"It's over. It's okay now."

Alcia smiled gently as she slowly released her fingertips, which were touching her eyelids.

"Come on, open your eyes slowly"

Tell the girl with three braids of dark hair, never in a hurry, to reassure her.

Pushed back by that voice, she wouldn't even be 10 years old with the scuffle remaining, she was scared. But it definitely opens my eyelids.

"What do you think? Do you see it?

"This is it, you see? I don't know, eyelids...... Yikes?

For the first time in his life, his eyes reflect the light.

Confusion precedes, and I see no expression of joy.

However, the effect of the Fourth Staircase's divine spell, Visual Healing, Cure Blindness, was well exerted.

Blind girl rescued from Murgush Cathedral.

Just like boys and girls in the same situation, the first time I was born I saw an archbishop of a different phase (Patriarch) who exercised a great miracle.

Alcia wears a crimson eyelid and half her face is hidden.

For a girl who sees a person's face for the first time, she can't even tell if that's normal.

In the first place, my vision is still blurred, and I don't know how to describe this emotion... but I can't take my eyes off her for rescuing me from the dark.

And I remember pride and happiness in the fact that a loving smile is directed at me.

Additionally, for the girl who blushes, it was still a asexual pleasure to see for the first time that the color of her own hair was the same as that of Arcia.

"Not really, don't push it. If it's hard, you can close your eyes."

"Yes, it is..."

I felt sorry for being worried, and the girl shook her head in advance.

In fact, I was gradually seeing a lot of things and I wasn't sure how to handle them and I was starting to have headaches, but I couldn't possibly say that.

I got a lot better, but that was the impossible, like complaining.

He took me out of a narrow, stinky, stifling place.

He put me in a warm bath, and he tied my hair.

Knowing what it meant to be clean, I was able to sleep for the first time in a soft bed instead of a hard stone floor. Most of all, the environment changed so much that I couldn't sleep at first.

I'm not sure, but they also fed me a lot of delicious food.

Where I was before, I was starving by sprinkling something very strong with just a little bit of flavorful water. I spilled it a lot because it was invisible, and I didn't have enough.

Compared to that, this is heaven.

Maybe it's called "Amnesty's Day", which was said by the person who was there. That's what I thought, and I asked the guy who fed me something delicious, and he said, "This isn't such a special place. But I've got a lot more fun ahead of me," he said.

I don't know why, it seems a little sad.

I wasn't sure what you were talking about, and although I couldn't imagine there being more fun things to do, if it were true, I thought it was amazing.

"Come on, come here"

"............... Um"

Anticipating the time, Acorn speaks to the girl. She has a gentle smile, just like Alcia, but for her she is the third person who suddenly came out. I will be the first to be confronted with its existence.

If it was just your voice, you'd have noticed it was your sister who fed you delicious food before, but the addition of visual information seems to confuse you the other way around.

I guess I felt her patrol. I say it gently stroking my head to dispel confusion.

"It's okay. Follow me with that sister."

"Well done. Let's eat something sweet over there, shall we?

I just sat down and got a spell, and I didn't do anything.

Still, Acorn praised the girl and shook her soft hand.


The girl learns that there are trustworthy adults in this world.

At the same time, when you see it, you don't have to worry about falling on foot.

"Thank you"

The girl walked out of the healing room, thanking Alcia with a full grin for healing her eyes.

Having confirmed that, Arcia secretly exhales there, deserted.

This kind of interaction has been repeated several times over the past few days in a therapeutic institution co-located in the Temple of Truss-Sink. That's right, Alcia can't treat dozens of people at once either.

"I'm glad it's healed..."

Out again. That's a sigh of relief and anxiety.

The fact that the healing miracle worked meant that it had nothing to do with Murgoosh's eyes. And I could also get the light back. It's a pleasure.

But the problem is the attitude of the treated children.

I know there's confusion, but it still seems impossible.

I was in a terrible environment. I understand that I have no choice, but when it comes to the same condition, I can't do it.

From Yut to Tordek, we are going to build a dorm for the children.

I just have to get my lost time back while I go to elementary school from there. In parallel, the parents of the children are also to be looked for, but that was expected to be quite difficult.

I don't know what else to do if he's already dead, but from the circumstances, a few kids should have "bought it out" by mutual agreement.

Isn't this even a compensatory act in the first place?

The more I think about it, the more my feelings sink.


I wanted to see him asexually.

In Valtrude, no. Even if feelings can be shared, they are vulnerable to problems that cannot be resolved physically.

Yut would tell me what to do after taking it calmly.

"Come on, Mr. Arcia. It's work, let's do it. If you pile up your work, you won't have time to think about weird things. '

- Actually, it won't be this far.

But his imaginary remarks made my mind lighter all at once. Nature and a grin come to mind.

"Yeah, right. Don't be stupid until you do what you have to do."

That's right.

As it is now, those kids can't even decide what makes them happy and what makes them unhappy.

Having suffered local reputational damage, Yut had left the city of Falve.

Even so, it is not outside the territory.

of the territory, but where it is not a settlement. So I follow the Lord like a housekeeper, watching over her speech.

"This is the land I entrust to you all."

It was never loud.

But Valtrude's voice, like the magical silver (Mithral) bell, trembles in the ears of the people in line.

Not everyone could see that Rin. But with just one word of it - even though there was something more bothering me - I nailed my consciousness.

"As you can see, it's still untouched. It'll take time and effort."

A wilderness not wilderness, but undeveloped, is the destination pointed out by a lord wearing magical silver full-body armor who believes in formal attire. It is large enough to arouse a new village, but the weeds thrive and the stone mix does not bring people's hands

Before Valtrude became a lord, Goblin and other subraces with evil ministers traveled nearby, and since the beginning of the reign of the Count Istas family, the land has been abandoned as understaffed.

"But I promise. that the land that is cut open shall be for everyone."

The expressions of the gathered people were colored by conflicting emotions of hope and disbelief. I want to believe it, but I don't believe it.

There must be a back, such as not only being freed from the status of a slave, but being offered such a breakthrough condition. No, isn't it weirder not to?

"So I want you to encourage me to make this my second home. Of course, we will spare no cooperation."

However, as if to laugh at such common sense, the content of “cooperation” is spoken of one after the other.

Food support, payment of iron farming tools, loan of bull horses for opening, tax exemption until they are on track. He said he would send someone familiar with agriculture from neighboring villages and elsewhere as an adviser, and that soldiers would also be stationed alternately in order to maintain law and order.

Extremely, the ship was introduced to its current residence until the house was built.

Yes, the ship. The ship is going ashore. That, too, three ships.

Weird. Whatever you think, it's weird.

He said they would free themselves, who had been captured by the beasts and tortured as slaves, and instead anchor the ships to dwell and give them even the land because they had no home.

So far, I can't think of any reason to deceive you.

Weird. Whatever you think, it's weird.

So, isn't it true what we're talking about?

"For more stories, let me come from this Claude. Well, good to see you."

Surprise and confusion.

Leaving such emotions behind, Valtrude approaches Yut, who watched by his side. Instead, this old Claude, who presides over the practice of the Marquis d 'Istas, took over the briefing.

"That was a good speech"

"Is that a speech? That one."

Looking sideways at Claude Laker's work, Yut praised his beloved wife. But the person is inclined to his neck if he is unconscious.

"To that extent, anyone can say"

"Right. But it wasn't convincing for me to say the same thing."

"The right material."

I don't mix it up with Val's seemingly difficult words... etc., Yut nodded quietly.

If you do that, you must be put out to attract the force moves of replacing the ship with a dormitory.

As for him, he had the use of a pirate ship that he had been unable to make effective use of after his capture. While I was satisfied that it was a good idea, I was losing confidence in seeing the reaction of the people who rescued me from under the burgler.

So I don't follow that point deeply, but I look around as the two of us shoulder to shoulder.

I had thought of only a few candidates for the planned colonization for a long time.

Due to the strength of the Book of Nothingness (Caios Evil), the area is larger than the population. Therefore, there was no difficulty in finding a suitable place for cultivation.

"That's a killer landscape, though."

"There is also room for an interpretation that is so easy to open"

"Again, no help with spells?

"I guess that's easier..."

Just eat everything and enjoy the benefits.

He thought that then he wouldn't have any good emotions around him, or, more importantly, would hurt their retention.

Efficiency is not everything.

That's why you're human.

"Well, not in a hurry."


In the future, if we were to accept people imprisoned by the Verga Empire or residents around the northern tower walls, it would not be healthy to rely on spells for everything if we had to do the same.

Besides, it wasn't about this business.

Soon, the year will dawn.

Elizabeth seems satisfied. I really went home satisfied from the bottom of my heart, but apart from that, food and alcohol seemed to be perceived as being distributed when there was an event, and I'm busy preparing for it.

And we also received an official invitation from Seneca II, the Divine King.

Still, there is no certainty about the involvement of Fermina, the sun god, with the "empty” Murgoosh. No clues were also found in the material collected in the Diocese of Murgusz.

If so, we'll have to actually check.

Alcia's, for someone important.

I don't know what the King of God intends. I can't even predict what the outcome will be.

Still, the option of declining that invitation did not exist.

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