Chapter 265: The Emperor of Man is like a saint, breaking the iron law!.

Don’t underestimate these two handmaidens.

Being able to become a maid under the throne of the Heavenly Dao Saints is absolutely extraordinary.

Both of the handmaidens were Taiyi Golden Immortals’ cultivators, and in the Three Realms of Heaven and Earth, they were both overlord-level beings.

Just look at it.

The immortal light around the two handmaidens shone brightly, the power of the Taiyi Golden Immortal spread out, the spirit sword weapon in their hands was ringing, and the look in Nie Zheng’s eyes was extremely cold.

It was as if he was going to take a shot at Nie Zheng at the next moment. At the same time.

The Jade Emperor Mother and the Heavenly Court Immortals were watching this scene through the Heavenly Mirror.

They all wanted to see how the human emperor had the courage to dare to go to the trouble of the Heavenly Dao Saint Nuwa…

Chaos Void, in front of the palace. Nie Zheng stood with his hands in his hands.

Looking at the two maids, the eyes were indifferent and ruthless.

“Taiyi Golden Immortal?”

Nie Zheng whispered lightly, and under the opening and closing of the eyes of a pair of imperial laws, he could already see through the cultivation behavior of these two immortals. But Nie Zheng laughed.

Although he is not immortal or holy, he is an alternative enlightened being.

But the so-called immortals were nothing more than ants in his eyes.



Nie Zheng spoke.

A simple word came out of his mouth.

But it is also because of this word “death” that extremely terrible things have also appeared. Thundered!

The chaotic void is shaking, and the ancient stars are still.

Two rays of Xuanhuang light eerily flashed on the two fairies. The next moment.


Before the two fairy maids could react.

Only to see her two bodies directly explode into the chaotic void, even the Spirit Sword Weapon in her hand turned into Nirvana!

When this horrible and shocking scene appeared.

The Jade Emperor and the Heavenly Court Immortals who were looking through the Heavenly Mirror inhaled a cold breath. Looking at Emperor Ren’s eyes, he showed an extremely frightened color.

“The Emperor’s Law!”

“What a terrible human emperor!”

The Hao Tianyu Emperor trembled and groaned, staring dead at the human emperor in the Heavenly Mirror. If you look closely, you will find out.

In the frightened eyes of the Hao Tianyu Emperor, there was a faint hint of envy and jealousy. Although he is revered as the co-lord of the Three Realms.

But most of the Heavenly Court Immortals listened to the tune and did not listen to the announcement.

In particular, the disciples of the Two Sects did not take him as the Jade Emperor in their eyes at all. If he also had the Imperial Law, this forbidden magic power.

Where did it get to such a humble point? Hao Tianyu Emperor’s envy was false.

At the moment he was simply envious and extremely jealous. Don’t say that the Jade Emperor has mixed feelings at the moment.

The Heavenly Court Immortals were also speechless. Looking into the eyes of the human emperor through the celestial mirror, they gradually became in awe. You must know that these two handmaiden fairies are not generalists.

The real thing is the existence of the two Taiyi Golden Immortals.

However, just because the human emperor spat out the Fa’s will, he directly ended up with a flesh shattering and his soul scattered. This was simply an extremely terrifying thing in the eyes of the Heavenly Court Immortals.

Taiyi Golden Immortal!

Let’s just say the great Thirty-Three Heavenly Courts, how many Taiyi Golden Immortals are there? However, the two living Taiyi Golden Immortals actually died in vain under the Emperor’s law. And.

This was not the most shocking thing that made the Heavenly Court Immortals.

What really shocked them was that the Emperor of Ren actually killed Lady Nuwa in the Imperial Palace as a maid. This was simply a provocative act of not taking the Heavenly Dao Sage Nuwa in her eyes, and it was a provocative act of Chi Guoguo.

“Your Majesty, it is rumored that the human emperor Rusheng is not in the Terran territory, so why is it that Emperor B of the human being can spit out the human emperor’s decree outside the thirty-third heaven?”

The Queen Mother was shocked.

At the same time, he also asked the doubts of the Heavenly Court Immortals. Apparently.

The emperors of the world are different from the emperors of the past.

Not only did he dare to go out of the Earth Immortal Realm, but he could even use the Human Emperor’s Fa. This seemed incredible to the Immortals.

“Because he is the strongest emperor in history.”

The Hao Tianyu Emperor groaned for half a second, and then his eyes burned into Nie Zheng inside the Heavenly Mirror, and his voice reverberated heavily in the Ling Xiao Treasure Hall.

The strongest emperor in history?

Hear Hao Tianyu Emperor’s evaluation of Emperor Ren.

The Heavenly Court Immortals roared in an uproar, and they couldn’t believe their ears.

Looking at the figure of Emperor B inside the Heavenly Mirror, everything showed a throbbing color. Chaos Void, in front of the palace.

“Be bold!”


All calamities, the power of the saints.

Nuwa stepped out of the palace, and the entire chaotic void trembled in terror. A round of merit golden light rose behind her.

The terrible power of the saint came towards Nie Zheng. All the saints are ants.

This sentence is not just a matter of words.

This sage power instantly pressed on Nie Zheng’s body, almost causing him to bend his knees and fall to his knees.

·0 Ask for flowers… Human Emperor Law Realm!

Nie Zheng meditated in his heart!

The terrifying power of the human emperor was also spreading, and in an instant, Nie Zheng reached the realm of the human emperor like a saint. The human emperor legal realm is a systematic reward.

It allows Nie Zheng to use the invincible power of the human emperor no matter where he is, and it is not limited to the Terran territory.

However, the human emperor law circle can only use it three times.

Facing the Heavenly Dao Sage Nuwa, Nie Zheng could only open it, otherwise under the power of the Sage, he would not even have room to fight back.


The chaotic void was trembling, and the ancient stars were floating and sinking.

When the power of the saint and the power of the human emperor touched, this chaotic void collapsed in an instant, and one big star after another turned into fly ash under the terrifying power of the two people.


The breath of the saint is too terrible.

The power of the human emperor is also terrifying.

This vast chaotic void was collapsing in horror, and before the two of them could fight, they had already presented an extremely terrible vision.



Feeling the majesty of the human emperor like a saint, Nuwa’s face changed dramatically. The whole man lost his composure.

Because she could fully feel that the human emperor at this moment had actually ignored the pressure of her saints, but instead stood up to him without falling behind.

How can it be?

How can this be?

Nuwa’s holy face crossed the color of extreme shock, and the look in the eyes of Emperor Ren was even more frightening. As everyone knows.

Once the human emperor stepped out of the earth immortal realm and out of the human realm, he lost the power of the human emperor, and even a quasi-saint could kill him.

But now what did she see?

This current Emperor B of the world actually ignored this iron law, and the power of the human emperor that bloomed from her body actually gave her a great threat.

How could this not make Nuwa feel horrified?

Don’t say that the Heavenly Dao Saint Nuwa was horrified and couldn’t believe looking at the scene in front of her.

The Jade Emperor and the Heavenly Court Immortals in the Ling Xiao Treasure Hall, their entire body was also stupid, the expressions on their faces were stiff and frozen together, and they also couldn’t believe this kind of crazy thing.

The emperor is as holy as a man!

Just in the Terran realm!

But this current emperor actually broke this eternal iron law.

This was simply unbelievable, and it made the immortals feel like they were in a dream, and they couldn’t believe begging.

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