Regina Niebes. Meeting of the Chamber of Commerce of Niebes, among the trading cities of Hardenturm, present at the eastern edge of the Marquis of Istas.

Until a few years ago, the Nieves Chamber of Commerce breathes back with a deal of silver that was ordered directly from the new lord.

Since then, it has also blossomed back to the councillor who runs the Hardenturm, becoming at first sight a piping role with Yut Amaxa, the house slayer, who is also difficult to follow if not slightly.

He also develops a fashion brand he calls Vermilio in collaboration with his fiancée, Acorne Miki. I've never had an interruption in my order since I revealed myself at a glorious show.

Of course, this success is due to her talent.

But there is no denying that meeting the Great Mage (Arch Mage) was an opportunity.

Thinking of him, Regina's heart beats faster against the will of the owner. Not because Acorn told me, but I do have a fondness for Yut.

I'll admit it.

But I attended that wedding and they showed me the difference whether this was still the case. I see a happy bride and a groom nestled beside her, looking back at us.

Is that feeling strong enough to try to push Valtrude and others away? Or is it enough to want a mistress or a side woman?

That's what I was thinking, and rumors have popped in about the situation in Li Kutua, which leads me to make a pretty rough return to Falv.

If it was just a report, I could have done it with a letter. Besides, Regina can't notice.

In that state, I'm meeting him in his office. Akane, who only stirred it up, left only the tea.

"Um, were you sure?

"What is it?

I don't even want to know on my own, but you can describe me as familiar with Yuut's office. In the space for its visitors, Regina was shrinking.

The comfortable sofa is just uncomfortable right now.

Meanwhile, Yut includes in his mouth the herbal tea that Acorn prepared for him, with a question mark over his head. Enjoying its refreshing aroma and slight sweetness, I floated when my childhood friend left "Oh, my God. Think of the meaning of the smile" ho ho ho ho ".

Rather than make sense......, the atmosphere is naughty as well.

What are you trying to do? Does Larsia or Jonah have anything to do with it? It was an attitude that bothered me.

How easy it is to understand Regina's grid compared to Yut touring such a misguided thought.

Sure, this is the one who applied for the interview. But I didn't expect to be set up yesterday today. I still have that wedding - I just remembered it and I get a sigh of relief - even though it hasn't been a week.

Yet we're alone face to face. There, I feel guilty.

All the more so if you just have the awareness that you are delighted with this situation.

"Even if you're still off..."

"Oh...... I took three days off, and now I'm able to save my workload."

The length of the leave would be debatable, but it was a fact in terms of workload.

The busyness associated with the wedding will just exceed Yut's tolerance and, as a result, rely heavily on the power of the Civilians led by Claude Laker.

There was then also a takeover for the holidays, which definitely lessened his burden.

Plus, I usually go and get more work myself and ruin it, but now I don't do anything extra to get time with my wife - yes, it's my wife.

I mean, not until I'm free, but I can afford it.

"Speaking of which, what about Vermilio?

So there's also time to get into the chat. Still, talking about work would have brought a sigh of anxiety if Acorn had.

"Yes, it's going well. If you look at this as a whole, it's just as expected."

But with that colourless chatter, there was a strong light in Regina's eyes.

"You said it wasn't more than I expected?

"Because we originally estimated demand high. We don't do anything wrong."

"I see."

To Yut, who listens back somewhat unexpectedly, the young head of the Niebes Chamber of Commerce gives a muscular response.

I tend to think it's good evidence when they say it's more than I expected, but if you ask me, you're certainly right. That insight alone shows her competence.

"It may be time to move what I used to call licensed production to execution. There are also more needles, and sending a few members from the beginning outside as teachers will not interfere with production."

Yut remembered the faces of the women who were eating the doughnuts made by Acorn with great joy. Skilled craftsmen - even though their careers are less than a year old - have a strange and exhilarating feeling that they will be feathered.

"That's going well. If you don't mind, you can talk to the Dueira Chamber of Commerce in Folio-Farina. For once, it's the end of the business."

Conversation going on in a comfortable tempo.

So many favors.

"It was just more than I expected... ah"


Tell me, Regina suddenly mumbled. For some reason, redness appeared on the cheeks.

I listened back reflexively, but would it have been a failure?

"No, more repeaters than I thought for underwear for women..."

"Oh, really?"

A dry laugh echoes into the office. Definitely, it was a failure.

You don't need to be aware. That should be the case, but reality wasn't just moving on truthfulness.

Yut said here, "With that said, there wasn't any underwear that I or Zhu Yan knew existed, was there? I think it's a good hygiene thing, too," and I don't commit foolishness that breaks through the front.

"Oh, yeah, yeah. The matter of setting up an immediate research institute after a few conversations before. I think I'm just making a little progress."

"Oh really..."

Shift the topic, as if nothing had happened.

Regina rode it, too, as she rocked her luxurious hair and frowned.

"Yes. Dean Mel will be introduced to magicians (wizards) and alchemists (alchemists) who like research in the Vainamarinen School of Magic handouts."

An organization that commercializes Yut's ideas, such as the performance test of a preservative bottle of Bold Iron (Crystal Iron), to propose new products to the Chamber of Commerce in the Territory.

If it moves in earnest, innovative products will be feathered from the Marquis territory of Istas.

"That's a good thing...... Is the Marquis that understaffed?

"Well, whatever I am, you've done it."

Reflecting, Yut raises his hands.

Regina stares at him like that complicated. It is only a little regrettable that we cannot relieve him of his burden, even though we have no choice in our position.

"Well, instead of celebrating our marriage, we screwed it hard."

Incidentally, invitees, including King Alsace, have properly celebrated. Now, Claude's men are in the middle of sorting out the inventory.

As a drawer for now, Larsia is also giving away glasses of bold iron that she used, etc., but she must return the favor in a proper way.

Necessary, but troublesome. Instead, I'm in trouble because I don't really understand common sense. To be honest, I just want to hire experts to throw round when it comes to dating like that.

"So you have information about the situation in Li Kutua."

"Yes, this is what you were asking for"

You're too derailed, I recall a classical teacher in middle school who was talking about something that seemed irrelevant in the class itself. But such memories were erased from his head in an instant, and Yut pointed the water at Regina.

"Anyway, it's hard to say it's accurate because it's about distant land..."

The information of Oriental Li Kutua, told so in advance, was certainly an ambiguous story. Exactly to the extent that some detail has been added to the rumors.

"A warrior recognized by the ancient dragon is sweeping through several islands..."

One emperor, three jewels, five ancient dragons, seven islands.

Words spoken vulgarly, as constituting Li Kutua.

At the request of the Dragon Emperor, who lingered as a thought on the earth's jewels, he had sent out requests to various places to examine the situation in the East.

What was brought about this time was information from the crew of the trading vessel that stopped at Hardenturm. But she's right. It's deteriorating after distance. I don't even know if the warrior's name is Half Dragon Man (Demi Draco) or True Draco Man (True Draco).

"Were the five ancient dragons wood dragons, fire dragons, earth dragons, gold dragons, and water dragons..."

But all I know is the name. Just as the mystery hinted at by the Divine King Seneca II, so wrapped in a mysterious vale, even pluralistic Daiichi doesn't know the details.

The comfort chair detective Armchair Directive also seems to have its limits.

"Then I wonder if I'll have to go to the site any day."

"Until Li Kutua, is it?

"Yep. Once I went there, if I wanted to go, it would be right on Moment Travel (Teleport), but I guess I shouldn't just gather information anyway..."

When I tried to get rice, I had to move one of the Dragon Man (Draconut) villages. Now, what happens?

As Valtrude used to say, it shouldn't just mean to level Li Kutua etc......


Speaking of Li Kutua, it's the end east of the Brewers. Oh, come on. It's not the kind of place you can go. Yut always surprises me.

But Regina didn't hate it with wonder.

I talked to Yut alone, and I thought about it.

Talking to him is still fun. Very, very exciting. My chest hits.

Are you in love with me?

"That's right. Mr. Regina."

Yut's voice that interrupts her thoughts like that.

"Hey, what is it?

"I'm talking about something completely unrelated... you've never done business with the Verga Empire?

"... is it the Verga Empire?

That's like what they call a national bandit. Even Hardenturm, who named the Free City before embracing the reign of the Count of Istas at the time, can't possibly do that.

- On the surface.

"We didn't do it, but some stores seemed to have made deals bypassing several chambers of commerce and individuals. Until now, I don't know..."

"Is that how you do it"

I didn't think of that means, but the conclusion as I thought it would be.

Though it was in his dreams, Yut knows that logistics within the empire and the people who live there are not the kind (tattoos) of wood stones (me). So there must always be a commercial deal.


"No, I'm not talking about punishing you or anything like that. But can you use it the other way around?

As one of the councillors running Hardenturm, Regina speaks out of concern. Anxiety arose over her noticeable, crisp face.

He smiled to reassure him, and Yut explained in detail.

"Actually, I got a lot of weapons. I was wondering if I could shed that on the Verga Empire."

"Oh, yes"

Send supplies to the people and places you crave. It's a big business principle. If it were a country in civil unrest, it would be a market without any more.

That's right.

So I nodded unexpectedly.

"Yeah, no. Huh? But to the Verga Empire?

"It's not something that lasts as long as a magic device (magic item), it's just a normal or a little weapon up there. Then you won't be able to point it at me."

Yut was convinced that the kings of all races would never go on an outing. Obviously, unless you get your hands on this one.

Of course, there can be no total denial of the possibility of appealing as a successor by expanding the territory. But it would be far more likely to be poked through that gap.

"But where did you get that weapon from..."

"That's a secret, though."

Not to make sense, but yuut smiling a little tired.

I was wondering why, but I can't force myself to ask.

(Damn, you Larsia...)

It was the meadow race (Magner) that brought it in, but I can't tell you where it came from.

After I boarded the temple of Helenonia, which fell into Nara. We can never say that we did not waste the time lag that arose when we destroyed the Unslain Sword Demon and then returned to the Falv, and that we boarded into a castle called the Red Tears of the Saints to infinitely store a large quantity of weapons into a bag, etc.

Anyway, the incident itself, it wasn't supposed to be public.

"Speaking of which, he said the dragon was visiting us."

"Is it something similar? Well, it's something that sprang up when I got down, so I'm not sure I want to."

Quality is as I said earlier, but given where I brought it from, it's also early to hand it out domestically.

I can't tell you what's going on.

"I'll try to bring it back to the council. I can't keep it in the minutes."

"Seems persistent, but if it's not dangerous, it's fine."

Worst case scenario, I don't mind bringing it to Mainz and cast-melting it.

I felt it to that extent, but it should be taken for granted, the recipient's impression is different.

The fact that you were consulted while you knew it was dangerous means evidence that you are trusted.

nature, Regina's abundant breasts roar, her cheeks tremble.

No matter who else they are, they won't have the same sentiment. If you become aware of that, there's nothing you can do about it.

It may not be the same as the love between a man and a woman.

Nor because Acorn told me.

However, can I look for something I can do so that I can stay in this relationship with him?

Regina was beginning to think so.

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