Level Infinity Weakest King

Chapter 136 - The Destroyed Land Of Fairies - Part 2

But all the fairies were too scared to say anything.

The murderous aura and looks which Rex had on his face was unimaginable.

Even Bandis has been scared so fairies couldn't even be compared to that.

"Come on... tell me!", Rex asked yet again.

It seemed like his voice was a bit too loud to show that he was calm.

All the fairies were shivering despite whatever he asked.

But the fairy which had the crown on her head started to speak yet again somehow.

She gulped a large amount of dry saliva and clenched her fist.

Even though she saw a bloody murdering right now, for some reason she had faith that nothing would happen to her and probably that was why she was able to muster the courage to speak up.

"Actually, it started 1 week back...", she said with a shaky voice.

But Rex didn't mind that, all he wanted to know was the story from the side of the fairies.

"I week ago?", Rex asked while placing his hand on his chin as if he was thinking something.

"Yes...", all the fairies ended up nodding their heads involuntarily.

"One week ago they..."

She started narrating what exactly had happened and test all of them started to hear that keenly.

One week ago, the gargoyles suddenly appeared in the Land Of Fairies our of nowhere.

Though there was only one Gargoyle who was an advanced form.

He was supposedly the General Of the so called Gargoyle kingdom or something.

He just flew past the cities of the fairy land and arrived right at the castle where the Fairy Queen and all other royal fairies lived.

Though all the fairies were scarier while some were angry and confused, the fairy queen asked politely for the reason of the unexpected visit of the Gargoyle.

But it seemed like Gargoyle didn't say and speak anything properly and the only thing that it wanted was the fairy land.

It kept demanding them to surrender the fairy land at all costs which got on the nerves of other higher fairies and the fairy queen herself.

They almost instantly cast their magics on the Gargoyle but for some reason the magic failed to take effect on him.

He was completely unscathed and unaffected by the Royal Magic of the fairies.

This created a state of commotion in the royal palace and all the fairies who were quite arrogant with their status and powers were shocked.

The Gargoyle seemed quite angry when he found them attacking him with their magic, and ended up using his Fire magic in order to burn everything alive in the castle.

But fortunately the fairy queen has some item which was able to suppress the great fire right away.

She moved towards him and somehow managed to seal him too with the help of the same item or the artifact thanks to which the entire castle and all other fairies were saved, but that caused the Fairy Queen to enter into deep sleep for reasons unknown.

All the remaining fairies took good care of her and thought that the problem was solved, but little did they know that the actual problem had just begun.

Just after 3 days of sleep of the Fairy Queen, another Portal appeared out of nowhere from which many gargoyles appeared.

The entire sky was covered with them and even during the day time, it was comparable to night.

It could hardly even be believed that the gargoyles were literally covering the sky because they seemed no different from the birds.

The gargoyles just stayed themselves in the sky and didn't descend.

The Portal or the gate was left open and this was brought into the notice of the other noble fairies.

The moment they heard this, they themselves came out which sending the elite guards too.

They all rushed towards the gargoyles and casted their magic, but absolutely nothing happened.

No matter how strong the magic was, it would either bounce off or would just dissipate.

Furthermore, even if the magic hit them, it would cause little to no damage to them and the only thing that would happen was explosion and nothing else.

The fairies understood that without the help of the artifact which the fairy queen used, they would fail in protecting the land and thus they rushed back in order to get the artifact.

They found the item in her hands which she was holding tightly while sleeping.

They somehow managed to take it from her and thought that they had won the war, but little did they know that despite having the artifact; they wouldn't be able to use it.

That was because the artifact worked only with the power of the direct descendant of the fairy queen or with the same blood line as that if the fairy queen and there was only one person who was fit for that position, and that was the fairy with the crown which was present right in front of Rex.

Her name was Lina and she was the daughter of the fairy queen.

She hadn't come to the age of wielding the position yet since according to their rules, she had to be at least 160 years or more, but it seemed as if she was just 150 years old and thus she knew nothing about the usage of the artifact.

They did try to summon her and ask her to wield it, but it was a complete failure and thus they had no choice other than facing them with their own strength.

They somehow were able to use stronger magic probably due to the certain advancement or evolution that happened in the times of need.

They thought that with this evolution, they could actually take care of the gargoyles properly, but little did they know that the gargoyles hadn't even started the massacre for which they had come.

It was probably a test run that was being conducted in order to check the powers of the fairies and it seemed like some bigger forces started to come out of the portals.

The fairies who were successfully able to kill the gargoyles that were flying in the sky were rejoicing.

But the moment they turned their gazes towards the city, they could find many citizens running away in fear.

The huge red Portal was widening and from that even larger gargoyles started to come.

They identified the gargoyles to be as huge as the previous general who had come.

But now that they had killed many of them, they had got a lot of confidence and courage at the same time and thus didn't even bait an eye and rushed towards them in order to kill them.

However, all of them ended up being beaten up to such an extent that they felt death would have been less painful than this.

Their screams echoed throughout the land and so did that if the citizens'.

The cries were so loud that the walls of the buildings also started to tremble.

And those cries successfully reached the ears of the fairy queen beside whom Lina was sitting which crying and trying to wake her up.

The fairy queen opened her eyes right away the moment the cries reached her ears.

She looked at Lina who was crying and then said, "Don't be a coward... and stop crying!"

Even though her body was weak, she forced herself to stand up.

She walked towards the walls of the room where a balcony was present to take a look at what happened.

To her astonishment, in front of her, she could see fire.

"Eh...? This..."

Was what she said when she found out the fairi e hiring in the fire and crying in pain.

And involuntary action occurred for her and she clenched her first right away.

Her anger knew no bounds and she rushed out right away by spreading her wings and flying.

She summoned her great white spear which had a red ruby on it and moved as fast as she could towards the gargoyles that had just appeared.

"How dare you!!!?", she shouted with her thunderous voice which paralysed almost all of the Army.

She raised her spear and shouted loudly, "Lord Of Holy Grace!!!!! Bestow me your powers, to wipe out the evil beings in front of me!!!"

Immediately after saying that, a light started to flash from the sky which was much more brighter than the sunlight which has been soreaent since earlier.

The light was so sharp that all the gargoyles were being burned down thanks to that.


The screams were heard yet again and continued, but this time the screams were coming from the enemy.

Their skins were burning as if it had been exposed to some sort of toxin or acid.

Some of them had started to melt too while some just bursted.

It was quite the scene to see. The fairy queen who soared the skies was looking down with a terrifying gaze.

The fairies who took a look at what was happening, had a shred of hope left.

They sighed with relief when they found the fairy queen destroying the foe.

Even the other royal fairies that had been captured alive somehow escaped the moment they found Fairy Queen in the sky.

The somehow managed to return towards the side of the fairy queen and it seemed as if their morale was increased.

"Her highness...", all the royal fairies has a smile on their faces when they saw her.

She just nodded her head and asked them to take care of others when all of a sudden, their smiles changed into horror.


They were shocked by what they were looking at.

The Portal just kept growing and from the same Portal a giant gargoyles walked forward.

Each step that it took was more than enough to cause the ground tremor.

"Fairies... prepare your doom..."


To be continued...

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