Level Infinity Weakest King

Chapter 10 - The Full Moon And....It's Curse?- Part 2

A long time ago...there was a piece of land which was believed to have a treasure that had fell from heaven.

Because of this treasure, many Kings, Warriors and even Noble Lords aimed that land and their was war among them.

In this war, a lot of powerful clans emerged. Out of those clans, the Suoll Clan was the strongest. No clan could match the might of the Suoll Clan at that time. So all the remnant clans combined to take down the Suoll Clan. However, they were unsuccessful.

Many Kings surrendered and by combining all those territories this Kingdom Of Rhone was formed and this was possible due to the mighty warriors that existed at that time, but the one who led them was the First Emperor 'Dumito Leego Suoll'. But there were still some people who despised the Suoll Clan and wanted it's downfall. Those people conspired together against the First King. They made a pact with The Cursed Dragon- ALAKAMA.

The conditions for the pact was that the people would give a piece of land for the Cursed Dragon to Rest because it was soon going to lay egg in return the dragon would protect the land for all the generations that would come.

This was conspiracy because the people gave the Dragon the land in which the treasure was supposed to be and the First King was soon going to march towards that land. The Dragons can only lay eggs only once in a 10,000 years!! But the King fell right into their trap.

The King marched the land and searched the whole land but couldn't find anything. Finally when he thought of giving up, he found a cave. He entered that cave unknowingly that it was the Dragon ALAKAMA's Cave where the eggs were laid. The King found the eggs and was happy and thought that this was the treasure from the heavens because he had never see an egg as big as this.

He came out of the cave as soon as he found the egg and called out his men and announced the end of the search since he had found the treasure.

But as soon as he announced that, the Dragon ALAKAMA came flying, his wings huge, his body colored black, sharp teeth, and sharp glowing eyes, in search of the egg. The Dragon was very angry since the egg was stolen during it's absence....

ALAKAMA immediately spoke with dominating voice, "Foolish Humans return my egg to me if you don't want to incur the wrath of this Dragon...."

Leego was shocked when he heard this and immediately said, "D...D R A....D R A G O N.....? Your Egg...? Sorry I had no idea..... Here, You can take it back..."

Even though the Dragon was angry, it accepted the apology and was ready to forgive....and when the King moved his hand forward to give the egg back, something happened that changed the entire fate of citizens of Rhone.

The egg slipped from his hand and fell on a hard rock that was right under him and broke!

"G R R R R R R R R R.....G A A A A A A A A A...G R R R R R R R.....You....You Humans...You...King of the Rhone Kingdom....You Dared....My Egg...My Baby....Y O U!!!....You Reap what you sow....I curse you.....since today is the night of full moon.....every Full Moon Day will be the day when you and whoever is the citizen of Rhone will suffer. You all will suffer punishment worse than death. You are will be no different than a beast on this very day."

The dragon seemed furious and and immediately after saying that it flew away without doing anything else.

Leego failed to realize the dragon's intentions, "Why....? I understand that You cursed me...but the citizens...? Why didn't you just kill us...? Why...? Perhaps you felt it.... The wind magic that made your egg slip from my hand and fall on the rock....Maybe that's why you didn't kill us....Or should I say You were composed till the end."

Then soon the time had passed and even many Full Moon Nights too....many citizens had already died and the first King too died by his own wife's hand...

And now the throne was vacant...but...the King had a Son...He had kept him away from Rhone territory inside a magical barrier which weakened the effects of the curse...!!His son now learned the whole truth and decided that it was his time to dedicate his life for his citizens...

Then soon he became the Second King and his name was 'Arno Morsis Suoll'.

He soon for the sake of his citizens ,who actually despised the royal family because of whom they were cursed, sacrificed his health and lifespan to ALAKAMA in return for nullifying the curse...

But A L A K A M A was still angry of the people of Rhone but seeing him sacrifice himself, ALAKAMA decided to reduce the curse. The Dragon ALAKAMA reduced the effects of curse instead of nullifying it. The new curse was "Whoever belongs to the Kingdom of Rhone will become vulnerable as my egg was, On every Full Moon and 90% of their power will be lost on that very night"! And when many people came to know about this, they decided to launch an attack on Rhone on every Full Moon Night but were never successful.

But the Kingdom was without a doubt in a threat. The Second King's son ascended as the Third King soon but was not brave enough to form a pact with ALAKAMA. Same was the case with the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth and Ninth King.

"And that's how it was but 10 years ago I made a pact with ALAKAMA who now had ascended and had become a Legendary Dragon!!", was what Alex said while coughing a lot.

"W h a ..... t t t t!!!", Elina was completely shocked when she heard this.

Alex: Yes....*cough cough*I made a pact asking the Dragon to take away half of my life and remove curses from others and put those solely on me...*cough cough*

But A L A K A M A didn't agree...and told me that I would die before even receiving half the amount of curses of other people...instead he agreed on giving me unimaginable pain and reducing the effect of the curse and now the curse is like this-

*Only during a full moon night, the power of the ones that reside and are the citizens of Rhone...their power, no matter in what form the power maybe, will be reduced by 80% and as soon as the next day begins, their power would start to recover slowly.*

And also A L A K A M A said, "Because you were ready to take the risk of losing your life for others let me give you a gift...{Gives a locket} My curse will have less effect on the person who wears it...But it won't have any effect if you wear it..." And that is why I am like this....

"...", Elina had no words to say.

"Why are you....?", Alex says with a low voice as he looks at Elina.

Elina while crying says, "I know you did this for the sake of citizens but....Why did you keep this a secrete....And this locket that I am wearing...is it the same locket that you were speaking of....?"

Alex remains quiet and says nothing even though he wanted to say yes.

"I... how...", immediately after she says this she quickly runs away to her room.

Alex: El...*cough cough*...ina {Thinking--- But I have 1 question....Can a dragon's egg break from falling from such a small height.....}

Elina: {In her room} Goddess Athena.... I have never asked you of anything in my life till now...But please this is my request...I don't want to see my husband suffer from pain anymore...I wish that somehow this curse would get lifted...


Daryun and the other soldiers observing and guarding their surroundings while Steve, stationed near the Royal Tent (Julia and Rex's tent), was thinking about the situation at hand when suddenly....Daryun calls out at the top of his voice...

Daryun immediately commands, "Guards! Get Ready! Protect Young Prince and Princess...They are coming..."

Steve suddenly questions, "Who...who are....?"



Hey all! I hope you had fun reading this EP! Do read the next one too!


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