Level Infinity Weakest King

Chapter 165 - The Evil Emperor's Scheme - Part 2

Elina was sad because Alex doubted and thus she moved out. Well, she wasn't weak mentally by any means, but it hurt her when she saw her own husband doubting her.


She was walking back towards the carriage when suddenly she bumped into someone.


"What just...", she lifted her head only to end up being surprised.


"What are you doing here?", her eyes were shaking at the sight of the person who was standing in front of her.

"Well well, if it isn't my beloved Elina...", the man said in a low voice.

Daryun saw Elina leaving due to which he decided to follow her, but unfortunately, the moment he left the garden, he too became like a statue.

The man walked closer to Elina and touched her face. Elina could move freely, but she was terrified to do anything.

She stood there like a statue. Unlike others who were under the control of spells, she was free but even now she was behaving like a statue.

'Why is he here?', she was sweating profusely.

It was clear that she was frightened because of the person in front of him. Well, whatever may be the case, this was probably the first time she had been scared of another man.

The man who was wearing a purple-colored royal dress grabbed her hand and then pulled her to the hall. While walking away he took a look at Daryun who stood there.

"D-daryun...?", Elina said in a low voice.

Daryun was also scared the moment he looked at the person who was grabbing her hand. Nevertheless, he tried to save her but failed to do anything.

Of course, she was dragged all the way to the hall.

Rex had been sleeping all this time, well he was ly8ing down in the middle of the large garden.

He had been tired so he was in a deep sleep. Also, since he placed all the seven seals just before sleeping to prevent any leakage of power, he couldn't feel even a tiny bit of change in magic power.

'Tap Tap'

The man entered the hall while holding Elina's hand.

All of them were paralyzed which included Emilia too. She had just arrived and as soon as she did, she too got petrified!

Alex's eyes turned red the moment he saw the man in front of him. 

"Well, I give permission for you to speak, Alex...", the man grinned while saying that.

"You bastard! Take your hands off of her!", Alex shouted at the top of his voice.

"Pfft, what are you saying Alex?"

"Why would I do that?", the man then slowly freed everyone except Alex and Elendo.

He freed Emilia and Seria too but they couldn't do anything at the moment. Emilia was way too confused and failed to understand what was happening while Seria was clearly terrified since earlier.

Though they thought different things, one thing was common - "Why is he here?" - everyone asked the same question to each other.

The man then took advantage of the moment and started to move his hand. He ultimately put his hand around Elina's waist and then her shoulders.

"King of the Dark-Lightning Kingdom..."

"What the heck are you doing with my wife?"

"Ah? So you were his wife..."

"I had no idea about that...", the man grinned while looking at Elina.

Even his eyes were purple colored. He was wearing earrings that were purple-black.

"Didn't she tell you...?", the man laughed while asking.

"What?", Alex was confused when the man told that.

"Aren't you curious to know why all the women here are so scared of me?", he asked.

Alex wasn't peculiarly curious about that but now when he mentioned it, he picked his u=interest too.

Well, even the men were scared indeed, but the women were trembling in fear.

"I guess you might already know..."

"I'm called the beast of the north after all..."

The moment the man said that Alex realized it almost immediately.

The man in front of him was indeed the King of the Dark-Lightning empire but he was also a womanizer.

Not only did he play with many women's feelings, but he also tortured them and killed them brutally.

He basically had a mansion for women who were kept like slaves! He was able to do all these thanks to the special body binding and mind control power which he was born with.

There was no woman who hadn't heard about this. In fact, the rumors about this had been spreading like wildfire for the last few decades.

The man in front of Alex seemed to be only thirty years old but in reality, he was fifty. He hadn't aged for the last twenty years! 

He had the power of lightning to aid him too. Inevitably, he was the strongest King of the continent Arentia, which was next to the current continent Varentia.

It seemed like Alex had confronted him earlier because of which he knew it immediately just after looking at his face.

But right now the biggest question that lingered in Alex's mind was about what the man had said earlier.

'Didn't they tell you?' - Alex continuously wondered what he meant by this question.

He wanted to ask the man himself but the man wasted no time in explaining that.

"These so-called Queens that you have married..."

"They were my slaves after all..."


The moment the man said that it was as if thunderstruck down everyone's ears, especially Alex's ear.

Elendo was shocked too. He was confused after hearing that.

"What the heck does that even mean?"

"Why would they be your slaves?", Alex questioned and Elendo did the same.

"Haha, you guys met them after they were 16 right?"

"...", no one said anything. Elendo and Alex both knew and agreed in their minds because they had indeed met them when they were sixteen.

"Till they turned sixteen, they had been slaves in my Kingdom...", the man basically laughed when he said that.


Everyone knows what being a slave means. Elina and Seria had royal backgrounds which were clear from the emblems they possed.

But they never once mentioned this to anyone. Alex and Elendo felt betrayed when they heard this.

A master could do whatever he wanted to a slave and the slave couldn't refuse it, which included sexual orders too!

On seeing what kind of man the King Of the Dark-Lightning was, it was quite evident what kind of orders he might have given them to perform.

'Wait, calm down Alex...'

'Don't jump to conclusions...'

'He might be just wanting to taunt me and agitate me...'

Alex cooled his head and tried to deny whatever he said but unfortunately, he kept on having the same thoughts.

'Why aren't you denying it Eli?', he kept on asking this in his mind.

If she had denied it from the start then Alex would get support to claim that whatever the man said was fake, but all Elina did was lower her head and tremble and nothing else.

But Alex found it weird, way weird. That was because, he had battled the man, Dardus, was what he called himself, earlier.

At that time, Elina also fought beside Alex in order to fend him off far away from the continent. During that time, he didn't have any reaction even after seeing Elina and neither did Elina show and change in emotions.

'Appearing out of nowhere and claiming that our wives were slaves...'

'He sure has some guts...', Alex said to himself in his mind.

'But how did he even enter the continent again?'

'Was there some traitor who let him in? The Kingdom that's closest to the end of the continent betrayed the entire continent and broke the truce?'

Alex's thought started to drift from the actual topic but in a way it was interlinked. Regardless, he was calm now after looking at the whole picture.

But there was still one doubt that lingered in his heart which was some question which he had asked himself earlier - 'Why doesn't Eli deny?'


Alex was no fool. He was strong and wise and so was Elendo, but wisdom and power were much more affiliated with Alex, that is, he was wiser and more powerful than any other.

He didn't give up and tried to know the truth when suddenly he realized what was actually going on!

"Mind control..."

"Isn't that one of your powers?", Alex asked.

"...", Dardus didn't answer to that.

He too realized that Alex had figured out something.

"Does that mean you have learned a trick to alter memories?", Alex asked with a bold tone which was heard by all.


Dardus was completely caught off guard when Alex said that. He too knew that Alex was smart but he had no idea that he would be smart enough to figure this out so easily.

Alex was also not completely sure about this. But he had his doubts that is why he pretended as if he was completely sure and asked.

Fortunately, Dardus became speechless and Alex concluded that what e thought was indeed true!

Well, in any case, now he had to think of a way to get out of the infuriating spell under which he had become a living statue.

To be continued...

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