"Back off!"

First decree of Valtrude. The atmosphere that was relaxed switches in an instant, revolving around Yut to regroup.

I sent my gaze to Akane, who was away, feeling reliable about it.

Finally, the battered female vampire (vampire) Darla has also regenerated and is on her escort.

There is fatigue and wear, but it would be good to describe it as complete.

Once again, he returns his gaze to a giant arm twisted like a spiral.

It had grown innumerable from Obelisk, nearly 20 meters long and swayed every bit as if it were to be ordained.

"I don't know what that is yet, but it's definitely not a lot. First of all..."

Yut tries to give immediate instructions, but he couldn't say it out to the end.

The spiral arm, which was shaking like an isoginchuk, suddenly stops perfectly.

A moment of silence.

Like an ant gathering in a pile of sugar, like a beast swarming with rot. In a physiological distasteful move, he arrived at the remains of the all-knowing dragon Dal-Lukash.

Spiral giant arms.

Its tip touches the scale of the all-knowing dragon.

The moment he recognized it that way, Dal-Lukash disappeared.

It's not a metaphor or anything, that's the phenomenon that happened.

Erased that mountain-like giant with just one stroke of Dal-Lukash, who even Valtrude and Exile had exhausted their death and retreated.


"This is..."

Valtrude and Arcia to the disastrous signs of too intense evil, no, transcending it. Two priests unwittingly kneel.

So, it turned into certainty.

"The Spiral of Despair (Leliulia) …"

Old and great that restores the world itself to nothingness.

The annihilator who suddenly emerged from a different dimension from this world.

Evil things that once could not be extinguished when the gods of good and evil fought together, and connected them to prison.

When Yut transferred to this Brewers. A year later, when he transferred the Book of Nothingness, When Acorn came this way.

Whether it was stimulated by the use of repeated obelisks or to the extent that it still struck a turnaround, the spiral of despair manifested itself in the Brewers.

A sight that would have been a joy if his triade had lived.

I didn't kneel like the two priests - even that Larsia - paled my face and couldn't get my thoughts together.

(Does Dal-Lukash's full knowledge extend to this spiral of despair as well?

No way, it can't be extended. If I had included that much, I would have died mentally without reason or madness.

Despair lowers the book to Yut's heart.

Fight or defeat? Give me that?

Just touching it and confronting that one that wipes everything out, weathers it, and destroys it?

But what happens when you run? If you crawl out of there, everything. This Brewers, as well as The Land of Oblivion, Heaven and Nara, will equally doom.

Can we avoid it just by destroying Obelisk? Is there any other way?

"No. So what?"

Yut shook off his cowardice (today).

It doesn't matter what you know. I'm not following that. I didn't do it because I was told.

I have something important. I have something to protect.

"It doesn't change what you do. Nothing changes."

Yut reaches for the scroll case he was lowering from his waist instead of the spell document. There were homemade spells stored there that I thought were incomplete and would never be used.

That spiral of despair isn't even about to wake up yet. I just unconsciously stretched my pinky finger without meaning.

As if to prove it, the gigantic arms of the spiral that annihilated Dal-Lukash were shaking every bit again, as if searching for their next target.

Not yet, we should make it.

"Zhu Yin, gather round here. Don't let everyone out, just be vigilant. Yona, Teleport, please. Now that Dal-Lukash is gone, you should be able to use instant travel too"

While giving instructions early in the arrow succession, Yut himself comes forward with a scroll.

To unexpected behavior, everyone lost the time to stop.

"What about Yut?

"I'll go back myself."

In response to Jonah's inquiry, Yut stopped just a little and answered with his face facing the front.

"Stop Yut!

The first thing I noticed was Arcia.

With an emotional ring, you realize you don't know what you're going to do, but you've decided to be ready. Arcia screams in a rare and unavailable voice.

(Nothing, it's not like I'm sacrificing to help everyone...)

Yut laughs bitterly, but he doesn't have time to explain.

Something is coming this way with a big, targeted spiral arm.

Slowly, as if to attract it.

With no strays or wolves, Yut hoisted his own scroll up in heaven.

It's the first time I've used it.

But with this Obelisk magic, it always activates.

"Interstella Walker, the One Who Shoots the Stars."

"Yut...... ugh!

Hearing Alcia scream, more importantly driven by her own, inexperienced impulse, Valtrude ran. I ran so much that I never got any more serious.

This time Yut turns around and shows her in his eyes.

I was insulting people who liked me.

Give me that look.

But the spell never stops.

The spell of dimensional movement, which summed up the magic that Obelisk had accumulated and once told the Great Sage it was inactivatable, was unleashed.

"Brave man! Val!

Yut is wrapped in seven colors of light.

It's a precursor to dimensional movement.

As with time, Valtrude caught up and grabbed Yut's shoulder.

Never let go. That's what I told you, even the devil tells you he's beautiful and ready for immortality.

Yut was remembering her and her first kiss as a loved one.

I can't stop you anymore.

A vision, a world, surrounded by light.

The sound was also lost.

Stop thinking too.

seconds that I also feel like forever.

Eternity that can be a few seconds.

The door closed.

The spiral of despair keeps me asleep.

The world was saved.

Once again, they saved the world.

- The hero who closed the door is nowhere else in this world.

"This place..."

I opened my eyes and the first thing I felt was the blinding light.

If you look, the sun at the end of summer shines relentlessly.

Noisy, windy sound.

No, this is noise.

That sound, which I haven't heard in a long time, brought discomfort and at the same time grief to Heavenly Grass Brave.

"What, that one? The Iron Carriage will run at a tremendous speed."

A voice I'm used to hearing. The voice of a woman who is pleasant in her ears, loves her, loves me is stained.

"Oh...... Thanks for the promised reactions."

Now I realize I'm sitting on the road.

An asphalt heated by the summer sun burns a palm.

"Are you home?"

The end I once wanted.

On that occasion, there was no other way.

But my voice and expression are bitter.

The Heavenly Grass Brave made his return to his homeland.

There is no guarantee of a return to the Brewers.

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