The pure white walls are decorated with gold and silver yarn, and countless magic (magic) lamps illuminate it in luxury.

The ceiling is high and the luxuriously used stained glass is delicate and beautiful. I have been informed of the format of this occasion without refusal, just in one respect that it exists there.

Civilians, during the brilliant liturgy in which the martial officers are present.

Their different identities and accomplishments from those of ordinary people will also help create a harsh atmosphere.

Except this time.

During the lavish ritual and in attendance, it fades easily in front of her.

No, it's just out of the way.

Though the protagonists on the spot, where the heavy towns of the Rotosilt kingdom gathered, were kneeling, drooling their heads, faceless from no one - nobler and more beautiful than anyone in line.

Wearing a magical silver (Mithral) all-body armor specifically recognized as an outfit, Valtrude lays on the floor with the God-fearing sword Divine Subjugator and listens to the King's words.

Even in the Rotosilt kingdom, known for its winds of martial arts, the ritual landscape of arming is rare.

However, when it was communicated beforehand, the people who remembered the rebellion, the ritual officers, if they were shown this sight, would have to put up a spear.

The ritual went rigorously.

An elderly King Charlton made a proclamation of ascension in a tense voice, exchanging scarlet capes for dark blue ones with the aid of a ritual officer.

It flips through a scroll intertwined with a long sword, the crest of the nascent Istas family, and returns its heels with a grand deed.

It was the moment when the ceremony was over and Valtrude, Marquis of Istas, was born.

It's unusual that just ordinary people have become counts. Besides, there would be no precedent in any country, such as being left to the Marquis after less than two years.

Jealousy, contempt, visions, sensations, and various emotions float in the expressions of those who stare at her after between refreshment and rituals.

In a mind that differs according to its position and faction.

There are people in this room who have completely different feelings than others.

(I also wanted to take a video......)

But the camera is too suspicious to do anything about it. I might have gotten permission if I asked, but how about getting that far? Besides, I just figured it out. I just have to give up.

Yut, who had the only sentiment in such a venue, abandons the thought of a father watching over my child's events.

He left as it was during the ritual and moved to the assigned modem inside the royal castle.

I would rather have a future meeting than an exchange of words with a handful of familiar aristocrats - with whom I once made a pageant and turned down or with whom I had a duel.

Yut Amaxa, a new nobleman founded in the Rotosilt kingdom - who became a guardian jazz - moved around the castle, mindful of the medals attached to the robe of magic implements that showed him to be a good sorcerer.

I didn't come enough to get used to it, but I can if it's just about going back.

"That was too late, Yut"

"I think you're fast."

He must have traveled on a different route, the Cathedral Knight (Paladin), dressed in magical silver armor as he usually does, still sank himself on the couch of a luxurious understatement.

It comes to my mind with no benefit whether the furniture will not be damaged or not, but I take the liberty of concluding that I am also maintaining it with the Repair (Repair) spell. Whatever, you can use the spell yourself.

The common thought of restlessness when it is too broad and the decent problem of not being able to keep the format without some breadth.

In the room that became that compromise, Yut and Valtrude were alone.

But it couldn't be a colourful development.

"Now, I am very sorry for your tiredness, Marquis Istas, but I would like to explain what happened after this."

"Uhm. You won't suffer, Guardian Lord Amaxa"

Making jokes like this is the best you can do.

Sitting on the couch opposite him, Yut takes a bunch of paper from his pocket and begins to look through it for confirmation.

Valtrude can't read anyway, so the material is written in Japanese. It was convenient in terms of confidentiality to say it was a credit for the injury.

"... what is this conversation? That sounds so weird."

"I can do this kind of thing."

"Stop me. Are you going to kill me?"

"I can't do that."

Even in the spiritual world, it's Yut who couldn't kill her. If you surrender, raise your hands and let the paperwork flicker.

"So what am I supposed to remember?

"Oh. After this, the nobles gather before His Majesty the King for a court meeting..."

It would be held almost daily if it were a small one, a court meeting. But this time it opens in conjunction with Prince Alsace's wedding, on a different scale.

The room used at the ball was to be converted into a conference room, and the people were to be crowded with civilians and martial arts officers.

I've explained the circumstances around here and what needs to be done a few times, but Yut isn't as sweet as I'd expect to remember it completely either.

I'll be right back to you, just as I originally planned.

"So, the Earl of Istas - no, the Marquis? In short, it only explains what kind of politics we do. Well, if we just pass on the results of the negotiations with the Cronican god kingdom, we'll be able to do all the rest."

Rather than that, I can't possibly report that the Divine Minutes Body (Avatar) came down and defeated the Insect Man (Insectian) or created an opera theater.

"Do you want me to do that?

"Follow up. But if Val doesn't, he'll get extra pointers."

"Can we get a lot of enemy allies out of that reaction?

"I don't want to be seen lightly and turn the neutrals against my enemies"

"Yes, it is."

Marquis Istas admitted that the housekeeper had reason.

"But I can't even read the manuscript."

I'm glad I admitted it, but real problems get in the way. Come on, clean.

"Just remember the gist, and then you can talk in your own words"

"In my own words..."

To such a lord, Yut returned it unscrupulous. This is the only way.

"The main point...... First of all, the Kronika god kingdom is sending us prostitutes for the empire against Verga."

"Oh. That motive is total goodwill"


"Good intentions. Perhaps the end prostitute is full of justice. So it's not a lie."

"Not that it's good if you're not lying..."

However, it is understandable to Valtrude that the background cannot be elaborated. In the end, to be pushed off, I was convinced.

"If you disagree, how about we settle with the sword?

"What barbarian?"

The idea put forward by the Holy Virgin of Helenonia was dismissed by the Great Mage (Arch Mage).

Very, very unlikely conversation with the heroes of salvation.

"And then we're going to lease the land to build the city."

"Oh. I don't know the details, but it would be like extending the territory. This is easy."

"... right"

Of course, it's not as simple a matter as I'd say, but it's not the kind of story I'd bother to point out if I was confident in person.

Because if this Valtrude affirms it with dignity, there is no man who can resist it.

"Well, besides us, court meetings naturally come up on the agenda from other lords and kingdoms."


"What I really want Val to do is let me know what he felt was a lie in it, and he looks bad - let me know if anyone doesn't trust him"

"I'm glad you're counting on me, but it's an intuition, huh?

Valtrude's intuition, which also wielded fierceness during the registration of the clerk at the then Count of Istas' house. Yut and Arcia placed their full confidence in that feeling of spotting the dark behind and the lies.

"In a world with magic and psychic powers, it's not logical not to just believe in intuition."

"In the meantime, I know I'm trusted"

But the Cathedral Knight makes the beauty slight.

"I'm just not sure I'm going to focus on everything."

"I didn't think the day would come when I could hear the words saying I wasn't sure from Val"

"I'm not as reckless as Exile"

It swells her cheeks just a little. After touching her face and purging the air, Yut began to explain the target.

"First, it is good to almost certainly determine that we are allies: King Charlton, Prince Alsace, Chancellor Dieter Schukel"

"Is that all?

"And then, Marquis Halvani"

"Marquis Halvani......? Oh, you know."

For many years, he commanded a defensive battle against the Verga Empire on the northern tower wall, defending the prints of the Rotosilt kingdom and cutting off the prestigious Marquis Hahati of Harvani.

Did you have an idea in that sense?

"Yut made the pageant, nobleman?"

"Well, it looks like I've matched Sir Ahatti."

I met him, almost two years ago.

Yut laughs bitterly as he thinks of the old general's face, which is creepy.

At the same time, I don't want to be pursued too deeply, so I'll give you the next name.

"And I want you to identify most of your potential enemies, the Duke of Malvato"

son of King Charlton's brother.

I mean, make it the king's nephew, Prince Alsace's cousin.

A person who is infirm and rarely comes out of his own territory, but can be the flag of an anti-Alsatian prince.

"Exactly, do you attend your cousin's wedding"

Listen to the other traits from Yut, and then divulge those thoughts.

"If you can't move, it'll be a good reason to be solemn."

Besides, there may be other purposes.

I just tried to keep explaining further - from the outside, I heard a modest knock.


Looks like you're picking me up.

Without any particular need to get well, the two of them take their seats and head to the door.

The next battlefield was almost there.

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