Level Infinity Weakest King

Chapter 17 - Escape!!

Rex was acting as if he was asleep...The two intruders started conversing with each other slowly and quietly...

Person 1: Hey! What should we do...? Should we...

Person 2: I am not sure...how should we let Young Master about this...

Rex: Huh? What are they...?

Person 1: But.... we have to...somehow...or else...

Person 2: Ya...I know...or else that person will kill him for sure...!

Rex: Wha..? Kill me...?

Rex was in a state where he could neither speak nor remain silent....he could neither trust nor distrust anyone...

Person 1: But will His Majesty be willing to forgive that person for doing such a horrible thing...?

Person 2: Of course not! But he...he...that man...is a psycho...he will surely try to kill Young Master even by knowing that he won't be left unpunished! His Highness had specially sent him here because of his immeasurable loyalty towards the kingdom....but because of this loyalty he is planning to kill Young Master...because he doesn't has an emblem and deemed as a failure...and by killing Young Master, he will ensure that their will be no failure successor of the Kingdom!!!

Person 1: But Loyla...we can't just sit and do nothing...!

Person 2: Yes Mina!...I agree...nothing will happen to the Princess though...but Prince Rex has to Escape!!

Rex{Thinking}: Wai...wait a second! This is bad...really bad..!Someone is planning to kill me...! I...I have to escape somehow..but are these to telling the truth...can I believe them? Will they really help me?

Mina: But ...how should we tell him...? He seems to be fast asleep!

Loyla: H m m m m...we'll try tomorrow...and we have to save him somehow..!! We need to inform him as soon as possible!

Both of them after murmuring for a while...slowly and steadily went out of the room...

Rex was now pretty tensed up since he came to know that someone was literally planning to kill him..

Rex{Uneasy and thinking hard}: What should I do..? How can I evade this situation...? What is the safest and fastest way to escape...?

And then suddenly ...an idea pops up in his mind...

Rex: Maybe...I can summon KITE and ask for his help...but it was in the dream...however his name has surely appeared in the stats panel...let's give it a try...!

Rex closes his eyes and concentrates...trying to call out to KITE!!

Rex: KITE are you there? I require your help...can you please he...

And even before Rex could finish his sentence, a light flashed in his room and a small parrot sized bird which was fully white in color with the same crystal as that of KITE on its head, enter the room through the window which was left open by Loyla so that the smelly gas could go outside and the room be a little less suffocating!

The parrot sized bird: Master...you summoned me?

Rex: You...are you KITE?

The parrot sized bird: Yes master...you are indeed correct! I am KITE...this is what you named me Master..!

Rex: Oh! So it really wasn't just a dream...!


Rex: But KITE....why are you... like this?

KITE: Like this? Oh! Master, did you mean to ask that why I in this peculiar small form!

Rex: Yes!

KITE:Master, this is to prevent getting any attention! If I were to come in my real form...then I wouldn't be able to enter this room and would also attract a lot of attentions!

Rex: Oh! You are right KITE! H m m m ...but...aside from that...I need your help...help me escape from here!

KITE: Escape!!



Hey all! I hope you had fun. Do read the next Chapter!


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