Level Infinity Weakest King

Chapter 145 - The Hero Has Returned - Part 3

She could hardly remember anything despite possessing a bit of memory.

Though it was a bit weird, the scene seemed almost similar.

Also, since Rex blurted out the name of the attacks thanks to his old habit, she recognized it right away.

Since there were many fables and legends about the great Hero Chronos, the list of his Attacks was also made and thus it was inevitable for the fairy queen to not forget that.

She basically recalled everything. Furthermore, the way he went seemed to remind her something more too.

She was getting confused by all these things, regardless, she knew one thing for sure that Rex symbolised Chronos.

She fully understood and knew that it was none other than Rex who casted the barrier.

Furthermore, the attack that he did right now was also one of his own magics which could neither be replicated or he copied without his own consent.

"I am completely sure now..."

She thought about it a bit more and then said, "He is..."

"The Great Hero..."



She paused and then looked at the ground which was slowly healing itself.

It was probably because of some weird spell which Rex might have used as he took off from the ground.

The black mist that was occupying all the buildings of the cities and everything else was slowly being purified.

Everything was returning back to normal.

Even the intensified holy light that was shining from the skies started to subside since the energy balance was returning to normal.

The previously hurt flowers had started to recover themselves.

Also, the list parts were getting regenerated rather rapidly and this was all possible thanks to the extraordinary energy which Rex provided with.

Even though the dark energy of the mist had destroyed many life forms that were coexisting with the fairies, such as many more plants and flowers including butterflies etc, were also being healed.

The fairies too who were either shocked or were hurt, also started to recover either from their trauma or their wounds.

Rex slowly landed on the ground while all of the fairies continually watched him as if they were seeing a God descending.

It was quite a shocking scene indeed but that wasn't all that was to it.

Rex turned towards them and just smiled as if he understood their feelings.

He knew that something like this would either leave them in awe or shock, but more than that he thought about them whether they were alright or not.

He then slowly walked towards the castle when all of a sudden the fairy queen came in front of him and bowed down to him.

"The hero... the King...", was what she said.

Rex could hear and see her clearly so he stopped for a moment just in front of her.

"Hmm... that's interesting, I never knew that even fairies could do Soul body Tranformation...", Rex said with a smile.

"Eh?", the fairy queen was confused when she heard that.

"Soul body tranformation?", she asked with a shocked tone.

"Ya, did you undergo that without even realising it?", Rex asked.


But the fairy queen was completely confused. She had no idea about what Rex was speaking of.

Basically a Soul body tranformation would be shown by strong and rarer speacies like dragons who don't actually need to store mana to cast magic.

They don't need to use the mana of the nature either because the mana is directly produced from their bodies.

Since Fairies were the secondary ones to revive the power of magic, it was then evident that even they could undergo such a transformations.

But that would have been long process for which they had to prepare something before hand, however it was different in the case of the fairy queen.

"Well, why don't you get back to your body?", Rex asked.

"Eh?", the fairy queen was shocked yet again.

It was true that one could go back to their body when they conduct Soul body transformation, but she didn't know in the first place that such a thing had occurred.

Moreover, her form had changed into somewhat a new form which resembled an angel which was possible only by tranformation.

And the reason for which she wasn't visible was because the process was incomplete.

Maybe that was why her actual voice couldn't be heard by anyone either.

She then listened to him and slowly moved back towards where her body was placed.

Rex too who was walking earlier towards the castle all of a sudden changed his course of March and ended up going a complete opposite direction.

Earlier the fairies were also confused in seeing him stop and talk to something or rather someone because they failed to notice the fairy queen.

And now when they saw him run that way, they too decided to follow him.

But the other elder royal fairies prevented them to go because they still, even after all Rex did, didn't trust him completely.

They thought that this could all be just an act or illusion too because they still hadn't realised the fact that Rex was none other than Chronos.

The fairy queen tried her best to get back to her body, but all the methods resulted in nothing more than a failure.

"I can't go back...", she said with a pitiful tone.

"Sigh... are you an idiot...?", Rex asked it straight out to him.

"Eh?", she was shocked when she heard that.

"Ya, you heard it right, I asked you if you were an idiot...", he said.

"...", she had nothing that she could tell right now.

"Listen to me..."

"When you got separated from your body, the mana that you had in your body or from some artifact aided you in separation...", he said.

The fairy queen just nodded her head to that.

"So now that you want to return back to your body, you would require almost similar amount of mana..."

"...", she finally understood what Rex meant.

Some force or energy was required tthay could push her back to her body without actually harming her and that was possible with the help of mana only.

"Yes... but then I can't cast magic... I don't have mana...", she said.

"...", Rex stared at her awkwardly for a while.

He then said, "Yiu don't have a physical body then how the hell will you use magic?"

"Haha, that's right...", she said with a small smile.

"Sigh, and you call yourself a fairy queen?", he sighed.

"But...", she was trying to act all cute but Rex didn't take that into consideration.

He just said, "Just go back to the body and lie down in the same position..."

She did as he told and went and slept in the same position as the body was.

Although the body was covered with a little amount of blood which had probably occurred due to the fall, thanks to Rex's magic that was healed too.

Her body was still working fine since a remnant or little amount of her soul was left in the body and one could say that her body had just entered a state of hibernation or temporary dormancy.

"Alright... let's start..."

Rex slowly moved his hand forward and placed it on the head of the body of the fairy queen.

He then closed his eyes and right after that his body started to flow with red and golden light which engulfed the fairy queen's body too.

The light was bright, brighter than the earlier light that surrounded the area.

The fairy queen could feel the bond that was being formed.

It seemed as if she was slowly being connected to her Jody yet again.

It took around 2-5 minutes for Rex to completely inject the exact amount of mana that was used to get separated and thanks to that she was finally able to return to her body.

"Phew... it's done...", Rex smiled whole saying that and took a look at her.

The fairy queen slowly opened his eyes and looked here and there right after which she bowed and said, "Welcome back... the great hero Chronos..."




"Huh!?", Rex was completely surprised when he heard her say that.

But more than him, Lina, who had successfully escaped and came to see what was happening, was completely shocked too.


First of all she was shocked of the fact that the Fairy Queen was alright once again.

It seemed like she was revived, at least she felt that.

That was why she was stunned for a brief moment when she saw her, but then again when she heard what the Fairy queen said about Rex, she couldn't believe her ears.

"Mother... you are saying that he is...", her eyes were completely widened and she could barely even speak.

Probably that was because she flew all the way till here quite quickly due to which she was panting.

It was the same for the other fairies who ended up following Lina and reached the area just now.

"Her highness!!!", shouted many of the royal fairies who chased after the younger ones.

They were shocked too to see the fairy queen completely fine.

All of them rushed towards her and hugged her. Their wings had started to reappear yet again which was due to the extraordinary healing magic which Rex had casted.

To be continued...

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