The sun rises from the east.

While offering his gratitude that the world was still alive, Yut watched the dawn from the deck of the Tubassa.

I inadvertently shrug my neck in the cold that cools my body from the core at dawn. I was wondering if I should have prevented the cold with Heat and Cold Resistance (Cordiness), but I noticed that it seemed corrupt as well.

Leaning on the mast, he moves his gaze toward a pitch-black cocoon sealed by miracles and wishes.

shaped like almonds. Then there are many tentacles growing, and the rubbing sounds that make the listener anxious are ringing all the time. Something black that drips from time to time dyed some of the seals created by The Miracle (Teulgi) to the same color.

Still, the world is not doomed.

Safe nights have dawned and he is definitely the happiest person in the world.

I feel responsible for Verga being the door - not from. Then it becomes a question of whether I should have taken that hand.

That's impossible.

"You look terrible, Yut"

"Old man. To adolescent youth, isn't that terrible?

"I'm not sure about puberty, but I know young people don't say that"

Exchange a conversation with the Exile who has come up on the deck and has no other love. His low, heavy voice is now pleasant to his ears.

That alone made Yut's heart lighter.

There is no colour of fatigue in the Rock Titans (Jarloot) who have finished their death battle with Talaskus. The wounds are also healed by Alusia to the point that Yut, who picked him up in Moment Travel (Teleport) in an attempt to help him with this emergency, has ceased to exist.

"Well, it looks like he was badly hit."

Why Yut was relieved at dawn.

Exile just got seriously injured because he described it as a "terrible face."

It is the cage and the rebellion and the mourning and the temptation to which Yut takes his place and. A lot I can't say in a nutshell, because it was happening during the night.

It reminds me in conversation and shivers my body for a different reason than the cold of dawn.

"You should be careful, old man. I'm sorry if Mr. Sualum finds out this time."

"Sualum can't be like that."

I thought Val and Arcia were different, too.

What does it mean to not have acorns in it?

I was curious as to why, but Exile says nothing. However, I conclude that the words of experience should be respected.

Cowardice is an enemy, but prudence is a virtue. Especially for the rock giants.

"I know what you're trying to say, but I'm not that worried about you."

"Take a ride with Taraskus, I'll tell you what."

Yut's response was excellent, but lacked persuasion.

That must be because not only do you look "terrible" when you wake up and you look "terrible" with a slapped mark on your cheek.

"Well, this time it's my fault entirely."

Away from the mast where he was keeping his back, Yut walks slowly through the deck. There was nothing left to show yesterday's fierce battle.

Exile also accompanied him for a walk. Come to think of it, he hasn't even done much touring of the Tubassa.

"That's how I admit it. I think it happened."

"Because it's also ugly to make excuses - is that what it is?

Cleanliness doesn't always affirm everything.

While walking on the deck in the early morning, Yut was remembering last night.

Verga - after sealing up the helix of despair.

Having exhibited a strangely samurai spirit, Yut sat on the floor of the cabin when he finished his exile transfer. Did you make it voluntary, or was it the result of giving in to pressure from around you?

It is difficult to discern that, as soon as I saw the faces of the fellows waiting in the room, I did so with the breath of an abalone.

"My apologies for the inconvenience"

Immediate, full surrender.

Keep your head down while sitting on a solid floor, not as far down as the ground.

Surrounding the surroundings, the Virgin of Helenonia, the beloved daughter of Truss-Sink, the Lady Knight, the girl of Albino, the sorcerer of the other world (wizard).

They were uniformly silent and presented with such features as a grumpy trade fair.

There is a meadow race (Magner) away from the wheel.

He was smiling slightly, dressed with the chair backwards and backwards and chin on his back. I can't do this in a chair that was provided in Yut's cabin. It was deliberately brought in from my cabin.

Exile rests in a separate room shortly after he is seriously injured, and Petra returns home to her parents saying she will be worried.

"In the meantime, stand up. Hard to talk to."

On behalf of Valtrude, he urged Yut. You look in trouble rather than grumpy.

"Well, if you say so"

Though he toured, he did decide that the conversation was unlikely to go on, and Yut stood up. And move to bed. Everyone sits in a bed or a chair they bring in, ready for discussion.


"You can go to sleep, okay?

Only Jonah kept her body like a monster on Yut's back.

"First, I'd like you to explain what the situation is."

"So is that."

A small request for a real name to raise your hand is a good idea.

Acorns shouldn't fully understand either, but it's huge to be looking at the real thing once.

"Verga - where the universe is in jeopardy when a bad god is taken in by a worse god who destroys the world"

"... well understood. Being beyond people's knowledge."

From what I heard, we weren't talking about something to do.

"Then it seems that the question arises as to what to do, Professor (Professor)"

"I don't think... Temporarily, it's sealed."

"Right. I just don't think the seal will last forever. It is also possible that the spiral of despair will fulfill its full manifestation by taking time"

Even if my eyes were invisible, I knew they were pointing water at me with signs and emotion-sensitive rings.

In response to Yut's request, he mouths the most definitive reasoning at the moment by combining his own knowledge with the information obtained in the divine.

"Sooner or later, unseal it from here and infiltrate that inside. You will have to destroy or rescue the Verga that served as your door."

"I mean, dive into the dungeon and defeat the enemy. As always."

Larsia, somewhat off the wheel, told me to tear it up.

To do something about the atmosphere of the place, or are you serious? It seems both ways.

"Right. It doesn't change what you do. When Il-Canjual and Ig Nus-Zad were wrong, the world would have perished."

"No, I don't welcome reopening like that as an ordinary person... In the first place, how many times have we been doomed, this world..."

Is that okay to admire fantasy? But in acorns who don't have the skill to fight, it's also certain that we'll have to leave it to the Yuts.

"Okay. If there's anything I can do, say it. It can't be a big deal."

"Thank you. I'm just glad to hear that."

"Then I'll leave the rest to my fiancées"


My real name goes down to the entrance of the cabin and takes a distance. From here on out, it's lovers' time.

"Right. We need to be clear about what happened while the brave man was asleep."

"Because what Sempai did in his dreams is in my memory"

"Exactly, Professor."

Or maybe it's quick to show the data Machina has saved. But in doing so, there is also a risk that even that embarrassing confession will be exposed.

A cautious and competent first-degree magician set the scene for the rebellion while preventing an extension of the fire.

"It's not the time..."

"Before the world's over, I need to hear it."

"Right. I'm not saying it's impossible if you really don't like Yuto."

"Frankly, I care"

"... Guru. No, I'm not gonna end the world."

It is not at the level that the flag color is bad.

Besides, it's dishonest to keep it a secret. Didn't my father also say that the secret to conjugal enrichment is not to hide things? Even in silence, he said he could be hit with a strange sense of smell.

"What, well, it's like they made you start over."

Shortly after the transfer to the Brewers, what would have happened if I had met Verga, not the Valtrudes?

They were making me do that simulation, Yut said.

Life in the Ebony Circle, surrounded by things with evil phases.

In it, the process of appearing before the Deputy Prime Minister.

A training landscape leading up to becoming the Great Mage (Arch Mage).

Finally, meeting Valtrude and taking him off the spiritual world.

"No plain lies."


Finally, his real name and Jonah assure him so, and Yut's confession ends.

Exactly, my gaze and atmosphere were extremely cold when it came to Verga and the part where I was growing dear. I'd rather die than not feel alive.

So much so that I want to share this emotion with Exile.

But no one goes in deep.

After that consensus was formed, it was Acorn who reacted first.

"Brave man... Carve the word" self-weight "on your chest."

"I was desperate."

"Still. I mean, if that hadn't happened, wouldn't they have executed that idea?

"I don't know..."

Naturally, I worry about it, but I think it's unlikely.

On the contrary, I suspect to Verga that there is little ambition for the development or expansion of the Empire.

I am not flattered that no one in the history of the Verga Empire has thought of the policies that Yut came up with for centuries.

It's only an imagination, but maybe she had a vision of the future. A future where empires conquer the world. So it got boring.

It's the same logic that throws out the game that I saw Clear.

"Well, I get it. I'm back, so I won't say any more. Hopefully, I didn't want to remember that woman vampire..."

It was bad for education, and it was secretly traumatic.

"Right. I'm pissed off that I got stuck in Verga..."

"That's really not funny"

"No, that's something we're also responsible for. And what..."

Now I remember that confession and the end of the story gets smaller and smaller.

It was accepted because it was an exalted state of battle, but if they ask me again now, I'm going to figure it out.

I realize what Valtrude wants to say and Yut blushes too.

I kind of feel like I'm being publicly executed. Again, would it have been a failure to say it all clearly?

"Honestly, I think some yuuts are bad"

Rubbing her sleepy eyes, Jonah gets a dangerous feeling. But it was beautifully silenced, as was the behaving Valtrude.

"But what does it mean to be without me and Yona..."

And Arcia's interest, which has never been uttered before, is suited to something else. Will history change so much just because there is not one person?

Or because Yut has so many statutes?

As for her, at the time he came back, there was already no obsession.

That's because it's been called by name alone for a long time, and it's floating - not that. Of course, it's not that I'm not happy.

"Alcia, are you laughing?

"That's not true."

"Anyway, Val beat Verga. Congratulations, Yut's number one."

"Ugh. Well, yeah? Is that what's gonna happen?

"Yes, yes. But you have to be careful with your emotions!

Larsia claps her hand and laughs.

If I get in the opposite position - if I do something and get stuffed by Ritna and Elizabeth - I have a grudge as to why. I send my gaze, but I know it's just eight wins.

And because I'm inciting you to know that Yut is so introspective, the meadow species are of poor cardiac nature.

Of course, I didn't mean to harass you, I thought this would diminish Yut's guilt. True. Definitely.

- And at least Larsia believes so.

So even if I saw Yut being caged as much as I wanted by Vainamarinen, who has been intruding after this, I didn't do anything but smile.

It's better to have it scolded clearly, but there will be no later rot.

If you hear my heart like that, hold the feeling that it's going to be pointed out reflexively, "What could the meadow race have said?"

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