Level Infinity Weakest King

Chapter 104 - The Boy Julia Likes

"Yes ma'am!", Julia immediately replied and then drew her sword from her waist.

In front of her another girl stood who had silver white hairs.

"Okay... let the battle begin!!!", the teacher shouted in the top of her voice immediately after which the silver haired girl rushed towards Julia.

"Moon Blade!!!", she shouted immediately after which the wooden sword which she had started to shine with bright white light.

Julia stared at the sword and then immediately dashed towards it.

"Hyaaaa!!!", the silver haired girl shouted a she used the sword to slash Julia vertically but Julia dodged the attack easily by moving to her right side and then with the hilt of the sword, she just hit the silver haired girl slightly.


She felt down on the ground while her white clothes became dirty.

"And that's Done! The winner is Julia!!!", the twacaher announced.

It seemed as if the rules of the battle was that the winner would be decided if either of the side voluntarily admits defeat, or falls on the ground.

"Excellent as always Julia!", the teacher complimented her.

"Thanks ma'am...", she too humbly thanked her.

"Okay with that, today's practical lessons are over! You may go back to your classes!", she announced.

Immediately after saying that she left and the students who were standing there also sighed.

"So, how many wins totally Julia?", a girl with red hairs asked.

"That makes... 1943rd win!", Julia smiled and said.

"Sigh, will you look at the number? You are rificulously strong... do you know that Julia?", she asked.

"Hehe, I still have a long way to go Sophie...", Julia replied.

In the class which they belonged was 3 - S which meant that in juniors, they were in their 3rd year.

It was in fact a separate place for all the junior whereas for the actual seniors who are 16 years or above, they have another academy at a bit far away place.

The branch is same and the name too, just that after graduating from this, they have to go and study in those places if they wish to.

I'm the class ok which they belonged, there were all S ranks students who had extraordinary powers.

Out of total 30 students, top 10 S rangers were given more preference and out of that top 10 ranks, the first 5 ranks were allowed to use almost all of the academy's privileges.

"So what do you think...? Can you defeat him?". Sophie asked.

"Sigh... not yet... if we fight again, we would end up in a tie...", Julia sighed.

It seemed as if I'm the class, 2 students shared the title of 1st Ranker, one was a boy named Kai and the other was Julia.

It seemed that whenever they both fought, the battle would end up in a tie some or the other way.

That was the reason why both of them had gotten closer to each other too.

"Anyway, we should hurry back Sophie or else we would be scolded...", Julia said to Sophie.

"Hehe, even if you were to miss all the classes no one would even dare to ask you...", Sophie said.

They both stopped chatting and rushed to the changing room and immediately after chainring rushed back to the class.

The class was somewhat a bit mordern and had a stadium like system instead of having indivial benches.

They were dividednto the left and the right. The girls used to sit on the right side towards the window place and the boys would sit towards the left.

There was no specific order determined of the way of sitting so basically anyone could sit wherever they wanted but since they had already chosen a place and were comfortable no one changed the seats that often.

"Okay students, let's start today's topic...", the teacher who came and was greeted immediately started with the topic.

She was too punctual to the point ghat she would even neglect about manner and would be punctual no matter what.

"How to intergrate your Weapons...", she started a big lecture.

The S rankers who rarely had classes were now completely bored because of the long lectures.

'Hmm... combining elemental magic and the weapons is not that hard but...', Julia was thinking something very hard and deeply.

She wasn't paying attention to what the teacher was saying right now but she was on topic.

"Okay miss Julia, can you tell me the reason due to which the strongest element - the Lightning - isn't able to get integrated with a weapon?", the teacher asked.

Julia heard and immediately stood up and said, "It's because the element Lightning is too unstable and cannot be contained inside any weapon as of now... if there is any possibility of integrating it, then that would happen only with an abnormal Legendary weapon."

Whatever she said was exactly correct and teacher complimented and praised her too.

After that she continued to tell many more things and everyone was noting the points.

Julia too seemed like writing whatever she was telling but in reality she was scribbling a something.

Sophie whose actual name is Sophia, who sits just beside Julia observed what she was writing.

"R-Rex...?" Who is that...?", she asked Julia but it seemed as if Julia was busy in her own world.

She wasn't even listening to what Sophia said.

'Something has happened to her... she is behaving strangely... is it... LOVE!?', she thought.

The class was soon over after which they had to go for the lunch.

Many females of the class were fans of Julia who were inspired and respected her but there were a few who despised her too.

But they couldn't do anything right now singebthe hate wasn't much deep but they did have some amount of it which was slowly and gradually growing that could cause a spark one day that would be more than enough to cause a huge fire.

All of them went to the cafeteria or the canteen where the lunch was served.

Usually the princes and princesses were assigned maids, but it seemed as if the maids weren't allowed to interfere in the school life.

The maids and servants were sent to another building nearby where it was taught as how to serve their masters.

It was also not allowed to bring food from home or something similar and they were strictly asked to eat in the canteen.

They all arrived there and took a plate each and after getting the food, sat and started eating.

They were chit chatting but it seemed as if Julia was a bit out of space.

She was on her own world again and was having a beautiful smile on her face while imagining something.

"Shooo...", Sophia policed the index finger of her right hand and asked all of them to remain quiet for a while.

She then slowly moved her hands towards Julia and started to tickle her.



"Sophie! Stop! What are you... hahaha"

She couldn't stop her laughter as Sophia kept tickling her.

All the boys were watching the scene and were day dreaming too about dating Julia.

In this world, marrying at the age of 15 or 16 wasn't that uncommon. So thinking about dating was not that strange either.

Julia was considered as one of the most beautiful girls in the academy because of which almost all boys knew her but no one ever dared to propose her the moment they knew that she is too strong.

They instinctively understood that she would only date or what strong men and that was why their dream remained a dream and they never tried nor let anyone else try to propose her.

"Stop... that's enough... haha..."

Sophia finally stopped tickling her and then sat as if she hadn't done anything else.

"Phew, what's wrong with you Sophie? You started ticking me out of nowhere!", Julia asked.

"That's the wrong question which you asked Julia...", she said.

"Eh? What do you mean...?", Julia was confused when she heard that.

"What I mean to say is that... what's wrong with you!!? You have been day dreaming since earlier...", Sophia asked:

Julia paused and realised that she indeed was doing something like that.

"Ya... what's wrong with me...", she too wondered.

The boys extended their ears and tried their best to listen to their conversation. Those boys would always sit at the place just next to where Julia and her friends would sit.

Kai was also sitting among them but he wasn't like others. He was quite cold and could rarely express any feelings. He was quite strong too as mentioned.

At times it seemed as if he didn't have heart because of an old memory which he had.

"Don't tell me... you were thinking about a boy?", Sophia asked which smirking.

The girls who were sitting in front of her were shocked and spit the water that they were drinking.

"Julia likes someone?", they asked loudly.

"Eh!? No... that's...", Julia was denying but Sophia nodded her head.

"Yes she likes someone!!!", Sophia said.

The boys who heard this literally felt angry and frustrated but the words spread from one table to the other like wildfire.

"Who!!?", the girls as were as Julia asked in unison because Julia indeed didn't know.

"His name is...", she said slowly.

They were excited to hear and count wait anymore.

"Tell please!! Quick!!!", they were shouting.

It was the same for the boys too. They were shooting that in their minds.

'Who is that bastard? He will be dead for sure!!', was what they were all thinking.

"His name is REX!!!", she shouted.

"Whaaaattt!!? Who is this...? Is that the truth Julia!!?", they also asked.

"Eh...?", Julia was shocked when she heard the name.

"Tell us!! Do you really like him?", was what the asked.




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