"Brave man."

I stand unconsciously up and accidentally scream my childhood friend's name.

Surprised by the size of his voice, Acorn realized what he had done.

As royalty gathers, I can't even say I behave well in flattery. But in the field under your eyes, your beloved is being unilaterally attacked.

It's not what I found out about etiquette or anything.

"I wasn't strong."

Only a few times Acorn has seen the battle of Yut.

At that time, I could afford more, I was scared, but I felt safe, and more importantly, I looked better.

Yet now they are unilaterally caught up. I'm about to be slashed with a sword. Even if you know with your head that you will not die, your mind will not do as you wish.

"I'm fine."

Placing his hand on the shoulder of such an acorn, Eudit turns to an angelic, loving smile.

A heart-washing smile.

An attraction that is the appearance of the innocent girl herself and deserves to be called the Mother of the Nation.

"If you don't believe, who does?"


If anyone means it, there are both Valtrude and Alcia.

But that's not why I don't have to believe.

"Trust me, give me someone you love. And if possible, Master Alsace."

"Okay. Yeah, I believe it."

He seemed unconscious to think that Exile was just an overwhelming victory and that Yut was also... Then again, I guess it's partly because I didn't really understand King Eldrick.

Acorn does self-analysis.

If you haven't, you have to face up to the embarrassing mess you just made.

"Um... Are you glad I shouted your name..."

Seneca II, who simply missed it, rather than because he was neutral, is the best. But make an unreadable point about the air.

"Ah, ugh. Well, nobody's listening."

"That would be... By accident?

Acorn is driven by Seneca II's infallible allegations.

To them like that, Queen Laura turns an enviable look at her youth.

"Well, then, Elle needs to be punished later."

It would have been fortunate during the misfortune that King Eldrick was not here.

Because if I asked, I wouldn't have been able to stop the tremor.

"Again, this is what happened"

A little twinkle that won't reach anyone, even without the cheer in the arena.

Dean Mel, who stands on the field as a referee, was rather impressed with Yut, who managed to snuggle Erdrick's offense.

That's what I knew when I checked the pre-granted spells, but now Yut uses very few melee spells. It's a big deal that you can still stand with that.

But it was also a development just as expected.

"Attack, attack, attack. King Eldrick catches up. The legend you made me earn is alive and well!

King Eldrick's hero Tan (Saga) is well received everywhere.

Merla also has experience showing off in a traveling tavern or city square.

"I think the mysterious magician is trying pretty hard, too."

"But more than that, King Eldrick is pushing!

Therefore, it became a favorable reality for King Eldrick.

"Meanwhile, the masked swordsman is stopped by Prince Cress and can't go to the rescue! Pinch! Mysterious Mage!!

King Eldrick's sword moves are discreet and steadfast, back-to-back with his character. It's an accurate and stuffing sword. For the ultimate victory, he launches an attack that seems seemingly futile and directs his opponent.

The style of Longsword and Large Shield is Orthodox, but the dexterity of its handling is out of range.

I thought it was an advantage, but I'm losing at some point.

That's King Eldrick's sword.

Therefore, it takes time to reach the King's Hand.

"The Great Mage's Shield: Aegis of Archmage!

"Crush, Sorcerer Kill (Wizard Killer)!"

Nevertheless, it is another matter of whether that time can be used effectively.

The defensive wall Yut managed to roll out of time was lightly torn apart.

While upset by that, I probably didn't forget to take the distance because I started training with Valtrude since my marriage.

"This is King Eldrick's love knife, the power of the sorcerer's killing! The legacy of annulling every spell was true!

"Whatever it really is, don't let the magic seal you..."

Even if he doesn't like it, Yut bites his teeth into the reality and commentary that goes into his ear.

It also hurts that a spell rolled out of a valuable frame of use was deactivated. But the most frustrating part is the prospective sweet self.

When, were you pushed that far?

Hit your back against the wall, the moment you run out of afterwards. Yut, blew it all off.

"Good luck with that. Uh, it's gonna be practice when you're up against Vai."

He said, "I don't know if he's feeling up to it."

The color of Yut's eyes is changing.

Eldrick, realizing that, carefully distances himself - he didn't do anything like that.

Sorcerer, it must also not give time and space to an opponent called the Great Sorcerer (Arch Mage).

Catch up with Yut even more with the almost stepping stone that makes you want to set an example for swordsmanship.

Keep going and let go, sharp poke.

Spikes aimed at the head, not slaughter because the walls get in the way.

"A mysterious magician driven into the wall is attacked. Now you're settled!

That separated the two fates.

- Let's do it.

The magician killing blow cracked the mysterious magician's forehead.

To be precise, I let him break the mask.

"Chronos Eyes"

On the verge of the mask being completely divided and the face revealed, the theoretical spell of the ninth staircase was completed.

In a gray space where time stopped, Yut recovered the mask first and repaired it in Repair of Goods (Repair). Wearing it again, you use your own | "Flight" Flight spell and take off into the air.

Here, finally take a breath.

It would be quite advantageous even if I didn't say I could win just by using the spell like this, but I didn't intend to do that.

In the first place, chancellor Mel of the referee can't even forgive you.

So, what do we do?

The Differential Blast is too powerful and effective, and the Triple Spirit Spear (Hexa Gramaton) only works on subjects with evil phases.

Unlike any opponent you've ever fought for, it's hard to do.

"Trump card for old man, cut one"

Nevertheless, countermeasures are available.

There is a more helpful spell on the limited battlefield of militancy.

"Summoning: The Great Spirit" Sammon Elder Elemental ""

It takes longer than a normal spell to complete, so I don't use it all the time, but with this stopped space, the problem will go away.

I tore nine pages from the spell document, split into three pieces and surrounded Eldrick in a semi-circular shape.

After about 10 seconds, that page unravels, intertwines, and emits a great deal of light.

Time after time, the grey world was lifted and popped into the eyes of the audience, a sight I never imagined.

"Holy crap. Just for a moment, in a discrete gap, the mysterious magician flies through the sky and King Eldrick is surrounded by monsters -"

"That's a big deal"

"For some reason Arcee is proud to win, but this is certainly amazing!

Merla and the audience are stunned, and there's no need to be good at Alcia.

Fire, water and soil.

Elemental composed of the energy of the source itself. It's also a trio of source giants nearly 10 meters away. Because it surrounds Eldrick.

"The inhabitants of the source world are elemental. They are willing and have their own values, but sometimes they can help us by summoning them. If summoned by spell, it is not the main body, but the flesh of the tentative beginning -"

I can't stay for a long time, therefore, but my strength remains the same.

And Elder Elemental is a powerful individual among the elementals.

Alcia explained with such force.

It's worth the embarrassment and trying to take off my eyelids and burn the battle to my eyes. Yut didn't care about us at all, but it was a little shaky.

"If that's what you want, let's take this one seriously."

"What's too much?

"I'll give it back exactly as it is"

Yut laughs and says inside the mask as if to clear up his previous depression.

"But if you kill my magicians, I think you can send them back if you hit them a few times."

"Then we'll do something else."

"I'm looking forward to it."

Eldrick also laughed as if to echo Yut.

"Apparently, we can concentrate here."

The look of a flashing cress.

And from the reality and the audience's reaction, we learn that Yut has sealed King Eldrick in.

Nevertheless, Yut, too, didn't think that was all he could win.

I know it's just a buy of time.

So why did you buy time?

(Nothing else, it's time for me)

I have to live up to his expectations as a subordinate and a comrade of war.

Look straight at Prince Cress from under the mask and re-grip the traitor with both hands. No damage thrust with a shield from King Eldrick. The aim was to blow it up, so it wasn't originally a damaging attack either.

Alsace keeps an eye out for Cress, who is confused and still sets up a long sword and shield.

At least, I'll never let you go during this game.

Alsace swears quietly to his heart.

It wasn't like Cress was holding me back.

Rather, it was Cress who was stuck.

"Come on. Let's talk, Prince Cress"

"It's about talking."

Cress couldn't finish saying it until the end.

Alsace's body floats as the spring jumps from a slightly lower back sinking position, swinging down at once the sword body of the traitor he was supporting with his left hand.

The audience temporarily fell in love with the beautiful blow that flowed. Especially the queen watching in the VIP room, with her hands in front of her chest, as if to pray.

But the next moment.

Know that a beautiful metal sound sounded and was inhibited by a great shield.

But for Alsace, this was where it came from. Rather, it seems difficult to settle now.

"Do you regret being outrun so much?


"I'm asking if it's regrettable that someone else jumped over the path that I've decided to take."

Cress's face rose all at once.

Is it because Alsace is pushing back on his feet trying to cut off his shield with his strength? Or because they scratched my heart?

The correct answer is, both of them. But more importantly, which is the higher specific gravity?

"I regret it! It must be settled!


Alsace, whom Cress sees as just unfavourable, shields himself.

Cress stepped on the unexpected lightness, but in doing so he gets in shape and sees the blow of a long sword.

That was the first action he took voluntarily in this battle, although it did not reach the masked swordsman Alsace.

"I know how that feels, too."

"How dare you!

I'm here, I regret it, I wave my long sword unchastily.

There's no time or mould. It's the same thing you're doing. It can't reach Alsace.

But only thoughts were conveyed.

Speaking of kings of Alsace, didn't you tread a hundred layers of labyrinth with Vainamarinen and others?

As a prince, he fought resolutely against the Book of Nothingness (Caios Evil) and, even after he became king, repelled the invasion of the Verga Empire by himself.

Such a battlefield hero lacks words and understands the feelings of defectors, etc.

What the hell, which mouth says?

Alsace took that thought head-on.

"I used to be a hero."

Alsace speaks as he ignores the attack.

History of yourself.

Shame on yourself.

"But the evildoers were captured and rescued by real heroes. Twenty years later."

Those heroes saved the world.

"I, defeated"

And the hero was described in a line of nobles and entrusted with the management of the territory - where he also achieved success.

"I, defeated"

Saved from being transformed into evil.

"But what's a defeat?"

Alsace waved the treasure sword traiter unconstitutionally and slapped down the long sword he was headed for.

And, as it were, he snapped his unprotected, empty torso with his shoulders on his legs. Unmanipulate non-fatal areas.

Not surprisingly, Cress poked her knee on the spot.

The swordsman in the mask looks down at it and spins his words with passion.

"Is it the way to be given up to that extent? Can I lose my stacked effort?"

If it can't be good, Alsace goes on.

"It will be hard. It will be painful. You'll want to throw everything out. But others and so on are not relevant. I didn't get kicked down. You may feel denied, but you haven't lost anything."

The words of Alsace.

Cress listened to the words spoken spinning her soul.

Live and audience voices are far away and make no sense. My grandfather's battle is also out of consciousness.

King Alsace. Even a person deserving to be called a hero from Cress's point of view has a sense of inferiority. That gave me an honest surprise.

"Let's correct it. I still want to be a hero. Sometimes the throne seems cramped, but he aspires to be a hero as a king. This is a path that the Isthmus cannot take."

Smile on your mouth, Alsace declares. Proudly.

"Prince Cress, what about you?


Various thoughts come to Cress's chest.

At first, it was just admiration. No, even now, in the end, is it?

Like my grandfather, I wanted to be Eldrick the hero king.

But does that make sense? Someone better than me, isn't there a hero? Doesn't make sense. It doesn't make any sense.

I didn't neglect my efforts either. I did everything I could. Still, I couldn't win.

I was nothing special or anything. The grandson of a hero king was not a hero king.

I was beaten.

To my grandfather, to my people. I didn't want to see anyone.

I wanted to disappear.

But - it wasn't just me.

King Alsace, stronger than himself, says he has been thwarted many times. From that mouthfeel, you must have been jealous, too.

Still, he didn't give up. I got over it.

Such King Alsace says what he will do.

Do you abandon the road?

Or do you want to know the ordeal while you go to the top?

Cress moved her body loosely and picked up a long sword that fell on the field. Stand up like a dying beast to support it.

Exhale rough and still tear Alsace back from the front.

And I said so I could roar.

"Oh, you know what I mean -!

"Then I'll have to get my own answer."

Rather than say I won't give up here, how promising.

A different kind of smile resided in Alsace's mouth.

But one thing worries me.

Can you still afford it?

You can't turn around, and Alsace shrugs his ears at the battle between his friends and the hero king.

"Speaking of which, I hear you've dated the daughter of Folio-Farina's assailant senator a long time ago"

"... I don't know"

"How will Queen Laura be judged?

"After you had three daughters-in-law."

"I love you all."

"Huh. Kakeraya Tsubaki!

... The battle seemed to be moving to a spiritual battle.

In the sense of saving spells, I'd say brainy. It should be.

"Oops!? What do you mean, King Eldrick's move was dull. What the hell happened?

He said, "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Maybe he kidnapped King Eldrick's body, so he took it with him to lose?

"... it's usually a felony, it's"

It's just a judgment on hearing information, but I think I can afford a little more.

It lightens my mind.

Repeat several deep breaths, replace the air in your lungs with something fresh before pointing the traitor's cut to Cress.

"Ask to be prepared. If you can't release the blow I admit, it's to throw away your sword."

"Take that upon yourself..."

"Don't you get it? I can't help postponing it. Then it is one way to give guidance."

"Oh...... That's right. That's right!

Cress throwing up words of self-immolation and abandonment.

But there was anger in those eyes.

When Alsace nodded satisfactorily, a woman's screaming voice was heard from the audience.

"Kress! Don't lose!

"Satya? Why..."

A sorceress from the same adventurer party, parted in Folio-Farina. Look at her, who's not supposed to be there, and Cress rounds her eyes.

He must have rushed down to the front row. The man in the audience there gave a bewildered look and I see the guard coming down the stairs rolling late.

"Why, you must decide because you like it!

"Like what, yeah?

"Suddenly my lover! To Prince Cress, who was at a disadvantage, it was just a boost."

The venue continues to live.

"Come on, what are we gonna do?"

"Know what? But I'll do it."

Cress closes her eyelids and breathes.

I won't throw away my shield. Waving with both hands is more powerful. That makes sense, but I can't throw away the stained style.

Besides, with a burning blade, I absolutely regret it.

Cress opened her eyes.

All I see is a masked swordsman.


Let's go.

The moment I decided so, my legs were out naturally.

Tens of thousands of repetitive movements stain the body, unconsciously the long sword takes the best and best track.

At that moment I understood. I'm sure this is the best blow of my life.

"It's a brilliant blow. that readiness, I did receive"

King Alsace, too, acknowledged it.

But still, the blade doesn't arrive.

A tall metal sound echoes into the venue, creating a moment of silence.

Cress's attack, which looked like an inevitable blow, was, however, kicked back by a traitor who had slipped in as if he knew he was coming there.

"You can be proud. Because the best return moves can only be made with the best blow."

As it were, there was no way to resist the traitor's return blade, which would strike as a torrent.

Painful around his hips, Cress loses consciousness as it is.

"Besides, if you're the goddess of victory, you're with me. A gorgeous goddess."

The battle between the king and the prince, who thus aspired to be a hero, was settled, and the other king, who saw it through, declared an - inadmissible - abstention.

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