Level 99 Villainous Daughter

4-14 The Tabernacle Patrick looks up at the moon

◆ Patrick looks up at the moon during the 4-14 screening

Dolkness Mansion. It was going to be a whole day since Yumeera, the Lord, was gone.

Autumn is also deepening and winter is near.Without worrying about the cold at night, Patrick looked up at the moon floating in the night sky.

"I thought you'd be back by the end of the day..."

After she made the myth that she would go to the moon and flew off with Lew, Patrick magically followed him with the wind.

For him who has not lost his fear of heights, it is his magic to avoid flying high into the sky.

However, I feel a little worried about Yumiera and wonder if she will really come back to the moon.Most of them feared damage in the vicinity during the Yumiera crash and feared Yumiera would say troublesome things.

"Why didn't you come after me?Are you sure you want me to leave?... or something like that... "

As a result of a mix of complicated circumstances, I chased him... but his hands couldn't reach Yumeela.It was good enough to stop Lew, but Yumiera continued to rise further alone.

Slightly below the limit altitude of the Sky Champion Dragon, the air is thin enough to make breathing difficult.The wind... and even Patrick's magic of manipulating the air is weakened.

Pure thrust is required to reach higher levels.Patrick thought he could fly with a high level of Fire Attribute Wizard, but the less oxygen, the weaker the flame.He had no choice but to make a mistake because his fire attributes were incompetent and he could only produce a flame as bright as a lighter.

"... should I have gone ahead without thinking about it?"

It was Patrick who sealed the wind magic, but there was no way to follow Yumeela's back.

Just like her, it's a way of spraying pure magic and flying in reaction.It seems to be the same way that higher-level fire attribute users fly, but the reality is completely different.

Anyway, it's not fuel-efficient. It's really bad.

Humans are moving with muscle contractions, and the energy they need is transported by blood.If you are metaphorical to running normal attribute magic, the way Yumiera flies with pure magic is tantamount to spraying and moving blood.

Normal people didn't even think of it, and it was an insanity that would cause a magic meltdown before their body moved.

Patrick, an aristocrat, has a lot of original magic, plus an increase in level, but in his opinion, the magic will come to a bottom in less than a minute.

Patrick turned his neck back, thinking about Yumeela's whereabouts.

"The more you go up to the sky, the harder it gets to breathe.If you go above that, you may not be able to breathe like underwater.The distance to the moon... will be closer than the stars... "

He could not imagine how far off the earth and the moon were.

If the stars and the moon were the same size, the moon would be much closer.However, small stars may be nearby, large moons may be far away, and giant stars may be far away.Then what about the sun? If we get close to that calorie, won't it burn?

Patrick has never thought about them before.It's what scholars do, and I regret giving up my thoughts about what happens when I find out.

Looking back, Patrick felt Yumiera was familiar with the field of natural sciences.

He knew why the sky was blue after some folding, and he also told me that the matter of the world consisted of tiny grains.

I heard it was a usual joke, but there may actually be brown cows that serve coffee and milk, and dishes called chopsticks that are ingredients of the meal.

It may be true that other humans landed on the moon because Yumeera affirmed that.

Once again, Patrick looked up at the moon floating in the sky.

"Yumiera, are you on the moon...?"

Ask her while understanding that she hasn't heard back.

But there was a reply. At his feet, I can hear voices from the dark ground.

"No, you can't. You can't go to the moon as much as you can."

"... Remun?"

"I've never had a one-on-one conversation with oniisan before."

It was dark enough to call everywhere a shadow, but Remun, the god of darkness, politely emerged from Patrick's thin shadow.

Patrick distorted his face at the appearance of a boy who seemed to be stinking and always planning something bad.

"Is that it? Did oniisan hate me?Ah, a jealous type who hates all the men near oneesan? "

"Are you willing to kill Yumeela if you get a chance?Am I a target too? "

"Yes, oniisan doesn't care.I'm late, but congratulations on level 99. "

"You're not denying Yumeela."

"Well, there's no way we can rewind the world's time, move between parallel worlds, or let go of that dangerous existence.... well, I won't be hostile until I find a way to fight it, because the level cap is gone and there's nothing I can do. "

I was almost distracted by Lemn, who answered plainly, but Patrick didn't take his guard off.

This blackened God does not come out of the shadows for no reason.Patrick thought it was because Yumiera was not here.

"If you need anything from Yumeela, come back."

"Even if you're in the shadows, oneesan will notice you, so I'm going to put you in here now.I just came by somehow.Is oneesan out? "

"I'm going to the moon."

"Hey Moon... how high did you fly physically to get there..."

Patrick was convinced that he couldn't go to the moon, but he felt uncomfortable with Lemn's words.

"Where I flew physically high....?Are you saying you can go any other way? "

"... oniisan wants to know where she is right now, right?"

Remun is easy to understand and distracts from the story, but Patrick is not interested in how to get to the moon.I don't think you know where Yumeela is, but you're eating her without saying anything meaningful.

"Do you know where Yumeela is?"

"Well, I'm usually on the ground.Looks like you're taking care of your brother now. "

"... you mean the Border Territories?"

"Yeah, farther away. You're spending time with oniisan at his house."

Patrick thought that oniisan was pointing to himself, and first thought of the Ashbaton Border Territory.

But as a result of the conversation, I realized that what he said about "oniisan" was not a word that referred to Patrick.It is troublesome the nature of Remun who does not say the name of the person.

"Who is this oniisan?"

"Oniisan is Oniisan."

"Learn more"

"Oniisan's brother."

Patrick, who seemed to think Lemn was speaking out of his mind, cuts off any further conversations.

All I know is which man Yumiera is taking care of in his house.Patrick felt frustrated without a place to go.

I also feel anxious that the man who had no problem with Yumeela existed outside of me.

Patrick's complex emotions whirl and cloud his expression.I haven't noticed Lemn laughing meaningfully.

"Ah, it looks like someone's coming.Then I'll stay here. Bye! "

By the time Patrick checked where he was, the shadow was only shaking slightly.

If you hear clearly, you can hear the sound of your hooves.Visitors at night are rare in this mansion.Did the fact that I came by horse come from outside the city?

Patrick walks out toward the main gate of the Mansion.

After glancing at the closed gate, he slightly jumped over the wall and went out on the street.

In the darkness, the sound of hooves approached.It was not long before a good army horse could be identified and the horse's eyes turned to the person on the horse.

"Is that... Rufus?"

Rufus is one of the Ashbatons' ministers.I remember Patrick playing with a ten-year-old.

At the same age, he was now a minister with Gilbert.

It is unnatural for me to come as a liaison officer for the Border Uncle family, and I speculate whether it is a confidential story from my brother.

The horse slowed down and stopped in front of the mansion.

Rufus gets off the horse and talks to Patrick.

"Excuse me in the middle of the night, Mr. Ashbaton... was it Patrick?"

He came near and finally recognized Patrick's face.

You might have wondered why you were standing in front of the gate at night, but you immediately removed the envelope from your pocket.

"Was it Rufus after all? Why are you here?"

"This is a letter from a young man.You won't be able to read it here. "

"No problem. I can read it here. Hurry up, right?"

Patrick quickly opens the envelope and begins to read letters relying solely on the moonlight.

Rufus peered into the letter to avoid shadows, but leaned his neck as if he could not read at all.

Patrick reads his brother's letters while wondering if he knows what he's looking at.

I finished reading it, remembering my brother's face and murmuring without thinking.

"Defeat the war against Lemrest...."

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