The rice, which has still been planted for about two weeks, is on the way to becoming firmly rooted. Now the rice that spreads in front of Yut is still short and blue.

It didn't look like there was a problem with Yut, who had never actually made rice, but Jinga and the rest of the main office decided that growth was slow.

Such a 30-metre square preceded a paddy field, and the Great Mage (Arch Mage) exhaled heavily.

In the hand, the treasure of Li Kutua, previously dedicated. Three iconic jewels of Dragon Emperor authority. There is one jewel of heaven, earth, and man, a jewel of earth.

Though I've decided to be ready, I can't hide the tension.

In fact, it's not a big deal that this is the first time I've used it. The moment I touched it, I was able to understand exactly what to do.

So that tension was another cause - sipping and watching, the hot gaze of the Zinga and the Dragon People (Dragon Newt).

"Show that authority, O jewel of the earth"

In the meantime, Yut, dressed in his uniform in his usual white robe, offered his jewels as listed in heaven.

A golden treasure ball.

A treasure item (artifact) that feels mighty magic even if you are not a magician (wizard) and you are about to kneel unexpectedly.

Its golden light pours down onto the paddy fields, and the whole thing is engulfed in light. Soft, warm, then majestic light.

"A miracle..."

"The Reign of the Dragon Emperor..."

"Thank you very much."

It's not as easy to understand as it suddenly grows to drool over your head, but just because you used a jewel, it seems to have made a full impact.

Seeing it, the dragon man who prayed on his knees was there too.

Yut noticed that too, but honestly, I have trouble reacting. If you want me to take your hand and make you stand up, I'm sure you'll be more exaggerated.

In the end, I gazed at the paddy field pretending not to notice.

Rice grows alive and feels no heart or even luster. You can't possibly see how the soil has changed by appearance, but it's probably a success.

"Is this okay?

"Yes, I'm relieved... but..."

Still, Zinga thought Yut was unlikely to use the earth's jewels. Of course, I didn't mean to give up, but I can't get uncomfortable with the sudden expansion.

"Well, you said you were ready for a lot of things"

"Readiness means…"

"My fiancée told me if I had to conquer Li Kutua."


To be honest, I have to say, it's a fascinating future. Speaking of not wanting, it's a lie. For we have gained a new heaven and a new earth, but there are still brethren in the islands of our homeland who can be abused by war.

But I didn't know my fiancée - perhaps, that beautiful lord - would mention that.

Guided by the difficulty of his sister's future, Zinga secretly prevents anyone from finding her. But he sighed heavily.

"Yeah. Let's give up getting in off the table"

Shortly after using the earth's jewels in front of the Jingas in the Kera Forest. Yut, who politely declined the suggestion that he wanted to host a feast because he had business, was visiting the city of Hardenturm alone.

I know that the Council will go right and left if it is to be an official visit, so of course it is a patience. Inspections without prior contact are valid to prevent fraud, but this time another errand.

VERMIRIO - Though we have come all the way to the fashion brand direct store launched by Acorn and Regina, Yuto gave a light white flag to not too many queues.

I wasn't frightened by the number of people.

I just didn't have the courage to jump into a group full of women.

As I go around to the back door, this may have been a failure, I start getting ready for another white flag in my mind.

I came here today because I wanted to talk to Regina about the treatment of the Preservation Bottle, an embalming bottle I had made from a reality escape...

"Oh, my young husband."

Maybe he was about to go on a break. A blushing face girl with three dull blondes knitted approached looking for a yut that turned around her back.

The needle ladies also stood in the store in turns. Anyway, there's no one more knowledgeable than them.

"I don't have a daughter today. Running errands for the president?

"No...... Well, yes..."

Unexpectedly, he called to say, "I know because I live with Akane," and he snapped his mouth in advance. What kind of monstrosity would it be if this secret were exposed under the day?

"Shh. My young husband wants to see me."

"Yu, Dear Amaxa!?"

It sounds like a kick down something from inside the store, and the footsteps sound.

Yut waits for Regina on the spot, worried she'll be okay, but if she gets inside, it's going to be more difficult.

And a few minutes.

"Oh, thank you for waiting"

Regina appeared calm on the surface.

A slightly flashy outfit featuring a bright red knit and white flared skirt with a collar. But it suited her well, who was formerly a gorgeous beauty.

"In relation to customer service, I needed to wear our clothes..."

I guess I noticed Yut's gaze. Fix your skirt hem shyly, but don't let your gaze slip away.

"No, I think it suits you."

"Is that true?

"The president is lit..."

"This is rare."

"You guys."

The clerks who came out on the wild horse return to the holding area as if to scatter the spider child with a word from Regina. However, even if they didn't tell me, they couldn't afford to be lazy.

"Actually, I've had a consultation... that sounds difficult"

You can tell from the back door, the hustle and bustle in the store.

The customers in the store were surprised by the mannequins - prepared as a matter of course, but this was also the first time in the Brewers - and took the real thing, tried it on and bought it.

"It's been a while since then, and I was wondering if you'd be okay now."


Sales are exceeding expectations, but too many thousands of customers are also troublesome.

Offer a price from the start, no discount. In a certain amount of time, switch customers in the store. If it sells out, a discount voucher shall be issued.

I manage to turn it around with such measures, but I can't keep up with supply against demand.

"A little more than I expected..."

"So much so that Regina is standing in the store."

Acorn has been spending less time on this one lately on another errand, but it was too prosperous unrelated to that.

"I'm going back out today"

There is nothing we can do about this situation in Yut. Sometimes throwing down funds doesn't help.

"Young Master, that shouldn't be"

"Yes, yes. The president's been out of the store for a long time, so take it home."

But daughters who wait for such yut. I know Akane and Yut are "good friends, but it's this.

Gossip seeds, no matter how many they are.

"Take it home, where are you..."

"You guys, fuck."

"Mr. President, let us handle this."

"Go ahead."

Instead of hires and employees, two people are forced out of the store in teacher-student interactions. No, Yut wasn't even in the store.

"... what shall we do?

"Something, I'm sorry"

"No, it's not Master Amaxa's fault"

When you two apologize to each other that way,

"In the meantime, let's change places"

"... Yes"

- Even so, it's not a story that people are allowed to hear, in a different way than they would expect. In the end, I had to move to the Niebes Chamber of Commerce.


For some reason, it was Regina's private room that the two arrivals were put through. This is where you two first met.

Jonah and Cesc were there then, but now we're alone.

I was going to use another room, Regina, but the servant - the wife of old Cesc, the superior - drove me to my room, and that girlfriend just disappeared after serving tea, too.

"I don't know, just weird employees"

"Well, the weird thing is that we're no different..."

We laugh bitterly at each other as we follow up unfulfilled. I know what the surrounding intentions are, but getting on with it is a different story.

At least, Yut thinks Regina feels the same way.

"So, here's what I need to do today..."

Yes, I took the cork-sealed bottle out of the infinitely stored bag while I prefaced it. Inside, filled with white liquid.

"What's this?

"It's not glass, it's a bottle made of iron (crystal iron), and it's given the" Antiseptic "spell."


"We envisage putting food in, but we can store it without letting it rot for quite some time. on a yearly basis."


Do the same reaction as Valtrude, alternating between Yut and the bottle.

Are you still surprised...... and unconscious visitors looked sinister.

"Sure, there are some things that can be stored in the same way with magic fixtures, but they are too expensive to use for commerce. But this is comparatively inexpensive, just like lighting."

"The embalming spell is a third staircase, so I can't use it unless I'm quite a magician (wizard)."

Listen to that story and give Regina a sorry look.

But that was early.

"In my hometown, there's a way to store food called bottles, and this is how you store the food you put inside -- well, this is milk -- by boiling it, you can store it for a long time, right?"

Regarding this, it does not have to be bold iron either. Not everything can be saved, but equally year-by-year.


If it does, what will happen?

If food was preserved during abundance and that was eaten during inactivity, the starving dead would be greatly eliminated. We can expect a lot of deliveries to the military, and we can open routes with regions that weren't suitable for trading.

Sure, the world changes.

"I just can't get that far, can I?"

"That would certainly be the case. Yeah, it won't be the job of Master Amaxa being made direct. Besides, it's the same thing you can't get around."

"I think it's better to experiment with how much you can do than sell it all of a sudden."


Since we will cooperate financially, is there a chamber of commerce that develops technology? That's what Yut said he came to talk to me about.

"What about the Dueira Chamber of Commerce?

"Sounds like our stuff now, but it's another country and I plan to let it go sooner or later..."

"But each chamber of commerce in Hardenturm is full of hands so far"

"Yes, you are."

To be clear, it's the result of Yut working too hard. Positive results when it comes to getting what you deserve, but you have no choice.

"So how about this?

Yuut giving up lightly and mouthing another abdominal proposal.

"The country - well, in this case the Count family, but its immediate agency develops the technology. And instead of collecting royalties, you can make money on products that use the technology you develop there."

"... I think it's groundbreaking -"

But wouldn't that just be a ride?

"It's a waste of time to let them bury you."

Apparently, in Yut, that policy has consolidated. It will have sprung up with an even bigger job, but I don't care that it's the usual thing.

Regina stares at Yut like that with a gaze that is neither awe nor admiration.

On this occasion, if there had been an old man, an employee, he would have been even more convinced of the correctness of his own thoughts.

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