Chapter 256 Reiki Heaven, System Upgrade!.

Ancient and long-lasting, the only one in the past.

That wisp of human imperial power covered the entire Nine Weeks Great World.

An inexplicable force that makes the hearts of hundreds of millions of people tremble surrounds the hearts of every human race. Above the dome, in the void.

The Human Emperor Jiuding surrounded Nie Zheng in front of him.

A series of Xuanhuang rays of light bloomed around Nie Zheng.

His whole being was associated with the Qi Machine of the Emperor of Humanity. In particular, Nie Zheng’s eyes were as vast as the heavens and the universe. Now.

Nie Zheng’s body and Tianqi.

He closed his eyes slightly and felt the power of his own human emperor.

This force was so powerful that even he himself felt a tremor. Nie Zheng had a feeling.

A feeling so powerful that it breaks everything.

“Nine Dings in One!”


Nie Zheng opened his eyes.

A loud roar came from the mouth at the same time.

Only to see the human emperor Jiuding humming, and then unexpectedly the nine dings merged into one, turning into a bronze ancient ding and appearing in front of him.

Man Emperor Ding!

This is the real human emperor! When Nie Zheng achieved the imperial fruit of man.

The unity of the Nine Dings also truly transformed the original appearance of the Human Emperor.

“Open the sky!”


Nie Zheng single-handedly held the Ding.

As he violently struck the Human Emperor Ding into the Heavenly Dome, extremely terrible things also appeared. Thundered!

The sky seemed to be collapsing.

The human emperor slammed into the firmament.

It was accompanied by a huge cracking sound. The shackles of the Heavenly Jedi are breaking little by little. Just look at it.

The sky of the Nine Weeks Great World took on a crack-like crack.

The crack was getting bigger and bigger, and even more faint aura was spilling out above the dome. Click!

An earth-shattering cracking sound was coming.

Only to see that the Sealed Heaven Jedi Boundary was completely shattered by Nie Zheng’s blow. At the same time, an extremely vast scene appeared over the Nine Weeks Great World. Ancient starry sky, billions of stars!

Above the Nine Weeks Great World, billions of stars were flickering, and the sun was even more incredibly hot and dazzling, and a heavenly gate could be seen faintly in the eyes of the world.

In this Heavenly Gate, it is even more possible to see Qionglou Yuyu faintly, and it is suspected that there are immortals in it. At the same time.

The aura of the earth poured down from the ancient starry sky. Just for a moment.

The aura of the Nine Weeks Great World was filled to the extreme. And at this moment, a very miraculous change occurred. Thundered!

The world of nine weeks rumbles and shakes. The sky is getting higher and the earth is getting wider. Grass and trees and mountains and rivers are growing in terror.

Even above the four seas, there are terrible waves.

And beyond the four seas, there are also four continents outlined.

In that mysterious land of four states, there were countless more suspicious eyes in the eyes of the Nine Weeks Great World. At the same time.

In nine weeks around the world.

A series of extremely excited roars came from the west of the mountains.


“The human emperor is born, and the aura is revived?”

“I’m waiting for the alchemist to finally see the light of day again.”

Breaking the shackles of heaven and earth, Reiki was revived again.

Because of Nie Zheng’s earth-shattering blow, the entire Nine Weeks Great World seemed to have escaped from its prison, truly showing the original appearance of this side of the world.


[Congratulations to the host for becoming a human emperor, reward: the system will perform a mythological upgrade.] 】Ding!

[Warning: The system myth upgrade is on, the host needs to enter a sleeping state, and the sleeping time: three years!] 】Ding!

[System myth upgrade, host sleep countdown opens, there are still ten seconds to go, please prepare the host.] A series of icy system sounds sounded in Nie Zheng’s ears.

Nie Zheng froze directly in place.

System mythology upgrade?

Three years of sleep on your own?

Are you kidding?


Before Nie Zheng could ask the system why it had to sleep for three years. The countdown to the system was already ringing in his ears.

Nie Zheng knew he had no time.

It can only turn into a stream of light and return to the top of Mount Taishan.

“The emperor will sleep for three years, and the secretaries of state do not need to worry, because after three years the emperor will wake up.”

Nie Zheng’s voice echoed in the ears of Manchu Wenwu.

The next moment.

A wave of tiredness came pouring in.

Nie Zheng passed out the whole thing. Such a scene.

At once, Manchu Wenwu was surprised on the spot.

However, it was Wu Meiniang and Lü Yan who woke up first. Hurriedly ordered the sleeping Nie Zheng to be carried to the dragon’s dragon. Then he returned to the dynasty under the escort of the soldiers and horses of Bactria Province.

Just no one found out.

When Nie Zheng became the human emperor and the Heaven and Earth Reiki was revived.

Su Daji, who had been in a quiet state, had a faint pain in his small face. She faintly felt an inexplicable voice ringing in her head.

This voice made her awe and even terrified, but she listened carefully but could not hear what the other person was saying.

Bactria Palace.

Since Nie Zheng became the emperor of the people.

It has been more than half a month since I returned to the palace.

But the whole nine-week world has changed dramatically. First of all.

The territory of the Nine Great Worlds has increased tenfold. And the four seas of the southeast, south, and northwest have become even more vast.

The most shocking thing is that it is presented in four states abroad.

These four states are named: Dongsheng Shenzhou, West Niuhe Zhou, South Zhanbu Zhou, and North Julu Zhou! The four states are located in four directions, southeast, northwest and northwest, and the Nine Weeks World is located in the middle of the four states.

And the most shocking thing is that in these four states, from time to time, you can see the presence of suspected immortals passing through the sky.

It’s not just the four states.

The Nine Weeks World has also undergone an astonishing change.

Some beings who claimed to be ancient alchemists visited Bactria and said they wanted to pay homage to the Emperor. Each of these Ancient Qi cultivators had divine powers in their bodies.

Calling the wind and rain, sprinkling beans into soldiers, its ability is simply unimaginable. Just the beginning.

Both Manchu Wenwu and Wu Cao were extremely nervous.

Because in the face of these suspected immortal-like Ancient Qi Alchemists, saying that they were not nervous was completely false. But little by little as time passes.

Manchu Wenwu and Wu Cao Lü Yan and others were surprised to find it.

These so-called Ancient Qi cultivators were actually very respectful to them.

He did not command them because he had magical powers in his body. 0.2 and.

What surprised Manchu Wenwu and Wu Cao Lü Yan the most was that they were completely able to see the intense color of awe in the eyes of these ancient alchemists.

Especially when these ancient alchemists entered the royal city, they behaved no different from mortals. Over time.

Manchu Wenwu and Wu Lu Yan and others were even more shocked to find out.

There seemed to be an inexplicable force in themselves and others, and this force made them young forever and gave them some magical powers.

And these Ancient Qi cultivators didn’t know why. He gave a large number of cultivation texts from Wu Cao Lü Yan and Manchu Dynasty Wen Wu.

So that they can also practice the techniques in it, and they can also participate in the art of immortality.

This series of changes, gradually let the Manchu Dynasty Wenwu know, must be related to Emperor Ren. Pity.

The human emperor is sleeping.

It takes three years to wake up. They can only wait patiently.

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