"Well, work."

Exile and Larsia, who went to see what was going on in the realm, were also gone, and only Yut and Dal-Lukash remained in the room.

Fox-framed Dade glasses in hard, emotionally invisible eyes. And Dimensional Dragons (Kronos Dragons) wearing costumes that materialize energy are the same.

Even assuming Yut becomes a real god and browses for a long time, Dal-Lukash will remain the same.

That was quite a fascinating forecast for the future.

With that in mind, did you even think that you didn't want to work? Dimensional dragons opened their mouths to the ground.

"No problem. I won't give you a trial you can't do."

"Was it a trial?"

I didn't hate it, but when they say that, I feel like a pull. Who the hell is this trial from?

But I haven't been on Valtrude's invitation since the beginning, if to that extent I renounce my obligations.

If anything, a Message spell would fly from Larsia, and Yut, who changed his mood, gained momentum.

Then travel with Dal-Lukash to the office.

"Lord of Dal-Lukash, Valtrude Istas is not in the office because he has meetings with envoys from neighbouring countries"

"That's your first ear. Chronica, from the Divine Kingdom? By who?"

"Bishop Gilrond"

"Oh, that guy. Am I good?

"Just a tribute. Both Acorn Miki and Claude Laker are present."

"Well, that doesn't seem like a problem"

For the most part, would it be a far-flung complaint about shaking off an event in Lutetia, Kanto, and an invitation to do so again?

To that extent, no problem.

It doesn't go to Valtrude such as distant complaints, and if she doesn't like the ceremony no less than she does, she shouldn't shake her head easily.

"Well, shall I do my job"

When that's over, let me talk about the crude oil deal.

That's what I thought. I got into the valiant office. Yut was overwhelmed by the paperwork loaded on my desk - but I didn't.

Because the documents were in boxes classified and placed on the floor.

"Urgent, important, normal, settlement, reporting…"

Needless to say, it would be urgent or important. Fortunately, the number is not too high. However, by Yut's standards.

The settlement has been processed by Claude and other clerks and requires only a signature of confirmation. The report should be read through.

The paperwork for the ruling is less than I thought because Valtrude is now also willing to cooperate. Instead, or for what was absent, the documents classified in the report were quite stacked.

King Alsace looks difficult, an amount that even Chancellor Dieter Shakel is likely to sigh.

"Zhu Yan did his best to achieve this."

Though my head drips naturally in gratitude, naturally, behind me.

But I'm ready to intercept.


A first staircase theoretical spell that remembers the contents of a book read during effect time. It is not a photographic memory like that of Nice, the black witch who fits into the librarian of the Knowledge God, but can grasp its contents without exception.

It is also a spell used to memorize the laws of the Rotosilt kingdom when starting territorial management.

Its effect extends, of course, to documents not spelled out as books.

Grasp the contents at the speed of fast reading while reading through the letters with a slightly glowing fingertip due to the effect of "Learning". It only took about half an hour to finish reading the urgent and important documents.

After grasping the contents, the process is carried out sequentially.

I am not lost in judgment, nor is the processing speed unusual.

If King Alsace sees it, he will send a surprise and envy, and if Chancellor Dieter Shakel is there, he will immediately try to set up in his own cauldron.

Although using backgammon, that was not the only reason for the processing speed.

I hadn't told anyone, but I also felt like I was adding to Verga's Hypnos experience of being imprisoned and even deputy prime minister in the Verga Empire.

I can say it's like sleep learning, but I don't feel good about the past coming after me that I want to forget.

Shake off that thought, and concentrate even more. At some point, I didn't even realize that Dal-Lukash had disappeared.

With regard to the issue of the biased gender ratio in the pioneering villages of former slaves rescued from the Verga Empire, which was given as an important project, after checking the ratio of villages in the territory, instruct the village chiefs to consult with them as well.

Likewise, for the request to increase carriage railway flights for important projects, we brought in some clocks from Earth to deploy them to determine the exact time required before putting them on hold.

In addition, what is normally assumed is the estimation of documents compiling budgets, tax revenues, etc. I will use my cell phone calculator to process that, but again, I might as well bring the calculator in from Earth in the future.

- We cleaned up the situation, and before noon we could afford to read the report's documents slowly.

Cagra silently brewed coffee in one hand, the first thing I looked through was a report from Tertione.

Basic education, such as reading, writing, and calculations in primary education institutions, must be in good order. This is because he is motivated by the fact that he is paying the opposite by going to school, praising Yut's measures.

"Oh, you got a dick."

However, that adequate education takes time and that even though it is elementary, it still does not lead to the mastery of scientific spells. It therefore calls for expansion that education should be provided quickly and widely.

Yut was right on reading. It's in the elves. It's seriously short of temper.

"By spring, we will try to gather students by laying a carriage railroad in the village. So the master should talk to Dean Mel to get more teachers"

Yes, I acknowledge the reply and return it unscrupulously.

The next report comes from the Library of Knowledge God.

About half of Vainamarinen's books have been restored. At the same time, rumors appear to have spread, not only from within but also from outside the country, mages (wizards), sages. And the Priest of the Knowledge God (Priest) is gathering.

So I was bound to buy books from different worlds as soon as possible.

"It's more of a box of demands than a report, isn't it, this? Oh, speaking of requests, is there a demand when you install something like an indicative box? No, isn't there a lot of people who can write that many letters?

In the meantime, I'll put it on my mind's note trying to talk to Claude.

This is how I get more work, but I can't help but think of something. If it were my own territory, I would have made it 'proportionate', but it's no other Valtrude land. I want to do everything I can.

"Master Yut."


Kagra speaks out about when he was approaching the house slayer who renews his determination.

Yut's eyes raised from the paperwork at hand showed a Japanese samurai with a slightly sorry look on her face. I do my job better than I first thought, and I have to be a human resource.

"Master Regina wants to see you"

"Oh. I don't mind if I do now."

"Okay, I'll show you"

Yes, I bowed my head. Kagra came back with Regina, but that was considerably quicker than Yut expected. Maybe he was waiting nearby.

"Thank you for taking the time"

"If it's for Regina, I'll make as much time as I want."

Yut says in a straight face as he moves to the sofa for the reception.

To clean it up with a social dictionary, a voice with a large amount of genuine ingredients. Besides, Kagra as well as Regina stops moving.

Would lettering the mood of the two of us mean that unintentional strikes are sloppy?

"Uh. So, what's the story?

Perhaps he was pulled too clear at dawn, and Yuut, reflecting on the exact opposite, cuts out the story to deceive.

But Regina, who dyed her cheeks a little, can't react right away. Breathe deeply to calm your heart as you grab the hem of a piece depicting a pattern that designs the plant.

"This is about the sale of the weapon you were asking for."


Not to say that it is the weapon that Larsia has captured from the castle of the Unslain Sword Demon... but Yut enters a listening attitude.

"It is via Folio-Farina, but we were able to cross with some of the forces of the Verga Empire. Not everything, but it looks like it could flush quite a bit"

"That's great"

Good and evil.

Even though the nature of the creed is different, supplies will always be needed beyond being the same organism. Then it makes sense that the merchant who deals with it will be the bridge that connects the two sides. Even if the bridge is made of gold, it will not be degrading.

"Apparently, there was confusion in some forces, and negotiations came together faster and more expensively than expected"

That's what I said, Regina, who submits a written breakdown.

But while Yut received it, he was thinking of something else.

King of the races in the face of trouble.

Is that possibly about the “pale” Azur Srl who ate a handached tail back at Emperor Turtle Archeron? Or are you referring to Bergler, a “wandering warrior” who was seriously injured, citing bombardment from above his home base?

Both are indispensable for motives for seeking weapons.

(That's the merchant of any death...)

But I didn't do it for you.

Besides, if I hadn't been involved in the Archeron thing, there would have been a big incident, and I've been setting it up from the other side when it comes to Burgler.

(That's coincidence, coincidence)

Justify yourself so and turn your gaze and consciousness to writing again.

I haven't been able to cash in yet just because my forehead is, and in some cases it will be closer to barter, but it's pretty good as a temporary income.

Profits go up to tens of thousands of gold coins, except for necessary expenses and legitimate brokerage fees earned by the reginas.

Yes. Compared to my income as an adventurer, it's only pretty good.

Still, it must be income, and Yut and Valtrude's share goes straight to the vault of the Marquis Istas family. Exile's share will be part of the funding to renovate the equipment.

Even a few thousand gold coins can only be part of it.

Something seemed wrong, but only Yut's people had a paralyzed feeling that it was something like that.

"Thank you. Despite the impossibility, it helped me to do it perfectly"

"No, we made money on this one too. We've got a new edge."

Regina closes when it was a deal that nobody loses.

But soon the look clouded.

"It's a different story from this one..."


"In fact, the commercial guild of Wang Du had asked me to mediate in the Marquis House of Istas. I want you to meet me right now, and a representative has been staying in the city of Falve for a while."

"It is"

I can't even say no, but it's not going to be pleasant.

I'm sorry to put that story in my ear. It was Regina, but I'm not a yuut who cares about that.

Rather than being interesting, Yut raised his mouth angle wondering if something was coming.

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