"This guy is no good..."

It won't be a problem to start with, but there's not enough vocabulary to make an accurate representation in this situation.

If you realize it, your surroundings were turned into hell.

The ground is as hard and cold as lead, as if renouncing its role in growing organisms. Trees that also grow on such a earth grow leaves of iron-like trees, blackflames erupting from the void.

The fracture of the true circle shrinks slightly, the sky cracks like glass, and neither the sun nor the moon nor the stars are allowed to exist in heaven. The air continued, the wind mixed with rotten odors, and a groan of resentment could be heard from wherever it came from.

Now you can see the lights of hotels and buildings based far away. Apparently, the space is screwed.

"That should be it, Yut. What's the reason you shouldn't kill that thing?

From what intentions - apart from whether people are understandable intentions - meat chunks like Oyama stand still.

Valtrude hits his doubts on the man he loves and trusts most, keeping such a senseless mother-in-law, Koeli Renato, in his sight without alarm.

Stand still, Cathedral Knight (Paladin), who will want to squabble even as soon as she feels the waves of evil. Yut felt such an irresistible love for her, but does not show it to her face.

"There is a theory that Koeli Renato, Mother of Nothingness, is the mother of all in the Brewers. People, elves, dwarves, animals, fish, everything."

"... I kind of remembered. Then, for some reason, he created a demon, and it was sealed by the gods of good."

Sealed, not obliterated.

That is because of the feat of filling the earth with life… but there is another theory that is whispered only in part by the cormorant.

"Oh. Why did you stay in the seal, because if you make Mother Innocence a deceased, all life dies - it's also said"

The roots disappear, but with the late curse, people, elves, dwarves, animals, fish, demons all die. Alternatively, there was a heretical inheritance that no new children would ever be born.

And Koelirenato, the impudent mother-in-law, went mad because if they didn't exist forever, my beloved children would be extinct, and if they existed forever, they would see the death of my beloved children extended.

"Well, I think this is a little too sentimental,"

"I see... Aside from authenticity, can't we just leave it here?

"Oh. So I want you to do something for me to go home..."

I fool no one to say that I did, why would such a nasty opponent show up?

I also have experience confronting the spider sub-god Ig Nus-Zad and the evil demigod Verga and I can stay as usual, but I'm not just sorry that a regular person was put to that blasphemous presence.

Looking back at her true name as she collapsed behind her worried back, Yut pulls her mind together.

"Well, that giant. Even if you scrape a little, the problem is pretty good."

Take a step toward a giant whose proximity is about to go crazy.

At the same time, he enlisted the power of God by placing the God-fearing sword Divine Subjugator in heaven.

"Lightning March"

At the same time that Valtrude gathers the spirit of holiness, he runs the earth with the speed of thunder. The sound of cutting that wind blessed the assault that grinds evil like strange music.

As it is, he waves down the God-fearing sword as if it were a collision to Koeli Renato, who continues to possess him.

There was a thunderstorm in Nara, and a hunk of meat rocked like a mountain. I broke through the thick skin, scattered a layer of fat that seemed as tall as she was, and I don't know which area it was, but I definitely shredded its presence.

"Spells, can you use them!

"Are you surprised…"

Somewhat accustomed to his true name, he says, as he flutters closer. Valtrude's insanity had been shown earlier, but this time it was extremely.

It's not a very personal destructive thing to do.

"Are you okay?"

"I managed...... But with that tablet, no more. No, even if it is..."

"Well, yeah."

"Don't worry, you should watch there. Since the world came to this state, the connection to the Hellenonian God has returned, though still far away."

Keep your gaze on the other person. Valtrude says, caring even in that state.

If this is the place to be equal to Naruto, it may well be too. But this world seems closer to the Brewers than Earth. Ironically, Yut distorts his lips.

"Well, can I go too? - Magic Sensing

Looking at her back speaking in confrontation with her impudent mother-in-law, Yut confirms the magic around her. No, before that, it wasn't a problem with the activation itself.

Magic is also dark black in sight using Magic Sense. Aside from its nature, the quantity is adequate. And on this occasion, there would be no causal recoil (backlash) either.

Then you don't have to weigh yourself!

"Three Spirit Spears (Hexa Gramaton)"

Ripped nine pages from the spell document and arranged in front of him, he appears to be six weapons with a slight light.

Yellow, blue, red, purple, white, black. It is a luxurious long spear coloured with the iconic colour of the hexagon.

They set targets, and they soak up the light and fly away.

"Ninth Staircase!? Wasn't that a fairy tale!?"

"Yeah. Not a problem at all."


There's nothing left for Yut to do.

To the blood-sucking Marquis Zieguart Crewing. As such, the spears of the earth, water, fire, wind, light, darkness - the source will automatically wear and destroy the flesh of the imperceptible mother-in-law, Coeli Renato.

With such a sight in the back, Yut speaks to his true name.

"Maybe even the Hyun-chul Conference (Danishmend) only grasped the eighth staircase or so?

"No more theoretical spells can be developed."

"... is that so"

I don't know about the past, but we can only contain the causal recoil up to the fourth staircase. That doesn't mean you can't use it, but you can't help but disappear beyond legends and myths.

(Keep your mouth shut about the subdivine spell)

Secretly consolidate such determination as well.

"But this is not good enough."

"Oh. I feel like I'm scraping mountains with shovels"

Neither the slaughter of the Cathedral Knight nor the spell of the Great Mage (Arch Mage) will be decisive. So much so that Coeli Renato's endurance was long gone.

But I'm lucky I don't seem to have to worry about dying.

That's all I could afford, that's all.


The cry of my mother-in-law is a wooden spirit in the other world.

Is it due to hurt pain, or did you learn of the fate of your children, but it was the end of the day?

I'm going to be born.

Numerous lives are born, as if flowing down the white, thick epidermis of Coeli Renato.

There was a giant. Some mucus (mucus) were huge enough to be comparable. The beasts, one turn bigger than the normal ones, produce a voice and are not even willing to count - just as countless goblins cry out.

Immortal monsters (undead) and mud, bronze, and steel demon puppets (golems) who silently begin their march. In addition, a hippogriff with the upper body of a raptor and the lower body of a horse, a warcraft basilisk with petrification evil with eight legs, and a griffon combined with a golden eagle and a lion.

And a dragon.

Every monster showed up. The Three Versus Spirit Spears also swirl over the sky in confusion as to which one should be headed.

"What a mess"

"There's nothing I can't kill..."

The “productivity” of Mother Ignorant doesn't seem to stop now. Next time, let's just say it's okay. So, what's next?

be pushed off.

When I saw such a future, the weather was overhead. But I could hear a nostalgic voice that I remember hearing.

"Ugh. It's amazing."

"It's obvious that this will happen in time."

"Kill whatever you want."

"Here on Earth? Huh? Really?

Is it a mistake to see or hear?

Yes, I looked into my eyes and then doubted my head.

But Acorn is Arcia, and Jonah is. Larsia, the sight of Exile about to descend from the collapse of a gradually shrinking true circle is neither delusional nor illusory.

"Brave man!"

I was convinced of that because a jumping acorn jumped into my chest and felt its weight present its temperature.

"Zhuyin, why, how..."

"You've made up your mind."

Push his head against Yut's chest and indulge in his presence, and then Akane, just one step away.

"We're both here to pick you up because you're late to come home."

Then he posed to poke his finger and mouthed the dialogue he had decided to say beforehand.

Normally, it's just embarrassing to watch this one, but Yut also has trouble reacting because it looks oddly good on him. So I was thinking about what it doesn't matter if you get cute, etc.

"Totally. So... You mean you're dressed like that, you've come through dangerous places, haven't you?

"Aww. I forgot it wasn't cute."

It was the robe I was wearing in self-defense, but again, she was NG as a high school girl. As acorns have hidden their bodies with their hands and pointed their humid gaze, they turn a reflective blind eye.

Ahead, there was another set of childhood friends.

"Val, it was an unfamiliar environment, didn't it make a difference?

"Oh. I'm fine. Yut was with me."

"You haven't had a bulimia or anything, have you?

"Yes, of course."

"... I'll check with Yuto later, right?

"I didn't... as far as I'm concerned"

Neither of us was bad.

But I still wish my people were with me, somehow Nostalgia would attack me.

Arcia walked up to Yut like that and wandered his face in the hands of those who were not wearing rings to make sure he existed.

"Yut, too. I was worried..."

"I'm sorry. But I believed you"

"Speaking of which, I was hoping it would work."

Like a shin, but happily Arcia said.

The expression is half hidden with a crimson eyelid, but Yut can tell that.

There was a bond between the two that even Valtrude could not break into: trust.

To make such time, the fellows go first to eliminate the intruders.

Speaking of the remaining companions, Exile waved lightly into the group of monsters. That rock giant (Jarloot) must destroy the hosts without suffering.

I don't even see Larsia, but the fact that the dragons are falling more and more should mean she's hiding somewhere and attacking.

"Later, I'll ask you a lot"

Jonah also left such a warning to launch an attack on the group of monsters. Afterwards I'm afraid.

"So, why did you send Dean Mel to Prince Alsace to Petra?

I wasn't ignoring it, I wasn't unaware.

It's just a matter of priority, or a sense of wanting to do it without touching it, worked, that's all.

"Whatever you do, you can't be the only ones who achieve greatness."

"I guess I'm like an escort"

"Master, I missed you! And I deplored the kindness of my master..."

Ask him what happened unexpectedly so that he could nod with the side tail.

But loud voices, as if to block it, echoed into a world of naught.

"Kid! Am I ignoring you!

"No, do you think it's stranger to not have a grandfather"

After all, I just didn't want to touch it.

Yes, just like the other person.

Long time no see, my son-in-law.

"I guess not..."

"I see. On the mattress, I thought about the concubine every night. I'm gonna run out of women's profits."

"Peace be upon you, noble."

Whatever you say is useless.

And whatever she says, it's also convincing like it's a fact.

The colourful incense and charm (charisma), which cannot be expressed in the praise of beauty, also had to be acknowledged by Yut.


I know that's not why, but Valtrude is so close to scratching. It's like a loyal dog trying to protect its owner.


My junior's cold gaze hurts.

"One, two, three, four.... four?

- It hurts, but not now.

If Jonah was there, she must have appealed to the fourth, but not the other way around. There isn't.

"Guys, how... is that behind you"

"I don't know. Boy, don't you know Koeli Renato, mother-in-law?

"Oh. But..."

"That's the truth. Believe it or not, you're free, but you're gonna do it."

"Okay, I get it."

In the end, it doesn't change what you do.

Well, my people are here.

There was nowhere else to lose.

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