Level Infinity Weakest King

Chapter 128 - Secret Revealed - Part 3: Elina’s Realisation And Rex Poisoned!

Rex dashed towards the room in which his mom was kept in order to see her as soon as possible.


He opened the door right away and dashed into the room only to find an old man measuring her pulse.


The old man turned his gazes towards Rex and thought, 'This... is the prince?'

The moment he saw him, he had a view that Rex was a complete trash in his mind and thus his expression changed right away.

He said with a mean voice, "What are you doing here? Get lost."

But Rex had no intention of following what he said because right now everything that was going in his mind was about his mother.

He just kept on walking close to Elina while the old man who seemed like a doctor kept warning him.

"Don't go near her you fool! She might get infected by..."

"Shut up!"


That was the only thing that Rex said while glaring at the old man.

All of a sudden the old man closed his mouth involuntarily. It was like a reflex action of his own body which was trying to prevent itself from getting damaged.

Also, he could clearly see some reddish mist like aura emerging all over Rex's body.

His eyes were also shining with a bit of golden yellow light and just by seeing that, he predicted that it was better to be quiet for now.

Rex gently touched Elina's face in order to check what had actually happened.

He was about to conduct his diagnosis when suddenly Alex arrived.

"Eli!", he shouted the moment he reached the doors and found Rex touching Elina's face.

Rex had to forcefully stop the diagnosis that he was conducting.

"Wha-", Alex was speechless to see Rex standing near Elina while the doctor was standing away from her as if he didn't care anything about her.

"What are you doing doctor?", Alex asked right away without hesitation.

The old man looked towards Alex and sighed with relief as he knew how great Alex was.

So he without any fear blurted out everything.

"It was the prince who told me not to check her highness...", the old man said.

The moment Rex heard that, he wanted to snap his head all of a sudden, but he didn't want to do something so useless right now so he just kept quiet and stood with his hands behind him.

"Rex! Are you an idiot? Do you want your mom to die?", Alex shouted.

"Huh...?", Rex's Eyes bulged the moment he heard that.

It was probably the first time he had heard Alex shout at such a loud voice and that too at Rex.

He couldn't even believe his ears at what he was listening.

The doctor grinned the moment he heard Alex shout at Rex. He then walked straight towards Elina with his big fat tummy.

Rex just had his head lowered with his heart broken because of the scolding.

Alex too didn't think much about it as he was worried about Elina right now.

He wanted her well being more than anything and probably that was why his anger rose all of a sudden because of Rex.

Rex didn't trust the doctor as he knew that he could treat Elina better than some weird doctor.

Also, he didn't seem like some royal doctor, he was someone who had just arrived in the city.

That was why Rex was suspicious because someone who arrived at the city shouldn't know Rex so well as to just recognise him in the first glance.

Rex secretly used his powers in order to scan everything that the doctor had while waiting outside the room as suggested by the doctor.

Alex was inside though and was watching over everything that was happening.


Rex was completely shocked when he completely measured and scanned the things that were in the doctors bag pack.

'What is Red Vipers poison doing with him...?', Rex asked himself in his mind.

Red viper poison was one of the most venomous poison that was produced by any animal or beast. It literally had no anitdode and once if anyone would be hit by it, then he or she would certainly die within 2-3 hours.

The poison was so potent that just by smelling it, anyone would faint.

Just by recalling that vast amount of information from the texts that his masters taught him, he could some what relate it to the situation.

'Mom fainted... and the poison appears out of nowhere... could it be...?', he thought deeply.

He wasn't much worried now because Alex was present inside to take care of Elina.

Thus, I'm Alex's presence, the Old man wouldn't be able to do anything.

'Mom should have come in contact with the poison earlier... just where... where could this poison be?', he thought.

But then again he couldn't just check each and every place manually, so he decided to use magic.

'Search... toxins...'

He said in his mind. A wave of everngy spread evenly throughout the palace which was going to be obstructed at the place where any harmful toxin was present.

All of a sudden he could feel the toxin but he was surprised just by checking the location at which the toxin was.

"What the...", he immediately dashed towards the window pane that was near one of the passages.

"This...", he took a look at the vase which was kept in which there were a lot of toxins that he felt.

"Weird... something is weird...", he could definitely feel something else from there.

'The toxins would just spread in air and move away...'

'They can't be present at the same place for too long...', Rex thought.

He constantly watches the pot in which the reddish flower was kept when all of a sudden he felt another presence that was coming from the pot.

"No way... this cant be true...", Rex's Eyes bulged with surprise because it seemed like he confirmed something.

He slowly extended his left hand forward in order to check if what he was thinking was indeed correct or not when all of a sudden, a snake jumped out of the vase and bit his left hand near the thumb.


Rex almost instantly used the skill blaze with his left hand which not only burnt the snake that bit him, but also completely turned the flowers and it's pot into ashes.

"Uhhh... this..."

He didn't plan to do something like that and was feeling a bit awkward when suddenly his head started to spin.

'Wha- what the...'

The pain in his head was so intense that he could fall on the ground anytime soon.

'Just what happened...?'

He was entirely confused as to what had happened when he noticed two hole like pierce marking near his thumb on left hand.

'Damn... I can't believe it... the snake bit me?'

It was truly a deadly case because he was just bitten by the same snake which the whole world fears of because of its poison or toxin.

'Uhh... even though it was just a baby... it's poison is so potent?', he thought.

He was sure that there was no poison that could cure it, but he didn't want to cure either.

It seemed like he knew of two methods that could literally help him at the moment.

'I can do two things right now...', he thought this while coughing hard.

"First... I can remove the toxins by turning them to vapors...", he said to himself.

"Second... I can use the same poison to build my own immunity..."

Without a doubt both of the methods could work only and only if it was Rex. It couldn't be thought about being applied on others.

The moment Rex would actually be immune to onenof the strongest poisons, then other poisons would have only little to no effect on his body.

But in order to immunise himself, he would be required to mediate and cultivate his inner mana sea and other internal energies.

But right now he couldn't afford to do that because he understood that his mother also might have been bitten by the snake.

"Mom...", Rex almost instantly teleported himself in front of the door of the Room.

He waited for a while until the old man and his father cane out, immediately after which he entered the room.

'I have no idea what the bastard did to mom...', he could feel that her vital life force was fluctuating which was a bad sign.

'I have no other choice...'

He placed his right hand on her head and then transferred a large amount of mana.

He then regulated the temperature of her body, exactly at the toxins part which vaporised in their on almost instantly.

Elina all of a sudden opened her eyes because the reflex actions of her body in order to stop the toxins stopped.

"What... What happened...? Ouch! My head...", it seemed like Elina's Head was in pain.

She looked here and there only to find that she was in her own room.

What just..."

Then she slowly turned her gazes down only to find Rex on her lap. He was unconscious and was just lying as if he was lifeless.


"Rex get up..."

Initially she thought that he was sleeping but after falling a few times when he didn't respond, she realized that something definitely had happened to him.

"Rex!!!", she shouted when suddenly Alex who was standing onky a bit away from the door heard it and rushed towards the Room.

He found Elina alright but then saw Rex who had fainted.

"Alex... Rex... what has happened to him?", she asked.

Alex failed to understand and then rushed and called the same old man back.

He couldn't believe at what he heard about Elina being alright.

He rushed as fast as he could only to find Rex lying on the bed and Elina sitting and watching at him with tears eyes.

'How...?', the old man was confused.

'How the hell did she recover from that?'

To be continued...

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