Level 99 First Territorial Management by Adventurers

2. City building in neighboring countries

The kingdom of Rotosilt borders on the west, the kingdom of the gods of Chronica. These two countries have been gods of good and have also been friends for many years.

But at least from the Rotosilt Kingdom side, I didn't fully trust my neighbor. That is also evident from the placement on the western border of a powerful nobleman named Border Uncle.

The Rotosilt kingdom has the insistence that it has been invaded and bounced back by the Verga Empire for many years. In contrast, the Kingdom of the Chronica God takes pride in being a land of God's grace, such as fertile arable land and the existence of the Divine Capital.

Though never on the table, among the Rotosilt kingdoms was the thought that the prosperity of the Cronican god kingdom was because they were "walls". Conversely, it is also believed that without our supplies the Rotosilt kingdom should be hungry.

In this way, from the national sentiment - not to the point of hostility - there are, in part, two countries where there is something that must be calm.

Among other things, King Alsace bounced back the invasion of the Verga Empire, and the evil empress ascended to heaven with the work of the Marquis of Istas and others.

This has led to deep relief in both countries.

And this time, the city was to be created as a trading hub. This is also noted as a symbol of the two countries moving on to the next stage.

Visit to a new era.

Enough to give you that hunch.

You must not have thought that, for example, construction would begin as a camouflage to make a memento of your marriage.

"Are you sure you want to be in a land like this?

Only a few days after being contacted by the neighbouring Marquis of Istas, the bishop (Bishop) Gilronto, who serves the Nerla God, went as far as to guide the candidate.

Temple of Nerla, goddess of the moon, which essentially unites the resting capital of Nerkut and its surroundings. Its bishop, the elf man in charge of the out-of-court, confirms in surprise.

"Yeah, you're right."

Where to make today's inn. Much easier than that, Yut nodded.

And look around again.

Behind you, harsh mountain skin.

The neighborhood is wilderness - not that, but there is little cultivated land or anything like that in the mountains. I mean, I don't even see a settlement. There are just pompous people who make hunter huts and charcoal grills their business.

Is it salvation that the ground is flat because it is a basin? Size, too, is likely to hold just a thousand units of population, but so far it's hard to say it's a benefit.

If it's about Komura, you can probably handle it by digging a well, but if it's the size of a town, it's going to be difficult to secure water.

It was visible that problems would arise in the future, even though it was essentially only the hub of the transaction, since there would be a small number of merchants to visit.

"That means that you have the means to do something about it?

Bishop Gilront asks as he triumphs over the holy seal that designs the full moon. Not well-behaved, but since that time - when Yut blew through all sorts of impossible challenges - it had become a habit.

"First, I'm going to build a tunnel around there to connect the carriage railroad that stretched out of Mainz to this point."

Point to some of the mountain skin as you look at the wood paper with the simple diagram on it. Now I also thought it would be an architectural site if I wore a helmet, but the explanation goes on without delay.

"Naturally, we will also lay a carriage railway inside the tunnel. Think about the future, in a double line between up and down, right? And on the mountainside of the city, we'll set up a material storage and inspection yard."

"Weren't you supposed to take no tariffs?

"I have trouble transporting illegal goods."

That's right, the Elf bishop nodded.

But I got the plan, but I can't come up with a specific picture surface. It's easy if you just say so, but I don't see the means to make that happen as if I could.

"But let's develop a business relationship facility around where we stand right now. In the inn, the stable, the exchange. And some buildings that each chamber of commerce branch can keep. Well, it won't be that difficult because it doesn't need to be that big."

From him, who literally created Falv from scratch, I'm sure he does. Unless it's the words of the Great Mage (Arch Mage), it's what's considered a madman's paranoia.

"So fine, we'll have extra land"

"I guess so."

"So I'm going to dig a hole in that area and build a water field"

"Build? Water farm?


Theoretical Spells of the Ninth Staircase, "Running (Tidal Bore)".

An aggressive spell that summons large quantities of water from the source world of water and pushes it all away, but the water itself is clean and can withstand drinking. On the contrary, it tastes much better than the well water around it.

"In the meantime, let's see how it feels to add when we run out of water and find a fundamental solution sooner or later"

"... that would be nice"

But Bishop Gilront was pessimistic. In mountains far from rivers and ponds, reservoirs are not easy to build.

And this is only, leasehold land. Land that should be returned to the kingdom of the Chronica in a few years, or decades.

Perhaps you're going to hold the lifeline in anticipation of that. If you can't keep it, it doesn't make sense where you got it back.

Of course, Yut didn't think that far either. I just do that because I have the means to replenish it.

"I see. I understand you're going to use your theoretical spell to proceed with maintenance."

Perhaps you also think you can do something about digging tunnels with spells. The truth is that we use the jewels of the land, which are treasures (artifacts), but if we are mistaken, we do not need to correct them.

"Then all we can do here is to improve the streets and build the facilities so far."

"If possible, I want you to focus on making your way. Exactly, because I can't give you a hand."

It's a shame.

Blending about forty percent of the seriousness to the joke, the Elf bishop laughs. I don't know how far I could feel its sincerity, but Yut was also followed and smiled.

"By the way, what are we going to do with the name of the town?"

In a way, the most important issue.

When he tried to bring it up, he found a brilliant beauty at the edge of his sight and Yut accidentally set himself up.

If you had stumbled into sight, or if you had noticed it was slowly approaching, you wouldn't have reacted like this.

A reaction because it suddenly appeared.

Bishop Gilronto realizes it too, turning in advance.

And when I thought I was stiff for a moment, I moaned my beautiful blonde hair and knelt on the spot in a flowing act.

"It is an unexpected joy to see His Majesty the King of God in awe"

The priests of the Kingdom of the Chronica God are the only ones who should drip their heads apart from the God they serve. The Divine King is elected to one another by the Archbishop, who unites the five Divine Capitals.

A great being appeared to the planned land of a town without any foretaste and yet to be named.

The bishop of the elf, even though the distance was still far away, probably knelt in order to tell Yut who she was.

Yut also bows his head, not kneeling, but righting his residence, and welcomes a sudden visitor.

"There is no need for such gratitude. Because Seneca is now visiting as a servant of the Fermina God, not the King of God."

Cool, Rin voice, as if ringing a bell made of magical silver (Mithral). If something called beauty existed, Seneca, the Divine King, was precisely its bearer.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Your Majesty. This is Yut Amaxa, patron duke of the Rotosilt kingdom."

"Welcome, Grand Mage. I've heard rumors."

Take Yut's strong greeting with a soft smile and embrace it gently. I have met Verga, Elizabeth, Eudit and a woman in a noble capacity, but she is the closest to the public image of the "princess".

Chestnut hair is long and even close to the candle. If you untie the intricately braided hair, you'll be on the ground.

Overall, it is smooth, but will the height be only slightly lower? I don't even know the style because I'm dressed in a silk garment with lots of decorations.

But that would be the end of the story.

Not only that costume, but also the large almond-shaped eyes, her very presence shines.

(From what I've seen, you look beautiful next to Val)

As a yut, I give my utmost - but I can't tell anyone - praise only in my heart. By the way, in Yut, Verga is treated as a different department.

"Your Majesty. Why, to a land like this...?

Not even the resting capital of Nercoot, the land of the periphery.

anomalies such as the visit of the King of God without touching there and without taking a confession.

Yut, too, tried not to show it on his face, but he frowned. There should not have been any free-moving spells in the Divine Spells, like Moving Moments (Teleport).

Nor have I heard of any spells from Arsia that would allow the emergence of Seneca the Divine King.

Do you have any tricks? Or is there a spell known only to the Divine King or a special magic item?

But the thought is forced to be interrupted in her words.

"Seneca was commissioned and came to give you a book"

"Oh, to me...?

Impact enough that the vegetables are going to come out unintentionally and have to be fixed in advance. I don't remember anything at all.


A smile as if to melt a man's heart, worthy of calling him the earthly proxy of the Sun God. Just look, it warms my heart.

Yut remembers the fable of the North Wind and the Sun.

"Deliver this one"


"The Secret of Ducommerce?

Never heard of it, but the tip was in its title.

Make it the patron saint of Dwarves, the god of blacksmiths du commerce. The content can be inferred from the fact that its name is given. And from the reaction of Bishop Gilront, it would be valuable - possibly outdoors - books.

"Go ahead."

In her slender arms, having a metal fitting book would be a pain in the ass. Worry about the Divine King, who only distorts his expression slightly, overtook the question of whether it is good to receive it.

"Maybe this..."

Put it in your hand, it's the first time you notice. This is not just a book.


"They say it's a forbidden book. Whatever it is, it's the Book of Deeds that God himself wrote."

Artifacts that are endowed with magical powers are called magic objects, whether they are theoretical or divine, and those that are more powerful than them and have more hands or powers than people are called treasures (artifacts).

Technically speaking, sacred relics are also a form of treasure, but they are specially distinguished because the power of the gods, large and small, dwells only marginally.

In that sense - of what the Dravaels are overhand - will the Tubasa also be a sacred relic of the Hellenonian gods?

"How did you get this?

Now that I'm about to strike Valtrude's sword, it's just a boat across the street. At the same time, I feel like I'm being spotted.

"As I said, by the divine"

"I see..."

Let Valtrude own a new weapon and what do you want to do? I don't know the intentions of the gods, but I can tell by the look in her eyes that she has no heart. The more ridiculous it is to doubt, the more innocent it is.

"Thank you, I'll borrow it"

So Yut received it as it was.

Because it's not for me, it's for the people I love.

"But unfortunately, it's not just that. Even though you can return it, I'll lend you a valuable book."

"Naturally. consideration is that this Yut Amaxa must"

It is not a loan between countries. It was not even the Marquis Istas family, but declared it to be a liability of Yut individuals.

But I don't even realize that that's the other guy's - the Seneca's, not the Chronica Divine Kingdom's - as I see it.

"Yes, but the time is not yet right to receive the consideration. Right. Will you see Seneca again when the marriage ceremony is over"


The face to face with Seneca, the Divine King, began abruptly and thus ended in a short time.

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