Let's start by analyzing the sun
#1006 - 【989】Did General Cheng become a god?
Chapter 992: [989] Has Commander Cheng Been Deified?
Ten seconds later.
The Night Demon army arrived as scheduled.
They thought their "draw aggro" tactic had succeeded, and swooped down recklessly.
Many Night Demons didn't even bother to conceal themselves, exposing themselves directly in the night.
The next second.
Dense thunder exploded, and countless fireworks bloomed.
"Boom! Boom!"
"Boom! Boom!"
Explosive fragments flew everywhere, easily slicing into the Night Demons' bodies.
Night Demons were typical agility-based monsters, generally strong in attack but weak in defense, and couldn't withstand the impact of the shrapnel at all.
"Swish! Swish!"
A Night Demon was hit by more than a dozen pieces of shrapnel in succession, and one of its wings was削下来.
Its body burst out with a dozen large and small blood holes, and then it fell heavily to the ground, directly smashing into a pile of烂肉.
Another Night Demon was hit in the head by shrapnel, and its head exploded like a watermelon in an instant.
In this instant.
More than 60% of the first batch of swooping Night Demons were either dead or injured.
The corpses of Night Demons in various states of death, mixed with a large amount of flesh and blood, fell from the sky like raindrops.
The Night Demons that were lucky enough not to be hit were all frightened, and many Night Demons actually turned around in mid-air and fled into the darkness in the distance.
They were not fools, and naturally knew that rushing into the coalition's阵地 without reinforcements was equivalent to送人头.
The Night Demons rushed over like a tide, and retreated like a tide.
Inside the command hall.
A burst of cheers immediately rang out.
The first wave of attacks was so beautiful, achieving considerable results, and everyone was naturally very happy.
The Stone Giant Deputy Commander Du next to him asked with an admiring tone: "May I ask Commander Cheng, how did you see through the Night Demon army's trickery?"
Cheng Han smiled slightly and replied casually: "Just battlefield intuition."
Stone Giant Deputy Commander Du looked admiring: "You are truly a born commander."
Cheng Han didn't care about the flattery, but listened intently to the sounds further away.
After a moment.
His face changed slightly.
Stone Giant Deputy Commander Du had been paying attention to his expression, and immediately asked: "Your Excellency Commander, what's wrong?"
Cheng Han didn't answer directly, but sighed softly: "I'm afraid we have to prepare for a bitter battle."
The Stone Giant seemed to understand something, and his face changed accordingly.
Cheng Han then ordered: "Deputy Commander Iron Wall, please take your subordinate elite Iron Stone Monster Legion and immediately deploy to the right flank of this theater."
Stone Giant Deputy Commander Du, also known as "Iron Wall", responded without hesitation: "Yes, sir!"
This guy didn't even ask why, and executed the order without discount.
A quarter of an hour later.
Iron Wall, squatting quietly in the阵地, suddenly discovered a Night Demon army, skimming the ground at a very low altitude,掠向了 this side from the flank.
This guy呆了一下, and decisively roared: "Attack!"
One second later.
A large amount of flames bloomed凌空 again.
The magic cannons equipped by the Iron Stone Monster Legion, that is, the炮铳 they carried with them, formed a dense crossfire, catching the Night Demons off guard.
These Stone Giants were almost born good at playing with cannons, and every炮丸 shot out by the magic cannon either accurately hit the Night Demons, or landed in the怪群.
More than 40% of the Night Demons were immediately shot down by the magic cannons.
In addition.
The leader leading this Night Demon突击军团 was a 玄督 expert with considerable strength.
Iron Wall personally carried a magic cannon, raised his hand and干了下来 the other party with one shot, and then rushed up first, and after a bitter battle,干死了 the Night Demon leader.
This big guy twisted off the leader's head,咧开大嘴笑了起来: "Your Excellency Commander is simply料敌如神!"
Iron Wall then turned to look at the空域 tens of kilometers away, which was the Fourth Theater.
It observed for a while, a little worried嘀咕道: "It seems that the situation over there is not very good!"
Looking from afar.
Only to see in the sky of the Fourth Theater.
One朵朵烟火凌空爆裂 constantly, never中断过, it looked like it was打得非常激烈, and seemed to have取得大量战果.
Slightly experienced warriors can judge that the Fourth Theater's offensive clearly lacks discipline and appears a bit雜亂無章.
This precisely shows that the Night Demon army has冲入 the战区阵地, disrupting the organization of the various legions, so that the warriors can only各自为战.
This is a very糟糕的迹象.
Iron Wall also received a new order - immediately lead the Iron Stone Monster Legion to突出 the flank by five kilometers and埋伏 in a小山坳.
This guy扭头望向 the上方 of this战区, and found that the battle was打得正激烈, it always felt that leaving the防线 now was a bit不太好.
But this Stone Giant hesitated for a moment, and finally老老实实的 executed the order.
The Iron Stone Monster Legion驭使大地之力, and marched to the小山谷 at the fastest speed, disguised as stones and潜伏下來.
Not long.
Iron Wall was extremely surprised to find that it seemed to have逮住了一群 "大鱼" again.
Tens of thousands of Night Demons appeared one after another, and集结起來 in a position not far from the山谷.
They had no idea that a large number of enemies were隐藏 in the附近, so the Night Demons毫无顾忌的暴露出了身形.
Iron Wall果断吼了一声: "干死 Night Demon!"
The battle爆发了.
The Night Demons万万没有料到 that they would be遭到了伏击 here, and they were immediately被打得懵掉了.
Because the firepower of the Iron Stone Monster Legion was very猛烈, they even搞不清楚 how many enemies were隐藏 in the山谷.
Within just two minutes.
The Night Demons suffered heavy casualties, and they溃散掉了 one after another.
The山谷 returned to平静.
Iron Wall stood on the top of a巨石,俯瞰着 the满地的残肢, and真心实意的赞了一句: "Your Excellency Commander is simply神了."
This guy复盘了一下局势, and realized that the大批 Night Demons that had just been击溃 were the enemy's organized後背军团.
And without the後背军团, the Night Demon army attacking this战区 would be後继乏力, and it was estimated that their offensive would退潮 soon.
Sure enough.
Only five minutes passed.
Thousands of bright至极的光球 suddenly rose from the ground,铺天盖地 smashed towards a batch of Night Demons that were正在集结.
The夜空 of the战区 was彻底照亮了.
This was clearly an attack by the Sun Priest Legion.
Previously, this legion had been按兵不动, but now it finally发动了 an attack.
Iron Wall had a拍案叫绝 feeling: "No wonder Your Excellency Commander放 Night Demons冲进来, and deliberately gave them集结的机会, it turned out to be关门打狗."
Looking at the sky.
Only to see one Night Demon after another,冒着黑烟 all over their bodies, as if they were being烤了一样,惨叫着墜向了 the ground.
The Night Demon army in the空域 of the战区, once again朝着四面八方溃散掉了.
Iron Wall情不自禁的感叹了一句: "太高明了!"
Compared with死磕 with the enemy, attacking the enemy's weak points was obviously a better choice.
One's own losses were降到了 the lowest, while the enemy's losses were提升到了 the maximum.
Two hours passed again.
Iron Wall once again led the Iron Stone Monster Legion, and打了一个配合 with the Four-Armed War Ape Legion, 出动攻向了 the Night Demon army,围歼了 more than 20,000 Night Demons.
Three days later.
The Third Theater统领 by Cheng Han was still稳如泰山.
Thanks to his神乎其神的指挥, the performance of the Third Theater could almost be described as花样百出.
Each军团屡屡主动出击, or 伏击, or 诱敌深入,打得 the Night Demon army连连吃瘪.
Among them, there were two times.
The军团 of the Third Theater also appeared on the edge of the Fourth Theater, helping the latter消灭了不少 Night Demons, greatly缓解了 the pressure faced by the Fourth Theater.
At this time.
Iron Wall was正扛着 his beloved大炮管,尽职尽责的巡视着 the阵地,顺便使用大地之力加固薄弱之处.
The last attack by the Night Demons had already passed six hours.
Iron Wall伸手敲击了一下 the战堡 surface.
The多处破损 on the surface of the战堡 were quickly automatically弥合了.
This was the青羊军团's防御设施.
The青羊人's physical fitness was not strong, so they always relied on various工事 to carry out防御作战, and rarely冲出来 to fight.
Several青羊军官 next to him immediately向 the Stone Giant行力道: "Your Excellency Deputy Commander, thank you very much for your援手."
Iron Wall毫不在意的摆了摆手,咧嘴笑道: "It's just a small matter."
This guy习惯性抚摸一下 the炮管, and嘀咕了一句: "Suddenly闲了下来, I feel a little不习惯了."
"The Night Demons are打怕了 by us, and they simply dare not过来送死."
Iron Wall对此深以为然: "I think Your Excellency Commander is the most出色指挥官 in the coalition!"
This sentence was worth玩味.
Because the四族联军 not only included ordinary warriors, but also many gods.
In this Stone Giant's words, the评价 of Cheng Han was隐隐比神灵更强.
At this time.
Iron Wall suddenly愣了一下.
Because a低语 rang in its ears.
This Stone Giant immediately挥了一下手: "Let's go, let's go to the战堡 inside and take a look."
Several青羊人 were a little strange.
Because the Iron Stone Monsters never used战堡, and didn't like to钻 into the逼仄的战堡内.
Iron Wall did not出言解释, and大踏步的走到 the战堡门口,弯着腰弓着腿走了进去.
Honestly speaking.
This一副模样 looked a little滑稽.
Several青羊人面面相觑, and连忙跟了上去.
A full four hours passed.
The Third Theater was still一片宁静.
The Night Demons seemed to regard it as a难啃的硬骨头, and gave up attacking the Third Theater.
Iron Wall才从 another战堡内钻了出来, and looked a little疲惫.
This Stone Giant's步伐 was,罕见的, a little虚浮, as if his body had been掏空了.
A帮青羊人 followed behind, and each of them was灰头土脸的模样,摆出一副恭送的架势.
That afternoon.
The Third Theater carried out a大规模的换防.
The防区 of each军团 was made a larger调整, and the四族军队 were frequently调来调去.
The entire战区磨刀霍霍,一副即将主动发动进攻的架势.
Fifty kilometers away.
Iron Wall悄然 appeared in a山洞.
This big guy仰望着 the黑漆漆的天空, and looked a little微妙: "Your Excellency Commander has玩得 a little big this time!"
Iron Wall收回了视线, and his body蜷缩在一起,化为 a石头, and his气息 was also收敛到了 the lowest程度.
Half an hour passed again.
Iron Wall suddenly惊醒了过来.
It活动一下 his body, and immediately感应到 a可怖至极的气息,降临了 from the high天穹.
The direction pointed to by the气息 was赫然 the Third Theater.
Iron Wall was一脸震惊: "The Night Demon's神灵 really came?!"
The strength of this股气息 definitely reached the神灵层次.
Even though it was隔着 so far, it still made this guy's soul strongly战栗起来.
In fact.
As early as a day ago.
Iron Wall had learned one thing from Cheng Han, and that was - the Commander believed that the Night Demon race's神灵 was very likely to发动 an attack on the Third Theater soon.
To this.
This big guy was actually a little半信半疑.
Even if the performance of the Third Theater was very亮眼, this was, after all, a battle below the神灵层次, and ultimately could not change the局势 of the entire battlefield.
The high高在上神灵, wouldn't suddenly下手 on凡人, right?
At that time, Iron Wall asked the question in his heart.
But it did not get an answer.
At this moment.
Iron Wall was压制得 almost喘不过气来 by the神力气息, and in his heart, he really佩服到了 the bone to Your Excellency Commander.
Too 神了!
Thunder exploded.
It seemed that a神力 attack had降临了.
Iron Wall不由祈祷起来: "山神 is above, I hope the warriors of the Third Theater are平安."
Prior to this.
In order to应对 the "possible" attack by the神灵, the Third Theater, in accordance with Your Excellency Commander's order, had secretly made a lot of preparation.
Iron Wall莫名其妙的去钻 the青羊军团's战堡, and was actually悄悄的挖地道.
The军团表面上 came to a大换防, but in fact, it had撤离了 the战区 in batches.
After the adjustment was completed.
The军团留守 in the Third Theater were only less than 十分之一.
So Iron Wall felt that, "Your Excellency Commander玩得太大了".
With so few留守军力, what if the Night Demon军团 attacked again?
Now it才恍然发觉 that he was just瞎操心, and everything was in Your Excellency Commander's掌握之中.
The next moment.
Iron Wall猛然感觉到 that a绝强的气息, seemed to be充斥着 a蓬勃的生命之力,陡然爆发了 from the Third Theater.
At the same time.
惊心动魄的超凡波动 instantly扫过了 this一方.
This was the神力气息 that Iron Wall had never感应过的.
大块头惊骇之余, and in his head, he不由自主的冒出一个念头: "So the Third Theater also隐藏着 a newly arrived万昊族神灵, no wonder Your Excellency Commander dares to玩得 so.
Iron Wall马上醒悟过来: "No, I heard that the虚空都破碎掉了, how could there be a new神灵过来."
Immediately, an astonishing conjecture formed in its mind: "Could it be that His Excellency Jiang Du has finally broken through the final barrier and officially ascended to godhood?"
Iron Wall didn't have time to think too much.
The collision between the two sides occurred.
The divine power fluctuations were so strong that they were suffocating.
Iron Wall was shaken until its mind went blank, completely losing its ability to think.
It didn't know how long had passed.
Perhaps it was only a moment.
Perhaps it was a very long time.
Iron Wall regained consciousness.
It couldn't wait to get out of the cave to see who had won or lost.
From the bottom of its heart,
this big guy was a little pessimistic about His Excellency Jiang Du, after all, a newly promoted god would find it difficult to fight against a god with more combat experience.
Iron Wall was only able to move slightly before it was immediately stunned.
It was shocked to see that many unknown plants had sprouted from every corner of the cave.
Originally, the cave only contained rocks of various sizes, looking desolate, but now it was full of the aura of life.
Iron Wall was immediately stunned, its face full of disbelief: "Could it be that His Excellency Jiang Du won?"
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