Level 99 First Territorial Management by Adventurers

4. First School Attendance (Previous)

Finally, the day has come for Jonah to attend the school - officially the Falve Elementary School attached to the Vainamarinen School of Magic.

As usual, although we gather in one of the castle fortifications of Falve for breakfast by the feast Divine Feast, a severe silence dominates the venue.

"Yona, you want some sausage?



The Albino girl doesn't even try to see Yut. However, only the dishes were pushed here to encourage dedication.

Alcia sighs at that attitude, Larsia laughs.

"Yona, I know how you feel..."


"You're very sick."

Acorn threw a spoon early, and Valtrude made a tannic surface. But I won't say anything more.

I ended up dressed up exposing the sweet spot to my youngest child.

Exile is absent because he is awake at his home set up in the city of Falve. Naturally because it is a newlywed, no one knew what the newlywed life of a rock giant (Jarloot) was like on this occasion.

Jonah, picturesque of her displeasure, chews the sausage offered by Yut abusively.

Do you really hate it, or are you just obstinate? It was difficult to tell from that attitude.

Falv this day, it rains in the morning.

That, moreover, creates gloomy air.

"Yona, well, if you really don't like it, you don't have to -"

"Yut, you can't do that. Go through for at least a month and leave it to Jonah's will to go ahead. That's what you decided, isn't it?

"No, I am... Good luck tomorrow or something."

"Brave man, what are you gonna do with me?"

Like scolding my daughter for her sweet father. No, in itself, Arcia and Acorn blame Yut. Valtrude is silent. Positively, maybe it's close to Yut.

"Okay. Let Larsia go with you."

"I'm an adult!?"

"Name Proposal"

To that unscrupulous thought, Jonah unexpectedly got on board.

"Nice meeting you"

"No, no, no."

I was a laughing Larsia, but, uh, I say with a serious face.

"... there isn't, right?

"Well, don't they call you childhood sex?

"What do you mean?!?"

Apart from the content, I'm sure the air has lightened up for now.

When Jonah poured the rest of the breakfast all at once into her mouth with stuffed water, she stood silently.

"Yona, what's wrong?

While everyone pays attention to what they do. It activated psychic power without touching it.

"... I'm coming. Teleportation"

Suddenly he travels instantly and disappears from the spot.

"Come on, Jonah."

The next person to show up was in front of Tertione. An Elf Magic Instructor (Warlock) drops a fist bone on the head of an albino girl who appears abruptly.

But Jonah didn't change one expression, she avoided it.

"Shit. That's cute."

Touching the chin of a barren beard, he makes a bad habit. Very unlikely to be a teacher's word. Before that, it's flat even when it suddenly shows up in front of you.

Tertione takes the cigarette cigarette he left on his desk - a souvenir from Yut - while doing his gaze on Yona and lights it with a little magic (cantrip).

I inhaled a lot of smoke into my lungs and spit it out satisfactorily.

"It's raining, it just flew in."

"Whether it's sunny or rainy, you're gonna travel momentarily."

"I don't care."

"Bloody hell, cancer."

This is the Teacher's Office at the Primary School. Initially, we tried to create staff rooms just like Japanese schools, but when the number of teachers was small but meaningless, we decided to have some private rooms.

Naturally, the bookshelves and desks placed on one side of the wall, this room would be the only place they even have beds.

He was in the middle of a single assignment to the elementary school when Len suggested that he live with him, but that he would not take care of his daughter.


The disciple (Yut) asked me beforehand, but Tertione wonders why I am so dissatisfied.

Apparently, going out on your own from time to time doesn't mean you want to be with Yut or Alusia all four or six times, given that you're eating and walking and hunting and playing bandits and monsters.

So you're saying you don't want to wait with your kids - and so does Jonah. This makes me surprisingly familiar, this albino girl doesn't seem like an impossible story...

"What. You think I was forcibly separated from the Yuts and dumped?

I walk fluffy, but I don't like being forced to distance myself from my people.

Realizing childish selfishness, Tertione speaks plainly of things that adults would not even think to say. This neighborhood was where this elf magician was not meant for educators, and it was also why Yut entrusted this college.

"No, and. Absolutely not."

"Well, I don't care. Well, let me show you the building in a minute. I don't even know if you're here yet."

Tertione rises as he wipes out the cigarettes at the corner of his desk. Grabbing and dragging Jonah's collar so that even the cat child can grab it.


I seriously hate it, but I'm not attacking you with my superpowers.

You've grown a lot.

Tertione took Jonah and left the instructor's office behind, making him think like any other HR.


The Albino girl, who was urged to introduce herself by a Dwarf teacher from the Vainamarinen School of Magic, finished it with less than a minimum of words.

Still, if Yut had seen this sight, he would have relieved himself of his chest.

Better than ignoring it altogether.

"Ugh, uhm. Now go to your vacant seat…"

In a classroom with several rows of long desks lined up beside each other and several people sitting in bench-like chairs. Jonah approached the longest desk at the rear with a grasp and lowered her back to the corner.

In a classroom with dozens of kids her age.

Dwarves make up half of them, followed by many humans. In a small number, albino girls were heterogeneous even in this space where there are many elves, rock giants, and meadow races (magners) - not much discernment between adults and children as to the last.

She looks at Jonah uniformly with childish curiosity, but she never intervenes. On the contrary, releasing a grumpy aura from his whole body, he can neither speak nor approach it.

That would have nothing to do with the prior explanation that this Albino girl was a Lordship associate.

Dwarf sorcerer (wizard) Niller, who was getting older and older, was also bewildered.

As a dwarf, I went down the path of a rare theoretical spell, and yet, when I was feeling stuck with my talent, the story of educating my child came into play.

If you ask, don't you say that the students have a lot of fellow citizens?

There may be something we can do to move forward.

Applying with such an ideal, he had a full teacher life so far - and that's where this Albino girl showed up.

First of all, I couldn't believe the existence of a student who went to school but wasn't motivated. It's insane in the first place that you can go to an educational institution for free in this Brewers.

Therefore, there is no room for students without enthusiasm. At least, it didn't exist in his rather long life.

Therefore, I don't know how to deal with it.

Nevertheless, I couldn't even delay the class for one of the children in question. Niller grips his beard and then proclaims aloud to regain his mind.

"Today, first of all, this is your exam."

This was originally planned.

This classroom brings together the youngest - that is, slower progress in study - students, but that is not an accurate representation.

After exam classes, the Tertiones had a discussion and decided to divide the basic classes into about three levels of proficiency, not age.

And the students decided not to fix it completely and to replace it by comprehension.

For this reason, tests to check progression are carried out frequently. I don't even plan to make a transcript, so I'm just really going to use it as a reference for classifying.


As yet, it seems that the concept of something that doesn't like testing is not pervasive, and the kids reply innocently.

Except for Jonah.

Even though he cares about it, Niller writes about 20 computational problems in chalk on the previous tablet and flips the hourglass on the table.

The test time is 30 minutes.

The students twist their heads and solve the problem as they photograph the tablet.

Easy, single-digit and double-digit addition and pull issues.

Still, it's a big deal in this Brewers if you can answer it instantly.

Niller looked at the kids eagerly solving the problem satisfactorily, but when that gaze passed the Albino girl, her hands really stopped shaving her beard.

Anyway, just look outside - one side of the classroom is fitted with large glass of iron (crystal iron), which acts as a lighting tool - and you don't even have the chalk.

The sight of an Albino girl looking at the rain grains is picturesque, but you'll just have to be careful. The Dwarf mage glanced at the hand first.


Unexpectedly, I drank my breath.

Sure, it's not a difficult issue. But it should only be a few minutes after I finish writing the issue.

Nonetheless, the stone slab said the answer, and - naturally speaking - all the questions were correct.

While I was writing the question, I just think I was answering it at the same time.

The Jonah just looks out bored to say that she fulfilled her brother-in-law and duty by solving all the problems. I don't change one facial expression when a teacher approaches me.

Exceptionally the only time my red eyes wobbled was when I saw something like a football goal on the playing field that looked beyond the window.

Still, the result is the result.

After confirming that all the sand grains have fallen, Niller checks and grades each and every stone slab.


"Yona-kun is not the only one who answers all the questions correctly."

A really reasonable result was announced.

It is also, in a way, a natural story, that Jonah does have a young appearance, but a fundamentally different birth. I can read and write letters, and I don't have any computational problems of this magnitude.


"Do it."

"Damn, that's not good."

Do children react with 70% praise and 30% jealousy? I can point my sight at a mixed emotion of good and evil, but Jonah completely ignores it.

Subtle air flows into the classroom.

How do I cope with this heterologous molecule, even for my children? No, it's the kids that are causing me to get lost.

To the children's problems, we don't go into darkness.

But should we leave it alone? That also seems wrong.

Dwarf mages could not hide the colour of confusion in an educational issue that was emerging for the first time in this world.

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