Level 99 First Territorial Management by Adventurers

7. Folio-Farina Offshore Naval Warfare

Called to Acorn, Valtrude and Arcia show up in the steering room of the Tubassa, dressed up in a space of about five metres square, with the exception of sleeping yuutos.

"With this, you can see it already."

The Velga Imperial Fleet emerged from the north, this one moored on the south side of the island, but if it's the foot of the Tubasa, it won't take long to capture it.

Receiving the provided binocular-shaped magic device (magic item), Valtrude observes the ocean from the steering room.

The shadow was found immediately.

"Is there a Verga in one of those?"

The Imperial Fleet has no sense of unity in ship types. The shape and size are variable, although only the point where the giant jaws protrude is common.


It's also a command post that controls the entire ship with an orb, not a rudder wheel. So it leaks a clear emotional twinkle. But without further dragging, Valtrude turned to his two comrades.

"Can you say you made it?

"Right. I thought you were already attacking me."

"Verga, too, may be surprisingly drained"

Alcia was right, for whatever reason, the landing on Folio Island had not yet been fulfilled.

"That would also be a matter of time, though. I don't think he's going to come home like this at all."

"That's Verga. I could say that I'm gonna make this city my first date with Yut a nest of love for both of us."

"It's really hard to deny."

"I don't want you to do that... but that's a pain in the ass"

Valtrude pointed out the Prince of Eyes (Oculus regulus), who floats around as if on sentry. He also takes some distance from the fleet, probably to avoid incorrectly deterring the magical effects of his allies.

"Val, what are you going to do?

"I know. Neither am I."

If you see it as evil, you storm.

It is often misunderstood, but it is neither good nor just.

I noticed the enemy fleet in sight.

We're halfway there now with no excuses.

If you were really just going to scout, you shouldn't have done Larsia to the School of Magic. He would have identified the opponent's enemy range and even acted alone to bring the information back.

So is Jonah. I shouldn't have let go of the Albino girl if she were to deal with the Prince of Eyes, not to mention how much means of travel she has.

It's that simple, I've never noticed. I can see how much blood was on my head and how dependent I was on Yut.

"First, priority will be given to rendezvous with Larsia and Yona. Take a little more distance from them..."

But I lost that decision late.

They are not just puppets either. While distracted by a distant fleet, the Sahaggins were leaping out of the sea and climbing onto the deck one after another.

"I wish I had a radar or something!

"I don't know what that is, but talk to Yut later"

Unpluck the Devine Subjugator and immediately move to the deck.

Already there were dozens of upright fish with limbs.

"I'm a little violent right now."

Reacting to the words, large eyes on both sides of the flat, long head glimpse the beautiful Cathedral Knight (Paladin).

Without being frightened by it, Valtrude takes a step towards the enemy.

So, it was the Sahaggins who frightened me.

From the top of the scale in front of them, the sahaggins were equipped with more scaly armor (Skyle Mail) and held trident and ship knife (Cutlass).

Fully armed, the advantages of numbers cannot be shaken.

Nonetheless, he was barometrically pressured by a diocesan knight of beauty that emitted light.

Know it or not, Valtrude approaches you in the same natural way you walk through the city.

The Sahaggins do not move as if they were fascinated. I can't move.

The light broke and blood broke out.

The same red blood as a human creates a pattern. Some of them may have been blue blooded sahaggins, but either way, the Dravael minigolems will wash them away properly.

It wasn't until I fell on deck that I realized I had been stuck with my armor.

As it were, Valtrude drove away an unholy intruder, as if to mow even the grass

However, when it comes to groups, there seems to be a certain number of people who are conspicuous.

A number of people perceived as unsurpassed wave up their weapons in an attempt to destroy a bow stone thrower (catapult) or a large crossbow gun (barista), not Valtrude.



The Hellenonian Virgin, who noticed the situation with a voice from the steering room, hits her heel and starts Boots of Wings, a military shoe of flight, which runs through the sky as it slips.

However, because it took the shortest distance, the height was only slightly over the head.

The other Sahaggins, who have finally taken off their relieved state, pound their spears and wave their swords at Valtrude, who moves defenselessly.

But they were all played in magical silver (Mithral) armor. A move that was not in my eyes from the beginning rather than a behavior because I put my faith in its defense.

Under your eyes, the sahaggins surround the stone throwers.

At the same time as they waved down their weapons, they cut off the effectiveness of the military shoes in flight. As it were, I entrust myself to a free fall.

Put the blade down.

A large sahaggin was pierced with a magic sword from the top of his head to his chin, and his body opened along his spine. But sooner than the return blood flies, Valtrude pulls out the blade and sets his aim for the next prey.

Every time she waves her sword, one enemy dies. It's not like they're weak or irresistible.

But the armor is torn like paper, the weapons are also broken just to meet, the attack does not arrive, and the blade is imminent even in an attempt to escape.

I had to wait for death to drink me. It's like a whirlwind (Worldwind).

It took less than 10 minutes to destroy the enemy on deck.

But it was also enough time to allow the enemy to pursue.

I took a breath and looked over my head, and the prince of my eyes was imminent.

Maybe we can get away with this. But if they catch up and get tangled up in a place of magic deterrence, they won't be able to move.

"Acorn! Forward!


Surprised, he was a hip-pulling acorn, but Arcia was not the one who was trying to keep an eye on things from the steering room and cover them with a spell if necessary.

"Mr. Acorn, let's do what Val says. You can trust your judgment on the battlefield."

"... I get it!

Whatever the degree of difference, the ship's operation on the Tubassa is not that difficult. At least, to the extent that acorns can be manipulated in a game-like way.

In other words, even in Alusia it would be possible to move the ship straight, and more importantly, there was confidence that there would be no impotence in this situation where Yut was on board.

Woven sails of magical silver let the wind shine wide and accelerate all at once. It's equipped with extra baggage called the Sahaggins, but at no speed.

"Well, let me show you something."

Stepping on the bodies of the Sahaggins, Valtrude mounted a large crossbow gun. It's easy to target, and it unleashes a great arrow (bolt) on the Prince of Eyes flying this way.

The spear-like tae arrow released into the air pierced the prince of the eye that flew straight over here. It falls into the sea with zero liquid, neither blood nor cerebral plasma, in a ball like a skewer.

He went on to shoot in five shots and defeated only that number of princes in his eyes.

But as far as I can see, a dozen bodies are still in the sky, followed by the enemy fleet trying to point this way.

"This is the way to go."

"Because I don't care what happens!

It should be noted that Valtrude keeps moving forward.

A floating fleet at the end of the line of sight. In it, we have enemies.

Besides, there was a good chance of winning.

"It's already started!

"Sniper's Feast"

Two of Larsia and Yona, who were at the School of Magic, fly over here with their real names and Petra. Even though it's traveling by spell or psychic power, its shooting is unmatched.

Countless arrows, accurately unleashed also with the help of a spell, went past their aim and decided on the steep point of the Prince of Eyes.

"It's a good thing the steeple is big. Yeah."

Next to satisfied Larsia, the albino girl refines her mental strength as she pauses.

"Elemental Burst"

This one had nothing to do with the aim.

A hemispherical explosion envelops the princes of the eyes and shoots them down with a blast of flames.

"In an instant..."

"It's too awesome..."

The ponytail and sidetail girls flying with us don't even have time to get their hands on it. The prince with the eyes who said it was so troublesome - at least for what he could see - was wiped out.

"You've come a lot. Everyone, come inside."

"Ugh. Dead bodies."

"Missed the wave..."

"It won't be the other way around"

Quickly after a job, the four of them descend onto the deck and travel to the steering room as they pass between the bodies. The lord was served by Valtrude, but there is no enemy pursuit.

"Dean Mel has deposited a scroll (scroll) that may cure the master."

"I got it. I got it."

"You see hope."

With his hands on the orb, Acorn tells him to feel relieved.

Acorn, dive.


But I can't live with that. Valtrude calmly gives instructions, and Acorn follows them. After all, the leader must not shake

"I'll talk more about it later. Guys, grab around there."

The hull of the Tubasa leans diagonally. As soon as I realized that the tip was facing the sea, I proceeded to the bottom of the sea at that angle.

"Oh, it's easy to clean."

"Rather, I didn't"

As a result, Sahagin's body, which had not been fixed, was flowing into the sea. Now, I just have to think it's a water burial.

"You mean there's a way to save Yut?

Though I fled into the sea for now, I can't stay long. This state also greatly limits our ability to attack.

"Yeah. It feels like getting Alcia to use" Astral Projection, "a star ghost projection, and going to wake it up directly"

"Is that what you mean"

True name and Petra's will, conveyed from an emotional ring. That and Larsia's explanation made it possible to see the situation.

"I don't know, I guess I'd better concentrate on Verga"

Arcia, Jonah, his real name, Petra go under Yut. Acorn remains in charge of the ship's manoeuvres, while Valtrude and Larsia face off against the enemy.

"Without Yut and Egg, we're understaffed"

I don't know what else to do.

"Ah, if you defeated the Prince of Eyes, you'd be able to defend the city to some extent with the Dean's spell."

"That's convenient."

Determine roles quickly and move quickly.

"Guys, I asked for it."

"Let it be."

Acorn, who spoke on the back of four people hurrying to Yut's cabin, is relieved by the flat but reliable voice from Jonah, who has returned.

Next, he turned to Valtrude for instructions.

No, would it be a federation that loved the same man? I know what you're going to do.

Just eye to eye. Understand that's not wrong, and smile.

"I'm sorry I got involved."

"I'll listen carefully to that apology after Yut wakes up."

"... right"

It all comes from that.

"Surface me. The place is the center of the enemy."

Acorn nodded silently at that instruction, which seemed reckless. Larsia laughs, too, that she has no choice.

According to Acorn's will, the sail of the Tubasa swells in the sea and the bow is diagonally upward - facing the sea.

A ship that rises at a rate that is no different from travelling at sea rises inside an enemy fleet by breaking the surface of the sea as it is.

At the same time, Valtrude moved to the deck.

"Val, you were so angry"

Arranged at the entrance on the deck side of the steering room, Larsia with a bow trembles her body and voice to say, but Akane gives a suspicious look.

"Really? It was always the same."

"Even in this situation, I'm always more afraid of the way things are."

That's right, and Acorn also agreed with him as he put his hand on the orb.

Anyway, this way they're less likely to be attacked because they're afraid to argue with each other... after cannons and other firearms start piling up.

If enemies can get in like the Sahaggins did earlier, there is no denying the disadvantage.

Still, Valtrude chose this place.

That way, be absolutely sure that the evil demigod will show up.

"Long time no see, Verga. And this will be the last"

"That's odd. The concubine agrees completely."

The two confront each other at the tip.

Good and evil.

The battle to determine the female male was about to begin.

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