
Stand up and distance yourself from Dark Crowler while checking with the Cathedral Knight (Paladin) for authenticity.

"There's no lie in that word"

Valtroude, who reacted faster than Yut, said it all while ridiculing him behind his back.

"But it's hard to tell the difference."

The words that follow are bitter. We must be vigilant against that man who looked like Lord Malvato, and against the servants who have crept in.

Of course, it's just elimination - not hard to kill, but you can't do that.

Two confusions.

That was because there were two kinds of servants Dark Crowler could follow.

One is Dark Crowler, the Dark Servant who destroyed the spirit of human-type organisms such as humans and elves, goblins and orgasms, and reconstructed the flesh.

The qualities of life have nothing to do with today's abilities. It's just material.

It was replaced by a personality “set” by Dirk Crowler, and his ability - albeit with no limits - remains the Lord's will.

And, like the Lord, he has an evil phase, and can no longer be restored to his original appearance.

Apart from that, Dark Crowler is also a Born Psychic (Scion). It also excelled in its ability to be psychosensitive.

It may use its abilities and dominate the spirit of innocent people to serve as servants. This one can return to its former life as long as its dominion is lifted.

All have the nature of faithfully fulfilling orders without the Lord, and just defeating Dark Crowler doesn't make things any better.

There are good and not good things to kill among enemies.

Simplifying itself, that's what happened.

"Well, who's Dark Servant, right? Him or her. Maybe they're all different"


"Bad nature!

The Great Mage (Arch Mage), who instantly switches his thoughts to battle, searches for hand tags to break this situation from among prepared spells.

Dark Crowler, with words to flirt with, uses the psychic powers of Close Teleportation in the meantime to travel for short distances.

Back off, just like Yut.

Dark Servants dressed to cover the Lord.

The appearance is no different from that of a human being. Lower daughter, gardener, martin, cook, gatekeeper...... Those who serve the Duke's house are gathered together without distinction between young and old.

With a short spear (short spear) that swings indoors and a circular shield large enough to hide the body.

It's like a riot sight, but well armed. In addition to that imbalance, I didn't feel the heat coming into battle, only creepy like a horror movie.

And if you're Dark Servant, your combat skills are out of step.

"Val, there's no need to make a distinction for now. But let us all be weak. I'll leave the way to it."


A troublesome order from Yut. Besides, what you can never say you're good at.

That is why the spirit exalts in the confidence that it has been entrusted to it.

"Let's form a party and crush it"

If it doesn't matter what Valtrude's emotions are, Dirk Crowler gives orders to his servants.

In an instant, when he created five rows of impromptu Farranks, he stuck out his spear and shield and approached the beautiful Cathedral Knight.

"Big deal."

Its leadership is commendable.

Praised Valtrude for being an enemy or not, but whether that works or not is a different story.


The exorcism sword Divine Subjugator does not fall out of its sheath, but a laid-back cathedral knight drives through the earth.

An army filling a wide intersection approaches Valtrude kicking the furniture.

In the middle of the room, the two collided.


Along with the mood of tearing, the sword of the devil waved by the horizontal giraffe.

The blow carried out with countless spears carried out is not meant to hurt Dark Crowler's servants.

"Damn, it's a mess"

The slaughter, to which even the yut of the allies could only be exposed, smashed the shields of those who were at the forefront of the party and pushed them back with its momentum.

Whether the opponent is a modified Dark Servant or just manipulated. Before the Virgin of Helenonia, there is no such thing as difference.

"No more feuds are meaningless."

Embodying quality over quantity, the diocesan knight turns the cutting edge of the divine sword, which remains in the sheath, towards Lord Malvato and urges him to surrender.

"Baldur Borderline Uncle Bees End in Failure"

"You're confident, aren't you?

"Beside His Majesty and His Highness is Vainamarinen, the Great Sage. In the unlikely event that the plan will be accomplished"

Valtrude declared in good spirits as he glanced sideways at the fallen table.

What Yut secretly brought in using the Transparency (Transpierrent) spell was a digital video camera, a personal possession of Vainamarinen.

Now the effect of that spell has also expired and is rolling on the floor. It doesn't seem to be broken, but it can be dealt with in the Repair of Goods (Repair) in case.

Of course it was he, the visitor, who planned to make it immobile evidence, but it was Eudit's idea to try to draw the Great Sage in.

A wise man, who was by chance visiting Sejour, the king's capital, occasionally came across the bee of a frontier uncle and cooperated in the repression from the heart of the martial arts.

By using this as an ostensible muscle, we tried to prevent merit and motivation from gathering in the Marquis Istas.

Negotiations with Vainamarinen were left to Yut - but in the end, he was to be eaten considerably by his dealings with the next Hyung-chul meeting (Danishmend) - arguably a heroic queen of kings.

"Again, were you good at that"

Dirk Crowler doesn't move, even though the big beat failed. One complexion - originally, pale - did not change and took the facts calmly.

"Bullet of Reason (Force Missile)"

Yut activates a theoretical spell, as if to chase him there. A bullet of pure magic with absolute precision, used by Larsia in her magic wand (Magic Wand).

The theoretical spell of the Fourth Staircase, chosen not to hit the servants, strikes through Dark Crowler without a goal.

But apart from fate.

"Stan Sphere"

In addition, it cleaves the page from the spell document and builds a magic formation directly beneath the collapsed party.

A spell that cannot be activated immediately, one should be used as a trap or the other, but a theoretical spell that stuns the organisms around it, in turn, from the weak.

In other words, if Valtrude weakens them all, we can put them together and disable them.

In contrast, he looks like Lord Malvato. It also fights back with superpowers.

"Elemental Burst"

The psychic powers that Yona specializes in.

But the power doesn't have to be compared, and the aim is inaccurate. I strayed a lot from Yut and hit him straight into the ceiling.

"Val, don't worry about this one. In the meantime..."

He was an evacuated yuut to prepare for the ceiling collapse, but he can't skip instructions until the end.

Naturally, too.

No way, you can even imagine a woman in thin clothes falling from upstairs, etc.

Plus, hold the knife.


Crouched, but gentle voice.

That, of course, went toward Yut - not something.

The women, who have fallen with the ceiling, groan, fall, yet try to faithfully carry out their Lord's command.

A girl, on the neck. Another woman goes to the heart. Another daughter pushed a knife against her wrist.

"Stop it."


You can't use a spell in time.

Running over without himself or the world, Yut kicks up the knife to prevent its suicide.

(I managed to make it...)

Unexpectedly, sigh of relief.

"I've been waiting for this moment."

Yeah. Relieved, I did.

"Mind Ruler"!

Thousand encounters.

The only opportunity.

Send all psychic psychic psychic powers into the spiritual gap Yut has created.


Just humans. No, adventurers and knights of war. Superpowers that can control behavior even with Bishop and Warlock spells.

Nevertheless, Yut resists stubbornly and does not seek to cede control of the flesh.

Let one spell be used.

Perhaps, with all due respect.

I don't mind.

That's enough.

"Go! Go to that one!

"No way."

Yut opened a spell document of his own free will, from which he tore seven pages apart.

Then, expand and activate the page around as it is.

"Val, I'm sorry. I'll leave this place to you."


A spell that can be called a classic, always ready.

"Moment Move (Teleport)"

The destination is the far north. To the evil demigod.

Empress Verga's palace. I would be dealing with "Moment Travel" in some way.

But the one I love and the one I call the Great Mage. I'm sure you'll do something about it.


Not satisfied.

There are untrained.

Still, I felt full.

Make this kingdom of Rotosilt a offering to him. There were no lies in the words or in the feelings. But isn't there something more worthy in front of you?

Then there can be no hesitation in throwing away the plan that took years.


A cathedral knight advances in angry form.

It doesn't have to be that sudden. This is the last of these ghost bills. There's nothing left.

Did you win or lose?

There's no point in drawing such lines.

If that great sorcerer gets under that one, he might talk about himself. There was such a bottom line, but I can't be sure if it would happen, and in fact it was good either way.

However, you must have the freedom to imagine such a sight.

And the right to put the curtain down with such hope and anticipation.

The consciousness of a monster who has lost his name and his past to the love he himself believes in falls, shortly thereafter, into eternal darkness.

And I never surfaced again.

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