"Something's going on..."

Originally, the Falv militant party was supposed to end in one day today.

It was the Marquis Territory of Istas, where the majority of the users of Moments of Mobility (Teleport) in the Brewers seemed to be gathered, but it was just as successful that they didn't intend to day-trip their guests, and the extension itself was not problematic.

However, the post-tournament reception, which was supposed to glorify the winner, will be an intermediate event, and if I have to do something similar again tomorrow, I have a headache.

Apart from Yut, Acorn, who made adjustments around it and took a breather, returned to his private room in the fortress and sat down on his bed.

"Oh. Tomorrow, I'm looking forward to it."

"It doesn't make sense... Not that way..."

Acorns dressed in pyjamas dry their hair with a towel they've been using since the first time they metastasized - I always think they want a hairdryer - and laugh bitterly at Valtrude's deviant answer.

I understand that this Cathedral Knight (Paladin) is still more special than the difference in perception between this one and the other. Anyway, behind that, Arcia is quietly shaking her neck.

"I thought at an earlier venue that this fruit water is delicious"

It is Seneca II, the Divine King, who holds a glass glass glass cup with both hands and drinks citrus juice with ice floating. The girly trick is that a man would come in one shot.

Of course, same-sex opponents have aggression, but unfortunately for Acorn, there were circumstances that could not be seen as such.

"... So, what kind of gathering is this, can I ask?

"This is what Mr. Acorn calls a" sorority "in his hometown. I'm staying because of you. It would be a waste to sleep like that, wouldn't it?

Eudit, dressed in a royal silk nightgown, smiles softly. The look is neat and adorable like a doll.

"Let Yut or the King go?

"Mr. Alsace has a relationship with Mr. Alsace."

Eudit, who loves Alsace by the time he was morbid, but did not try to bind him to mischief. It was a sign of trust, but at the same time it probably included a maiden mind that she didn't want to be hated.

Of course, she's jealous, too.

However, to such an extent that he made a change in the placement of a samurai serving the royal palace to prevent a young daughter from entering Alsace's eyes, or was determined to have many children not to be appreciated, such as a side chamber.

Especially with regard to the latter, I was deeply impressed to hear the empress say that she had given birth to 5 men and 11 women from Acorn.

"I mean a sorority, or sometimes it feels like a second meeting in time..."

Not that it's that late, but I'm sure I should get some sleep tomorrow and when I think about my skin. However, given that acorns enter the room while they are sweating and that food and beverages are well prepared, it doesn't seem that the argument is at the stage where it works either.

"Well, shall we do the sorority? By the way, is that all you got?

"Lady Laura, unfortunately, is not attending."

"Though I was asked to, both Merla and Ritna are busy tomorrow."

As for Queen Laura, there are also King Eldrick and Prince Cress, and there are many members of the Path Finders. Given that, not if you're here.

The women of the meadow race (Magner) are sure to have a job.

If I wanted to call you, I would also think of the members who deserve 'sororities' such as Petra, Kagra and Regina, but I don't think they'd be happy. Like Jonah, you should let her sleep.

"Well, first of all, I'd like to ask, can Val stay here?

"Out of company? Isn't that terrible?"

Valtrude, who had become merely a machine for alternating between salted vegetable chips and a bite of Castella broth completed by Kagra trying a new menu, soon protests by inflating his cheeks outside of food.

"Perfect, talking while eating..."

"You're using the time difference."

Acorn and Arcia are speechless in the divine work performed by their fiancée's wife.

Because it's late at night, or because you're worried about staying in shape? That attitude of mouthing oily things was divine, without even thinking about the considerations that such women generally hold.

Because the King and Queen of God look with envy, no doubt.

"You don't have to be out of company, not with a brave man?

"It's about Val, so don't you think we should be able to be enemies tomorrow, even couples, etc.?


Reasonable reasoning spoken by Arcia.

Valtrude, however, neither affirmed nor denied, gazed away from the treat and looked far away.

"Something seems to be wrong."

Looking more convinced than confirmed, Eudit urged Valtrude to go ahead. Seneca is silent but her eyes are shimmering.

"Jonah told me. I'm not ready."



The Cathedral Knight (Paladin) continues with a distant eye, not realizing it but fiddling with the hem of the one-piece pyjamas, which caught him in different places in Acorn and Alcia.

"Oh. If I can't win this tournament, he wants to be ready enough to divorce Yut"

How do I describe the air of the moment?

Acorn stopped working in surprise, Seneca II was about to spill the juice as a grate, and Arcia looked heavenly at her loss wondering how she hadn't noticed.

"Love, right?"

"Oh, it's love"

There, for some reason, Eudit and Valtrude share each other, and the chaos claps at them.

(This is the wall with married people!?)

I realize what they have in common with others and scream in my heart, but I'm sure it's wrong. You must be wrong.

"Uh, I mean, what do you mean?

"Isn't it decided"

When I say I don't know why I don't do that, I say it with the tiniest breasts in this.

"With the wish of winning this tournament and being given, I will be tied to Yut again"

How do I describe the air of the moment?

Acorn said reflexively, "Ah, yes," then two sentences didn't go on, and Seneca II nearly blew out the juice he had in his mouth, but it seemed close, and Arcia held her forehead as if she could catch a headache.

"Love, right?"

"Oh, it's love"

Again, somehow Eudit and Valtroude share, and the chaos claps at them.

As for the acorn, "That's a romantic tale you deserve for a sorority. What if I like it already? I just want to say."

Anyway, I guess we haven't talked this far into Yut - and if Yut had listened, he'd be talking to one of them - and he really shouldn't have broken up just because he couldn't win.

The proof is that you don't think about when you lose.

"Val, could you be serious...?

"I've never spoken a joke. When I was in the village of Ozlick, I was told on several occasions that 'Val is a good joke'."

But the wind direction changes dramatically with one word of Arcia, who has the longest and deepest relationship.

"Hey, Val. Wait?"

"What's the matter, Acorn?"

Seems satisfied and full of confidence. Always a beautiful Valtrude, but only this time negative emotions come first.

"If the finalists were the braves, what would you do?

"Not at all. From the front, we only break it."

"Uh, then that means you don't want to marry Val if the brave man wins, right?

In the first place, Yut himself is not going to have a divorce, but he puts it aside.

"And if a brave man finds out about this, he'll be eight hundred."

"Hmm. I don't think so."

injustice. It is one of the most abominable to the Virgin of the Hellenonian God. It is something that is never forgiven as a cathedral knight and as a person, such as carrying on with it.

"But before that, do we have to win Master Vainamarinen and Lord Demon Swordsman to get to the final?

Seneca II, who drank all the juice as a precautionary measure, asked the fundamental questions while placing the glass on the floor.

"Sure...... I've been shown a lot of dark heroes."

"Master Vainamarinen was in excellent shape, too."

"It was quite an exciting sight"

"Yeah. If I hadn't had the experience of adventure in heaven, I might have graduated."

I was also surprised when Valtrude was caught up in Yona's attack, but not like that again.

The flow since Lela let Perla Vent eat up her legs, she didn't have to call it miserable. Even though he knew that he would recover from the blessings held by God of Power's Arena, the scene in which Cress and Perla Vento were skewered drew blood.

No, even if I knew, I wouldn't mind the acorn if I thought that was Yut.

In that sense, it was good that Cress, although not even healthy, was well recovered and in reception. The flesh and the spirit are separate, and there is no blessing even to the heart.

Nevertheless, he also had a solid foothold and had a conversation.

Still, Taisun Wang will not be seen as tough, probably because Lela and Archbishop Regnum were full of energy and appetite.

I also hear about his troubles, but as an acorn who has only encountered people beyond himself in combat and beauty since he came to the Brewers, I don't ask Prince Cress to wake up to the spirit of "approximate, we are ours" as soon as possible.

"Oh, that was awesome. But there's no shortage for them."

With acorns and alusia to peek into worry and anxiety, Valtrude drives normally.

Same as always, don't break your attitude of welcoming strong enemies.

"Besides, I'm not saying it's an improvement, but I might be able to influence Ray Cruz in some way by winning. If you think about it, you can't lose more and more."

The figure of Valtrude, who proclaims so, is a dignified cathedral knight, even in his nightgown. I assure you that it is not simply to discuss evil, but to revamp it to be good.

The noble Holy Virgin of Helenonia was there.

"But in the end, it's a divorce. You converge even though you're married..."

"Not to mention flowers."

If we lose, it'll be a lot of trouble.

Acorn and Arcia renewed their thoughts that yes but they had to win.

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