Level Infinity Weakest King

Chapter 133 - The Land Of Fairies - Part 1

Rex and Bandis were shocked when they saw that.

Rex had successfully regained his strength so he was able to move and so was Bandis, but the biggest problem right now was the fairies that were running out from the door.

'Without a doubt their aura and energies are like that of fairies...', Rex thought.

The women who were running were of normal size as that of humans and were contrast to the small sizes that is usually imagined.

The humans have always thought that the fairies are no bigger than a flower and thus they think that they are quite hard to find.

But little did they know that Fairies has a Land Of their own which was restricted so that no one else could enter it.

"Master... this is...", Bandis turned his gazes towards Rex and asked with a shocked expression.

Rex shook his head and said, "I don't know what's going on..."

They looked back towards the door only to find the door opening again from which 3 weird creepy creatures rushed out.

Rex's eyes widened the moment he saw the monsters that came out of the door.

They were chasing the few fairies who could hardly run.

Fairies had special wings that would enable them to fly and because of that they hardly ever used their limbs to walk.

That was why they could hardly run properly.

"Why the heck are the gargoyles coming out from the Wonder Gate!!?", Rex asked.

It seemed as if the the door from which fairies were coming out was called the Wonder Gate.

Rex had a lot of knowledge about it and that was why he was shocked to see the weird creatures whom he identified as Gargoyles coming out from the gate.

Bandis seemed to understand what Rex was tying to say.

A door that connected the mortal realm and the fairy realm where the fairies lived couldn't have harboured gargoyles but it seemed as if in this situation the gargoyles were coming out from there which was quite weird.

Rex couldn't contain himself and wanted to rush out almost immediately to help.

He had just moved a bit when all of a sudden he paused the moment he heard a loud sound.


The total of 8 fairies that were running were now being protected by someone.

It indeed seem strange at first but then Rex realized who was protecting them.

'This energy... could it be...', Rex smirked.

When he clearly looked at the area, he found another fairy which had wings and flying, had casted a barrier.

Bandis was completely shocked by seeing that.

"The Infinite Barrier...? How can she...?", he looked towards Rex while thinking that.

The infinite barrier was one of the special barrier which Chronos used to cast. No one other than him could use that because they had no idea of the logic behind it.

But it seemed as if Chronos had taught that skill to certain someone during sometime but no one was aware of the person who was taught.

Right now the same barrier was being used which was orangish.

Bandis was indeed shocked by that and looked towards Rex but it seemed as if Rex was just smiling after taking a look at the barrier.

The fire like Attacks from the gargoyles weren't able to bring even a single scratch on the barrier.

Furthermore, immediately after taking a look at the barrier, Rex suddenly started to walk towards them.

It could have been subconscious act but regardless, Rex indeed walked towards them.

Bandis observed this and failed to realise what Rex was trying to do.

But he couldn't possibly hide there while his master was moving forward.

So he decided to follow Rex and rushed towards him.

Rex didn't walk that fast and it seemed like a slow and small walk.

He soon arrived near the barrier where he could spot the gargoyles trying to destroy it.

In total there were only 3 gargoyles but it seemed like they were aiming for the lives of all the fairies.

Furthermore, the gargoyles weren't that high ranked, they were just some minions who weren't that strong but despite that, they were chasing the all so strong fairies.

In the world, it was believed that the first being that ever got the power to cast magic were the dragons.

It was those very dragons which dominated the entire earth but for them, it seemed too boring.

In fact the wanted to see other beings liberate too and gain powers so that they could grow stronger.

So right after them, the beings which revived their blessings and got powers to cast magic were none other than fairies.

It was those very fairies that then transferred the powers throughout the land which then filled the world with mana which then never depleted.

Furthermore, other beings started to form after them who were quite normal but it seemed like they too wanted the powers to cast magic.

That was how the humans were formed and were then able to equip magic but those very humans turned out to be greedy who later hunted the same very dragons who once bestowed them the powers.

Thanks to this very misdeeds, the power to cast magic was snatched away from them by the great Gods who overlooked at the world.

But the humans then cried and understood the grave sin that they had committed due to which the asked for forgiveness.

After their constant askings, the Gods bestowed them another chance and that was how they were given the emblems.

This made the humans tertiary users of magic rather than secondary since they could no longer directly access the mana.

But the mana was slowly drying out and it was those very fairies who restored them from the plants and other various biotic things.

That was why fairies were worshipped and now when Rex looked at the same fairies crying andbeung attacked by the Gargoyles who were nothing when compared to them, his blood started to bowl.

Although he was happy for a while after looking at the barrier, it seemed like his hatred was quite deep just by looking at the gargoyles' deeds.

He could hardly contain himself and literally wanted to kill all of them, but by using the advanced magic, he would not only kill the gargoyles, but also would end up hurting the fairies and destroying the land.

That was why he refrained. Furthermore his powers seemed a bit unstable right now.

If he were to cast right now then his control over magic and mana would be minimal which would hurt his internals yet again and he wasn't dead to take the risk because he was aiming the Poison state.

"Master, why aren't you doing anything?", Bandis asked this.

But there was no reply from Rex's side.

Bandis kept watching the barrier on which constant fire balls were being thrown.

It could be seen that the caster was getting tired and the size of the shield was decreasing.

That was why Bandis was even more stressed and he wanted an answer from Rex.

"How can you be so calm when...", he paused.

Bandis paused the moment he looked at Rex.

He could see the rage in Rex's eyes which was manning his veins clearly visible.

His face was also completely red and he could hardly contain his anger anymore.

Bandis has never seen such a state of Rex and the moment he saw, he was awed.

For some reason he felt that such a state of Rex right now was splendid and beautiful, but he could hardly see him like this right now.

"Master?", Bandis ended up calling out to him and Rex heard him loud and clear.

"Bandis, is I get hurt now, will you take care of me?", Rex asked.

"Huh?", Bandis' widened his eyes the moment he heard that.

"Y-yes, of course Master! I most definitely would take care of you!"

Bandis was not shocked about the help which Rex asked, what he was actually shocked was when Rex said that he would hurt.

Bandis failed to realise that Rex's internals hadn't been completely recovered yet.

Furthermore his mana pool and control over it was almost nil. That was precisely why Rex asked this question which sounded absurd to Bandis.

'Why would Master get hurt in destroying mere gargoyles?', was what he ended up thinking when he didn't even know the actual reason.


A loud roar was heard immediately after which all the three gargoyles started to rapidly fire the fire balls which were causing explosions on the shield.

Although nothing happened to the shield, the caster was getting affected by it.

And it seemed like the persons mana had almost depleted and the person was somehow barely hanging in there.

Rex took a step forward which caused a hit of sound.

Since the gargoyles were hyper sensitive to sound, the turned their gazes toward Rex.

The fairies who had long ears, also heard the same sound and they too looked towards Rex.

Rex just extended his right arm forward and said, "Gravity Control"




To be continued...

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