Chapter 267: The Tongue Can Shine Lotus and Confuse Hao Tian.


Like the collapse of the heavens, it is like chaos sinking.

Just as the Hao Heavenly Jade Emperor was looking at the thirty-three heavens from afar.

On that day, the outer dojo had the breath of a saint, and it was even more mixed with the terrifying power of the human emperor.

Obviously, the Emperor of Ren was fighting with Nuwa, and the fluctuations caused by it had already affected the Thirty-Three Heavenly Courts. The immortals were stunned.

Hao Tianyu Emperor looked at the cold electricity.

No one knows what the outcome of this station will be.

We can only wait patiently for the return of the human emperor safely. In fact.

In the eyes of the Immortal Family in the Heavenly Garden, even though the human emperor was very strong, he was still not the opponent of the saint in the face of the Heavenly Dao.

After all, the power of the saints is not just talk. If you are not holy, who can be the opponent of the saints? Boom — boom boom!

A terrifying roar came from the sky.

Even more terrifying sage Yu Wei was pouring down, causing extremely serious fluctuations to the Thirty-Three Heavenly Courts. The station outside the day lasted for seven days and seven nights.

Until the arrival of the eighth day, the roar of the Outer Heaven Dojo was gradually fading. Thirty-three heavens also regained calm.

The Jade Emperor and the Heavenly Court Immortals were speechless.

Everyone wants to know if the human emperor is still alive.

But before the Jade Emperor could open his heavenly eyes to look at it, a figure was turning back from the sky. And this figure is no one else, it is the human emperor B.

Is the human emperor still alive?

Is he still alive?

Is there no way for the Heavenly Dao Saints to take the human emperor?

When he saw that the human emperor B had returned safely from the thirty-three heavens.

Both the Jade Emperor’s mother and the Heavenly Court Immortals were shocked and silent, all staring in amazement at the returning human emperor, wanting to see if the human emperor was seriously injured.

After all, the human emperor could return alive, although this was not a miracle, but the consequences of offending the Heavenly Dao Saint would definitely lead to his robbery.

However, with Emperor B of Man came to the Ling Xiao Treasure Hall.

The Immortals couldn’t see any injuries on the human emperor’s body at all. And the human emperor still had a faint smile on his face.

Such a scene.

Suddenly, the immortals were speechless.

“Brother Emperor, are you all right?”

The Hao Tianyu Emperor’s face changed and he quickly greeted Nie Zheng.

However, it was also this behavior of the Jade Emperor that suddenly changed the face of the Heavenly Court Immortals. You must know that even if the human emperor returns safely, he has offended Lady Nuwa.

The Jade Emperor’s attitude towards the Emperor of Ren at this moment was so eager, wasn’t this not on the side of the Emperor of Ren, how should Lady Lady Niangniang view the Heavenly Court?

The faces of the Heavenly Court Immortals changed suddenly.

Everyone’s eyes crossed an inexplicable color.

They did not greet Emperor Ren, let alone open their mouths to the Hao Tianyu Emperor, and then all of them silently withdrew from the Ling Xiao Treasure Hall.


No matter how the human emperor and Nüwa turned out to be this station, the human emperor had already offended the Heavenly Dao Saints, they naturally had to stay away from the human emperor, otherwise if they were involved with the human emperor, how would the Nüwa Niangniang view them?

After all, they did not want to be involved in such a calamity as offending the Heavenly Dao Saints. Seeing that the Heavenly Court Immortals had quietly withdrawn from the Ling Xiao Treasure Hall.

Nie Zheng looked at the Hao Tianyu Emperor, and the corners of his mouth outlined a playful smile: “Brother Hao Tian, it seems that the prestige of your Heavenly Court Lord is really low in the eyes of the Immortals.” ”

With Nie Zheng’s words in his ears.

Emperor Hao Tianyu’s face turned red, and he could only smile at Nie Zheng in a sly manner.

But out of the corner of his eye, he looked at the immortals who had withdrawn from the Ling Xiao Hall, and a hint of shame and anger crossed his eyes.

“Let Brother Di Yi see the joke, the Lord of the Heavenly Court is indeed a vain name.”

The Haotian Jade Emperor laughed to himself.

Nie Zheng could clearly feel the shame and indignation of Emperor Hao Tianyu.

This also made Nie Zheng cordially pat Hao Tianyu Emperor’s shoulder and said, “Brother Hao Tianyu doesn’t need to be ashamed, if Brother Hao Tian’s eyes are up, you and I should be able to marry Jinlan as brothers.” ”


When the words of the emperor come into the ears.

The Hao Tianyu Emperor only felt a blast in his head, and the whole person looked at the human emperor with trepidation. He hadn’t thought of it at all.

Emperor B of Man had proposed such an incredible thing that he wanted to worship him as a brother!


The Hao Tianyu Emperor was concerned about moving, but the look in the eyes of the human emperor was faintly hesitant and entangled. Apparently.

Although the human emperor is powerful, he also wants to make friends.

But the Emperor had offended the Heavenly Dao Saint Nuwa, and he was still a little uneasy in his heart.

“I don’t know what the result of this stop between Brother Di Yi and Lady Nuwa is…..?”

The Hao Tianyu Emperor wanted to say something and stopped.

Nie Zheng smiled.

He pointed to the Thirty-Three Heavens, which seemed to mean that the Jade Emperor himself would open the Immortal Pupil to check it out. Hao Tianyu Emperor’s face changed slightly.

You must know that opening the Immortal Pupil to peek into the Heavenly Saint Shrine is tantamount to offending the saint. However, when the Hao Tianyu Emperor saw the unpredictable smile on the face of the human emperor.

He made a quick decision in his heart, and finally opened a pair of immortal pupils to look out of the thirty-three heavens. But that doesn’t matter.

Hao Tianyu Emperor’s entire body froze in place! What did he see?

Thirty-three heavens outside!

Holy Place!

The Imperial Palace, which had originally floated and sank in the chaotic void, turned into a pile of wreckage and rubble. And the Heavenly Dao Sage Nuwa was also gone.

But it was also because of this scene that the Hao Tianyu Emperor continuously inhaled cold air.

He even looked at the human emperor who was smiling at him, and the throbbing color on his face completely overflowed uncontrollably. 393

“Brother Emperor, you…?”

The Haotian Jade Emperor trembled and opened his mouth.

I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. The palace was destroyed?

The Heavenly Dao Sage Nuwa is also gone?

Could it be that this station is the victory of the human emperor? No way!

When pigs fly!

The human emperor is like a saint, and he does have the strength to call the Heavenly Dao Sage.

However, if it is really compared, if the Heavenly Dao Saint wants to kill the human emperor, although he needs to contaminate the cause and effect of the heavens, he must also succeed.

Because there are ants under the saints, this is an iron law that all beings in heaven and earth recognize. See Hao Tianyu Emperor’s panicked look.

Nie Zheng smiled lightly, “Sage is just a saint, he can scare the sentient beings in heaven and earth, but he can’t be frightened, Brother Hao Tian’s fear has been intimidated by the saint’s prestige for a long time, right?” ”

“However, as the lord of the Heavenly Court, Brother Hao Tiantian was suppressed by saints at the top and disobedient by a group of immortals below, and Brother Hao was really very angry for Brother Hao.”

“However, Brother Hao Tian, you can rest assured that if you and I become brothers, from now on the heavenly court will be dominated by you, and the human world will be honored by decay, and then you and my brothers will unite strongly, and even the saints of the Heavenly Dao will have to look at the faces of you and my brothers and act.”

Nie Zheng said this slightly, and continued with a seductive smile: “As for these Heavenly Court Immortal Family’s violation of Hao Tian’s Yin and Yang Sect, as long as Hao Tiandi says a word, naturally you can’t sit idly by. ”

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