.

For the deep gaze of the Son of Heaven was staring at him.

“Zhao Kuangyin, do you think you are qualified to talk to Shuo about the conditions?”

Nie Zheng lightly lifted the wine jug and filled the two men’s wine glasses with wine. Its voice echoed calmly in Zhao Kuangyin’s ears.

The Son of Heaven’s behavior, manners, voice. Even the action of pouring wine.

All of them made Zhao Kuangyin turn into a clay sculpture, stiff and unable to speak. He looked at Nie Zheng sheepishly.

The heart is constantly asking itself.

Are you qualified to talk to the Son of Heaven about the conditions? Don’t wait for Zhao Kuangyin to understand.

Nie Zheng raised the two wine glasses on the table.

Put one of the wine glasses firmly in Zhao Kuangyin’s hand. Nie Zheng smiled again.

“Zhao Kuangyin, I hope you can remember one thing.”

“Under the whole world, in the Nine Weeks of the Great World, no one can talk to you about the conditions.”

“Don’t say that you are a mere Zhao Kuangyin, even if you are the Emperor of Qin, you are also not qualified to talk to the Emperor of Qin.”

Nie Zheng spoke indifferently.

But this is also his remarks.

Zhao Kuangyin’s face turned miserable and he looked at Nie Zheng in shock. At this moment, he suddenly discovered.

The big summer sitting in front of him faintly overflowed with a domineering momentum. This breath is hidden very deeply, deeply.

But the oppression began to catch his breath.

“Now you have two choices.”

“The first choice, you can leave now, the decay will let people open the city gates, you can lead your eighteen warriors out of the royal capital, gather a million soldiers to the city.”

“The second option is to drink this cup of wine in your hand, hand over the million soldiers in your hands, and go back to kill all eighteen of your generals with your own hands, and send their heads to the face of the Emperor.”

“From now on, you will still be a good courtier, and you will be promised the peace of your glorious and rich family for the rest of your life.”

“Ten breaths of time, Zhao Kuangyin, will only give you ten breaths of time to consider.”

“If you don’t have a choice after ten breaths, you can leave.”

Nie Zheng seemed to be saying a very ordinary thing.

But Zhao Kuangyin’s whole body was trembling. There was no blood on his face.

His whole being fell into a silent silence. His fists clenched in death.

The green tendons on his forehead are slightly raised. Even his eyes were covered with blood. Two choices lay before him.

Zhao Kuangyin knew that he had no way out. Time passes in a little bit.

In the blink of an eye, the time has come for ten breaths. Suddenly.

Zhao Kuangyin looked up.

His eyes were covered with crimson blood. He trembled and raised the wine glass in his hand. Then look up and drink it all.

He didn’t speak.

Just trembling, he pulled a tiger charm out of his arms. Then he gently placed it in front of Nie Zheng.

The next moment.

Zhao Kuangyin suddenly stood up.

There is no farewelling rite for the Son of Heaven.

Instead, he staggered toward the Imperial Garden.

Even this short walk out of the Royal Garden almost made him fall on his heel. Nie Zheng looked at Zhao Kuangyin’s back faintly.

He gently picked up the jug on the table and filled himself with a glass of wine again. Then drink the wine.

As for the Tiger Rune that Zhao Kuangyin placed in front of him and could mobilize a million troops, he didn’t even look at it. Zhao Kuangyin chose to drink the wine in his glass.

This was also expected by Nie Zheng.

Because he believed that Zhao Kuangyin was a smart person. And smart people naturally don’t let him down. A glass of wine to release the military power!

This allusion is playing out today.

It’s just that Nie Zheng has a condition attached.

A condition for Zhao Kuangyin to personally send the eighteen martial generals on the road. Such a scene.

Let Lü Yan and Zhao Gao on the side look at each other with trepidation.

The two looked at the tiger charm on the table that could dispatch a million troops, and their eyes revealed a look of shock. The great marshal of the Terracotta Army did not even have the qualifications to negotiate conditions.

It can only end up like this.

The other side.

Zhao Kuangyin came out of the palace, he did not ride, on a war horse.

Instead, he staggered and walked toward the family mansion with his eyes lost.

His whole being seemed to be out of his soul.

I was tripped several times along the way. He fell to the ground.

Then stand up again with both arms supporting the ground. Continue to walk towards the Marshal’s Mansion. Every step of his life was tough.

But we can’t help but move on. Because he knows it very well. I don’t have a choice.

If he had just really chosen to rebel against Wang Du. Not only was he going to die.

His family and even the Ten Clans were going to die. Face the iron-blooded and ruthless summer child. He was really pressed and couldn’t lift his head. He wanted to trade a million military powers. But now it looks so funny. Zhao Kuangyin passed by a liquor store.

He casually threw a certain amount of silver to the shopkeeper. Pick up a pot of spirits and pour it into your mouth. The spirits were extremely spicy.

It’s just an altar going down.

It made Zhao Kuangyin’s pale face blush.

A great smell of wine emanated from him. He wanted to get himself drunk.

I want to let myself get drunk and forget all my troubles. Click!

The altar of wine in his hand shattered to the ground.

A pot of spirits under the belly.

It was as if his soul had been brought back into his body. His steps were still hesitant.

But it gradually became more powerful, and was heading towards the Marshal’s Mansion step by step.


Marshal’s House.

The Eighteen Martial Generals will fidgete in the main hall. From time to time they looked out the window at the night.

He was waiting for Zhao Kuangyin to return.

It’s just that everyone’s face is full of sorrow. Apparently.

After experiencing Zhao Kuangyin’s storytelling.

They also finally knew that they had caused a catastrophe. Crunch!


Only to hear the door of the Shuai Mansion being pushed open.

Zhao Kuangyin staggered into the Shuai Mansion.

His face was flushed with blue, and his eyes were red as blood. The whole body exudes a great smell of alcohol.

The slave maid hurried to help Zhao Kuangyin.

But he pushed him away.

A pair of eyes looked directly at the eighteen warriors waiting for him in the main hall.

“Big Brother?”


See Zhao Kuangyin return.

And drunk with a lot of tincture.

The eighteen generals were first frightened.

But he still hurried to greet Zhao Kuangyin.

“Big brother, how did you drink like this?”

“Marshal, is Emperor Yi willing to let us have a way to live?”

The Eighteen Martial Generals had just arrived in front of Zhao Kuangyin. They asked.

But they didn’t find out. Zhao Kuangyin’s eyes were trembling.

The bloodshot eyes flashed a hint of extreme pain.

“Brothers, how many years have you followed this commander? Zhao Kuangyin whispered quietly. ”

“Big brother, I’ve been fighting with you for two years.”

“Marshal, the end will be with you for eight years.”

“Big brother, I’ve been following you for ten years.”

“Marshal, the end will follow you for fifteen years.”


Although I don’t know why Zhao Kuangyin asked this question. But the eighteen generals still answered one by one.

Naturally, they also saw that there was something wrong with Zhao Kuangyin’s state at this moment. But definitely wouldn’t think of it.

Zhao Kuangyin’s heart had already risen with pain and helplessness.

“Yeah, you’ve all been following Commander Ben for so many years.”

“Today my brothers and I should have a drink.”

“Come, come with me.”

Zhao Kuangyin led the eighteen martial generals into the main hall.

He ordered someone to bring a pot of wine and eighteen large bowls. Inside the main hall.

Eighteen generals stood on either side.

Zhao Kuangyin is in the center, Yang.

He patted open the fine wine that had been sealed in the dust for many years. First pour yourself a bowl of wine.

Then he personally poured a bowl of wine for his brother who had followed him for many years. Only eighteen martial generals did not find out.

When Zhao Kuangyin finished pouring himself the wine.

A packet of powder, the end is also integrated into this altar of wine.

“This bowl of wine is a tribute to all brothers, and this handsome man is grateful for the years of life and death.”

Zhao Kuangyin had tears in his eyes.

Drink the wine from the bowl.

The Eighteen Martial Generals looked stunned.

They looked at Zhao Kuangyin in a daze. I don’t know what happened to Zhao Kuangyin.

Why is there such sadness. You can see the big brother drinking the wine in the bowl.

They also looked up and drank the wine from their bowls.

“Zhang Yu, this marshal remembers that when you suppressed the bandits in the southern realm, you once blocked a knife for General Ben, and this scar is still on your left shoulder.”

Zhao Kuangyin came to a warrior and said with tears in his eyes.

“Big brother, what are you talking about, you and my brother…”

Zhang Yu hadn’t finished speaking.


He felt his head spinning, and the strength in his body seemed to be drained in an instant. The whole person fell directly into the chair.

“Big brother, you…?”

Zhang Yu changed color in shock and looked at Zhao Kuangyin with tears in his eyes. At the same time.

The other seventeen martial generals were like Zhang Yu, all soft to the ground. Their faces changed dramatically.

Looking at his eldest brother in disbelief, he was also the marshal they had followed for many years. They never thought of it.

Zhao Kuangyin would actually be in the wine, medicine.

“Big brother, why are you doing this?”

“Marshal, what the hell happened, was it Emperor Yi who forced you to do this?”

“Big brother, we have turned against us, and now we have reversed, and you must not be deceived by Emperor Yi, the Emperor Yi.”


The eighteen warriors hoarsely exerted all their might.

But the tears in Zhao Kuangyin’s eyes couldn’t stop flowing. Boom.

Zhao Kuangyin drew a steel knife from its sheath.

The light of the cold sword reflected the blurred look of his tearful eyes.

“You’re wrong, you’re all wrong.”

Zhao Kuangyin muttered, and the sadness on his face could not hide Feng.

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