The next day.

When I woke up, I slept in the same futon as Valtrude... nor did my second day on Earth begin peacefully on the surface.

It's just after noon that we both woke up. In addition to fatigue and jet lag, the main cause of the sleeper was that at dawn she fell out of bed and instead of the same futon, it took the form of being pushed down and then she didn't sleep very well.

"Morning, Val"

"Ugh...... It wasn't a dream..."

"Oh...... I'm not dreaming, but I was falling asleep, and never mind. Well, if you tell me you weren't happy for me, you'd be lying."

"Don't say..."

Shy Valtrude is cute too.


Having come to such a reasonable conclusion, Yut made a great stretch and then cut off his untrained to sleep three times, leaving the room with a change of clothes for his discipline.

Valtrude is flustered with his face buried in his pillow. I'm going to need a little more time to get back on my feet.


As soon as I left the room, the colo waiting for me, clutching me under my feet, demanded I go for a walk. But unfortunately I can't live up to that.

He strokes around his back, deludes himself, and moves to the washroom to improve his health.

Turn on the electricity, and if you look at it, a new toothbrush or towel was available.

Not just Yut, but her share too.

(Sounds like we're living together...)

The thought of, for example, comes to my mind during activation, and I immediately calm down and become aware of the embarrassment.

"How about that?"

If you don't float, wash your face abusively with the slightly warmer water of summer.

Brush your teeth, get dressed quickly and move to the living room.

Should I say for granted, I don't see my parents. Today is the most depressing day of the week (Monday). Besides, we were both out of paid leave.

Not knowing that, Yut glances at a note from his mother placed on the dining table with a still unclear head. I just have to bow my head to the wording that I wouldn't have woken you up because you would be tired.

"Cawung! Cang, cang, cang!

"Uh. Okay. Okay."

I'll continue to root for my appealing dog, fish the shelves and take out my snack substitute gum. However, I don't do things right away.

"Sit down."


"Wait for me."



Colo running to the window with the bone gum folded.

Drop that off satisfactorily and then check out the breakfast that you have for me in the fridge.

For Valtrude, who wouldn't be used to Japanese food, ham eggs with salad and scrambled eggs. In Yut, grilled fish was served with egg rolls and a pure Japanese-style breakfast.

Once again, I offer my reflection and gratitude to my mother for all the preparations she has made during the busy hours of the morning.

One more thing, I retrieved Valtrude's change of clothes as instructed in the note, and then I went back to my room.

"Val. My mother changed her clothes... you were still doing it"

It would have been more than enough, Valtrude still kept his face buried in the pillow. On Yut's pillow.

I'm worried in a double sense that I'll be able to sleep with it in the future.

Later, my fiancée mentioned something outrageous.

"Yut, curse me"

"I don't have that kind of hobby..."

I can't beat a troubled response like that, but I get up and complain with a serious look.

"Who's talking about hobbies? This is a matter of conscience."

"You left the acorns and the Arcians behind, and you're feeling guilty for messing with me?

"Yikes!? No... I don't... No, that was an accident!

"Then you have no choice."

Brilliantly put on the guide, the problem itself cloud-sprayed away.

To Valtrude, who leans his neck on the bed if not convinced, Yut offered to change.

"My father and mother went to work, but they're preparing dinner for me. Get dressed and meet me in the living room."

"Mmm...... Understood."

I gave him a change of clothes to press on, and Yut went back to the kitchen.

The breaker was about to fall, so warming up in the range is later. Prepare the toaster first. The bread was left unopened with six slices of bread.

In the meantime, stick two pieces in and toast them.

Biennial work, but no discomfort whatsoever. Naturally, I guess, but it was somewhat emotional.

"Yut, I'm sorry."

"Oh, I'm getting ready now, so sit down..."

Only face out of the kitchen and speak up.

There was an angel.

No, it was Valtrude, who finished dressing and disciplining himself.

Today, the light green t-shirt is no different from the yuut called jeans, fashion. But just what she wears makes it an ad for fashion magazine.

Denim, in particular, declared that her mother would "try her best to wear this" and honestly said that she was a father and son "can't do it," a spoiled and said thing. She wears it perfectly, she sighs. No, all I get is a sigh.

"These clothes are full of body lines. What's going on?

"... is that right?

"No, well. If you like Yut, I hope so..."

Conscious of the careless gaze, protest, but fine. That's why it doesn't work for him who's in a trans state.

"Well, I think Yut's clothes are fresh and good too."

"Oh, wow."

That condition continued until the inorganic sound of the toaster informed the baking.

Transferred to a plate in advance, and now the microwave is fully operational to warm up the breakfast - albeit already after noon.

Not enough, and the meal was ready on the table.

"I'll have it."

"Mm? I'll have it"

Valtrude also imitates that it's this way of doing it and the meal starts, but suddenly I worry about what to do.

It's like a hotel Viking breakfast. The dishes line up without Japanese or Western austerity, but the source of the worries is jam arranged with you at your leisure. There are three kinds of strawberries, blueberries and marmalades, but two pieces of bread.

It doesn't look bad to put eggs or ham on it.

While exploring that strategy, I carry the apple juice from the paper pack that Yut poured me into my mouth.


Even royal aristocrats and big merchants will have difficulty every day when they become equivalents in the Brewers. In other words, in this Japan, ordinary people will have a richer life than royalty.

Yes, he also revealed his surprise by forgetting his own identity as an aristocrat.

"When the presence of this juice is put into the calculation, the assembly…"

Such, across the street from his fiancée, who was becoming a food teacher, Yut was tongue-in-cheek at the taste of his so-called mother.

I also ate at Li Kutua, but still, it's no match for the familiar Heavenly Grass family flavor. Well, I'm not even talking about which one excels.

"Ham is delicious, too. Eggs are delicious too. The bread is delicious too. Is there only delicious food in this world!

"I've never seen you like that before."

In the end, they decided to eat whatever they wanted.

The Virgin, unrelated to the diet, substituted toast as recommended but solved the difficult question of which jam to use with her strength, like a gordios knot.



Valtrude cuts out the story when he's just eaten up the prepared meal.

Yut was concerned about the dirt around her mouth as she tried to respond to it.


"Mm-hmm. Sorry."

Wet tissue first, soaking poor lips like cherry blossom petals. I was a little thrilled, but because I don't have eyes, I'm being honest, but I'm staying. Not bad.

"Well, so be it. What are we gonna do now?

Abstract question.

But I know what you're trying to say.

"First of all, to do anything, you have to avoid being noticeable. So it's only after night that we act."

"Hmm. So the sword and armor..."

"I wonder if armor is difficult"

You'll be using Invisibility Ring, a hidden ring, but it's not perfect, and I can't help the sound in the first place.

"In the meantime, I'm going to go outside at night and experiment with the spell"

"So, during the day?

"I'll prep the spell..."

"... what about me?

"Are you even watching it on TV?

"That magic thing, huh? Will it be an ingredient to study this one?

While affirming, Yut is imprisoned by an unfounded bad feeling.

(Val becomes Neat...?

Something, let's think about what we can do. Yes, I swore to my heart.

That night.

Yut and Valtrude were all moving out of the apartment into the neighborhood shrine.

Travel is a journey in the sky with carpets that are lost in the shade of night and fly off the veranda.

Photographed with a digital camera and confirmed that concealed rings are valid for optical devices as well. If you're traveling with that on, you don't have to worry about getting rid of it first.

A decision that a new urban legend may emerge, but is better than being exposed.

Though Yut's parents seemed surprised from the bottom of their minds watching the whole thing until they went out.

"This is the temple of Yut's world."

It's on the high ground, the shrine. There is no sign of a person at all, as it is not as large and the office is under the stairs.

A street lamp installed to the extent of my apologies is throwing a dim light.

"Well, yes... Unlike the Brewers, I don't think God exists..."

"Yeah? How did people come into being when there was no God"

"It's a mystery of life."

Even now, I don't know that.

And I can't help talking about that.

"Um, Val. How about a divine spell?

Now she was wearing armor that would also be a simple protective gear, just in case. However, the thermal insulation jacket (Corsiness Cloak) is also set to meet the summer heat.

In addition, the Devil's Sword, Divine Subjugator, is also lowered from the waist.

The person seems satisfied, but it's a subtlety to be able to push through with a cosplay.

"... you can't"


I prayed quietly and tried to activate the spell, but nothing happened.

More than that, Yut's face clouds over the fact that she's in shock.

Like I said before I went to bed, I'm too far away to socialize. How much is that to a diocesan knight (paladin)?

Sure, it would be more than I imagined.

"Val. So, how about" Demon Strike "?

"Oh, yeah"

Exhale and pray again with the exorcising demon sword horizontally.

"Helenonia, goddess of victory. Let my sword dwell its glory."

A short sacrament.

At the same time it ended, the Holy Spirit dwelt on the long sword given by God.

Because there is no evil to shake down, it disappears without a minute as it were, but Valtrude's beautiful appearance broke down as if flowers were blooming.

"Oh Yut, I did it! Oh, Helenonia, God wasn't abandoning me!

"Good for you, Val!

Really good, Yut rejoices in not losing himself.

Being a force in case is out of consideration. I'm just glad that her existential significance (identity) has been preserved.

"For this minute, the Handling will be fine. Next, it's Yut's turn."

"Oh. I don't know what's going to happen, just be careful."

I have decided on the spell to use for the test.

More like nothing else.

"Magic Sensing"

A first step theoretical spell that discerns the effects engulfed in the magic fixture, perceives the magical creature, and grasps the state of magic.

Rip only one page from the spell document and throw it into the universe.

As it is, disappears to melt… suddenly, discomfort arises.

(How long has it been since you failed to control the spell!

But you can't let go of control here.

Sometimes when you lack mental concentration - such as being attacked in the middle of activation - you can't control it and activate it.

However, that is a story at the magician (wizard) level. He, the Great Mage (Arch Mage), can't possibly be in that state because of so few things.

In other words, an anomaly is happening.

"This one."

Stormy ship. Lost control of the car.

None of them have experience, but associate such a ride.

Think of the surgical ceremony, correct it to the muscular path it should be, and follow precisely the procedure of activation repeated thousands of times.

"Yut, what's wrong!?"

"... it's okay"

I managed to get through it. At the same time gain that certainty, disappear so that the pages of the spell document dissolve. At the same time, information was sent directly to Yut's brain.

Naturally, there is no magic fixture reaction around. Except for myself and Valtrude, of course.

Yut, who switches to magical vision, does his gaze around him.

The surrounding magic, indeed, is thinner than the Brewers. If you describe the magic power in pigments, the Brewers are dark blue. Earth is close to white. On the physical sensation, is it less than half? It could have an impact on power and duration. Apparently, because it's a shrine, there's no such thing as special magic.

"But lose control with that?

The moment I try to consider that mystery, I feel a sudden shake back.

Out of control, backflow of force.

In the quiet shrine's territory, an explosion sounded as if the fireworks had been launched.

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