Level 99 First Territorial Management by Adventurers

5. The Gift of the Cathedral Knight (after)

"So I was called in?

I can't even say I'm upset, but what are you doing with all the geese necks? and show in attitude without putting it to words, Larsia groans deliberately.


While distorting his expression to humiliation, Valtrude nevertheless bowed his head, though in a rusty motion.

"Please, lend me your wisdom."

"Also. I can't help it."

The teasing smile is intact, but the appearance is gone. Seeing that, Acorn and Arcia, also present, caressed their chests down with relief.

"In the meantime, wouldn't anything be good with the gifts of the Vals? That's" none, "right?

"That's the thing. Anyway, I want to give you something Yut wants."

"Well, that's hard."

"I assure you, it's easy."

To Acorn's words, Larsia replied with an exaggerated nod.

"If you want yut, you can make it yourself or get it."

"That brings us to the same idea…"

"And some of them already got what they wanted the most"

When the meadow species (Magner) says so, they look around at the fiancées of their friends who are semi-surrounding themselves in a meaningful way - what an uncommon expression.

"The conclusion deriving from it is one"

"Did it go on properly?!?"

"What did you think I was?

"I guess it's better not to say."

"Acorns are dry on me, aren't they? Well, whatever."

Larsia cut off her words once and put them on just a little bit.

Trickster who likes pranks and loves to snag the situation around. But among my people, I have the most experience in life and deep emotions.

That's the conclusion he came up with.

"You can't just dress like a kid and wait on the bed"

Accurate in a way. But a throwing suggestion.

If I say I didn't think about it, I'd lie. Acorn and Arcia try to stand up in a casual manner.

But it was overthrown by another one of the innocuous.

"... What do you mean by outfits you can't show your kids?

Larsia can't carry on two sentences to this either.

Of course, I only meant about 50% of it, and I had the soul nerve to make fun of the overreacting Valtrude...

"No way, I didn't expect a serious response from the front."

"I'm always serious"

"Yes, yes, yes. Come here, Val."

Larsia jumped off the chair and moved to the corner of the narrow Lords' Office, where she summoned the two. They weren't aggressive either, but if you can't leave them alone, they move in heavy footsteps.

"No, no, Val doesn't know anything, either, does he? Ozric Village wasn't that strict, was it?

"Of course, you know what couples do for a living."

"I mean, you don't understand or imagine that you're a gift."

We all crouch in, poke each other in the knees and talk hiccups.

Pretty unusual sight, but they're serious. I don't hear the content and I try not to listen, but it should be an important story.

So Valtrude also sat silently, undisturbed.

Exactly, I was trying to close my eyelids and shut out the extra info......

"Yut's gonna have a hard time."

"Well, the part about Val not being able to do is that we work hard"

"Me too!?"

We're talking important...... should be.

"In the meantime, there's no direction like that."

"Well, now I can't help it. I don't seem to have time or spare. Now."

"Right. Sidewalk... I don't think so, but let's get back to business."

The proposed acorn slapped his hand all the way, and the suspicious rally opened. Return to the starting position as if nothing had happened.

"Acorn...... What the hell is going on?

"It's okay, Val is. Stay where you are."

Put your hand on the shoulder of the Cathedral Knight (Paladin) and Acorn smiles like a Mercy Mother.

I don't know why.

I don't know, but I couldn't pursue it any further.

"So, it's a gift for Yuto. How about shoes?

"Shoes? Shoes..."

If you hadn't thought about it, Valtrude would crush it as it were.

"Yes, yes. You've been wearing it since Earth."

"You didn't break well."

"I used it while cleaning it up with the Repair of Goods spell."

The shoes Yut loves are regular casual shoes he used to go to school, although they are not ruffled to sneakers.

Still, I guess it was more comfortable than the Brewers shoes.

"But if you want it, now as much as you want from Earth..."

"So make it magic."

"I see."

"Sure, you might be pleased if it was something useful to Yut."

There would have been as many opportunities, but I didn't try to change them. I guess I'm not so dissatisfied either, so I guess it comes off the meaning of 'what I want', but I feel like you're going to use it.

"That's Larsia. It's different from us."

"I mean, at the end of my eyes, I think your horizons were too narrow."

"Oh, yeah. By the way, what do you want Larsia for?

Akane trying to change the story in advance. Too blatant, wondering if he would be the target of Larsia's attack, the meadow race pushes silently as if he had been plunged into the void.

And I said, staring away.


"So I was called in?"

When asked about a street of circumstances, Exile told him to roar in a low, heavy voice.

Looks like one idea came out of Larsia, but I guess that wasn't enough.

Anyway, even if it's a reward given by the gods, it's a yut who didn't ask for goods. It's not that I don't have any appetite, but I can describe it as dead.

"That's right. Shoes aren't bad, but I think they are."

"You better take care of your instincts."

Two avant-gardes talking to each other nod deeply.

"But this is a difficult question"

With Exile, even a small room becomes even more oppressive. In such a breathless space, sip and wait for the words of the rock giant (Jarloot).

"... you're a child"

"I knew I was going that way..."

"Yeah? I was just trying to say the most delightful gift I ever had."

"It was filthy! I was filthy!

If Larsia had been here, she might have been purified like a vampire.

"If I could have such a gift, it would certainly be good..."

"Sure, yeah. I just can't do it right now."

Regardless of the future, I have to shake my head sideways at the moment. Suddenly you'll just have trouble being brought in as "It's Our Child" etc.

"Right. It's not a dog or cat..."

"Then why not just a dog?

"A dog? I see, a pet."

That might be a good idea.

The fiancées, knowing their drowning love for their dog Colo, smiled as they felt. I don't know if your dog is for sale, but if you look, you'll be able to give the puppy away.

"But I wonder if I can take care of Yut now."

"Let's think the other way around. He said he might start saving jobs to take care of him."

Alcia's view also seemed to be a hopeful observation, but I cannot say enough that it is impossible.

You're a brave man.

"It's Yut."

Valtrude and Acorn nod each other.

At any rate, it could be both magic shoes and.

"The question is, will you accept that you're going to have yet another dog?"

It's not cheating, but it's unknown what Yut thinks, given to where his dog is, even though he rarely sees him.

At the moment when the story is about to be decided, I can let you break it with such allegations from Alcia.

"... I see. Are you worried about that?"

"You don't need it, you can't do it without it."

Valtrude and Acorn looked at each other again with a look like they had been showered with cold water. Though I'm glad I didn't jump cheaply, it's about time I even got tired.

Shoes are good enough.

Exile opens his mouth again where so much thought has diminished.

"Speaking of which, did you ask her?

"You mean Jonah?

"No, it's Dal-Lukash. If you're talking about Yut's work, that dragon would know best."

"I have an idea."

"... is that true?

Dimensional Dragon (Kronos Dragon) Dal-Lukash terminal returning to the office. I can't read any emotions from those hard eyes that don't reflect that light.

That's the same with Arcia wearing an emotion-sensitive ring.

"However, Dal-Lukash says at the outset that it is extremely difficult to achieve"

"In conclusion?

"A casual commute with the world called Earth. Dal-Lukash recognizes that this is what the Lord of Dal-Lukash wants most at the moment"

Several silences overshadowed the office.

If you ask me, it sure is.

No, everyone felt that was what Yut would want. I just didn't come up with the means to accomplish it, so I didn't even put it on top.

"Is that possible?

"It's not impossible. Let me skip the fine theory because it won't be understood."

"No problem. We believe in Dal-Lukash"

Full of overflowing vitality, Valtrude and the inorganic Dal-Lukash. The two stare at each other often from the front, easing the tension all the time.

"The current situation, in a cycle of about 30 to 60 days, achieves several hours of commuting. Apart from that, there is a way to allow a few dozen rounds in a 3 to 5 day cycle"

If that's true, I can face Yut and Akane's family more easily. Of course, with his real name.

More than I expected, I'm about to embark on something unexpected.

"I find it impossible to stop it more than I have revealed once. But as Dal-Lukash first warned, once again Dal-Lukash draws attention to the fact that it is very difficult"

"Okay. So, what do I have to do?"

Arcia says, "What do you see......" like a small voice frightened, but that's all. I leave my judgment to Valtrude without ever trying to stop it.

"There is a treasure (artifact) called the Infinite Portal, which is home to many gates. The upper version of Mirror of Furfrom, which became the material for dimensional doors (gates) with the Earth. No, a treasure that has become a big book"

"Where is it?

"In the treasure trove of the Red Fire Dragon Parra Vento"

Once one of the spouses of the dragon god Bahamut, Red Fire Dragon Parra Vent. Among the Red Dragons, the mightiest and most graceful, she was always imprisoned by too strong a desire for gold and silver treasures and banished from heaven.

Nowadays, he said, he is drawn to the wandering aerial garden Rimnus, snatched away from the treasure trove of the gods, or permanently sleeping on the treasures he has collected over the years.

"It is impossible to seize the gates of Nayuta without the cooperation of the Lord of Dal-Lukash. No, very difficult even with cooperation. But even now that we have lost the God-forsaken sword Divine Subjugator, suicidal acts"

Yes, it is.

I'd better worry about that.

At the same time, it's too late.

I know what makes him most happy.

Then it doesn't matter if your opponent is a fallen dragon king. Because even if you're a vigilant opponent, you're no longer a non-handed subject.

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