Level Infinity Weakest King

Chapter 106 - The Full Moon Curse Bearer - Part 1

Rex who was lying on the bed wasn't able to get any sleep.

The whole day after entering the castle, he had been thinking about Julia.

He had indeed seen her but he failed to ask how she was and other things.

Now all he could do was wait to meet again but suddenly he gets the thought about teleporting to the academy and meeting her.

'Hmm, would that be the right choice?', he was thinking because the whole campus would be surrounded with a high level barrier and without actually unsealing his powers, he wouldn't be able to penetrate that place.

Also, he didn't even know the exact place either because of which he couldn't teleport right now.

'No, that's not a good idea...', he did think that if he were to teleport in such a way then Julia might get surprised but that might end up causing trouble for her.

"Ya, when I enroll to that academy, I'll go and meet her.", he finally decided to wait for some more days and finally meet her face to face in a proper way.

"Oh well, it's time to sleep anyway... I'll think about this later...", after saying this he forced himself to sleep as it was essential to rest.

Alex and Elina were also fast asleep while the guards were guarding the place.

Bandis and Zor were also sleeping in the respective chambers which alex provided them.

It was completely peaceful. Alex and Elina could finally sleep at ease since there were 2 powerful masters present who could easily help them if there had been any problem.

Rex too slept peacefully since he was finally back in his room.

Bandis and Zor never even bothered to think about a chance of occurrence of any problem as Rex had placed his barrier magic all around the castle.

So in the end, other than a few guards, all were asleep.

It was indeed quite peaceful time and the entire kingdom felt the same but little did they know that a bigger problem was going to soon arise.


In the deep areas of the forest of Zoqui, a lot of cries were heard. There was a huge cave in that forest which was believed to be inhavited by some strange beast and the cries were coming from the same place.

"So what do you think? Are these many people enough?", a strange man who was well built and was wearing a black cloak while holding a long sword asked this to the darkness that was ahead of him.

"How many...", suddenly a scary voice was heard from inside the cave.

"Yes...?", the man was confused as he didn't get what the voice tried to ask.

"How many women have you brought!?", the voice asked.

There was a heavy stench of blood coming from the cave but despite that no beast even dared to come near the cave because along with the blood stench there was a heavy killing intent being generated all the time.

"Around eighty women...", the man said.


The voice paused for a while and then asked, "Hiw many of them are maidens?"

It was something the man didn't know so he couldn't answer. He just stayed mum.


"How many of them are married?", the voice asked again.

"...", the man didn't have the answer to this question either.

He was just told to kidnap some women from the nearby village and bring them to the cave. He wasn't told anything about counting the number of maidens and number of married women.

"Fool!!! You can't even answer such a simple question?", the voice seemed quite annoyed.

"I...", even before the man could say anything, his head was already split apart from his body.

All the women who were trapped in the wooden cages and saw this, screamed at the top of their voice and cried out for help.

But unfortunately the forest was so deep that rarely someone would visit the area.

"Help!!! Someone!!! Please help!!!", the kept begging for help but there was no one to hear their cries.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU BITCHES!!!", the voice seemed to be frustrated due to their cries and thus hinted at the top of its voice which made almost all of them faint due to fear.

Suddenly another woman appeared out of nowhere who was wearing completely reddish black clothes.

"Master... is something troubling you?", the woman bowed her head and asked while facing the cave.

"Ah, Lisa... there is nothing to worry dear... I was just annoyed by these cattles here...", the voice talked gently.

The women looked at the body of the man that was hired lying down. She then looked towards the women and said, "Do you understand? Shut your fucking mouth if you don't want to die!"

All of them had already paused asking for help and had finally come to know that it was pointless to beg for mercy.

They clearly knew that they would be killed soon as the voice literally called them all cattle.

They gave up hope and just say down since they had already lost their will and strength to even fight back.

"That's more like it...", after saying this, the women too disappeared almost instantly.

While all the women had given up their will to survive and live, a young maiden who was about 16 years old looked towards the bright moon.

'Oh lady Diana, if you can hear my prayer then please help... please help us to survive...', the girl prayed desperately while crying but made little tonalmkst no sound or movements.

It seemed as if she was a preistess at such a young age and was a strong believer of goddess Diana that was why she asked her protection.

But the so called Gods and goddesses were prohibited from interfering in the mortal world for some reason.

It seemed as if they were literally shackled by something due to which they couldn't even help their own followers directly but there was alsways an indirect way by which they could help.

The indirect way was by either giving out specific prophecies or indicating some signs .

That was what lady diana did even while she was shackled.

The young priestess who had almost lost consciousness while praying suddenly saw some weird light.

She heard some sound too. It was as if a beautiful lady was speaking in a wonderful voice.

'The miseries of the country will be solved when he who bears the curse of full moon would pave his way towards your land. Being under him will be your true salvation which will happen very soon.'

An oracle or a prophecy was told to the young maiden immediately after which she saw a small crack in the wooden cage.

It was indeed weird that the crack was formed all of a sudden but when she took a look at it carefully, it was caused while the man dragged the cage all the way here.

The people who lived in the Kingdom Of Shirium, which was the smallest kingdom in the entire continent were tormented by many beasts.

Those so called beasts were 'Men'. The kingdom was completely comprised of women who eventually gave birth to their children after spending a night with some unknown man whom they would kidnap.

It had been happening since many generations and many men have died after having brought there due to which their curses were placed on the women's body.

Due to that very reason, such a mishapoening was happening.

Their kingdom was located in a mystic forest in which no one dares to enter as no one comes back alive.

Little did they know that some Male beast or a demon had entered their forest from which all the women were started to disappear.

So they were now in dire situation, the priestess or the young girl who heard the project or oracle, rushed with all her might after escaping from the wooden cage somehow because of her small size.

She then ran all the way towards the kingdom which would be better off called as a village in order to talk the prophecy.

She was able to escape because the demon or the certain being was in middle of its cultivation or meditation due to which it couldn't perform any actions and the other lady wasn't in the place too.

"Huff huff...", her legs were bleeding since she ran barefooted all the way in the forest.

She didn't even rest for a few minutes or a few seconds. Even while her life was being threatened by the beasts in the forest, she kept running.

"Madam... we should gather all the forces and attack! We cant let all of them get killed!", said one of the women.

It seemed as if they were discussing on the strategy or the next move that they should have done when suddenly they heard someone shout.

"Alia is back!!!! Madam!!"

On hearing that all of them rushed only to find Alia, the young girl, almost unconscious.

They immediately took her towRss the medical room which they had in order to treat her but just before entering she said the whole oracle in the Madam or the leader of the tribe after mustering every last bit of her strength.

The Madam seemed quite shocked and on seeing her expression many of them asked as what had happened but she was barely able to listen to them.

All that she murmered in a low voice was, "He...? His...? Him...?"

They couldn't even trust the oracle and after hearing that, they could hardly even believe it because if which she didn't say anything as she herself was surprised.

'W-why would a male save us...?', she asked herself in her mind.

Though the oracle did seem quite confusing but in the end it was being referred to a citizen of RHONE!


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