Return to the Brewers.

At least, put the foundation of your life over there.

That, as I told my parents, is a matter of decision in Yut. It should have been decided already.

But as if to grin at that determination, says Empress Verga.

Why should only Yut move his parents away from their advanced cultural lives?

On the contrary, I was wondering if someone other than Yut should live here -.

I can argue with that as much as I want.

I'm leaving Sualum, my wife, as Exile's sister-in-law, over there, and there's something about the territory. For Valtrude and Alcia, it would be painful to leave with the presence of God, who believes not temporarily but forever.

But even Yut and Akane leave their parents on Earth in the same way. Then, by some means, it may be said that only the Sulum can be brought to a solution.

The territory, too, will have confusion due to the disappearance of the Yuts, and even if it is not expected to develop at the same pace as before, if there are any officials who have left it, they will do it quite well.

Also, I can feel a connection with the gods if it is the land that Koelirenato, Mother of Impersonation, has alienated.

Besides, if it's just about living, it would be safer and more convenient on Earth. Even entertainment is abundant.

Happy or unhappy, there are spells to deceive Larsia and Exile's appearance, and if the cost of living is not excessively luxurious, there are destinations that can be charged.

In other words, Yut's beloved companions had enough vitality to live funny and crazy for whatever world they wanted.

That's why it bothers me.

So, what about Yut, who was planted with troubled seeds from Verga?

"Now that's the one called Offside!


"Is that different now...... Oh, now it's offside... you're not..."

- I was just watching a club football game that bet the top of Europe, caught and missed in a cross-world transition.

A week after sending Koeli Lenato back to the Hundred Layers Labyrinth.

All the hotel suites were rented out by the Hyung-chul Conference (Danishmend) and Yut and his companions spent their days thoughtfully.

"Oh, I fell. Is that a foul?

"No, because I didn't hit it"

"But it hurts so much."

The environment in Nara created by Mother Ignorance maintains the status quo.

In other words, it is possible to return to the Brewers using Interstella Walker, the One Who Shoots the Stars.

But I don't know what kind of negative effects it would have on the Earth side using it.

For this reason, the Hyung-chul Conference and Vainamarinen and others are conducting various surveys and experiments to explore the means of mobility. Also, maybe the two worlds should meet or not.

Yet Yut was forcibly vacationed - not so much with Larsia and her monitors pushed to avoid a rampage - but with her mind and body halfway through.

Return or stay?

The answer is supposed to be fixed, but I can't choose.

"Oh, my God. He's running with a cheerful face."

Thank you, Marisia and the Cathedral Knight (Paladin), who are so open and righteous in their behavior, seemed too incompatible. Ask yourself several times if this is a good idea while looking sideways at the outrageous Valtrude.

As you can see from the repetition, there is no answer.

"This, too, is part of the football. It's weirder to touch."

Knowing neither Yut's troubles, Jonah says in a flat and objective voice.

I'm not just saying you're Val's amateur, but I have a reasonable opinion of the Albino girl. It is Valtrude who is overwhelmingly right......

Having gained knowledge by playing football games against Larsia and Yut, Yona is already a fine football fan. That's right, Yut is impressed that the child absorbs quickly. The "nibbly" part, too, seems to be that.

When it's cute there, Acorn, who brings in his laptop and does something about it, breaks up with him. Alcia had a bitter smile.

"But this game format is simple and good. There might be some place to put it in La Gu."

"No, you were going to play sports at your old man's."

La Gu.

At first glance, it looks like a brand new sport combining baseball and rugby...... but from civilized people it just seems like some head screws are flying.

Beat back the ball-like rock mass with a bat replacement stick.

That's good. That's good. And then there was the brawl with the enemy allies.

I don't know why.

"I think we should introduce referees. In common sense."

"It gets interesting all at once when Larsia says common sense or something, but you sure do,"

"I can't beat the cold in the world!

"Only that positivity makes me wonder if it's good to apprentice."

"Acorn, that's my fault"

Larsia looks pathetic to Yona's cold determination - acting - but wearing an icy liqueur-based cocktail. From daytime.

"Oh. Alcohol is delicious"

"You're corrupt."

"It's just booze in the daytime, right? Besides, the one I've never even had a drink over there. What are you gonna do if you don't enjoy it? Alcia, let's have a drink."

"I thought you said you'd make your own money.

Bad for a serious Alcia, but I'd rather keep and kill Larcia than let her go. That concludes Yut and Akane.

"What's so fun about refereeing?

"Well, I guess La Gu is good with that one"

After a thousand years or so, it could be something like a World Heritage Site.

"I mean, how long do we have to stay locked up? There's rice, booze, movies, games, but it's time for some new excitement."

"A fantasy resident says something like a corrupt college student..."

"In the first place, don't say it while drinking. It would be bad for Jonah's education."

What you see, what you hear, what you do. All of that is unusual, and I've spent the past week canning into hotels but very manly - for Larsia and Yona - but it seems like it's time for the limit.

Rather, there is also the aspect that halfway through the exposure to Earth culture inflated expectations outside.

"I want to meet Yut's old lady and Daika-san"

"Yona, what are you gonna do? Honestly, say it."

Not what to say, what to do.

Around here, I can see the credibility.

"Kishijitsu no Kochiku"

"You can't say it without your tongue"


But I also think my mother would like Yona. Yut carved it into his heart to try not to be alarmed.

"Oh well. Yut's parents. That's when you have to say hello, right? Even to Acorn's parents. I'm hungry."



"You guys, really..."

To Larsia, Jonah and Exile, who were too free, the door to the suite opened the moment Arsia stuck her cheek.

Master, thank you for waiting.

"This is a chaos..."

Petra, a girl who side-ponies a full grin ash blonde, and her true name, who narrows her eyes and denounces misery. Petra has a pink blouse with a flared skirt. My real name wore a high school uniform in discipline.

The two of you brought in a lunch curry.

Not everyone is used to rice, so nan is also available.

"Ooh. Something smells good."

"Halftime......? Take a break."

"Well, this one's taking a break too"

The remote control was operated and lightly stopped playing.

Unlike Valtrude, who was concentrating and seeing into the game, Yut has not been able to concentrate. Because when I started watching it, I saw the total playback time of the disc and found out it was going to be an extended battle.

(After all, it's raw, not recording)

That's right, I just reaffirmed my theory, and it reminds me of Verga's words again. Exactly, a curse.

"There you go, Takimasu."


Larsia and Yona cut ahead and start eating fast.

The meadow species (Magner) is Nan. Although the Albino girl, a tireless food explorer, had a difference of rice.

"This is a lot of spices. Pretty extravagant."

For those who choose Nan, there are two types: chicken butter curry and key macaray. If you chose rice, you could choose ordinary curry and cutlet curry in Japan.

"Unique flavor, but not bad."

"Don't you? It tastes sick."

Valtrude, already experienced, proudly says to Exile, who praises him with a heavy bass. Even picturesque with Fukugami pickles in his mouth, on the contrary, he might have overdone it.

"Acorn, too, I wish you'd made it over there if you'd known it was this curry."

"Don't be impotent. Sure, it's national food."

"Yes, Larsia. Even Mr. Acorn..."

"I checked the formula with Yutpedia and couldn't, but I didn't know if it had the same spices as this one. You can't do it a little bit, can you? There were others that were easier to reproduce."

Alcia decided to clean up Jonah's food spill, which she devoured in many ways. This dirt looks pretty tough.

"I thought it looked delicious since I was lucky, but it does pull back"

"... it feels slightly fancy, but it's just a curry."

The two of us share our thoughts as we eat across the street from the Yuts.

I received what I ordered as room service and didn't make it myself just because I carried it. Besides, I didn't even treat him like a small-time user, but Petra wanted him to get chores.

Apparently, that calms down better.

Well, that has increased my interaction with my real name, and I decide that I don't think it's a bad thing that these two seem to get along.

"By the way, I'm worried about the fried yut or something."

"I'll cut it off."

I'll just spoon the cutlet curry cutlet and stick it to Larsia, who opens her mouth like a pond carp.

"Ahhh, good"

The touch of a fried coat. What comes after is a firm meat bite and sweet fat. And curry strange harmonies that cost slightly.

Larsia opened her eyes wide to the unknown texture and taste.

Valtrude and Acorn also opened their eyes in a different way.

"What is this? Good."

"Yut. Ahhh."

I don't realize how those fiancées are, and I send another slice into Jonah's little, poor lips.

"Damn, look out, it's hot."

"... this is amazing"

Though I don't think you're exaggerating, I also think it would be otherwise good if you'd be happy. I was more than happy to monopolize myself.

"So this is what we're supposed to do."


Valtrude sees his own plate at the same time as understanding.

But it was already empty there.

Acorns were still there, but I just don't have the courage to do "ahem" or anything like that before this number. Alcia would be the same.

"Yut, akaney. Let's just make this fried food over there when we get back."

"... right"

When I get back.

The words disturb Yut's mind again.

You have to leave a lump in your heart and spend time with your people.

That's the same as always being aware of Verga's existence.

Though I think they did, they didn't try to drag Yut's heart away, as if it were an Ant Hell's Nest.

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