Level 99 First Territorial Management by Adventurers

8. With Verga at Folio-Farina (previous)

"Hehe. You sound surprised."

With the kid who succeeded in the prank - even with a smile too luscious to describe, the red-haired empress approaches Yut.

You wouldn't get used to it. Wearing grass. Note, no, that's why. I can only stir up my desires by walking like that if I don't.


"Why not?

"No, you bought it when you came to Earth"

I had a strong impression I was young then, and it didn't tie together. Plus, it's a big costume for a slutty girlfriend to wear.

The blue yukata hem is naturally even underfoot and he also wears a foot pocket. With the exception of the face, the complexion is about two hands and a nod.

The fabric embellished with flowers is also too clean compared to the image it held in Verga, although it is gorgeous.

That's why I shot Yut in the heart.

I was made unconsciously to act like that with Valtrude and the others.

First of all, the concubine won.

"Was it a battle?

"Of course. That's what men and women are for. It's from my mother."

Even the loss was given back lightly, and I had to admit the loss.

"So let's go."

Verga takes Yut's arm in a truly insignificant motion and tangles with it himself.

I noticed her act because I suddenly felt the scent of flowers rather than the feeling over the yukata. Next, Verga's exhalation and heartbeat.

From the edge, I can only see her stylish for a fireworks date and her invincible boyfriend. Still, she has a happier, sluttier smile.


Traditionally, I would have unwittingly shaken it off. But from the evil demigod - so much so that I can begin to describe it - I can't feel evil.

Besides, this is a date.

He'll be watching. Vainamarinen, he's not saying anything.

(That doesn't mean it's illegal. No, there won't be any law. I mean, I just have to accept it)

Yes, it was a yuut to accept calmly in a way, but if it had been him a while back, apart from the question of whether or not the other person was Verga, he would have taken a surprising distance.

It was a yuut that came with weird resistance, in a different part from the intent of the originator, Akane.

Folio-Farina is a city with an ancient history.

The covenant of the gods of good and evil - the legendary land where the Blue Covenant (Brewers) was made.

But at the same time, it was a place of difficulty.

The cause is, needless to say, the Hundred Layers Labyrinth.

One pillar of the demons (Demon Road), sealed in the deepest part of it, overflowed with monsters produced one after the other by Coeli Renato, Mother of Invisibility, and began to spread throughout Folio Island like wine that polluted the tablecloth.

The very existence of Koelirenato was not known until Vainamarinen and others stepped through the Hundred Layers Labyrinth, but the surrounding countries cannot sit either. He sent in a number of knights, soldiers and adventurers and, after a long battle, managed to contain them successfully.

The first wall is built as if it covers the entrance to the 100-story labyrinth. The nine heroes active in the battle stayed inside and entrusted themselves with monitoring the labyrinth.

This is the basis for the Folio-Farina's hereditary senators, which continues now.

Subsequently, when it was found that "flooding” would not occur by eliminating a certain number of monsters within the Hundred Layers Labyrinth, a bounty was given to encourage the Labyrinth Attack.

The monsters in the labyrinth are also mysterious as to where they are brought in from, but they have been in possession of money and jewellery such as gold and silver coins, art such as paintings and sculptures, and magic equipment (magic items) including weapons and protective equipment, making them a great deal of money.

Apart from that, Folio Island was also a major shock to maritime traffic. The land, a nodal point between East, West and North, naturally developed as long as the situation stabilized.

As if in tandem with its prosperity, the walls of Folio-Farina became three layers, making it the largest city in the world.

"But I've been attacked by the Verga Empire"

"It would be 'so' rather than 'but'"

Without getting any worse, the queen, draped with her redhead tied around her back, answers the archmage (Arch Mage), who supplements beside her.

Now they were moving from the entrance to the 100-story labyrinth, which was the meeting point, and taking a leisurely look around the Folio-Farina Historical Archives nearby.

There are no figures around.

Completely, just the two of us.

It shouldn't be at all unrecognized because we pay the entrance fee at the entrance, but the extra people seem to be rigged to stay away.

By the way, naturally, I guess so, but I was remembering the act of being acorned when I heard you were going here.

Unconsciously, my throat rings.

The evil demigod is in a superior mood, even as he suddenly turns his surprise gaze to Yuut, who blushes.

Thus, as my childhood friend thought, I no longer only became aware of Verga, but at the same time a new quest arose that what had been done should not be known.

Last time I was found out. It was more obvious than seeing fire to do something more radical, as if overriding.

"Well, that's interesting."

"though plain"

"Bring him in, and you'll say it."

I thought your son-in-law might like it.

Sure, it's plain as a date spot, but it fits Yut's taste. He could not return to Verga with his arms in his arms.

When I accidentally take my gaze off, now I see a noose that has become dewy.

(Chill, chill)

Yes, I told myself, and Yut moves his gaze from the red-haired empress herself into the building.

The building was equipped with a magic fixture to ensure light and exhibit historic objects.

Impressions are like the city's library.

Now the corner on the formation of Folio-Farina is over, and from now on the exhibition on the establishment of Parliament and the Path Finders will follow.

Until then if I say propaganda, but the content is quite interesting.

Such an exhibit and Verga in yukata seemed conflicting, but for some reason it was accepted without much doubt.

"There's plenty of land there, what's wrong with taking it?

"You've got to be sorry."

"That's right. It's worse to be robbed."

"Well, I don't think we can all be rich and happy."

Still, I don't agree with the rationale of taking it away and being natural.

"As I have said many times, if we are to cut off the likeness of our empire as evil, let us change it with the goodness of our son-in-law"

"That's out of my hands, and I don't know what's gonna happen"

"I see. It could corrupt you with your concubine's poisonous fangs."

"... don't let the party say it"

Originally, the merchants, who operated the city on a council system by the Folio-Farina Nine, but began rapidly to have power, reinforce their rebellion against it.

It was the Parliament of Folio-Farina that gave birth in the process.

Reading such descriptions, Yut sleeves Verga's invitation.

"But so is my son-in-law's hometown, but democratic elections are a long way from home."

"You want to say something about popular folly politics?

"No. I don't think it's... inefficient."

You can't just not look at her more than have a conversation.

I can't even take my eyes off Verga's side looking for the right words to put my finger on my lips. More than that, I can't do anything to that lip.

Yut concentrated his consciousness on hearing, not vision.

"It's good to make a decision by yourself"

"It would be dictatorship"

"Isn't that what your son-in-law is doing?"


Sure, he wasn't elected in the election.

But it's unwillingness to be called a dictator.

"Don't look like that. The concubine praises you."

"I don't think so."

Apparently the dissatisfaction was on his face.

Use your empty hands to rub your cheeks and calm down.

"I entrust it to one who is competent in everything. The generals and officials become the hands and feet that embody their will, and the people dedicate their lives to the rulers. That would be the strongest nation"

"Who guarantees the sanity of that dictator?

"So what will the Son-in-law do if he says that his concubine has craved a spouse?


Got hit.

Totally, in the palm of my hand.

No, is it dictated?

Either way, that was dangerous.

(Thanks for the weird idea of Zhuyin)

Had it not been for that one, I might have flustered.

And if you show the gap, that red-haired empress will attack you abruptly.

"Well, that's just too plain here. I wonder if I'll roll out to something called window shopping next."

"Oh. I can't help but look at the exhibit of Mr. Jii and the others. But there won't be windows when it comes to window shopping."

"What do you say? Outreach, maybe even whores will find out."

"What kind of date?"

"Well, enjoy watching..."

Verga is untrusted. But he laughed joyfully with a lustful look.

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