"It's a clean city, though I knew it"

"Knowing is a big difference."

"Exactly. It is important to spread the word. Because you are like this, especially"

Knowledge God justifies his own actions, as if he were also making excuses. They had some hindsight.

"That's just as powerful as the Wall of Virtue, a barrier to evil minister exclusion..."

"... the power of man"

"No, it's also your protection."

A blonde boy speaks to the Divine Queen with a look he seems to be only a little good at.

"Of course, it's human wisdom that divided the sewers, and it's a premise that there's a river flowing by with abundant water. But there are magic spells involved in treating that sewage."

"… there is truss-sink protection in the treatment of sewage"

"It's a fine role."

"Interpretation, power is power. I hope it helps."

Truss-Sink is generally a god who tends to have a horrible impression of conducting death and sorcery, but his fruit was also a merciful divinity.

"If you're clean, you'll have fewer sick people."

"There are many treatment centers, and at the heart of them is the Temple of Truss-Sink. It's self-evident whose protection life is now built on."

"... I'm proud of you"

"Because I'm a proud wife"

A very rare sight of the curse of God, but it would have been fortunate not to have touched the eyes of the priests. If they show you the human cruelty of the profound and harsh gods, you must not know how to react and be good.

Of course, there's no way the gods would have considered such a situation.

However, I guess it hasn't gotten any attention since entering the city despite the noticeable population, because some force is working. In other words, the peace of mind of the priests was preserved also by the gods themselves, the cause of it.

"Nevertheless, overall it's a stone built and tidy city. The Dwarves will do their best."

"You're going to be good at Ducommerce."

Interestingly, Regra God looks out over the path and streets where the cobblestone was found.

A monk (monk) trained in the deep mountain valley is smiling as he seems impressed with the city with many people. In fact, the material is luxurious in relation to Yut making stone. Sometimes I don't build castle walls and get a neat impression.

The god of knowledge also hammered the praise of the god of such power. He just looked a little nasty when he came up with the name of Dwarf and the patron saint of blacksmiths. There seems to be a lot among the gods as well.

"... but not playful enough"

"Is that a necessary element of the city?

It's time for a line of gods walking and arguing as they please.

"What are the pillars built at this constant interval?

"It's a lighting called a street light. A sphere that encloses a spell of light, illuminates the city at night."

"Well, there are tracks and tracks all over town."

"It connects several cities, mainly this one."

Hubs and spokes are analogies used at airports, but the tracks extending from the Falv in the heart of Count Istas territory are close to their structure. Most importantly, only between Mainz and Hardenturm operates, and the nearby villages are not yet laid with rails.

For the Knowledge God, the substitute of tracks is really interesting.

I understand the logic. I can also understand its usefulness.

Because what is its willingness to lay it as if to build a path? The hassle, the funds, the resources. Rewrite the map without being reluctant to pay a lot of money.

The spirit is truly loving.

"... Legra competed with that carriage."

"My life will never lose"

I don't even know such knowledge God's emotions, God of the power to rough my nose. If you're challenged, you have to take it. You have to win. I think I hear a scream from somewhere that it's okay to be undefeated.

"Let's move on from that."

But for now, they give priority to the sightseeing amusement mountain. In doing so, we arrive at the castle fortress, the heart of the Falve. Challenger Regra's disease seems to be about to happen again.

"Oh, shit. I wanted to go to school."

There are numerous academic establishments that combine the temples of Zeras, the god of knowledge, such as the Vainamarinen School of Magic. Naturally defending it, Zeras God's curiosity was also suited to the elementary school built by Yut.

Educate all.

Those who hold such a philosophy and have carried it out also exist in the past. But the whole territory. And on the contrary, I didn't expect you to pay to be educated. In the meantime, it's unprecedented how to handle a spell of science.

Really, great.

Knowledge Though God does not know everything about the world, and he is not capable of producing all kinds of wisdom. In other words, to satisfy this divine curiosity, people must be smart and constantly invent new ideas.

Polyester, for example, that you fibered oil, asked when you first summoned Yut.

Whether it takes a thousand or two thousand years, the Knowledge God awaits its its development.

"... I would make it more spectacular. It's not beautiful enough."

"You should feel the beauty for it"

"It's not too late."

Regra and Liya.

Instead of forgiving the two pillars that are opposite poles in a certain sense, Truss-Sink God, rather, oozed.

"How about remodeling this fortress to Riya's taste?"

"... I see"

He was a voice without discouragement, but his expression was full of motivation. Once again, observe Falve's fortress while fixing the position of the glasses.

Fine walls and main entrance.

If you look at it alone, Regra, it is not a rash to find beauty in practicality, as God says. But it was still not God's preference for art.

Also, in this city without walls, this fortress is overwhelming. It's not balanced.

So what do we do?

The answer was, I got out right away. Let the walls and gates be sculpted.

A relief honoring Hellenonian greatness would make it difficult for the god to complain.


Before art, dust and mustard are alike.

And then the shades are plain.

The city's buildings are good for stone construction, but equally lack glamour. That can be said to be harmonious, but I want a presence, worthy of the symbol of the city, at any rate.

Red or gold?

Or a pure white castle.

"... inspired"

"Wouldn't that make Helenonia angry?

For once, Zeras God speaks of consideration.

With that in mind, the goddess of art stops moving as if to think about it.

The conclusion was immediately drawn.

"... because it's just the exterior"

It was clear that it would not be an absolution mark, but there was not a single pillar of God that would try to make it any more despicable.

Just a little, time goes back.

Yut and Akane waiting in the fortress and waiting for that time. Minutes I also finished listening to the description of the divine body, and a relaxed air flows among the visitors who no longer have anything to do.

"But I'm free. If you're coming, I wish you'd just come."

"Sure. I almost finished my job yesterday."

"That's serious."

"You bet. But when you tell me to come, something terrible happens."

"I can't believe it's such an easy flag to understand."

At that moment, suddenly the light abounds. The concierge, where the two of them are, was also dyed white.

In addition, despite the windows closed indoors, a cute scent wraps around the body and a strange examination strikes the ear.

"… Quickly, the flag has been recovered"

"I'm not happy..."

Nevertheless, I can't be blurry forever.

I don't know what happened, but I've assumed this degree of variation. If you can be sure of your arrival, you are to go on a search at your discretion and be contacted as soon as you discover it.

"But keep Larsia."

The indeterminate element of grassland species (magner) is only eliminated. Yut used the Message spell from the scroll and told them he wanted them to wait.

I don't have a response, but I just have to think it's evidence of good health.

"Let's take a look around the castle and then we'll go out looking for the city."

"Me too?

"Are you leaving a message?

"Ah. The phone doesn't even make sense..."

Even if it was the right thing to do to stay in the castle fort, then you'll deal with it alone. I can't do that. I want to avoid it.


Make sure the colour of understanding floats on Acorn's expression and cast a spell on the two of you to fly in the sky.

While holding onto her skirt, Yut held her hand to become her empty dweller.

The two of them jumped outside just when the light from The Wall of Evil Phase Exclusion was about to subside. Seeing the membrane of light covering the city in a hemispheric fashion, the acorn flashes.

"Aurora? Rainbow?

"No...... Truss-Sink reacted by touching the Wall of Evil Phase Exclusion? I've never heard of that."

In my current state, I don't know any more than that.

Besides, now we should give priority to finding the gods.

Remove the telescope from the bag of infinite storage and hand it over to a childhood friend who is surprised to fly next door.

"Use this for me"


But a spell exists that senses a good being, but the range of effects is narrow. It would be impossible to discover a couple gods somewhere in the city.

"I'm not around the castle fort...... Then I guess it's the city entrance."

"A pair of kids, right?


Yut's response is short.

The other person is God. There wouldn't be as much construction as changing his appearance, but at the same time there were no other clues.

Fly around the city's exterior while crushing observation of people on the road in a reduced rush.

The Valtrudes will be searching the same way, and Exile and Jonah should be running around the city.

But I can't find it.

"Recognition inhibited?

In that case, unless he observes with such certainty, he decides not to have seen it at the unconscious level.

"Well, how do we find it?"

"If you can't find it..."


Then where will those two pillars go?

With that in mind, we go around Farv-specific facilities such as the carriage railway stop, the recently opened Vermilio branch, and the Primary Education Institute, but we have yet to find the figure of the gods of knowledge.

"And then, I really don't want to think about it, isn't it the castle?

"... right"

Unfortunately, if I'm right, I misplaced it.

Unexpectedly fatigued, but I don't mind if I can find it.

Return to the fortress with anticipation and anxiety.

From the sky, with your eyes like plates, you observe...


There are four of them for some reason, but I can't afford to care.

He jumped beneath the Truss-Sink God into the Zeras God he remembered, pulling Acorn's hand and impetus to crash. I seem to have dropped the telescope along the way, but I don't have time to set it up.

"Why, even Master Riya?

Seeing a pillar in the living gods, the visiting girl shouts her surprise. That was exactly what happened now, on the verge of the goddess of beauty and art adding colour to the fortress of Falve.

"Dr. Acorn!

"Riya, you've spoken normally."

At this moment Acorn transcended Yut, which the Great Sage called his master.

"Are you a teacher..."

This one pillar and one contact should have been the last prize - in a dream. We've probably spoken a lot with each other intentionally...... why is the mentorship tied?

"I don't know what..."

"I feel that Dal-Lukash's prophecy is accomplishing in some strange direction..."

Sometimes, however, it has a higher priority than pursuing it.

Yut set his posture right and turned back to the gods, bowing his head.

"I couldn't even pick you up, and I'm sorry for your loss. The others will gather soon, and we will guide you from now on."

I can tell you out of the blue that I'm not letting you get away with this anymore, but that's perfectly acceptable. Yes, to the gods, there is no particular problem.

"Uhm. I'll take care of it"

Zeras, the god of knowledge, nods to Eagle Deep on behalf of a line.

"Except it's rude today. Let's not be tough."

"Ha...... Ha!?"

That can't be said and honestly accepted, but Yut gave up his resistance early.

The eye of the liya god who sees the acorn.

That's the same gaze a girl living in the country looks at a transfer student coming from the city. Because it was full of admiration.

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