"Come on, Yut's finally getting into the graveyard of his life."

"It's not malicious..."

I stood in the sitting area and said to Larsia, who raised his voice that the race had been thrown, as if an acorn with an elbow on the table had been stunned.

"In that case, would we even be a grave guard?

Nor does the other party, Alcia, try to take it from the front that there is nothing Larcia can do about this.

Acorn looked at it sideways, behaving badly, picking one fried chicken and throwing it in his mouth.

I can't say hot, but warm enough. It's fried, but it's juicy. It also has a good bottom flavour.

"Mr. Kagra, you raised your arm."

Though precious pure edible oils are used in this world, that doesn't make this flavour possible. The temperature of the oil, when to give it from the oil, how to cut the oil. It would all be the result of an irresistible effort.

"I have nothing more to teach you."

"There, I don't normally eat"

"Well, I'll eat a lot"

"Yeah. No Yona"

While Yut and Valtrude went to report to the village of Ozlic, the rest of their companions were rolling out to Oriental. A one-of-a-kind restaurant with a straightforward store name was also growing in regular visitors and was perfectly familiar with the city of Falve.

As a result, I am free to rent it out. Then I just wish it wasn't noisy, but that's impossible, so I remodeled the deepest part of the seating to a private room.

In that private room, a meadow pedigree (Magner) swallowed a breath of fried skewers from the new menu wielded an additional hot valve.

"Egg and Yut have no more freedom. A bird in a cage."

"Freedom... Well, it does limit my behavior somewhat, and until I was born, I wasn't sure what it meant to be a parent..."

Exile pours in sake with a jock as he disperses his partner's defamation.

"Actually if you hold it, you can't help but be cute. I feel like I can do anything for that kid, and well, it's up to me how I live, but if you hold on to Yut's kids, there's no better joy than that."

"Oh, you look like Egg is totally on the verge of retirement! I'm gonna die!"

"Something to die for."

Rarely and grumpy, he said, poking the fork into a chunk of meat. No roast beef, roast pork. Similar dishes can be found in the Brewers, but the soy sauce-based sauce is the only excellent one here.

"What a splendid thing. Feels like you can even afford a married man?

"Though, I guess that's also because Mr. Sualum is the one who could have done it"

Alcia says to control the admiring acorn.

"I thought I'd hear about it later and graduate, such as the one-on-one challenge to Tallaskus."

She's a fellow adventurer, and even she knows exactly what Exile is capable of. It's not hard to imagine what Sualum, who was his wife and sister-in-law, thought.

"The point is, is that it?

Ritna opened her mouth as she silently listened to such interaction as she drank to lick the distilled liquor she had brought from Earth.

"You just miss your friends getting married, don't you?

"Oh, no, that's not true."

Rarely exposed to agitation, Larsia does not look like a mastermind (Fixer) who divides the society behind the Marquis of Istas.

"I see. Sure, if a friend had a boyfriend, it wouldn't be an exclusivity craving, but some feelings I can't honestly congratulate him on."

"Is that what it is?

Arcia leaned her neck against Acorn, who nodded that she was good at it, saying she didn't quite understand. This neighborhood may be a cultural difference, but thinking about it, what does it mean that Acorn and Larsia's feelings are close?

"Larsia, unexpectedly child"

"My real child told me!

That's in a nutshell by Jonah, who hasn't looked up from a plate in a long time.

I can't even say it back, and Larsia turns that way, sitting vigorously on a cushion instead of a duvet.

"Already, Larsia, lighthouse"

"Ugh. Out of the way of people's feelings, say that? Still a god!

"Terrible. You're an avatar."

"Almost together, right?!?"

Anyway, without Yut, Larsia seems to be turning to take it.

"Well, then, Val gets married first, but what about Acorn and Arcia? Feeling negative about jealousy or anxiety?

To get out of such an unfavourable situation, I usually flatten out the hard questions to hear.

"I don't think so."


"Uh. You know, I don't need to be an honorable student?

"Larsia, that's the kind of place you look like a bastard and yine!

"Are you about to praise...?

Exile raises questions, but the two of them don't move. To this extent, it is only a mild joke for the meadow species.

"From what I can tell, it's like doing something. Well, I know you decided that your relationship with Verga would be dangerous if it didn't come to an end."

"Oh, I knew there was such a thing?

"What did Mr. Acorn think?

"Simply, he thinks the brave are still early. Look, if it's Earth, we're not yet adults. Married and having kids since I was about 30."

"... we have more or less the same lifespan, don't we?

"Like 70 or 80?

"I'm relieved to hear that."

Yet the perception of Yut's fiancées was above the prank of the meadow race. Acknowledging Valtroude as his rightful wife, he says it badly, but does not break his position that he is giving (slightly) to the spill.

"Huh. After all, it's not like black mud."

Larsia gets such a relieved and unfortunate voice. If there had been a Riya God on this occasion, there would have been another interpretation, but that is a hypothetical story.

I can't say enough that I haven't seen this.

"Alcia and the others, weddings like Val, do?

Where the division was attached to Larsia's inquiry. Alternatively, where Jonah's stomach has been satisfied to some extent, she offers the following topics:

"I appreciate it... but it's gonna be a pain in the ass."

"You can't not not not do it..."

"Alan. Something's happening."

Ritna eats it with a look like she found a new toy. I don't think it's a minute god. Lower care, but that's also Tyrone, the patron saint of the meadow species.

"'Cause some brave guy's been seeing people for a long time. Now I'm going to report to the King's Landing."

"When you look at the busy gesture of the Temple of Helenonia, it's obvious that it will be burdensome."

"Isn't that good? It's a celebration. Once in a lifetime, in principle."

"When God tells me that, I lose my dreams and my hopes..."

I have no objection in the sense of a more precise expression, but my sweet fantasy about marriage disappears.

"Well, I can have a wedding on Earth if I have to."

"If I hadn't been given the Knight Sir, that might have been done..."

"Well, it's like a brief revelation over here."

"Wouldn't that end up doing the wedding twice?


Alcohol - is somewhat repellent, so drink the same juice of fruit as Jonah and have a head for the troubles that will happen in the future.

As a maiden, what about this perception of marriage? But this was what reality was all about.

"No, Jonah, what about Yut and Val's marriage?

"Not a problem at all. Rather, the roadmap to ambition has progressed"

Larsia, who has had difficulty pursuing a seriously troubled acorn, relaxes to speak to the Albino girl, but it is an unexpected word that has returned.

"Well, Jonah doesn't always know what it means."

"That's just not Larsia's thought enough"

"I mean, where is the roadmap? What a word..."

"I know Larsia's not thinking enough, but what's Jonah up to?

"Yut and Val are getting married, and in about a year or two, they're going to have kids. Then there's free time until Val makes a second one in parenting or something"

"The second one is definite..."

"Perhaps in the meantime, Arcia and Acorn will marry Yut and have children"

"Ho ho. Take it around."


Looking at Ritna, she nods gently, and Yona cleverly cleans up the remaining simmer with chopsticks.

I usually waited for her to continue, including Alcia, who could hold her back.

"Repeat that several times"

"Yut's like a stallion, is that okay?

"Where I want it. So, if Val, Arcia, and Acorn have two or three children, that's exactly enough."

"That's, well, I guess..."

What did you imagine? Akane affirms Jonah's blue photo as she unnaturally hands on her red cheeks. We're still ahead of us, but that means we're also talking about the future that we'll eventually visit.

"By then, it will be growing."

With a chested assertion, Jonah's plan was completed.

"Yona...... Confirmed? Confirmation"

Larsia asks for confirmation with the look of understanding but not wanting to.

"That means that in 10 years, Yut will have a son with the Vals... because the couple's lives will be over, so it's your turn next?

"Yeah. If you gave birth to three, you'd be satisfied. When that happens, the rest is the same as Alcia and Acorn said. Waiting in order."

Sure, maybe that's the logic.

No, we're broke. But there was something in the words that seemed right at first sight.



Both my youngest sister and my youngest daughter, the Albino girl's plan.

To cut and throw away child's bullshit,

"Fine. I plan to boil it down with Len so Yut can be concerned about it"

I don't know if you're worried about that.

No matter how you report this to Valtrude, the minute half of them hold their heads, a modest private room door is knocked.

"Mr. Acorn, we have a customer."

"Let me through. Right now!

"Yes, sir"

This changes the air.

When Acorn rushes to say otherwise, Kagra rushes back to me to call him.


As a matter of fact, this is the real deal. For that matter, it's like I'm purposefully using this private room.

Acorn slapped his cheeks tight and tempered.

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