A storm of psychic powers disappears with the illusions of the Triades, and the world returns to pitch black again.

No, there's a perimeter around the yuts, to be exact.

At the end of Dal-Lukash's spiritual world, there was a part of his vision that regained color far ahead. A sapphire blue stone is laid down, emitting a blurry light.

(I see, that's how it works)

Yuts, intruders of the spiritual world. By defeating the guardian built from that memory, Dal-Lukash regains the positive realm.

Crazy all-knowing dragon jamming and front and back.

"Kukufu. hahahaha"

There's no wind that cared about such a law or anything, and the red-haired empress laughs at the slut, saying she's really happy.

"It's not what it was."


Meanwhile, Yut's look at recognizing his parents was sinister.

If you blame me for the lack of sight that even for a moment thought Jonah would choose that way, you just have to spoil it and accept it. Except for that and that thoughtful goodness.


Praise, rush over - consciousness, but - while the girl from the coming albino hugs me, the troubles of the parents are endless.

"Yona, what the hell, was that a good one?

"... should I have caught him alive and listened?

"Oh, yeah, right. That was a stupid question..."

Yona was Yona, wherever she went.

Even for a moment, it must have been a mistake to have such sentimental thoughts about a dialogue with your birth parents and sisters.

"Look at your parents' backs. You know, kids grow up. You deserve it."


But there is no power or intelligence in returning it to Vainamarinen.

"You're an interesting girl. My son-in-law raised me, and I nod."

"... than that, there will be vigilance"

I know it's a forced switch of subject. I know very well.

"Right. From the memories of the eagles, what embodies the disorder. Even though dreams exist, it can be troublesome."

But fortunately, Vainamarinen rode it. I was laughing.

"... then I wonder if these two might have been bad"

Verga on Vainamarinen.

Even if there are differences in thought, the length of life and the number of enemies may be similar. When that happens, what kind of person comes out......

"Nevertheless, I'm not sure I can embody all the others. Sometimes I don't really care."

"There, let's worry about it"

Yut had a headache in the words of a daunting sage.

However, as it stands, there is certainly nothing more we can do than be on the recipient's side. I just opened my mouth to move on, and the spotlight shines brightly forward.

At its centre were adventurers and thought groups (parties).

"Something, there's plenty"

"Hmm. Those who are not in the memory of the concubine."

That's the same for Yut. Jonah is also tilting her neck.

"Well, I didn't throw away my memory either."

Five adventurers slowly approaching. The great sage Vainamarinen stared narrowly at the figure.


Rather than that, it was the first look he saw, and Yut realized who those five were.

"Vai. You're old."

"The Lord of Reality is old enough."

"Well, naturally. As much as I'm losing my hair from Vai."

"But don't worry. Mostly you have proper hair."

"Are you blocked? That was good."

Dressed in grey and silver sheet metal armor (plate armor), it is sturdy to laugh happily. The man, nicknamed Vainamarinen, rejoices in reuniting with his old friends, then feels no gap at all.

Is the year a little better than Yut? I wouldn't be over my mid-twenties.

Li Knight Eldrick.

The leader of the Path Finders, who later rehabilitated his doomed homeland.

The blonde, beautifully eyed man offered his hand to the great sage.

"Nevertheless, I didn't expect to be the feather of a serious battle with Vai, built from memory. You can be proud of me in real life."

"Totally. That's a pain in the ass."

"Really? I've always wanted to try."

Tension runs between the two holding hands, shaking the invisible fighting spirit.

"Laura, can we stop this?

"Whether Eldrick stops at my word or not. You know Vai well, don't you?

A beautiful blonde, blue-eyed girl who turns sideways like a obstinate.

Hair with a gentle wave that stretches to the waist, a glowing beauty even in the dark of pitch black. He wears a thin coat of law and wears the holy seal of Fermina, the Sun God, from his neck.

Alongside Eldrick, he looked like a brother-and-sister, a trusted companion, a friendly lover.

"Oh. No one can stop all this. I won't let you stop me."

Are you stronger than that guy you've fought with? I want to try it. And I want to win.

Without even trying to hide his innocent desires, the legendary knight smiled invincibly.

Vainamarinen shrugs his shoulders and speaks to the rest of his comrades who have reappeared.

"Ray, Szigil. You agree with that?

"Well, when this happens, you have no choice. Enjoy your first life tentatively."

"... Vainamarinen. Stop you, defeat you, kill you, apparently, that's how we do it."

Two famous stars of the sad song.

Elf Princess Suigil is a slender beauty with two moon knives (spotters) on her waist. Pleasant, through lotus leaves and in a crude manly tone, but without wonder and discomfort.

Black-haired swordsman Ray Cruz, on the other hand, is as sung by the bard, the kind of temper and pity that if touched, would be slashed. But I can feel a slight familiarity in my eyes when I look at Vainamarinen.

In the two sad songs, Szigil is portrayed as a more sophisticated character. But I guess this one is closer to the real image than it is built from Vainamarinen's memory.

"Master, you are out of time...... are you?

A beautiful red-faced boy wearing a robe and carrying a spell document.

Mel was there on a young day.

"It's not like that. Even before that, we broke through the labyrinth together again."


It's like a delightful hassle. With such a subtle look, he stares at the master Vainamarinen. There doesn't seem to be enough time to get there.

"Pathfinders, are you in the mood..."

"Guys, strong"

Perhaps each and every one of them will be comparable to Valtrude and the rest of us.

Can you hit them from the front and win? I'm not saying I can't, but I'm also sure it's not easy. Luck and patrols should dictate the outcome.

(from the front)

A number of plans will come to mind and amendments will be made in conjunction with the members present on this occasion.

"Mr. Jii, I can help you."

It's useless.

But the Great Sage refused in a nutshell.

"No, no matter how much, Mr. Jii..."

"Ray, Szigil. Now the lords don't know, but the tale of two lovers is being sung there in the Brewers."



Yut's, no, Weinamarinen, who refused to intervene on the other side, put it out in words that were unexpected.

"Based on that reaction, I thought you were hiding what you liked."

"Don't be silly, mage (wizard). Who would like such root darkness"

"... you're right. I don't like such crude primitives."

Crazy talking fights that suddenly start.

Because it has reproduced even that thought, the imposition of will no longer necessarily seems complete.

"Who's the primitive! I'll chop you up!

"At least it's not a civilized dialogue."

"Elle, you're really smiling."

"Right. So you think he's dead in Ray's infinite storage bag, and he doesn't even know about the gift he couldn't give you?

"Eldrick, you!?"

Pathfinders built from memory.

They are also a form of mental body.

In other words, just like cleaving with a blade, words undermine its existence.

"It's a pretty funny play."

Verga is completely unwilling to intervene and sits somewhat on the throne created by the Secret Trail (Sacramento). Against, Jonah also rode Yut's shoulder.

"Wasn't it Szigil who talked to me many times in the first place? It's okay. You've advised me that you're not just looking at your breasts."

"All right, rotten cleric. Let's start with you."

Path Finders stepped through the Hundred Layers Labyrinth.

A presence sung by the hero Tan - which, of course, I don't mean - was beginning to break with.

"Sounds like Vai, that's a means of rubbing it. But to me..."

"Speaking of which, a rendezvous with the daughter of one of our attacking senators. You haven't heard what happened to him."

"Vi! You're cowardly!

Laura's movement, which she was arguing with Suigil, stopped.

Lie down as you are, shaking your shoulders.

But it's also for a moment.

The Cardinal of the Sun God, with his face up, had a full grin.

"El, can you tell me more about that story? And, Master Vainamarinen, please pass that information on to me now."

After decades, you can't be away from Eldrick. The Great Sage laughs perfectly at Laura's words, who is so sure.

"So let's offset the sin of silence we've been through."

I don't know what else to do.

"Vai, you plotted it!

Path Finders broke through a vicious trap (trap), defeated the vicious monsters, and became the hero Tan. But they are also human again, a sight as if they prove that there is no such thing as a perfect being.

"Master, I think I should disappear myself."

Failing this master, Mel, with a bitter smile, honestly admitted his defeat.

"Huh. If you're willing, you'll be the one."

"No. I don't want to kill each other, even if it's not real. Your master's feelings are well conveyed."

"It's on your own"

Vainamarinen turns his back on his nostalgic companions.

The Path Finders, who saw it, were indescribably transparent, then smiled warmly and disappeared as particles of light.

To the spiritual world of Dal-Lukash, silence returns.


Yut reassured himself from the bottom of his heart that he did not want to hear about Mel's embarrassing past or anything else.

If it was a scandal of the Eldricks with no direct knowledge, it is honestly accepted that there was something human about heroes as well. But if we get to know each other, we don't talk about it.

"As always, he's a graduate. Because of this, I went to the whorehouse for fun."

"You disappeared so hard, shut him up!

Yut's petition echoes the spiritual world.

Noticed, the pitch-black darkness was further driven and the sapphire blue space was wide open.

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