I moved to the fortress in Falve for a few days.

Lepre was in the courtyard of the fortress, eye-to-eye with an unspeakable beast.

Keep your knees wrapped in overalls seated with your arms. Stay still, don't hang around.



Heavenly Grass family dog Colo and, Rep.

One and one stared at each other.

Needless to say, Colo is the first person I've approached.

An orange-haired Pomeranian swayed his white tail loosely, and by the way, he approached.

Even though the mere presence of others in their own territory is an object of interest, it entails an atmosphere similar to that of Yut.

The encounter between the two was inevitable.



Moved first, it was a colo.

Standing up with his forelimbs on Lepre's knee, he licked his nose tip up with a rough, raw, warm tongue.


To an unexpected attack, Lepre screamed for the first time in his life.


I wouldn't have been conditioned by that, but Colo sticks his head between Lepre's legs, waving his tail in the mood.

Just hold it, with both hands, and Lepree didn't try to escape.

"But it's not offensive"

Not exactly a single unpleasant event since being brought in at the hands of the Valtrudes.

Clothing and accommodation that is necessary for the representations leaving the incubator and cannot be covered by themselves.

For a delicious meal, a warm bed. Plus, clean clothes, though unusual. I was given everything...... Lepre was baffled.

I don't see why I'm so valued.

What is the point of selling kobi to oneself who should die any day?

Pink knit, covered to the back of the hand. Reprès puts that and the colo he seeks skinship into view at the same time.

There, the Kobolds, who had finished collecting garbage, wanted to go through.

"Oh, you look just like God"

"He's a child god."

"He was the Son of God."

So you realized the meaning of the word, when the Kobolds showed their stomachs on the spot and posed for obedience.


The inexplicable and cold stare at the Kobolds as Reprès poses of obedience.

The Kobolds tremble wondering if they won't forgive me because there's no reaction whatsoever.

"You don't have feelings, that's not what you mean"

"Oh. You know why I especially like Zhuyin?

"Other circumstances were generally swallowed."

Then Yut and his real name showed up. A colo noticed it ran to Yut at full speed and glued around its perimeter.

Lepre stands up and stares silently at the sight.

"Uh. Yes, sir. It's a good year, so don't get too excited."

Saying so, he seemed happy, and Yut held up the colo. Comparable when you're giving up the kids, seems like a breakdown of rapport.

Ha-ha-ha, rough breath, a raging coro in Yut's arm licks his cheek.

And Yut pardoned because his true name stroked the bellies of the Kobolds. I'm getting used to it.

Now if you'll excuse me.

We're evacuating.

Say hello to the Son of God.

Re-back the basket with the trash in it, and the Kobolds walk away.

Again, inexplicably, Lepre observes its hindsight.


"What is it?"

Lepre, called by Yut and wearing an overalls, approached early enough with a small crotch.

"That was your first meeting, wasn't it? Makoto Qino... you know in my junior year?

"Younger...... is it like my brother or sister?

"No, sir."

Before Yut says anything, his real name squeaks in to make a sharp denial and make eye contact with Lepree.

"I'm Makoto Qino. I'm a magician (wizard) from Sempai and my hometown. This is a special spell document makina"

"Here we go, Machina, an artificial intelligence blend of highly developed magic and science."

"Again, you've made a great introduction."

An emerald-colored tablet held by its true name. Voices emanating from it.

Similar mechanisms existed in the knowledge of Lepre.

"I know. It's ventriloquism."

"Sempai! What kind of education are you giving?!?"

"Complaining, even to the Verga Empire"

"Oh, you spotted it well. Most people nod with a windy face that they know to be artificial intelligence."

"Makina, I don't insignificantly spit poison!

After a mild disturbance, such as a colo licking the head of his true-name nose, Yut finally gets to the point.

"I'm sorry to keep you waiting. I'm going to go retrieve the evil Trinity."

"Yes, Master Yut."

Don't show any untrained or dissatisfied.

Instead, Lepre nodded just saying he had been waiting.

"I'm going to a little dungeon, but I'm fine with the outfit as it is"

"Is it a dungeon"

"Oh. It's right where you can walk away, so let's keep going"

"Yes, Master Yut."

He entrusted the colo he was holding up to the Kobolds who had returned after finishing the garbage disposal, and Yut took Lepre to the pedestal of God.

To be precise, he took a needle to the infinite labyrinth of good and evil that exists there.

"Still, that's crazy. Isn't this where artifacts and I undertake affectionate education?

"If Sempai mentions that, I will beat Sempai in Makina"

"... I'm the one who committed the sin. Zhuyin has nothing to do with it."

Not Yut, but Acorn said that, apparently.

"I can't be responsible, really stop"

"Master, is that a gesture? Ha ha. Let's do our best."

"Why... how could you do this..."

"I wonder if it's because my real name happened to be in the same school as me."

"You have to go that far back..."

Lepre had heard everyday conversations like the comic talent without asking.

Never got into a circle, but never uncomfortable, having one conversation with the two of you.

"Oh, I'm finally here."

"We're all set."

Walking a lot and waiting at the entrance to the labyrinth was a combination of meadow species (Magner) and rock giants (Jarloot).

Both are fully armed, but no one else.

This is all I ask, I don't say it to my mouth, but Lepre asks with his gaze.

My real name must have been the same. This one was actually in my mouth.

"What happened to Mr. Valtrude and the others?

"Leave a message."

"... you've convinced me well"

'Cause they're the other guy.'

Valtrude and Alcia are too weak (...). That's why they managed to persuade them to stay.

"Sometimes Yona is a little too strong (...)"

"Sure, I'm sure it's strong..."

If I say that, Yut, as well as Larsia and Exile, are over-specs.

However, Yut will not answer and will use some grant and support spells, such as the magic that ensures the lights.

Finally, light tacts - alchemy tools that emit bright light when folded - were prepared for the number of people.

"It's like a live venue."

"Okay, let's go."

Larsia, the bandit (Rogue), leads the way. The Exile then continues, pinching his real name and rep and the tail is Yut.

Just recently done with, mossy, timeless downstairs.

Through the door ahead - wrapped in rainbow light, it was transferred to the labyrinth.

Dark, airy spaces. At the end of the gaze, a stone aisle with no joints. The entrance to the labyrinth where you can even feel the temper.

When my true name shook up unexpectedly at the evil atmosphere, my voice echoed without any shards of tension.

"All of a sudden, it sounds like a hit."

"I guess that means I want to see you over there."

Yut smiles as he sees the sacred mark of the giant Dasktum God painted on the floor. Quick as you can.

"Does Dasktum God own a replica of the evil triumph Ligereia Trinity?

"I see a good chance of that"

In the first formation, we proceed carefully through the labyrinth, answering the questions of Lepre.

But it's not like I can't afford it at all.

The Yuts are completely natural. To that anxiety, his true name, though wary, opens his mouth for questions.

"Speaking of which, why am I with you?

"Game, you can do it, right?

"Leave it to me, Professor. I won't lose to any CPU."

"You must be the CPU"

Regardless of the game, it's good to have more experience with labyrinth strategy.

At this time, I thought so.

"There's a room ahead."

As Larsia said leading, he went out into a space that opened up a little bit.

The first one out was a hemispherical room with a radius of about 10 meters. In the back there was a passage leading to the next room, with a silver sphere floating in the center of the room.

"Yut, what is that?


Magical knowledge, memories of the literature we have seen in the past, and waves of magic transmitted without having to do anything special.

All in all, Yut affirms.

"Save me the details, but don't die if I touch you"

"Oh, my God."

"That's common."

"Yeah? That's dangerous..."

In fact, within this labyrinth, even if he dies, he is sent to the graveyard of the adjacent goddess of death and sorcery to be resurrected.

That's why there were few schemes to die instantly. In such a vicious trap, faith hearts do not gather.

It was my true name diving into the labyrinth many times as a training, but that's how dangerous the trap is. Besides, I hadn't experienced anything like coming out first.

"Sure, it's common in gamebooks"

Once done and a wide defensive range of makinas, where I was good at pointing it out, Exile moves.

Not to mention nothing, he waved a giant spike flail like an anchor, with a range as high as 10 meters, which flies through the void a few meters away from the silver sphere.

- but the silver sphere tracks it.

"Whoa, it's dangerous"

On the verge of a collision, pull Spike Flail to evade.

Apparently, it's not the same thing if you don't come near it.

"Well, I guess I'll leave this place to Dr. Yut"

"I'll take care of it."

Whether it is a death trap, the principle is magic.

If so, there is no trap that can't be cut through by Yut.

"Antimagic Sphere in the Exorcist Realm"

Yut rips eight pages from the spell and unfolds around. That turned into a membrane of light, covering the whole room.

An area of magic deterrence occurs around Yut, and a silver sphere falls to the ground, as if to prove it.

The same thing happened to Exile's autonomously running shield - a rock giant (Jarloot) grabbed it during the fall.

"Well, let's move on"

Magic lights will disappear, but light tact night light is fine because of different principles.

On the arm that lightly deactivated the destrap, of course the real name. Makina and Lepre will also go silently to the other side - and.

Suddenly, a giant eel crawled from all directions.

Apparently, on the back of a wall made of magic, he was hiding a monster. It seems to be the mechanism by which it was disabled and emerged.

It was the Green Crowler that showed up. A monster that chews everything up and cleans the dungeon, whether it's corpse meat or the remains of a weapon.

Plus, it's far more gigantic than a normal species. Each and every one of them is twice as big as the Exile.

Even humans are likely to be lightly nourished.

Even before that, Yut just frowned a little.

"Oh, would you prefer Magic Dismantling (Isolation)?"

The "Antimagic Sphere" of the Exorcised Realm is the eighth staircase. Meanwhile, Demolition of Magic (Isolation) is a theoretical spell on the Ninth Staircase. Yut laughs bitterly, wondering if it was on his back that he was warm.

"What, good warm up"

"Yes, fine. Yut's failure can be sold to Grandpa the Great Sage for a good price."

"You're not selling friends!

"Friends? Who?

Similar mechanisms existed in the Cathedral of the Murgush God.

Don't panic and make no noise, Exile waves Spike Flail. Violence ravages like a great vortex like a tornado, crushing green crowlers.

Whether it's a monster or not, it's a life form.

"Again, if you hit him, he dies"

"If there's a steeple, no problem"

Larsia's bow also desperately kills the Green Crowler every single shot, and doesn't try to get any closer.

It's not alert, but it doesn't make room.

That's because of the difference in isolated power.


"I'm going to get used to it, but you surprise me..."


Lepre frankly agreed with the words of his real name, keeping his expression fixed.

"I was about to confront these people, to the barbaric courage of the remnants of the Verga Empire"

"No body, no lid..."

It's shooting straight, in a way, and Bloodsucking Marquis Zieg Alto Crewing is dead, citing a conspiracy to give Acorn a glimpse.

The king of the beasts, the "wandering warrior” Burgler, is also under exact retribution.

Why, even if I miss this self, I don't see it as any problem.

Lepre was in the mood for a glimpse of one end of the reason.

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