"Larsia's... grandson...?

"Yes. This is the first time, isn't it, Master Yut? Larsia's grandson, my name is Calcea."

The laboratory occupied by the dragon.

At its deepest end, a polite bow was a boy dressed in a silver wagon uniform - a special-order that also assumed NBC weapons.

It may not be tall enough to describe it as a boy, but it's 20th century common sense. As long as it's 2070s technology that even completes the systemic body, it's no wonder who's got any look.

It is in these days that extreme stories, human beings who have only had their heads shaped or replaced by animals, are walking wide.

Yut, who doesn't know that common sense, is surprised.

After all, he's a man of the past.

He is Yut's grandson - yet, not entirely admitted - the second-degree combat magician Ashinaga Qin (Mai Na) thought so.

But the reality was different.

"Larsia's... grandson... but...?

Yut is not surprised because the world's most powerful emergency service, the Silver Wagon team leader, had the appearance to describe him as a toddler rather than a boy.

Nor was it because even Larsia's grandson was on Earth.

"After all, my grandfather seemed quite devastated"

"Oh, yeah. I'm sorry, but the..."

Larsia's grandson was on Earth.

That's natural in a way if you think about Larsia.

It's good to be a part of the Silver Wagon.

But, but.

"Why, to the priest (Priest)...?

"That's a very far-reaching question."

Calcea strokes her perfectly seventy-three pieces of hair while fixing the position of the black edge glasses.

Even though his face looks like Larsia, he's like a serious banker.

Its appearance was also a factor that made Yut uncomfortable, but from Narcotics's point of view it only looked like a strong but physician outfit.

"No, I don't want to do religious rigging... Which divinity, by the way?

"The Great One who reassures the souls of the dead and protects sorcery. Truss-Sink God."

"Tyrone, aren't you even a god... Is that Arcia's influence? No, if I were in Falv, would I be a Truss-Sink God or a Hellenonian God...... Thinking about it that way, was it more than Val's influence?

"Truss-Sink? Tyrone or Helenonia?

To a name I'm not used to hearing, Narcotics. That tipped my little neck... and it solidified as it was.


"That's right. I am a god to the other world Brewers. Oh, don't worry, there's nothing wrong with saying God's name."

"No, that's not what I meant, God......?

It is also a theoretically proven presence in the Hyung-chul Conference (Danishmend).

In other words, just like the birth of the universe and the origins of life, there are beings that we know will be, but only hypothetically.

A transcendent being that is difficult to admit, even if you know the Crimson Empress.

Even though that's God.

"Do you both believe that?

Yut and Calcea react in contrast to Ashikana, who spoke of nagging and doubts.

"I see. It's easy to say when you believe it. But whether magic can be used or the voice of God can be heard, the reality of God must be doubted. So that's faith."

"I mean, God, that's just someone with great power..."

"Sorry, no more, this one is over-capable"

Suddenly, Calcea talks about faith.

Perhaps, Yuut, who speaks of God like a man he sees.

It is no good to continue this topic any longer.

Narcotics instinct told the danger.

"I know a divine spell can be used to some extent over here, but I didn't expect a dragon wound to heal so beautifully"

"Do you insist on being a dragon..."

"Yes, the power of faith can grow, even in the days of exoticism when the voice of God cannot be reached. I'm happy to prove it."

Does this mean for Calcea that this is also a test given by God?

It's too stoic, rather, it's tighter to be told you're Exile's grandson.

"I think the day will come when I can help. First of all, we will do everything we can to treat this dragon."

That's what I said, I bowed correctly at the fold.

Behind it, we saw a dragon transformed into a Pomeranian in the fourth staircase's theoretical spell, Transformation of Others (Frog Prince), used by Yut.

Why Pomeranian is a 100% yuut hobby. However, the archmage (Archmage), who was shocked to see the small dogs soothing, did not know how to handle his emotions.

Why can't this guy be so amazing?

Even if they say it's a spell that won't pass without helplessness, that's not the problem.

In that regard, the Silver Wagon staff are excellent.

Platinum Contracts - Solemnly bringing out Pomeranians for the highest ranked customers.

Bet on the professionalism, they'll take it out on an emergency helicopter and hand it over to the breathtaking institution of the Hyung-chul Conference (Danishmend).

"So long, Master Yut. I'm sorry to be around here."

"Uh, Master Yut is a little"

"Okay. See you soon, Grandpa Yut."

With a smile on his face, Calcea was walking away from the basement of the institute.

There, I did feel Larsia's blood muscles.

"Makina, you knew this, didn't you?

"Because they didn't ask me"

"... well, I wouldn't tell you if I was in the opposite position too, come on"

When deceived, the Great Mage (Archmage) tramples on the estate.

Now, it's unconvincing to be told you're my grandfather.

"Ah. Oh man...... Now, if your old man's grandson is a magician (wizard), what should you do? No, the possibility of a bandit (Rogue)...?

"More than that, let's make a report"

"Report? Oh. Kaori."

Kaori Keigo.

Director of the Far East Branch of the Hyung-chul Conference (Danishmend). In the 2070s (modern), when the Paleozoic monsters rose from the Cambrian era, it is no exaggeration to describe half the world as being under control.

It's on the cloud for Narcotics Na, but it's only an elaborate business partner for Yut.

"I thought that would happen, so I connected the correspondence. headset and is conversational as is."

"That's Makina"

"Grateful Extreme"

Small headsets and goggles equipped when boarding the laboratory.

Put it back on, and Yut explains the circumstances to the fragrance.

"That's why I asked the Silver Wagon for help"

"Rescue? Could it be Dragon's?

"Of course. This way, Narcotics. That's intact, too."

Beyond the radio waves, silence flowed.

"Oh, the dragon is now a small dog,"

Beyond the radio waves, silence flowed.

"I see, you mean you caught him alive. That's the Heavenly Grass Master. It's more than we expected. With all that material, that operation is convincing."

"An operation with opposition? It's..."

One possibility floats behind Yut's brain.

It wasn't just him who noticed it, but the other one.

"Are you counting on killing a concubine?


That's the demigod of evil, not narcotics.

Makes the beholder wander, bone him, and wants to beg for obedience himself.

The red-haired empress smiles at such a glossy, slutty beauty and breaks in as if she had been there from the beginning.

Narcotics reached for the cyber Japanese knife Krikara, reflectively.

But I won't pull it out. No, I can't get out.

It's not because they're too powerful.

Because even "Criccarat," which boasts a nasty triple slaughter "Three-Round Burst, didn't float a shredding vigeon at all.

Not so much, isolated.

"... I'll call you back"

Meanwhile, Yut was calm.

Originally Moment (Teleport) is a very advanced spell, but Yut can manipulate it at will.

Then there is no surprise that Verga shows up exercising the same.

I didn't see how optimistic I'd become that my place wasn't exposed to that evil demigod.

"Long time no see, Verga"

off a small goggle and headset and smiled bitterly, Yut said.

In fact, I don't know what other look to give you.

"Have you ever been an adult? Instead, I want you to praise me."

"Sure, if you ask me."

"Don't be convinced!

The raging narcotic clothes barked up to bite.

The two strangely friendly people were frightened by the cyber Japanese knife that I didn't think I could get out until just now.

"I thought you explained what the Empress did."

"Oh. People died in the act of concubines, don't you care so much?


"I disagree. If I kill a billion, my son-in-law will be my concubine's, let me kill 1.5 billion, just in case."

"... it's crazy."

Narcotics threw up like a heartfelt contempt.

I don't understand. I don't understand it at all.

Let's just say you give up a hundred steps and you know what it's like to have a man you love turn around.

But that's not the same story as this. You can never forgive something that entertains the lives of others.

"For the sake of my beloved son-in-law, my concubine is not clever enough to choose the means."

"It is...... But not in exchange for human life."

"Life? People are that important, huh? For a concubine, life equals that of a man, a livestock, an insect?

"It's a trick."

"Narcotics, let's take a deep breath."

The archmage (Archmage) with his hand on his grandson's shoulder is relative to a lewd, radiant red-haired empress who just exists as usual.

"Don't bully my grandson too much. He's young, he's got a lot of future."

"Would iron be something to hit while it's hot?

"There are limits"

Verga jerks off her delightfully slutty gaze.

But when he smiled lewd and innocent, he turned his gaze to Narcotics.

"All to hold the child of a man in love. There's nothing wrong with a concubine."

I am not going to hear any objections.

Yes, I cut the verdict on Narcotics and threw it away.

"It may well be that you don't understand without such experience."

"We're talking in common sense, not experience!

"Common sense. It's been a long time since I've heard that. Words. Damn, it hurts my ears."

"Don't look at me like that, Verga."

"If my son-in-law knew about common sense, the concubine would be in a place like this now."

"... not at all"

He seemed to have an idea, and Yut did not argue.

Such a grandfather - and I haven't admitted it yet - stares at Narcotics with a still humid and viscous gaze.

"Is it something that a disciple can create and operate in a spirit?

"When they say that, they're weak."

"Don't convince me there."

Cut the floor with a cyber Japanese knife, Narcotics That barked.

That would really have been to the point where the dog barked at him, but Verga stood receiving it straight from the front.

"The concubine will not give up. I don't care about you. So, we're gonna have to settle this with force?

"Don't forget, Verga. So you're failing."


The redhead empress remembers.

I let Yut get away with taking it into the spiritual world because of it, bitter memories.

"It's a real shame. So much so that I want to try again, if possible."

"Don't do it."

"I don't have a full-wife cathedral knight. Let's have a different outcome?

"Even if I'm forced to get it, it's not true love -"

"But you can't even get your body like this"


Glossy and slutty.

Slutty and noble.

Such a red-haired empress revealed the true meaning of painfully.

Narcotics That accidentally turned her gaze of sympathy, but it was also for a moment.

"Therefore, power. If you want to persuade your concubine, use your power, not your theory."

He defied his chest wrapped in a pitch-black dress and affirmed to show off his darker redhead than the flames.

Arrogantly everywhere.

Endlessly lewd.

"Ha... Ha, ha..."

"What, you got something to say?

"It was this me who defeated the dragon!

Shaking the ponytail, Narcotics That screamed.

With power, I couldn't help but say, even if I understood it was a void.

"Hmm. Do you want to stand in front of the concubine? That's my son-in-law's blood."

"This person has nothing to do with it. I don't care about you. It's just that."

"I said so."

Red-haired empress smiling sluttily and pleasantly. Surprisingly, I was sincerely admiring it.

Yut, Yut can tell. I get it.

Not only did he say he was Yut's grandson, but he said an individual named Azakana Qino had been recognized by Verga.

"That's what I call the Paleozoic Monster."

"Leave me alone."

"Is that all the extinct creatures were?

"... No way"

Without answering the question of Narcotics.

Just a slutty smile.

Just as when he appeared, the evil demigod could be neglected and disappeared.

After that, he was left with a grumpy narcotic and a sighing yuut.

"In the meantime, you talk to Kaori."

"... Yes"

The fact that I said something extra made the Empress (Empress) serious.

Actually, it's different, Narcotics, but it doesn't make more sense than that.

"Well, if I have to, I'll do something about it."

Yut undertook in a light condition and stroked the head of Pong Ling Na.

Merciful. Okay, a slightly nervous gesture.

But Narcotics That doesn't try to shake that hand off.

The figure was sufficient to make me feel a blood connection, not even with my grandfather and granddaughter.

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