Level 99 First Territorial Management by Adventurers

5. Negotiations in the Sabbath Capital (previous)

The five existing Divine Capitals in the Kingdom of the Chronica God.

Yut and Arsia, who left the settlement of the Dravaels, entered Nerkut, one of the resting capitals of the Divine Capital, in the course of that day.

And we didn't have time for sightseeing, and the next day we were going to be at the negotiating table.

The location is the Temple of Nerla, goddess of the moon, in the heart of Nerkut. It passes to a balcony in the middle of a temple built on high ground.

The weather was beautiful that day and the wind was pleasant.

From here, there was also a view of the city of Nercoot.

There will also be a room in the temple for talks, but why did you dare designate this place? Maybe they're looking down there, maybe it's a sign of hospitality.

(Well, it's easier this way)

No tables, no chairs. And rare tea is also first-class.

At least they shouldn't be treated roughly.

"Thank you for waiting"

After a while, the negotiator shows up.

An elf man with a holy mark down from his neck designing a full moon on a black robe similar to Alcia's.

His waist is soft and he has a clergy tender grin.

When it comes to elves, we only know Tertione, the master, but the characteristics are common: hair like gold thread and ears pointy as leaves of a tree. Like him, his eyebrows appear brilliantly in the human eye.

"Thank you for your time today"

"Terrible. This is the one that's bothering you."

Social-Dictionary Rewards, which may seem white-white together.

But this is also necessary.

Yut stood up and shook his hand disappointingly with a loving laugh he didn't want Valtrude to see. Go on, Arcia says hello in the same way.

At the end of a typical liturgy all the way, it was time to sit in the patio seat and begin the talks.

"My name is Gilronto, Bishop of God Nerla."

"This is Yut Amaxa, the house of the Earl of Istas."

"I am Arsia, the Truss-Sink God's servant."

Though two cleric warriors of escort stand behind an elf named Gilront, they do not introduce themselves. At the same time, it disappeared from Yut's consciousness.

"Due to Viscount Playmea's ill health, the person in charge of Nercoot will respond on his behalf"

Human illness in high status is a difficult place to interpret, but it was also a story I had heard beforehand.

Yut nodded in return for his words of sympathy, but even though it is called the Divine Capital, why do you surrogate the Viscount as a man of the city, which is also the temple? The history is somewhat complicated.

There are five Divine Capitals in the Kingdom of the Chronica.

Regrax opens the Grand Competition in which Regraz God invited Exile.

Lutetia with the legend that Fermina, the sun god, has descended.

Floating in the Great Falls Rune Falls kettle, the onboard city of Millanon has gained the protection of the water's source.

Dwarf's patron saint Ducommerce and the statue of his subordinate god have been dug out into the mountain skin, the mountain city of Archwarg.

And Nercoot, the resting capital in the county territory of Istas and adjacent areas.

Legend has it that when a large army of demons (demons) pushed from Naruto, the miracle of Nerla, the moon goddess, covered the entire city with a dark vale and escaped the odds.

One archbishop to be elected in these five Divine Capitals.

Its mutual election elects the god king of Chronica, who, during his tenure of 10 years, deposits the kingdom and directs the people's grass as the earthly agent of the gods.

The current King of God is also known as the rebirth of Fermina, the Sun God, Seneca II.

I've never seen Yut, but I'm talking about a glowing, extinct beauty.

"Well, I think we're gonna lose to Val,"

"That's not what I'm saying."

- The conversation, driven by the darkness of history, is not on the official record.

Its divine king, but authority was greater than real power.

It is essentially like the five regions in which the Divine Capital exists form a federal state, with actual governance being exercised by the Divine Capital and the local nobles who belong to it.

The role of the Divine King was somewhat restricted, including diplomacy and trial, and the right to summon divine troops in emergency situations.

I can say that we are not geographically adjacent to the forces of evil and that totalisation did not proceed because we are surrounded by friendly countries, or that we do not need to do so.

The country is fertile, with variations depending on the region, but also warm climates. Sometimes we just call ourselves the Kingdom of God, and the people are also faithful and relatively rich.

Of course, there exist subracial bounces with layers of evil such as goblins and leaps by the followers of the evil god Daxtum, but they were able to deal with them adequately.

This time set up, a meeting between the Yuts and Bishop Gilront.

It is a matter that belongs to diplomacy, which is inherently the sovereign matter of the King of God. Before leaving, Arcia pointed out this point, but Yut replied with a bitter smile.

"It's not between countries, it's between local lords."

"It sounds weird to me."

"Right. But when the country comes out here, it's an exaggeration."

"... Whatever, it's troublesome"

"In the meantime, I'm getting a power of attorney from Prince Alsace and the Chancellor. If it wasn't a war, you wouldn't be talking about the consequences. They probably do, too."

At this time, the look on Yut's face.

Alcia, who could not see it, at the same time, could hardly anticipate its subsequent development.

Bishop Gilronto, the other party in that tragedy, was in a very difficult position.

In the first place, Viscount Playmea's indeterminacy is itself a headache issue, and a place of verbal preaching, such as defrauding nobility in other countries.

Even though it was a punitive reparation, it was a stream that could also be welcomed as Nercoot that saw some settlement between the Lords.

But when the debt held by the Viscount Playmea family goes beyond its original assumptions and there is a problem with the payment to the Count Istas family - if paid, the residents are likely to be in need - the story changes.

It is possible to assist from Nerkut or the Temple of Nerla. Ignore rebellions and grievances from other nobles, though.

From there, there was an offer regarding the review.

Viscount Playmea's ill-health is true, but even if not, it would have been the carriage of Bishop Gilronto, who is in charge of the out-of-court at the Temple of Nerla.

And Bishop Gilront gathered as much information as he could about his negotiators - Yut.

The Great Mage (Arch Mage), who serves Valtrude Istas, the Holy Virgin of Helenonia, the hero of salvation. He said that the technique stretches his legs on the floor of the Subgod, extremes the theoretical spell.

He was also a visitor from different worlds and had developed much of the territory with ideas not found in this world.

Even the high brother of the great sage Vainamarinen - although not credible - is also known as a teacher, and in fact, even in partnership with the Vainamarinen School of Magic, he pushes for elementary education in the territory.

In the meantime, some conspiracy, or some kind of joke, but the evil leader. There were also rumours of a fountain that she was being proposed by Verga, Empress of the Verga Empire.

Any lord, no, the kind of person the king wants, but he doesn't seem interested in being born. I have also heard that I have said no to the episcopal story before.

So you're building a mountain-like fortune, so from an exchanger's point of view, you're going to have trouble treating it.

Besides, if you step on the tiger's tail, you get an intense climax.

Bordering the Kronika Divine Kingdom and the other border line, the Baldur Border Bo family lost a one-on-100 duel - which is odd at the time the battle was established - with immeasurable damage.

Taken together, this information shows that Yut Amaxa individuals have good, common personalities.

However, he has the conviction not to yield to any authority against the backdrop of the strength and overwhelming assets of a scientific spell that enters the fifth finger in the world.

If you hurt that retention, you won't hesitate to try to get rid of this one.

Flexible is a difficult business.

Anyway, for the Count Istas family, the Kingdom of the Chronica God is not a must. We export food, but it couldn't be the only route more than having a trading port.

Nor do they carry handbills to soften Yut's personal attitude.

Give what to a man who needs no wealth, no status, no honor, no woman.

It can also be taken for granted that Bishop Gilront, who finished his analysis, had dizziness.

I know it's not here. There are also few negotiating materials.

Still, you can't give up.

"Well, let me start by communicating this request"

With a grinning, people-loving smile, the elf's diplomat cut it out flat.

"For both of us, we request a waiver of the right to compensation to Viscount Playmea."

I'm not spared the thick-faced shameless sleigh.

It wouldn't be an act of priesthood either.

But Bishop Gilronto is also the one who lived long and became the head of the out-of-court. Even if I know I can't, I have to tell you what to claim.

"I see."

With a serious face, Yut shows how the idea looks.

I don't change my expression, Nerla, but God's me was at ease in my heart. Words that could get you in your seat, dangerous. I let it go with due readiness. That seems to have been received more moderately than expected.

Maybe that great mage also understands the poverty of the Viscount Playmea family. He may have been present with Truss-Sink's beloved daughter to make it easier to compromise.

Optimism must be strictly admonished, but there was no denying that hope had sprung up.


"Oh, what do you mean"

You don't have to hide it.

Bring joy to the face and express joy with the momentum you are likely to embrace.

But this can't be over.

"What can I say instead, but here's one too"

"Let's accept."

When this is the real deal from here, Bishop Gilront pulls his mind together.

Whatever words come out, don't be surprised. I thought of the demands I had assumed beforehand again.

Instead of filing a claim with the Viscount Playmea family, we will seek conveniences such as lower tariff rates in our dealings with the Kingdom of the Chronica God itself.

Transfer of some kind of magic device (magic item).

A letter of reference to key people in the country.

There were multiple other assumptions, but there must be room for compromise.


It should be taken for granted, the words emanating from Yut were even arguably insane.

"The city of Falve demands entry into the Kingdom of the Chronica God"

The unprecedented demands, without dramatic performances, were just pale communicated.

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