Level Infinity Weakest King

Chapter 130 - The Cultivation

Zor just smiled at Bandis when he mentioned that.

When Bandis heard this, he was completely shocked. It seemed as if he had totally forgotten about this due to the passage of time or something.

"How could I forget that master is... the master of poisons too?!", he was shocked and was now somewhat in a better condition when compared to earlier.

It was a good thing that he remembered because he would now sit calmly instead of flooding the area with tears.

They both now had a smile on their faces which was by no means fake, but even now when they were aware of this, they were worried.

In the past, Rex who was in the form of Chronos, he would easoly go inside the most poisonous beast's mouth and would eventually exit it without even having any scratches on his body.

That was what both of them remembered. Even if poison actually entered his body, it would get nullified in an instant and that was probably one of his special skills or powers.

They respected him for that and at times, they would even ask him to give a little amount of his blood because it somehow acted as potion and as an disinfectant or anti-toxin!

But right now when they took a look at Rex's body, no matter how long they waited, he didn't open his eyes. Even his body was entering to death like state.

His body had already become pale which was quite scary because it was something which they saw for the first time.

Alex and Elina, who were waiting outside, were also worried about Rex and were tensed all along.

They had no idea as to what was happening but for some reason, Alex thought that the doctor would be able to cure Rex because he could see Elina completely alright in his arms.

Though her body was indeed warmer than before, it was most definitely in a better condition.

That was why he kept on instructing Elina to calm down and was waiting outside patiently. At the same time he was trying to scld himself.

For a momet he thought that whatever happened to Rex was somewhat related to him because he had scolded him for the first time in his life.

But then again that didn't explain Rex's condition that was getting worse as each second passed.

He also had the doubt as to how Rex went inside the room when Alex and the old man was out by locking he door, but he didn't have any time to spare for such thoughts.

All energies right now were bing utilized in order to think positive things.

But no matter how hard he tried, the only things that he was thinking right now was about Elina.

'What would happen to Elina if something were to happen to Rex?'

He did worry about Rex, but he worried more about Elina which was quite obvious because he had spent more time with Elina rather than Rex.

At the same time he was worried about what answer he would give when Julia would ask about the time that would take Rex to return.

It seemed like his mind would have stopped working by taking so much of the burden.

Elina, Who has placed her head gently in his shoulders, was also thinking about Rex being poisoned.

'Was it because of me...?', she asked herself.

She wasn't sure if Rex was indeed poisoned because of her but she did knew that the poison was somewhat similar.

Moreover, she blamed herself again and again and thought about what Alex would say.

She too started to think about Julia at the same time as to what she would answer when Julia would ask about Rex's whereabouts.

So basically both of them were having similar thoughts right now.

While they were thinking this, Bandis and Zor too were looking at Rex who had been unconscious for a while now.

As the time kept on passing, the fear and tension in all of their minds and hearts just kept on increasing.

However that wasn't for Rex. It seemed as if something else was happening to him in reality and he was thinking something else although his eyes were closed.

'Damn, I didn't expect this to happen...'

It seemed as if he hadn't actually fainted but was just acting like that.

He did have some amount of consciousness left because of which he was clearly able hear and listen to everything that was happening around him.

But the poison had literally taken afffect on him because of which he had very little amount of physical strength left right now.

The strength was so little that he wasn't even able to lift his own eye covers.

'Sigh... I wonder how long this will continue...', he thought.

It seemed as if he had already neutralised the poison and this body of his had already become immune to that, but there was a slight problem that he was facing even now.

Although the poison had totally vanished from his body and his body was quite strong from before in teeens Of poison resistance, his damaged tissues weren't yet recovered.

Rex would have successfully able to get rid of the poison and would have been able to stand right now as to what he has expected.

But due to the old man forcing him to drink poison, a miscalculation occurred and he remained in that state.

'I don't think it's wise to not do anything right now...' Rex thought.

'Although my neurone have almost stopped responding to me and my muscles have been damaged a lot, I have to get up no matter what...', he said to himself.

He had still a lot to cultivate right now. The poison had indeed vansished from his body and he was now completely immune to those type of poisons, there was even greater problem than that right now.

'The anti-toxins... they might end up destroying my other tissues if they aren't stopped...'

He was indeed right, any iversevretion of either toxin or anti-toxin would end up damaging his body so in order to prevent that he had to first sit and reorganise his energy so that it could block specific parts.

Rex was now in a dilemma, he didn't know how to convert his words to Bandis and Zor right now since his physical body had almost shut down.

'Ah, why don't I just use telepathy?', he asked himself.

'Ahem then...'

'Hey Bandis... Zor... can you hear me?', Rex asked.

Bandis looked here and there and then stared at Zor for a moment.

Zor too had a similar reaction and he too stared at Bandis.

'I don't know why but I'm able to hear master's voice...'

'It's like the voice is reverberating inside my head...', was what Bandis thought.

Zor too had a similar thought and let it go thinking that it was just them hallucinating.

'Sigh, Bandis. Zor, can't you hear me? I want your help!', Rex used hisbtelepathy skills efficiently.

His mana was in no way restricted. He was basically using his mana to help his heart beat which would have otherwise stopped by now as the physical activities had already been halted.

"M-master?", both of them stared at Rex's body.

They then stared at each other once again and asked in unison, "Did you hear masters voice?"

Both of them were shocked to ask the same thing.

Then they replied in the same way in unison, "Yes, I heard!"

Both of them smiled a bit and then looked at Rex and asked, "Master! Thank goodness that you are alright..."

"But What has happened to you Master?", Bandis asked because he wasn't aware of whasituarion Red was in.

Zor too was intrigued and wanted to know the situation.

Rex almost immediately said, 'I don't have much time to explain that... just listen to me for the time being... I'll answer your questions later!'

Both of them obeyed and then keenly heard what he said.

They then stared at each other and smiled as if they were giving some sort of signals.

Zor right away walked towards the old man that had been lying there unconscious with the blood all over the place.


Zor said just one word immediately after which the old man vansished.

The same way the blood marks also disappeared in a matter of seconds.

Bandis nodded his head as if he was telling that Zor had done the job perfectly.

Next Zor walked towards the windows and opened them completely which were earlier shut by the old man.

Bandis then carried Rex in his arms and asked, "After I leave, you know right what you have to say?"

Zor nodded his head and then immediately said, "Yes I know! Now go quick!!!"

Immediately after hearing that, Bandis used the teleportation spell while carrying red and disappeared right away.

The reason for the opening of window was unknown but it seemed like Rex had instructed them to do this.

Immediately after waiting for another 2 minutes after a Bandis left, Zor walked toward the door and opened it.


To be continued...

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