"This place..."

I opened my eyes and the first thing I felt was the blinding light.

If you look, the sun at the end of summer shines relentlessly.

Noisy, windy sound.

No, this is noise.

That sound, which I haven't heard in a long time, brought discomfort and at the same time grief to Heavenly Grass Brave.

"What is that? An iron carriage will run at a tremendous speed."

A voice I'm used to hearing. The voice of a woman who is pleasant in her ears, loves her, loves me is stained.

"Oh...... Thanks for the promised reactions."

I had a natural grin at her reaction as I imagined, looking at her beauty in such a divine grace.

Yes. Valtrude's face is above his gaze. Now I realize I'm sitting on the sidewalk.

An asphalt heated by the summer sun was burning his palms.

"Are you home?"

The end I once wanted.

On that occasion, there was no other way.

But my voice and expression are bitter.

The Heavenly Grass Brave made his return to his homeland.

There is no guarantee of a return to the Brewers.

"This is the home of Yut..."

"Yeah. But you can't be soaking up."

Still no sense of reality. No, what's missing is a sense of crisis? Yuut stood up, holding down his dull working head. And look around and look for clues as to where this place is.

"It's a school."

Fortunately, the thread was there from the beginning.

Looking back, I was, and Acorn was going through, the main entrance to high school.

It was transferring right to its side. Yut didn't notice, but the same place his childhood friend metastasized.

Even on the same earth, it is possible that he was drifting to the White Age and to ancient Rome. Was the spell accurate or user-friendly, or simply lucky?

Anyway, Yut exhaled in relief.

They're still early on, the school gates are closed, and there aren't many cars running on the road outside. You won't be making a scene any time soon, but you couldn't have stayed in love like this.

"Val, come here for now"

"Can I come in on my own?

"It's the school I went to. It's no problem."

"Is it school, this is it?

On walls as tall as they are, iron gates.

Ahead, there are several four-story buildings lined with reinforced concrete. In addition, there were squares where dozens of people could exercise at a time, although not visible from here.

"If you ask me, it's no different from a fort..."

Yut, looking up at the school with an emotion different from nostalgia, returned to me and pushed the Cathedral Knight (Paladin) across the gate. Even so, at the end of the day, Valtrude jumped lightly over the gate, as if there was no such thing as the weight of the armor himself.

As follows, Yut also easily crosses the school gate.

Originally not that tall, but I didn't think I could jump over without poking my hand either.

"Was I this light?

While pushing Valtroude's back against the wall to keep it from noticing, I wonder about my physical abilities. To be precise, the physical grew while we were spending time in the Brewers.

Now, even if I go back to football, I might be able to do quite well.

"No, I don't care about that"

"It doesn't matter. How far do I have to travel?"

Apparently Yut kept going as he urged.

I noticed a wall looming on the other side as well and let go of my hand in advance.

There, in the corner of the premises. Although we do not know the significance of existence, trees are planted and even made into ponds. In other words, it's hard to stand out from outside the school or from the school building.

Here's just the right place to hide yourself for a while.

"Bad. I was in a mood."

"Nothing. I didn't mean to leave."

Basically, he was glad that his fiancée, with less skin, was touching it, even over armor.

But not immediately in that case, I squeezed my face tight.

"Yut, what happened to the helix of despair? And what about Alcia? What about the acorns? What happened to everyone?

"Calm down. The spiral of despair has pulled in. It's proof that we're alive."

Assuming the helix of despair was coming to life, it must have destroyed the Brewers, destroyed the 'earth of oblivion', annihilated the heavens and the Narrows, and extended its hand to earth.

It would be little too optimistic to think that the spiral of despair could not cross the walls of the dimension that Yut could cross.

"Right. So is that...... Then everyone."

"Oh. You should be safe."

Valtrude gives a relieved look to his endless appearance.

Yut can't look directly at that smile. No, if I saw it properly, I'd be up. If in your own words you let that look come to mind, all the more so.

"In the meantime, we have a lot to do..."

Hard to say, cut the words.

"Before I do, I don't want you to get mad at me because I don't mean it weird."


"Can you take that armor off, please?


Valtrude opens his eyes wide to words that would be good to describe so.

But as soon as he recovered from that shock, the Cathedral Knight smiled full of charity like a goddess, ready to embrace all of his loved ones.

"Mm-hmm. One day, well, that's what happens, isn't it? I never thought I'd be asked to go outside like this for the first time, and I feel bad for Acorn and Arsia, but if Yut wants to..."

To Valtrude's statement flying in the direction of the day after tomorrow - and that, exactly where is it - Yut dyes his cheeks, shakes his hands messed up and tries to strike them off.

Though I have trouble being sure that I'm not happy.

"You said it didn't mean anything weird!?"

"Heh, it wouldn't be weird. If only we were a couple."

"You know, in this world, armor is so prominent"

"What's that way of talking... Is this armor weird?

A magical silver (Mithral) armor that shines in the sun of this world. Not only is it strongly demonized, but it is also finely decorated, and a first-class work of art.

That's what Valtrude wears. Needless to say, the result.

"There's no such thing as an armored one. Hundreds of years."


and while he gave a stunned look, he finally tried to understand each other. Look at your outfit… what's wrong with you and you're on your way.

"I don't mind taking off my armor, but then what do I do?

"Put it in a bag of infinite storage..."

"... then why don't we even get a cape out of the bag and hide it?

"Oh, yeah"

In the corner of the school grounds, a screaming returnee. Whoever sees it, it's suspicious.

"Does this work over here in the first place?

If magic equipment (magic items) works correctly - Valtrude is right - there are as many ways to hide it as possible.

Conversely, if it doesn't work, you can put on the robe of the Great Mage (Arch Mage), who should be just clothed.

"I didn't need you to take it off..."

"It doesn't look like a yurt."

"... sorry"

This is it as soon as I'm aware of the human eye. I think (Brewers) were familiar in a way.

"So, what do we do?"

"Wait a minute, please"

At the same time, it sounds dry.

The moment Valtrude realized it, Yut's cheek was on opposite sides. I found out he slapped himself, but I don't think he's very fine.

"Okay. Now we're back to sanity."

"... the concern over here is ongoing?

While I somehow feel lonely without acorns, Yut doesn't answer.

Instead, he reached for an infinitely stored bag. Overwrought, another worry brings sickles.

"Are you all right? Can't you suddenly eat your hands?

"Yeah. After all, you don't seem to have a problem"

"After all?"

But Yut seemed certain.

Yut briefly explains while removing the insulated coat (Corsiness Cloak) from the infinitely stored bag and hanging it on Valtrude's shoulder.

"If the planet had no magic and it didn't work completely, it would have smashed its contents all the way around. When that happens, can you hope?

"Oh, you mean that. That makes sense."

"Well, it's too much now."

I guess that's all I meant was that I lacked a normal heart. Even with the dark coat put together, Yut reflects while admiring the nobly beautiful Valtrude.

And I engraved it firmly into my heart that if I didn't hold on, it would be a big deal.

"I need to confirm something, just give me a minute"

Next, it was the cell phone that took it out of the bag of infinite storage. It's a symbol of a civilization that was turned into a calculator in the Brewers, but if you turn it on here, you'll receive time information from the base station and it'll fix it automatically.

Turn it on, switch to manor mode immediately after startup just in case, and then check the current date and time.


Summer break is almost over, and it's time for a last-minute homework assignment. And the time is around 7: 00 a.m. It is also natural that schools are not popular.

I wasn't doubting Acorn's words, but really, it seemed like time had slipped over here and over there.

"In the first place, is the same flow in the right state..."

Cell phones vibrate and inform incoming emails, as if to interfere with Yut's thinking.

"Is it broken?

"It's not like that..."

I got a raw reply for a reason.

That's too many emails. A ton of emails I've never seen before, and besides, just looking at the subject line, I can tell it's something to worry about my missing self.

That was the number of more than three digits coming from my parents, acorns and friends.

(You're back...)

It may be at this moment that I realized in a true sense my return to my homeland.

I'm driven by the urge to reply right away, but I managed to keep it in mind.

Because I still don't know if that's the right thing to do.

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