Level Infinity Weakest King

Chapter 117 - The Arrival Of The Cursed Bearer - Part 2

The undead Mage and everyone of them were completely shocked the moment Rex made his appearance.

It was probably after long time that they had seen a Male and thus they were a bit doubtful.

For an instance they thought that he was a female too who disguised himself as a Male and was speaking with deep tone, but it seemed like that was wrong as no Female of their village would wear such luxurious clothes that Rex wore.

"Who are you?", the undead Mage asked.

But Rex didn't have any obligation to answer him. All he wanted to do was save the women whom they were calling Madam. She was within his grasp and thus his first priority was to save her.

'Paralyse...', he quietly chanted that word in his mind immediately after which the undead Mage got stuck in the same position.

'Wha...', he was quite confused because it was unexpected.

'Mana bullets!', Rex changed yet another spell in his mind.

Suddenly some amount of mana came out of his body which formed a solid bullet like body.

He immediately fired it towards the Mage after aiming exactly at its arm.


It was a direct hit and since the Mage was basically a skeleton, the hand got easily broken and the so called Madam was freed.

"Madam!!!", all of them shouted and walked towards her after mustering all their strengths while destroying all the skeleton minions in their paths.

"Madam, are you alright?", all of them seemed genuinely worried.

They all dearly cared for the Madam because she was the strongest among all of them and just by looking at her back, they would gain a large amount of confidence.

That was one of the quality of the one who is a leader! If the leader himself is a coward then nothing much could be expected from the group.

All of them did ask their Madam if she was alright and they were relieved too after seeing her nod her head, but what they were actually surprised of was that a man was literally standing in front of them.

They were quite curious at the moment and were also intrigued just by looking at him.

'Is he the Saviour?', the Madam asked herself in her mind.

It seemed like others also had similar thoughts but instead of confining it in their minds, they tend to speak it loudly.

"Is he the Saviour?"

"Was the oracle true?"

"Can he really save us?"

They were murmuring among themselves while the Madam was hearing them keenly.

The undead mage's attention was also on Rex whose hands were up as if he had surrendered so he didn't think about reviving his soldiers either.

"I don't think so... he can't be the Saviour...", they started to deny immediately.

"Eh? Why is that?", some asked in return.

"That's because he doesn't have a proper bulky body...", was what they told.

The women believed that the bulkier the body, the stronger the person can be since the knowledge and ability about magic was taken away from them since long.

That was why they believed in physical force and not on anything else.

When they looked at Rex, he looked a bit skinny for them despite the small abs which he had formed while training under his masters.

He did have some muscles too but that were negligent in front of their eyes so all they thought was that Rex was too weak to save them and thus concluded that he was no Saviour.

Also, when they say him raising his hands as if he had surrendered, they confirmed that he might have either walked by justane inside the forest or he might have been pulled into the forest by some force which usually worked on females.

That was the only thing that came into their minds and it was by no means an abnormal thought because in the surrounding in which they lived, that was quite common and thus they believed in it.

'Good, now that the lady is safe, I can...', he was just about the use magic in order to defeat the skeleton in a second when suddenly he saw the Madam dashing towards him.

In an instant she covered all the distance despite being hurt.

She was now standing in between Rex and the skeleton Mage and was basically covering for Rex.

She thought that Rex was too weak to handle the skeleton Mage and even if he had some good skills, he could by no means beat him as he was just a child!

First of all the women underestimated him just because he was a Male, the second thing was that he was lacking muscles or bulkness because of which he was looked down upon.

The third and final thing was that he was just a young child, and this couldn't have the prowess of that of an expert.

"Boy, get out of here right now!", the Madam shouted while standing in front of him and shielding him from the mage's vision.

Rex was indeed moved by what she did but he by no means was weak.

"Uhh... it will be better if you move aside Madam...", Rex asked.

He heard all of them call out to her as Madam so he also called her the same.

But the Madam was quite stubborn, she wasn't ready to listen to him and was fixated on her belief.

"HELL FIRE...", the Mage who had been standing by and watching all these ran out of patience.

For a second he was intrigued by looking at Rex, but just because Rex was under concealment, he couldn't feel anything and lost interest within a few minutes.

He didn't want to waste anymore time and used on of his lost power spells - 'HELL FIRE'.

A large purple-while mixed flame formed over his right palm. It kept growing in size as time passed and formed a massive sphere.

All the women who were standing theee were completely shocked just by looking at it.

"That's...", they had no words to describe that.

Their eyes were completely wide opened and it felt as if it would fall out of the socket at anytime soon.

Their expressions were worth watching in the mage's point of view, but that was quite opposite for the Madam.

She too was surprised but just by looking at the other women tremble, she thought about attacking without thinking anything.

She valued the women and couldn't bear to see the brave warriors show such a sign of fear. It was indeed shameful as per their ideals.

"All Of you just dieee!", the Mage shouted and fired the huge orb towards the Madam and Rex.

The Madam widened her hands as if she was ready to take on the attack. No matter what happened she was ready to protect Rex even though he was just outsider.

It was not just out of the whim, it was because she too received an oracle just a moment ago.

'Protect... protect him...', that was the only thing she heard! Oh cojld t have been called as oracle but it was something uncommon and it was said the exact moment when the hell fire was made.

For reasons unknown she believed the oracle and did as she was told but little did she know that the oracle was just a way for the goddess Diana to seek mercy from Rex.

Rex by no means was required to be protected or shielded.

He, with his immense power, could just take the tidal atta k head on without even blinking an eye but that was possible only when all of Rex's Seal was unlocked.

So basically, the goddess Diana who just had the aim of seeking Rex's mercy did the right thing unknowingly as she too wasn't aware that Rex didn't have all of his powers right now with him.

"Just did you fucking bastards!!!", the Mage shouted while staring at the sphere moving quite fast towards the Madam who closed her eyes basically out of reflex.

'I guess... I was destined to die today...', a small drop of tears flew from her eyes as she closed her eyes tightly and stood firmly against the Hell Fire.

"Uhh, Madam, you are too stubborn...", he said this and immediately pulled the Madam.

"Eh?", she was confused as what was happening only when she realised that Rex actually pulled her back with great force and now he was the one facing the fire.

"...", she didn't say anything. She neither did scream or shout.

All she did was stare with her eyes opened as Rex stood in front of the fire.

'You... you will die...', that was the only thing that circulated in her mind.

'I have stored such large mount of mana inside me... it's definitely more than enough to unlock the first seal...', while thinking this he grinned.

He raised his left hand forward and pointed his plan towards the sphere.

"First seal..."


Immediately as he said that, a sudden yellowish golden light started to bind his his left arm.

It kept binding throughout his body and finally reached his head.

He was now completely wrapped up in the goldeneye light which dispersed in a moment after it covered the entire body.

Rex just moved his index finger of left hand towards the hell fire and said, "Absorb..."




It was completely silent. The forest seemed to silent all of a sudden.

The only thing other than silence that was heard was a laughter.

"Hahahahaha! Hahaha! Die!!!", it was the sound of the Mage. But just when he took a look at the way where he had shot the hell fire, he was left with awe.

"Huh? W-what happened..?"



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