Over the sky, there is a bright blue sky that cannot be served by paint. It was sunny as blessing that peace had come.

When I'm in the sun, that's all I feel as sunny. It's the Brewers sun, so maybe there's a blessing from King Source.

"Ugh...... That went well."

Looking around the audience, Yut nodded satisfactorily.

This is an arena co-located in the training ground of the God of Power.

As a ritual of thanksgiving to God, a mock battle was about to take place between the Cathedral Knights (Paladins) of the Temple of Helenonia, led by Valtrude, and the Knights of the Rock Giants (Jarloot), led by Exile.

The stand is also filled with an audience that has been transferred from Falv to Dal-Lukash to a major event that we have been announcing for some time.

But unexpectedly, there is less stirring. Does that mean they're all watching over you with a spit on you?

To be a football field, a somewhat narrow field.

Cathedral knight on its right hand side. The Rock Titans were in a fighting position in a way that was opposite it.

Though they said they'd lead, that's a formal story. It's only like a commander - a director when it comes to football - in a step-by-step position. Fully armed, but not in direct combat.

If those two were to join the war, it would be quicker to settle with one hit, so it's natural.

Yuut, who browses those two sets of fights, is above the main stand side when it comes to football stadiums. I was arranging a space for the organizers.

It's like a balcony. It's a privileged spot to watch. Arcia sits next to him and Yona on his lap. Acorn is scheduled to rendezvous a little late.

A short distance away are also seats in Larsia and Ritna.

The seats lie in the bench, even in the seats, in a misguided style.

"Time to start?


I nod to my fiancée's words as I check my time on my phone.

Both speak of the feast Divine Feast at the hands of Alcia, and morale is very high.

Too much time won't be good either.

Because there are still main events left.

"Look, just get out of the way"

Put your hand under the albino girl's armpit and get it off her knees.


He became dissatisfied and raised his voice, but as soon as he passed to Alcia, he became an adult. I seem to have decided that any more selfishness is dangerous.

While I don't think it's going to tighten up, Yut moves on to the front of the organizer space. A robe flipped showing that he was a good sorcerer.

It became like a terrace. I rode myself out of there and glanced under my eyes.

"Now we start a mock fight!

Declare concisely for a total of about 20 warriors to be aligned in the field. At the same time, the bell sounded from the city of Falve.


Order number one.

It was the Knights of the Rock Giants who took the lead and set it in motion. Weapon with both hands and penetrate with rage.

Exile, who gave the order, seemed satisfied, and Valtrude, who was controlled by the foreman, was staring at the battlefield with a sinister face.

force as embodied in violence. Like a bandit one day, a rock giant can just storm and panic.

The Hellenonian Virgin, who could only watch, held her hand unconsciously for a long time.

The army doesn't need tactics.

It is one side of the truth, and if we replace it with something that has power over the great army, the rock giants apply exactly to it.

wield all the power they have.

It's just that it's a threat and it's hard to fight it simply.

Of course, they can't just storm either.

Using throws forged in La Gu and elsewhere, it would not be impossible to unilaterally defeat them from a distance.

But the Knights of the Rock Giants didn't choose it.

There are things that don't suit sex, but I don't think Regra God will bless that choice. I'm not going to serve such a battle.

That was their insistence.

"It's time to settle down and deal with it!

Its heart is the same on the side of the Temple of Hellenonia.

Raise the demonized Longsword (Longsword) that you also used to capture the beast possession (Lycanslope), and Allena Norstin calms down her men's Cathedral Knights.

I followed that call and intercepted the rock giants in a formation that had been predetermined.

Both armies clash.

Strength and strength. Meat and meat. Steel and steel.

A rock giant spear (Hulbert) puts a hole in the formation, and the Cathedral Knight quickly fills it and uses his shield to stop the onslaught.

One after the other, the rock giants, who became messengers of violence, become the arrows of the second arrow and the third arrow, smashing the solid barrier.

Confrontation of contradictions and contradictions.


Cathedral knights who are defeated in formation and poke their knees. Though it should have been dense, the distance from your buddies leaves you and your polished gear in disastrous condition.

On this occasion, armaments rose to the spear.

But neither are the rock giants, who have shown their destructive power, injuries not great, but they are not something they can attack forever. Always, reach the limit.

And although the shield was also beaten, it did not completely collapse.

"The three of us will team up after the treatment and fight it."

Warriors of the Temple of Helenonia recovered by the power of healing "Hands" granted by God by the Cathedral Knight. There is no colour in those eyes to give up, and you have not lost your fighting spirit.

The Cathedral Knights, divided into three groups as instructed by Alaina, respond to the power of the Rock Titans with numbers and collaboration.

Of course, both armies are equal in number.

However, by skillfully positioning and measuring distance, we create a numerical advantage.

Besides, the Knights of the Rock Giants have difficulty defending themselves where the crowd matches. The warriors of the Temple of Helenonia managed to squeeze the first shot and dragged themselves to the battlefield they were good at.

Not flashy, but solid, to the war of attrition.

"I'll do both"

"Blah, if you're Val or Egg, you're going to win both of them,"

"Didn't the lord tell you not to work hard alone or something?

"It's personal."

Larsia, who rose from her bench, moves next to Yut to see the simulation. There is no point in seeking consistency in what the grassland species say.

"But it hurts that the Rock Titans couldn't win the lead."

"Right. When this happens, Alaina is strong enough to recover with a divine spell"

Just as the Knights of the Rock Giants dared to assault with their own pride, so did the Cathedral Knights employ an operation to make the most of their strengths.

That decision wasn't supposed to be a big one.

Because we're just like admitting we're no match for the Rock Titans.

A cheer boils down from the audience to the battle between the two armies.

Regra God will also be illuminating that battle, which has exhausted its dying power.

But there were also those who defied it.

Two shadows jump out of the audience and descend onto the field. Changed during that journey, two wolf-headed human monsters head down to rock giants and cathedral knights at explosive speeds.

They're in battle, they can't react.

They in battle.

"I've been waiting for you."

With a mouthful of mouth as if expecting it, Valtrude blows up the unity of the werewolf with an assault and takes another attack with a shield integrated with his hand.

The Horseman of Heaven (White Knight) also pulls out his sword, and if he doesn't let him do it, he stands still.

Exile also had Spike Flail, but he didn't turn up.


Mixed screams of werewolves irritability.

The prospect of infecting the veterinary disease (Lycanthropia) and causing confusion suddenly thwarted, so I couldn't help it. In the meantime, his companions were quickly driven out of combat, and his proud claws, which had smashed all enemies, were taken lightly.

Besides, that opponent is a thin, small, beautiful girl. The beauty of the wolf also made sense.

Because it can't even be comforting.

But in a way, he was still lucky.

The effects of the Feast spell include providing strong resistance to poisons and diseases, naturally including veterinary diseases.

Their manoeuvres are doomed to frustration from the beginning. Because I couldn't help knowing that.


Still, it's not over.

A remaining beast man in the audience beasts and at the same time acts of violence against the surrounding audience.

I felt it.

How does it feel to have torn meat?

But that's all.

The audience is still there. intact.

No, in the first place, what does it mean not to scream and not to run away in this situation?

An audience of hallucinations that act not only on vision but on all five senses, created by the Complete Phantom (Mirage Fact).

Even if I didn't hit the specific spell name, I understood I was in a trap.

"If you're dumb, you won't be humiliated."

Yes, the audience all vanished at the same time as Yut's voice sounded.

Three remaining beasts, who royally stand in the audience. The appearance becomes dewy.

"It's weirder to see through the real hallucinations of the Great Mage."

Sincerely, Yut said to comfort him.

More absurd. It was only then that he also had the confidence not to cause suspicion even in a state where the audience was all like the baron of gastronomy.

Strict security prevented us from entering the arena until a simulated battle began. Besides, there was the “setting” that the Beasts sent the audience directly from the inaccessible Falv, and none of the "Wandering Warriors” 'men had a chance to notice the trap.

Larsia drafted a two-tier plan that lured her in brilliantly.

Big catch done in Hardenturm. I didn't think that would be the end of it. The beasts captured by Exile, so to speak.

of fate. They escaped and are now trapped again.

It was for this reason that Acorn and I were supposed to rendezvous later.

"Surrender is not necessary. Anyway, when we get out of here, the injury will heal."

It can also be described as cruel, the proclamation of Yut.

"Elemental Missile - Enhancer!

"Sniper's Feast"

Ranged attack that was unleashed on the signal.

Forgot me and shot through the barbed werewolf, pushing him lightly and out of combat. Particularly crimped was Larsia, with four arrows instantly released, two pierced in each eye.

"I used a magical silver arrow, but it didn't make much sense."

Only one, the Fox Man (Warfox), remains in the audience.

But I'm not lost in the Fox Man.

Fulfill your mission.

For a believing God.

"My God, Murgoosh! Give yourself strength -" I am Divine One "!

So praying, the flesh of the fox man was enveloped in a pitch-black light.

The divine spell of the Fourth Staircase, which unloads divine power into its body and gains supernatural physical and vital power, further strengthens the powerful beast man, even if only.

Go on, jump.

Flew to the organizer seat, as if running through the sky.

Just because you are a people of the Verga Empire does not mean that you should worship other gods. But Yut and Arsia are slow to react to the name of their god, which they rarely hear.


There, the chain broke out.

Exile, who was on the field, stretches Spike Flail out one glance and fires a smashing blow to the Fox Man's spine.

Fatal injuries.

My body wrecks miserably, scattering substances that are neither blood nor meat.

But the fox keeps moving as if he's not in pain. Walking slowly, but definitely approaching. As if it were an immortal monster.

"Don't stop by."

Ritna puts a dagger in both hands and wields both swords without mistake.

It cleaved thick fur and muscles and dropped one arm to the ground.

Still, the Fox Man's walk never stops. I'm just getting closer so I'm not feeling any pain or anything.

- Towards Arusia.

"Alcia, back off!

Yut stands on that path.

I have doubts and doubts, but I don't live in such a way that I don't move here.


"Yona, please!


psychic power that breaks staggering thoughts.

A green ray emitted from Jonah's fingertips pierced the fox man's flesh and made a big hole in his belly.

"My God, Murgoosh! Allow me to dedicate myself!

Still, the Fox head to Arusia. Other than that, I don't see it. Already, the spirit has overtaken the flesh. Even the wounds are coming to an end, and there is no shortage of heart.

The madness that Arcia transmits from an emotion-sensitive ring that keeps her skin away.

to its heat and mass, temporarily forgetting that it is a battlefield.

But that doesn't last long either.


A second ray of destruction, emitted beyond its limits.

A temporary depletion of mental power causes the Albino girl to fall, and the meadow race takes it.

So finally, the Mad Fox completely vanished. Nor do the characteristics of the arena extend to the absence of objects to be recovered.


Worst of all, Yut, who was preparing to close in the Coffin of Reason (Forskofin), exhaled in relief. I didn't feel seriously in crisis, but unforeseen circumstances made me rise.

"Alcia, are you hurt?

"I'm fine though..."

Targeted to the end, Alcia was responding reflexively. I haven't even noticed earlier that they only called me by name.


An evil god who tried to close the world to darkness by putting the sun in his eyes with terrible power to stop the power of the mystery, but the Sun god Fermina, on the contrary, has the legend that his eyes were burned with sunlight.

In addition, the mythology begins.

And the burnt eye fell upon the earth, and a single-eyed king (Oculus rex) was born from it.

And the other eye Fermina tried to destroy, but spared the flesh of humans, elves, dwarves, and others from confusion and obliteration.

Murgush has ordered his followers to retrieve his eyes, but the method is a secret in secret. It is not communicated to the outside world at all.

Seneca II, the Divine King, considered the earthly deputy of Fermina, the Sun God, came to the Marquis of Istas and requested to participate in the ritual.

Murgoosh's name popped up not immediately after that, but not so long ago.

Is this conformity just a coincidence?

Those who could answer that question were nowhere.

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