"Let's talk. Why did Fermina call everyone? Let's tell him. The purpose of Murgusz is to empty the sky.

At the same time as the word, the curtain rises and the face of the Fermina God is exposed.

Yut, who stared at it in dismay, thought again.

Nothing, I haven't been across the vale in a long time.

Instead, they were taking care of themselves, which is the existence of destiny.

An elderly woman who binds long dark hair on both sides of her face and decorates it with a few candles.

Fermina God, wearing a crown that embodied the sun, wore a scarlet pocket with broad cuff feathers depicting a pattern of pearlescent mountain shapes. Luxurious to see. Now, you can't even guess the type of material.

The Fermina god, who showed off his vibrant oriental-style outfit, was so different from the statue of the god seen in the Kingdom of the Chronica that the motif itself might seem different.

Even Seneca II, which is supposed to be the closest of these, has an unexpected look to it.

But of course there was something in common with the statue.

It's its beauty.

And the most different is its very presence.

A minute god (avatar) was met many times.

Both the subgod, a family member of the helix of despair (Leliouria), and the beautiful red-haired demigod, decided the female male.

And the devils.

God and I exchanged words in our dreams.

Still, it should be noted that I am overwhelmed by this Sun God.

As wings too close to the sun fall to the burning ground, so that the eyes of the fool who looked directly into the sun are burned.

Just as people are powerless to the fierceness of nature, they have to obey before the glory of the goddess. No, I should have risked my own life that I had to fulfill that wish.

- If you hadn't met Valtrude.

"He called us to confront the Murgush God. Yes, you can think about it."

Undecorative, but beautiful Sun God's seat.

The voices of the Great Mage (Arch Mage) echo in that space.

As if that were a signal, Valtrude and the others also regained their sanity as they had awakened from their dreams.

"Confrontation. Yes, you're right."

Taking Yut's inquiry for granted, Fermina, the Sun God, continues the conversation.

Anyway, Fermina, I didn't mean to rule over the Yuts or anything, because I was just talking about it for granted.

"This Fermina put a lot of effort into the witch Seneca, but if you find out how it got here, I believe it will convince you"

"It's a waste of time"

Only Seneca II continued his attitude of admiration, but this was not also the fault of Fermina God. A god I admire is in front of me, and he speaks to me. Plus, words of labor.

There can't be a religious person who can keep his normal mind in this state. The self-control of the King of God is considerable because he does not weep and is able to answer properly.

"The emptiness of the sky has intensified its interference with the earth in recent times."

And Fermina, God speaks out.

However, it is not just words.

"Years of activity by our own followers are coming to fruition, to make the last push."

Put thoughts on words and pour together emotions and information that are not just communicated. For that, I guess I needed to get out of the curtain.

It also conveys the motto of the Murgusz faithful, and Seneca II puts on his face.

At the same time, the emotions contained in the current Word of Fermina God were thoughtless and frightening.

(Scared? God?

Leaving aside that question, the Word of Fermina God continues.

"Cunningly, it was the realm halfway between good and evil that created the holes of dimension. The clash between the gods of good and evil can occur when you rough things up. Therefore the interference also had to be cautious and the protection to the ground had to be scraped. Fermina's lack of power has put him through hard work."

There's no annihilation.

From Yut, the same speculation had been heard.

Still, it is spoken of by the Fermina God that person, Seneca II shows heartfelt relief. At the same time, I renewed my thoughts on the God I serve.

"Were you trying to send even the family of the Murgush God through the holes in that dimension"

"You're absolutely right. And without being fulfilled, on the contrary, the followers of“ emptiness ”were destroyed by heroes. But on the contrary, the shackles seem to have come off."

Leaked emotions are worries.

"The emptiness intends to descend upon the earth itself."

I can show illusions at the same time.

The sight of the Fermina God when he contended with the Murgush God.

The great spear waved by the Sun God and the “empty” battle axe (Battleax) clash, but only then will the heavens tear apart, the earth scream, and the sea crack.

The gods are a battle between giants that pierce the sky because of their even variable size, and they are showing it closer by visions, so how is the shock?

Of course, that doesn't end there.

mighty. The great spell of finally understanding even Yut and Arsia is flying as if it were the spell of the first staircase.

In addition, the families of both sides, including angels (angels), also wield power for the Lord.

If you look at this sight, paradoxically, you'll see how ancient people felt about the superimposition of natural phenomena on God.

Completely, people's boundaries and common sense jumped across, paranormal beings.

This is exactly the sight of the mythical era before the Brewers became the world of the Blue Covenant (Brewers).

Vision, but what actually happened.

If a battle of this magnitude has now broken out, not only of man, but also of all kinds of good and evil. No wonder all life dies.

of the visions, the shock of the words, wanted to devote themselves to the brush tongue.

If the Murgush God descends on earth, this scale of destruction may be recreated.

Evil God. It must not be a minute body, a body appearing on the ground, etc.

"If we can't stop it, the worst, the Brewers as well as the rest of the world could perish."

Nor will the gods of goodness sit back on the outrage of the Murgush God.

Then the evil gods will undoubtedly also intervene - the blue covenant may be broken and the final war between the good and the evil gods may occur.

Thinking of the mightiness of God, worrying about the catastrophe caused by manifestation, everyone loses their word.

The Virgin of the righteous god, the warrior of the rock giant (Jarloot), the brave warrior of the meadow race (Magner), the beloved daughter of the goddess of death and sorcery, and the white psychic (Scion).

"Murgush, you can't read God's intentions. I can't even feel the benefits."

- Just one, except for the visitors.

"I can't even think of eight hits where I'm going to ram you on the ground because I couldn't accomplish my purpose"

"That's right, hero"

Fermina God smiles and sends praises for the first time.

That's Yut, too, couldn't stop his mind from floating, even though he knew it was a compliment.

But it's also for a moment.

Because I've reached the answer that lies ahead.

(Oh, my God, that's not even a conclusion)

But we can't abandon the answer match.

Return immediately to your true face and continue to solve the mystery.

"Neither self-immolation nor misery. I have a purpose, I go down to the ground. Then the purpose of the Murgush God is -"

"Getting your lost eyes back."

Take over after Yut, and Arcia spins the word.

That means she noticed, too.

"Yes. I guess I'm going to go around killing the unconscious witch - the one who houses the eyes of the Murgush God"

"Oh my God!

Forgetting also that it is in front of the Sun God, Valtrude rises furiously.

"I would have given you a specific location if I knew where you were, so worst of all, I guess it depends on the allowance or whatever. Killing one unconscious witch, but killing 10,000 people, you won't remember the itch. Of course, if God is going to do it from hand to hand, he won't need a cumbersome ritual."

The diocesan knight further red his face to Yut's prediction that followed, but then blued in an instant.

"Actually, I'd be the first to be targeted."

Because I have heard words that my childhood friends speak as normal.

"Your presence has become too mighty, my beloved daughter of Trus-Sink. The goddess of death and sorcery is so difficult to hide from the“ empty "eye."


Alcia, just drool her head and be silent.

In fact, it was an unanswerable story.

"Fermina stops the conspiracy as something that has long been associated with" emptiness ""

"We need to do what!

Without blaming Valtrude for his cry as disrespectful, Fermina God spins the Word.

"Holes in Dimension. As long as you close that one, sit down. Yes, we'll have to make them grow up for hundreds of years."

"So much power..."

Hearing the surprise voices of Seneca II, Yut remembers that cyclic stone.

(It makes sense, you shouldn't get one scratch after all Jonah has done. But hundreds of years...)

The strength of its existence from not even referring to it as "the murder of God", while also making a difference on the scale of hundreds of years in the moment.

And I get a headache for the nasty.

"Now the power of Fermina and the" emptiness ”is antagonistic because it is ostensibly impossible to intervene"

Therefore, I want you to tilt the balance of that power here.

To avoid a frontal collision between the gods of good and evil, I urge the Yuuts, who are also comparable to the sub-gods but not gods, to enter the realm of Murgush and kill the power of that god.

The Sun God pleaded so.

It's not a request, let alone an order.

The overflowing thought undoubtedly echoed the plea.

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