Level Infinity Weakest King

Chapter 143 - The Hero Has Returned - Part 1

The fire which she saw earlier that was burned all the advanced gargoyle with crimson flames was caused due to the spell called - 'Hell Fire'.

But right now the crimson-golden like flames that were covering the large gargoyle was without a doubt much stronger than the previous one and was classified as Undying Fire.


'How can he use undying fire?', the fairy queen asked herself again and again while staring at the burning gargoyle.

'Is he... not a human?', she asked herself.

She was now doubting Rex's race because normal humans or any human couldn't possibly utilize the power of the undying fire.

Because of that her suspicion increased and he barely even trust him now.

"The flames of a demon who was against the God..."

"He is using those evil flames...", was what she was saying with her null voice.

No matter how she looked at it, she felt that Rex was evil right now just because of the flames.

Just because of that, she lost her trust on him and now basically despised him just like before.


She looked at the sky with eyes that were filled with sorrow.

"The Gods are the ones who cheated me right now...", she said.

She then lowered her gazes at Rex and said, "Gods... they betrayed me... then does that mean the evil is a better option?"

"Should I place my faith in you?", she kept on asking herself many questions. 


The huge gargoyle kept burning and was continuously screaming.

The work of the intense holy light which couldn't even affect him by the least amount, was being done by the undying flame.

'Weird... why isn't it...', but Rex was not particularly happy even after seeing the gargoyle covered in flames.

"Why hasn't it turned into ash yet?", he asked himself.

This was probably the first time when he encountered such a thing which had quite an abnormal amount of health left.

He was too confused to think anything when finally he thought about using the skill analyze on the monster.

His eyes started to glow with bright red light right after which the stats of the gargoyle became clear to him on seeing which he was quite shocked.

Name: ???

Race: Gargoyle

HP: 5999/9999

Attack: 458

Defense: 899

Speed: 199

Stamina: 788

Fatigue: 96

The moment Rex saw all those things, he was quite shocked because it's HP wasn't particularly high.

Even Bandis in his true form who was definitely stronger than the Gargoyle had HP over Ten Thousand.

Even he couldn't withstand the Undying flames of Rex even though his affinity was fire.

Rex was confused even more right now and started to think in a much deeper manner.

'Something if definitely not right here...'

'He should have been dead... but he is still...'

Rex took a look at the monster yet again only to get surprised once more.

"Are you kidding me?

HP: 6000/9999

After looking at it's HP yet again, he was fazed.

His mind had almost stopped working when finally he realized what was actually going one.

"So that's what it was..."

Rex grinned all of a sudden on seeing which the fairy queen was wondering if he wad having fun while fighting the gargoyle.

"So the key was recovery?", Rex said slowly.

He then casted the spell heal on himself so that he could get up and finish the monster once and for all!

But the time that he took to heal himself was a bit more than he expected in which the gargoyle changed it's trajectory of flying and went straight towards the castle.

All the fairies that had come and were watching all this happen and were sighing in relief, suddenly had an expression of fear on their face.

They almost instantly started to run inside the room so that they could save themselves which could have caused even more casualities.

"Run!!!", all the fairies were screaming which could be heard even by Rex.

Lina, who was inside, was also shocked by seeing all the fairies panicking.

She failed to realize the reason for which they were running because she didn't see it for herself as she was not standing near the windows and watching.

While all of them ran in one direction, she decided to go towards the other and almost instantly reached the windows.

"What are the scared of?", she peeked outside only to find a massive fire coming towards her.

She could see the wings and the beast like appearance through the flames and realized that it was the gargoyle that was heading their way.

"Wha-", she could barely speak just by looking at the sight.

Her eyes widened and her heart beat increased.

She wanted to scream at the top of her voice but it seemed as if her fear had paralyzed her.

"Huh...? That...", Bandis who was also inside the castle, sensed the presence of the gargoyle.

He was on a completely different floor at that time and was rescuing others.

Rex turned his head towards the left only to find that the gargoyle would be crashing at the castle anytime soon.

"I need to..."


All of a sudden he could feel some abnormal energy from the castle.

'Divine Eyes.', he used his divine eyes right after which his eyes started to glow with golden light and he could take a closer look at the castle.

"Be careful..."

"Infinite Barrier!"

Even though Lina was scared, she found a fairy 10 m away from her who was completely petrified due to fear.

That was why she used the spell and casted the barrier that surrounded her while she herself was without any covering or shield.

The weird energy what Rex felt earlier was the activation of the barrier which was from his own energy source.


The distance between her and the other fairy whom she had spotted was over 10 m while the distance between the gargoyle and the castle was 50 m.

But after judging the speed with which the gargoyle was coming towards the castle, it was almost certain that she wouldn't have been able to cover that much of a distance in that time.

So it was wise of her to use the barrier to cover the other fairy!

"Bandis!!!!", Rex shouted at he top of his voice.

The voice was loud and fast enough that it reached Bandis' ears without telepathy.

With just that one word, it seemed as if Bandis understood what he had to do.

He also felt the energy earlier but then he could differentiate the source of the production of the barrier that was the caster who was none other than Lina and the person on which it was casted.

He almost immediately rushed towards the top in order to protect Lina and at the same time protect everyone against the gargoyle, but it seemed like he would have been late in his human form.

Furthermore, it would take around 1 minute for him to transfer into his true form which would be too late.

But still, he did as he was told and rushed with all his might so that he could surpass his limits and protect them.

"No! They will die!", the fairy queen also rushed towards the castle while screaming.

She also had the sense of fear in her eyes and without a doubt she was quite worried about them.

"They shouldn't die!!", she kept shouting and had covered just half the way when all of a sudden she heard a loud sound as if the thunder had crashed on the ground.


It was the sound of the gargoyle crashing which eventually caused a small explosion due to which a lot of mist was produced which covered the entire area.

"N... no...", the fairy queen was quite shocked by what happened.

If she had indeed been in her original body then she might have fainted by the moment, but since she was just a soul which had taken the form of an angel, she was still fine.

But for some reason she felt quite unease and still kept rushing when eventually she arrived at the area which was covered by the mist just now.

"No... all of you...", she was literally crying.

Though the tears were not the actual physical tears, it still felt as if she was crying and thus it would be best to tell that the soul tears dripped down her chin.


"Why did this happen?"

"What had we ever done to have such a cruel fate?"

She could hardly control her emotions and was about to go berserk when all of a sudden she heard some strange voices.

"Woah! We are alive?"

"What happened to the monster?"

"How did it..."

Many more sounds and voices could be heard which was without a doubt from the fairies.

The cloud of mist disappeared slowly and the view became much clearer.

"This is...?"

The fairy queen was shocked yet again and perhaps this time it was the biggest shock that she had ever received.

"How could this be...?"


To be continued...

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