Level Infinity Weakest King

Chapter 155 - A Suspicion - Part 1

Alex rushed towards the room where Bandis and Zor were resting and were basically talking to Rex using telepathy.

'Listen to me Bandis and Zor...'

'Eh? Master? Yes master?', Bandis asked with a sudden Panick.

It was somewhat same for Zor too but he controlled himself.

'Yes master?'

'Father might be arriving soon near the Room...'

'He will ask about teleporting us somewhere, just nod your heads and agree to everything he asks or says...'

'Yes master...', both Bandis and Zor seemed quite obedient as usual.

They nodded their heads while speaking Wth Rex too and understood what he wanted them to do exactly.

'I will explain everything later to mom and dad and to you both too...'

'Yes master...', both of them were about to tell that they were going to di everything exactly as they were told when suddenly they heard the sound of the door being knocked.

*Knock Knock*

"Master Bandis, Master Zor, Excuse me Please..."

The voice alone was enough for them to identify that Alex had arrived.

Instead of asking the door keeper to knock the door, it seemed like he himself did that.

The communication between Rex and them ended right away as soon as they notified that Alex had arrived.

"Yes, come in..."

Both of them stood up and were going to open the door themselves when they remembered that they had to act as if they were masters right now so it was legit for masters to just sit and wait for others to enter as per what Rex had told them.

Alex entered the room right after which he found Bandis and Zor sitting on the soft bed that was provided.

Alex walked a bit further towards them and then said, "I'm sorry for disturbing you right now but I want a small help from you..."

Bandis and Zor stared at each other and then looked at Alex.

Zor asked, "Yes? How can we help?"

They probably weren't aware of the exact thing or the exact help which they had to provide and that was why Zor asked away so that they would be somewhat clear about the situation.

"Well, actually.., we had to.."

Alex explained everything from the start about the invitation and other things as to how they were late.

Furthermore he told about the method which Rex suggested and asked them about the so callled Teleportation of theirs.

Alex knew for sure that they could teleport freely but he had no idea about how far they could teleport and how many of the things could the teleport since nothing much was known about it.

Because it could have been a spell that would allow only the caster to teleport or something similar to that.

That was why he wanted to be clarified about it so that he could understand how to get there before it's too late.

"Hmm... so you want to go the kingdom of Estelias?", Zor asked in a polite tone.

Alex nodded his head vigorously as he was quite tensed about that.

He knew that if he failed to attend then that might lead to the bad relationship among them despite the fact being that they were friends.

Furthermore, the nations or kingdoms that have basically allies with the Estelias and prefer them over Rhone would also end up eyeing on Rhone.

They would also not leave any chance of taking it under their control so without a doubt this could end up sparking some dispute that might be the cause of the war that could have occurred in the near future.

Though, it couldn't be said for surety but that would have been the case most likely.

That was why he was worried right now and once he would hear the masters saying that they would help, he would be reassured.

"We would require some time to think...", Zor ended up asking a bit of time.

Alex thought that what they did was legit because performing a teleportation spell was by no means an easy job.

A lot of precautions and other measures had to be taken and probably that was why they ended up asking some more time, at least that was what Alex thought.

But the reason for which they asked for some time was to discuss this with Rex so that they could understand what exactly they had to do.

"Alright then, I'll come by evening and ask once again...", Alex left right after saying that.

He indirectly gave them a margin of time to think which would neither make them think that they were disrespected nor would they think that they are given too lessmof a time.

It was probably the best tactic that he used and thanks to that he wouldn't end up offending them.

He left and the door closed the way it did always.

Bandis and Zor sighed because they did as they were told to do by Rex.

Right after that Bandis and Zor contacted Rex to tell about this.


'Umm... Master...'

Both of them contacted simultaneously on hearing which Rex too replied via telepathy.

'Yes... so did you do as you were told?',Rex asked.

Both of them nodded their heads and then said, 'Yes master, but...'

Right after that they stated the questions what Alex had asked and wanted to know what answers should they have given.


Rex was also lost in his own thoughts while thinking about this for a while.

It took him no more than 2 minutes to think about this right after which he said, 'Tell him that the best that you could teleport to would be 3/4th of the actual distance...'

Bandis and Zor failed to understand why Rex said that because without a doubt they could most readily teleport all the way to the castle of the kingdom of Estelias.

They could in fact teleport to a much Father place from the kingdom of Estelias so they weren't able to understand as to why Rex would ask them to say something like this.

'I don't want father or anyone to become too dependant on us...'

'Otherwise he would always lose the track of time and expect himself to get teleported...'

Rex gave them some conditions that they had to tell on top of telling others restrictions.

That way Alex or Elina wouldn't be able make use of their spells always.

Though that didn't mean that Rex was against the idea of using the spell of Teleportation since without a doubt that would be easier mode of transport.

But the point was that this would make them stand out too much because using a spell which is called to be legendary is something that cannot be accepted easily.

'Alright master, we would tell that...', both of them understood and then just accepted and agreed to what he asked to do.

Right after that Rex walked away towards the garden after asking Elina who was waiting for Alex to appear.

The moment alex came, Rex moved out so there wasn't much that Rex could hear but he did see that Alex seemed quite happy unlike before.

That was probably because now there was at least some ray of hope that would end up helping them in reaching the place.

Rex didn't mind those for now and just smiled while leaving the place as if he did a great deed.

Then he soon reached the garden and sinteas of going to the library, he just sat there and wondered about the things that could be done and seen in the kingdom of Estelias.

He had read a book about them in the library and was just wondering more about those things.

Though, what he was most surpricuous Of was the even for which they wrrr invited.

Since Rex wasn't present for the past many years, he wasn't sure if they had received the invitations, but right now since he too got a special invite, somethingbdid seem fishy due to which he prepares himself completely.

"Well, I guess I can't help it..."

"Let me have a look at then..."

He couldn't contain his curiosity and thought about taking a look at them.

He ended up using the skill of Teleportation to transport to the kingdom of Estelias to see if something was wrong or not.

He didn't expect anything to be suspicious or wrong in the first place and didn't find anything like that after he entered the castle, but while he was leaving, in the hall there seemed something which attracted his attention.

He ended up moving towards the hall which seemed like a party hall.

Probably the birthday party was supposed to be held there which was quite evident by the decorations that were being made and were almost finished.

'That was weird... why would someone...'

Since he would easily be visible by all if he just walked there, he used a stealth skill which completely erased his presence only.

He was still visible and thus he used a camouflage skill to blend himself to the surroundings.

'Let's see what he is upto...'


To be continued...

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