Level 1 Player

Chapter 122

Chapter 122 Strong Responsibility Theory

– I will no longer see the big country crouching at the small country.

– We need to go back to the strong China of the past.

– How long does China have to keep an eye on the Breads?

– Korean companies are eating the Chinese economy.

– South Korea should immediately return North Korea, which is Chinese territory!

The anti-Korean fever in China is getting stronger.

In addition, they raised a voice calling for the return of the destroyed territory of North Korea as soon as possible, saying that it was the land of the North Koreans and Koreans who fled to China at the time of the fall of North Korea.

Of course, there were also objections.

-The US and Russia are also looking at Korea.

-right. Now is the time to bow down.

– Have you already forgotten the Imoogi incident? Without the help of Choi Hyunseong, it is difficult to prevent the invasion of monsters.

-What are you going to do if everyone leaves and Korea doesn’t give you a dimensional gate pre-detection device?

Public opinion in China was divided in two.

Of course, Korea, the party to the case, did not even snort.

South Korea did not have to worry about what China’s internal opinion was.

After all, China couldn’t do anything about Korea.

But things took a strange turn.

The anti-Korean movement that started in China has spread all over the world.

-The yellow monkeys said the right thing.

-How long do we have to look at the eyes of inferior Asians?

Racists intervened.

– Refrain from racism. But to be honest, what the Chinese say is not entirely wrong.

-To agree. Korea is going out like a solitary general.

-It is natural for players to catch monsters for the sake of human peace. However, the player Choi Hyunseong is always overpaid.

-If a dimensional gate pre-monitoring device is developed, countries around the world must agree and distribute it fairly. Why does Choi Hyunseong decide on such an important issue arbitrarily?

Non-racists also joined in.

America, Russia, India, Europe, Middle East, Africa and so on.

Anti-Korean sentiment has grown in many countries around the world.

No, to be more precise, the hostility towards Hyunseong grew.

Of course, not everyone was like that.

– Choi Hyunseong Isn’t the player investing huge amounts of money in player training and making huge donations to poor countries?

– Choi Hyunseong is using the money he received in return for world peace.

– That’s right. Don’t you know about the situation in Somalia? Somalia would have collapsed if it wasn’t for Choi Hyunseong. Perhaps the entire continent of Africa has become a sea of ​​fire. But did Choi Hyunseong get paid too much for Somalia or African countries?

– I didn’t take a penny. Rather than paying for it, they sent huge relief supplies. This is Choi Hyunseong’s personality.

-The dimensional gate pre-monitoring device is also being researched by player Choi Hyunseong. If it wasn’t for Choi Hyunseong, we wouldn’t have even started.

-There are always people who tell you to bring a bag if you rescue someone from drowning.

The world-wide confrontation between the pro-Choi Hyunseong faction and the anti-Choi Hyunseong faction began.

Of course, it wasn’t serious.

In any case, it was close to the Internet rumors of netizens around the world.

The problem was the attitude of the governments in each country to deal with it.

* * *

The White House in Washington, D.C., USA.

“Let’s make this a little bigger.”

The CIA director was astonished at President Wilson’s instructions.

“Are you talking about manipulating public opinion?”

If you catch it, it’s over.

Choi Hyunseong doesn’t even need to come out.

Choi Hyunseong’s supporters won’t stand still.Although the anti-Choi Hyunseong faction was to some extent formed, the vast majority of Americans were the pro-Choi Hyunseong faction.

Also, those who hated Choi Hyunseong acknowledged the need.

“I don’t mean to be outright hostile to Choi Hyunseong. Isn’t the idea of ​​being the best player in the world gaining strength?”

The anti-Choi Hyunseong faction also includes racists and extremists.

However, the class Choi Hyunseong does not consist of only such fools.

There were some who attacked Choi Hyunseong player logically.

What they insist on is their duty as the best player in the world.

With great power comes great responsibility.

It wasn’t just a word to think of as a movie line.

Many Americans thought it was right.

“That’s the only way we can reduce the influence of Choi Hyunseong and put a shackle around his neck.”

wealth, power, fame.

It is the stage of human desire to attain.

Since Choi Hyunseong is a human being, he couldn’t be free there.

“Let’s stimulate the desire for honor of Choi Hyunseong.”

“all right. Shall we start an overseas operation team as well?”

If it moves not only domestic public opinion in the US but also public opinion around the world, it will be a stronger pressure for Choi Hyunseong.

“You don’t have to. Because there was some coordination.”

Upon hearing President Wilson’s words, the CIA director had a gut feeling.

This is not an American decision alone.

‘Well, the only countries that would like to see Choi Hyunseong’s strong influence are Korea and Japan.’

Korea is the homeland of Choi Hyunseong player.

Japan is a dependent country of player Choi Hyunseong.

Other than those two countries?

There is no need to welcome Choi Hyunseong’s growing influence.

Choi Hyunseong recognizes that the player needs help.

However, the smaller the price of that help, the better.

What if you could use it comfortably without any cost?

What if I could put shackles and forcefully eat it when I need it?

For governments around the world, it couldn’t have been better.

* * *

‘This is kind of weird.’

Hyunseong felt puzzled by the current of public opinion flowing around the world.

‘It can’t happen all of a sudden.’

In fact, when the problem first started in China, I was a bit puzzled.

But he thought it could be.

Because there are many people in China who are immersed in Chinese ideology.

In addition, there were many records of committing actions that were beyond common sense for a long time.

However, the Chinese public opinion has spread all over the world.

‘America and Europe are especially noisy.’

Of course, the point was different.

The Chinese were dissatisfied with the fact that large countries were being dragged by small ones.

America and Europe were infested with racists’ demeaning Asians and idealists’ theory of responsibility as a strong force.

But the conclusion is the same.

Both were trying to reduce Hyunseong’s influence and shackle him.

‘I don’t think it was a coincidence.’

The responses of countries in America and Europe were also lukewarm.

The media also pretended to represent the opinions of the people and implicitly emphasized Hyunseong’s theory of responsibility.

‘These are very deliberate.’The public opinion of the world became a sharp blade and was putting pressure on Hyunseong.

It is enough to ignore the false claims of the Chinese and the attacks of racists.

However, the idealists’ theory of responsibility for the strong was sympathized with by a considerable number of people.

Supporters of Hyunseong also expressed some sympathy with the idealists’ theory of responsibility for the strong.

‘Human beings are insatiable.’

Hyunseong got a lot of wealth from his ability as a player.

However, he risked his life to protect mankind and donated huge amounts of money.

However, there were so many people who shouted that it was not enough.

Also, the governments of each country were implicitly encouraging them.

‘Ignore it?’

It doesn’t matter though.

There is an image hit, but no real damage.

‘Are you giving more?’

It doesn’t matter though.

because I have a lot of money

But no matter how much money you donate, the attack on Hyunseong will not stop.

The core of the theory of responsibility for the strong was not money, but Hyunseong’s power.

Those who advocate the theory of responsibility for the strong and the governments of each country that implicitly support them wanted Hyunseong to fight for world peace without any cost.

No, they wanted to play Hyunseong according to their will by putting on the yoke of honor.

‘You can’t just move it.’

A faint smile formed on Hyunseong’s lips.

It’s good to do it voluntarily.

But being dragged by someone’s coercion was just disgusting.

Hyunseong headed to the Immortal Guild headquarters.

And after consulting with guild leader Kang Seon-young, I called several places.

A week later, he announced the establishment of a new United Nations organization in the Immortal Guild.

Asian Union Defense Organization.

It was a newly created United Nations organization by the Immortal Guild.

In fact, the establishment of Asian organizations has been there before.

However, it has been treated as a water level below that of other international organizations covering the world.

But things have changed.

This is because it was Hyunseong who created the organization for the protection of the Asian Union.

Hyunseong argued that geographically close Asians should join forces to fight the raids of dimensional gates and monsters.

Korea joined first.

Second, Japan joined.

Third, China joined.

This was the result everyone expected.

Because Korea and Japan were places where Hyunseong’s influence was stronger than any other country.

China also had internal opposition, but I thought it was natural because Ma analysis, the vice-chairman of the country and in power, is a pro-Hyunseong pie.

However, unexpected countries have declared their participation here.

It was Russia and India.

* * *

“What the hell happened?”

President Wilson shouted at the White House.

It was President Wilson who, despite many hardships during his tenure, always responded calmly and was never excited.

But now I couldn’t.

“It seems that there was some discussion with Choi Hyunseong in advance.”

“What are the key rules of procedure for the Organization for the Protection of the Asian Union?”

“The top priority is to cooperate with the creation of dimensional gates and the outbreak of monster waves in Asia.”“Priority?”

“Yes, it is a priority.”

First priority.

What this meant was quite large.

“Damn it.”

A swear word erupted from President Wilson’s mouth.

Choi Hyunseong tried to put a small yoke on player’s neck.

The yoke was so light that he could take it off if he wanted to.

But Choi Hyunseong refused even that small yoke.

‘Russia and India betrayed.’

Russia and India also secretly agreed to put a small yoke on player Choi Hyunseong.

President Wilson believed in Russia and India.


Because there is nothing to lose by working together.

The only person to lose was Hyunseong.

But Hyunseong gave me a bigger present.


This means that the countries belonging to the safeguarding organization of the Asian Union will be given priority over the Americas, Europe and Africa.

“Did you find out the conditions for joining the Organization for the Protection of the Asian Union?”

“Yes, it’s exactly the same as the United Nations Protection Agency, except that it has to be an Asian country.”

At the words of the CIA Director, President Wilson put on a disappointed expression.

“The membership and annual fees would have been waived for member countries of the United Nations Protection Organization.”

At President Wilson’s question, the CIA director opened his mouth with a gloomy expression.

“That’s right.”

The United Nations protection organization was created by Choi Hyunseong before the Asian Union protection organization.

The United States and other great powers paid a huge membership fee to join the United Nations Protection Organization.

Somehow, he was paying a huge amount of money every year as an annual fee.

What they got in return is the condition of mutual cooperation in the creation of dimensional gates and the occurrence of monster waves.

In fact, the purpose and role of the establishment of the United Nations Security Agency and the Asian Union Security Organization were exactly the same.

It’s just that the word name has changed in the first place.

Why did Choi Hyunseong create another international organization with the same role?

And why was it named Asia?

Why did you put the word first?

“It’s a threat.”

This meant that, according to Hyunseong’s will, he could abandon the United Nations protection organization.

“It is said that the British protested strongly.”


“I will refund all the membership and annual fees, so if you are dissatisfied, you are told to leave.”

“Ha ha ha ha ha!”

A smirk escaped from Wilson’s mouth.

“If you make a mistake, the United Nations protection organization will become a scarecrow.”

I will refund all the membership and annual fees.

So, if you mess up, leave.

However, the United States and other great powers could not have made such a choice.

* * *

The number of member states of the Organization for the Protection of the Asian Union has increased exponentially.

In particular, countries that joined the United Nations Protection Agency did not have to hesitate.

Because you can get priority at no cost.

– I will join.

Thailand has joined the Organization for the Protection of the Asian Union.

That was the beginning.

– Mongolia will also join.

– I want to join Vietnam as well.

– Be sure to include the Philippines as well.

Numerous countries in Asia have submitted applications for membership to the Organization for the Protection of the Asian Union.

Even… … .

– Iran is also a country located in Asia. Please join the Organization for the Protection of the Asian Union.

– Saudi Arabia is also in Asia.

– We also have Iraq.

Middle Eastern countries included in Southwest Asia applied for membership in the Organization for the Protection of the Asian Union.

Hyunseong accepted everything.

Then Turkey moved.

– Turkey is also a country in Asia.

Turkey, located between Europe and Asia, declared itself an Asian country and submitted an application for membership.

Hyunseong also accepted Turkey.

In fact, from the point of view of Middle Eastern countries, membership was unconditional, so there was no need to hesitate.

When this situation happened, countries in the Americas, Europe, and Africa became alienated.

Then came Somalia.

– We will create an organization for the protection of the African Union. Like Asia, let African countries join forces.

The role of the African Union protection organization created by Somalia and the conditions for accession itself were the same as those of the Asian Union protection organization.

Of course, no African country needed the help of the poorest country, Somalia.

– In Somalia, cover yourself up.

-What kind of international organizations do you have on the subject of making a living with the help of others? … .

– Somalia should figure out its own topic.

All sorts of bullshit poured out.

However… … .

-The African Union Defense Organization has entered into a mutual alliance with the Asian Union Defense Organization.

One announcement from Somalia turned things upside down.

Frankly, if I wasn’t an idiot, I couldn’t have known who was the one who moved Somalia to create the African Union’s defense agency.

– Choi Hyunseong is probably behind him.

– Sure. After all, there was a reason Somalia went out without knowing the subject.

-This is the meaning of Choi Hyunseong player.

-If you join, you can receive the same protection as the protection organization of the Asian Union.

The attitude of the hesitant African countries has changed 180 degrees.

-I would like to join the African Union Defense Organization.

Egypt was the first to join the African Union Defense Organization.

– I also want to join the Democratic Republic of Congo.

– Please also join us in South Africa.

– Our Morocco… … .

-Algeria… … .

Applications from African countries poured in.

As a result, all countries in Africa joined the Organization for the Protection of the African Union.

On the outside, nothing has changed.

Countries around the world joined the United Nations Protection Agency and were effectively under Hyunseong’s protection.

However, in reality, the situation was different.

Asia and Africa were certainly under Hyunseong’s protection, but America and Europe’s future was uncertain.

– Choi Hyunseong seems to be trying to touch America and Europe.

– I think the same.-Maybe dismantling the United Nations protection organization.

-They said they would refund the membership fee and annual fee to the UK, so they told me to leave if I messed up?

– This is 100%. This is where Choi Hyunseong left America and Europe.

-I didn’t like Americans and Europeans from the start. Too shameless about the subject being helped.

People of countries in Asia and Africa were relaxed.

However, the people of America and Europe could not afford to be so relaxed.

– Is it true that the United Nations protection organization is being disbanded?

– It could be real.

– Choi Hyunseong player, isn’t it too much?

– Too much is right. But realistically, what can we do?

– All you can do is whine.

-You just keep your mouth shut when you are nice to them.

-If you have strong power, it is natural that you have to fulfill your duties.

-Are you American? America did it?

-The US has been busy bragging about its strength. In fact, the image packaging was done well, in fact, it was all done for the national interest.

-The same goes for Europeans, including Britain. It’s about managing the image now, but a few hundred years ago, it was a complete bullshit.

-hit. In the past, it was enough to tell the devil to go away.

-Actually, it’s still the same. How exploitative we are in Africa.

– It is a fair contract.

– It would be a legitimate exploitation.

Netizens around the world split in two and quarreled.

However, as the conversation continued, anxiety among Americans and Europeans increased.

At that time, a new dimension gate was created in Warsaw, the capital of Poland, and Liaoning, the capital of China.

Actually, it was nothing special.

Since the Second Cataclysm, the increase has only slowed compared to the beginning, but the dimensional gate has been steadily opened.

But there is a problem.

A legendary monster appeared at the dimensional gate opened in Warsaw, the capital of Poland.

* * *

– Kyaaaaah!

The six-legged lion-shaped monster slaughtered random people with a loud roar.

Several player parties rushed in to deal with the lion monster.

But they were instantly killed.

grade was different.

It was not a level monster that a mid-level party in the late 200s could do.

Gradually, the number of victims increased.

But the Polish government was not so incompetent.

It was after convening all the top rankers at the moment when the dimension gate broke out.

After all, Warsaw is the capital of Poland.

Naturally, there were a lot of top-level rankers of the highest level in Poland.

A party made up of Polish rankers arrived at the scene.

“Bound of Fire!”


The long-distance dealer’s attack tied up the lion monster’s six legs.

“Shield Stun!”


The lion monster staggered at the tank’s attack.

At that moment, the ranker party raid began.

– Aaaaaaah!

The lion monster fiercely resisted.However, the top ranker party in Poland had a history of hunting legendary monsters once in the past.

Naturally, he had acquired a legendary item and had been armed.

Moreover, Polish rankers belonged to the Immortal Guild.

All stats have risen due to the monarch’s flag effect, and he has been working hard to level up.

As a result, Poland’s top rankers have grown to the point of being able to hunt legendary monsters with their own power.

The Polish rankers continued to maintain their dominance without being pushed to the defense even once.

And as a result.

– Kyaaaan!

The lion monster was able to stop breathing.



Polish rankers roared with victory cries.

Surprisingly, Polish rankers succeeded in raiding legendary monsters without sacrificing a single person.


The corpse of the legendary level monster was disassembled and the remaining magical power was turned into an item.

It was a successful conclusion for the Polish government.

He hunted legend-grade monsters by himself, and as a result, it became possible to monopolize legendary-grade items.

This gave Polish rankers a foothold to become stronger.

However, the Polish people thought differently.

* * *

-The number of casualties due to the monster wave featuring legendary-grade monsters exceeded 50,000.

– He said the death toll is in the thousands.

– I heard tens of thousands?

-When the legendary monster appeared before, there were 1,200 casualties and 100 deaths, right?


– With the help of Choi Hyunseong, the number of victims could have been greatly reduced.

-All the victims are the fault of the incompetent government that did not receive the help of Choi Hyunseong.

– What kind of bullshit? The government didn’t even ask Choi Hyunseong for help.

– That’s right.

– Isn’t that the problem? With so much damage, why didn’t you ask for help?

-Isn’t there a problem with the government’s diplomatic ability?

– Tens of thousands of people died due to the incompetence of the government.

-To agree. Reveal why the government didn’t ask for help from Choi Hyunseong player!

-Why did player Choi Hyunseong go to Liaoning, China, where hero-grade monsters appeared, instead of coming to Warsaw, where legendary-grade monsters appeared!

-The Dimensional Gate in Liaoning, China has been turned into a dungeon with no casualties!

-Explain why the government didn’t ask for Choi Hyunseong’s help!

-This is all because Poland did not belong to the Organization for the Protection of the Asian Union and the Organization for the Protection of the African Union!

The Polish people rose up.

In particular, he investigated the reason for not asking for help from Choi Hyunseong Play.

At the same time, a dimensional gate broke out.

In China, however, the casualties are zero.

Conversely, in Poland, the casualties were enormous.

The Polish people did not understand it at all.

I also thought that with the help of Choi Hyunseong, Poland could have achieved zero casualties.

However, the Polish government was unhappy.

The fact that there was little damage to life when legendary-grade monsters appeared before was largely due to the location where the dimension gate was opened.

Is it not possible to compare the sparsely populated countryside with the highly populated capital on the same line?

50,000 casualties and 7,000 deaths.

From the point of view of the Polish government, it was considerably less damage than a dimensional gate opened in the middle of the capital and a legendary monster appeared.Also, it was a mere coincidence that Hyunseong suppressed the monster wave in Liaoning Province, China.

At the time, Hyunseong was helping with the Eye of Horus research in Seoul.

Then he sensed a sign of the creation of the dimensional gate and flew straight to China.

In the first place, Poland could not receive such accidental help due to its geographical conditions.

The Polish government communicated that fact to the people.

However, the public did not believe the government’s announcement.

* * *

‘It’s crazy.’

Hyunseong was taken aback by the report of what was going on in Poland.

Poland took care of the problem on its own.

This is commendable.

But it is being criticized.

In fact, compared to the early days, the number of requests for help from Hyunseong in other countries was significantly reduced.

It was because of the government’s desire to strengthen its players by hunting legend-grade monsters on their own and monopolizing the loot.

In Hyunseong’s eyes, that was the right decision.

Because it was never a good thing to depend on a foreigner for the security of one’s own country.

Countries around the world hunted legendary monsters on their own as long as they could afford it, and as a result, they were able to strengthen their players’ power.

And it was also realistic.

‘I would have gone if I called. It would have been difficult to be of practical help.’

Korea and Poland are far apart.

What if there is no long-distance space movement skill like Sara, a US government player?

It must have taken Hyunseong quite a long time to get from Korea to Poland, whether he used his space-moving skills one after another or by plane.

‘Even long-distance spatial scrolling has the disadvantage of having to go and specify a target.’

It is expensive for one-time use.

Hyunseong also recognized the need for super long-distance space movement skills.

So, I searched the system store like this.

However, I couldn’t find an ultra-long-distance space movement skillbook like the one Sarah had.

Of course, there were several skill books with similar effects among myth-grade skill books.

However, compared to Sarah’s skill, the difference in magic consumption and cooldown time was too large.

‘Maybe it’s a unique skill.’

Sarah was most likely a unique skill player owned by the United States.

‘What if I went to Poland?’

Probably, by the time Hyunseong arrived, there was a high probability that the Polish rankers had dealt with the legendary monsters on their own.

It was a wise choice for the Polish government.

Perhaps, if Hyunseong had not appeared in Liaoning Province, China, the Polish people would not have risen up like this.

‘The human casualties are too extreme.’

A dimensional gate that occurred at the same time.

On one side, 50,000 people were killed.

On the other hand, there were no casualties at all.

For the Polish people who do not know the details of the story, it was enough to be outraged.

‘I need to ignite the fire.’

The Polish people’s unrest spreads across Europe.

And spread across the sea to the Americas.

‘I have to let you know the cold reality.’

Hyunseong’s relations with American and European countries are by no means equal.

Hyunseong does not need the help of American and European countries.

However… … .

The American and European countries desperately needed Hyunseong’s help.

It was necessary to properly imprint that fact in the minds of the peoples of American and European countries.

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