Level Infinity Weakest King

Chapter 125 - An Invitation From The Estelias

Rex was now put into constant thought about the time reversal magic which he had used earlier.

He thought that he ha dunderstood it completely nitviy was only now that he realised that the thing that he knew might have been only the tip of an ice berg.

Elina and Alex left soon because they wanted to write a letter back to Julia as usual but just before leaving Rex had informed them not to mention about him in the letters as he wanted to give her a surprise.

He was soon going to attend the magic high-school which was just near the magic academy and probably that was the time when he wanted to give her a surprise.

'Phew, thanks to the Letter I survived...', he thought.

Today yet again he failed to tell them his biggest secret which he has been hiding all this time.

In fact he did try to tell them but it seemed like fate didn't want him to reveal yet. Though it was much better for him when less people worried about him.

"Sigh... now let me sleep a bit...", he thought and was about to close his eyes when suddenly my someone knocked the door.



"Yes come in..."

As soon as Rex gave the permission, the door opened and a maid walked inside. She walked straight towards Rex and asked, "Your highness, would you like to eat something?"

Rex was pretty much annoyed in the first place and just wanted to grab a sleep, but right now he was hungry too so he decided to ask her to bring something when suddenly he realized something.

He asked, "When will mom and dad eat?"

She immediately replied, "In an hour, your highness..."

Rex thought for a bit and said, "Alright, I'll eat with them too!"

She bowed and immediately left aftervwhich she went to inform the chef.

"Good... now I have one hour to sleep...", after saying that he closed his eyes and slowly fell asleep.

Gentle breeze blew past him through the window which was opened even though it was noon.

It was too quiet right now and it felt quite peaceful. Zormugand And Bandis who wanted to initially come and greet Rex, thought that he would be resting and thus they decided to visit him later.

Rex was sound asleep and he was having no problems at all right now.

It would have been good if that's how it was going to happen, but it seemed like he wouldn't be allowed to rest with ease even now.

He started to swear all of a sudden. He could even feel a weird suffocating feeling that had wrapped him.

Alll of a sudden he opened his eyes and woke up from his sleep.

"Huff huff...", he was panting hard.

"Wh-what just...", he placed a palm on his face and trees to recall what he had seen in the dream but he failed to remember it.

"I don't know what I saw..."

"But it left a bitter taste in my mouth...", he said.

He wasn't aware of the dream, but he did feel something weird which was still lingering in him.

'Awful... it was definitely awful...', that was the only word which he continued to think.

He then took a look at the scenery that was visible from where he was sitting through the window and got a refreshing feeling.

But this wasn't enough to eradicate the feeling of bitterness which he received earlier.

"Now that I think about it, I had to eat with mom and dad...", he took a look at the time and understood that he still had around 30 minutes left.

He got down of the bed and walked out after getting refreshed by the water thatvwas placed on the table.

He then slowly walked towards the dining room where the huge extravagant table was kept.

Though that was used mostly when there were many guests, they used it other times too when they used to eat together.

The maid had already inform Alex and Elina that Rex wanted to eat together with them and thus they roo thought about eating together today.

The maid informed Bandis and Zor too as thwybcoildnt possibly leave out the guests and have the meal or whatever first.

They did have manners unlike some shameless barbarians who don't treat their guests properly.

Regardless, all of them arrived on the specified time while Rex had come a bit early and had been sitting since earlier while waiting for them.

Alex and Elina took their seats after asking to do the same to Bandis and Zor.

The food was served which was made by one of the finest chefs that were hired by Alex earlier.

All of them savoured the food and gave out great compliments. Bandis and Zor did eat in a bit odd way, but no one told them anything as they were highly respectful.

While eating, suddenly Alex and Elina started to discuss some state affairs that was happening.

Although it was a bad manners to talk which eating, it was the only time when one could actually spend time more with family and thus Rex didn't object it.

Discipline and manners was indeed maintained, but that didn't mean that they were strict over everything.

Rex was keenly listening to what they were discussing when all of a sudden the discussion took a turn and ended upon an 'Invitation'.

"Rex, an invitation is sent for us, we need to visit them soon...", Elina said.

"Huh? Invitation?", Rex was confused because he didn't know why he would be messed there.

More than that he wasn't aware of what the invitation was about so he couldn't actually reject the offer even before hearing it out.

"Well, it's from the kingdom of Estelia, do you remember?", Alex asked.


Red obviously knew that place as he had already visited there with Alex when a birthday party was held.

He also knew that Emilia was the princess of the kingdom and it was the same princess whom he had met twice in Rhone just a few hours and days ago.

"Ya, they have sent an invitation in order to invite all of us there...", Alex said.

"Hmm... so I have to go there?", Rex asked.

He wasn't welcomed by the masses in the first place because still everyone had the same mentality that Rex was trash.

They even gave him the title of 'The Weakest Royal'. Thus that was like a shame and probably he too would feel awkward if he met too many people.

Alex knew all those things. He knew that it might discourage what Rex had been learning but he was also forced.

"The thing is Rex... this letter is specifically sent for you...", was what Alex said.

"Ha? For me?", now this was really intriguing because there would be almost no one who would want to meet a trash like him.

'Did princess Emilia sent this?', for an instance he thought that but then again he recalled that he never showed his powers in the first place so there would be no need for her to invite.

'Wait a second... is it a way of thanking me for helping her?', he thought.

His thoughts were literally running wild and he wasn't aware of any other the things, but he knew one thing for sure that the specific invitation could have been made by the person who either identified him, or new about the truth.

"You are Thinking too much Rex, it's just a birthday party invitation!", Alex said.

"Ah?", Rex now realized that his thoughts were worthless but not entirely!

If it was birthday party, then there would be no necessity of sending his name specifically.

Rex was without a doubt a business man in his previous life so he was well aware of the tricks and various methods that others can use in order to either gain favor, or to back-stab or talk bad things while trying to insult them.

"Sigh... Alright father, tell me, when should we be leaving?", he asked.

Alex nodded his head and said, "The party is after 20 days, on 29th of this month, it will take around 6-7 days to travel so we might leave by 21st or 22nd..."

"Hmm...", Rex thought about it a bit and then almost readily agreed to it.

"Alright father, lets do it that way...", he said.

"Ya, it's a pity that Julia can't come because she is having an important assignment that would probably start soon and will last till the next month...", Alex was aware of those things because he too once studied there after all.

"...", Rex didn't comment on what he said and just concentrated on finishing his meal.

"Okay, then it's decided! We will be leaving by 21st if this month!", Alex said this and accordingly he had to plan the things ahead.

So he took his leave almost immediately after finishing his meal as soon as possible.

It was the same for Elina as she too had to look over some finance and other matter so she too took her leave.

Bandis and Zor who ate like monsters finished their 8th plate and asked for permission to leave as they wanted to let the food digest a bit.

Rex agreed to that and they left, and now Rex was the only one who was sitting there.

"It's indeed true... one never knows when he would be suddenly left alone..."


"But... I wonder why there was a need of asking me to join specifically?", Rex wondered while eating the remaking dishes that was left.


"Argh, I'll think about that later!", he rushed himself and finished the meal as soon as possible and then went back to his room.

'Let's see... should I talk to him right now?', he thought.

'I hope he ain't busy...'


To be continued...

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