Level Infinity Weakest King

Chapter 173 - Rex: The Strongest Of All

"It's Kid's matters, right? Then I sure have the right to interfere!", while saying this Emilia dashed towards Rex.

No one opposed to what Emilia said. Well, she was indeed right after all.

Despite wearing the royal dress, she walked with haste towards Rex. Well, they had seen her rushing earlier too so they weren't practically shocked.

"Pffft, so his mom is dirty as hell?", well, they kept saying this because they thought that no one was hearing anything.

But in reality, the entire hall was able to hear everything perfectly. Although whatever the imposter told earlier was a lie, it was still something one could think about.

The lady had earlier mentioned that Elina had an affair and if that were true, then Rex's situation made sense. Taking that topic, others were quite happy on seeing the children saying that out loud.

Also, they waited for Rex to lose his temper. If he were to get angry and hurt anyone, then they would get a reason to embarrass Elina.

Just how many people hated Elina? Maybe all the Queens did and some of the princes did too probably because she chose Alex. 

Whatever it may be, the current issue revolved around Rex with Elina as the topic.

'Baby, just don't get angry...'

'They are trying to mess with you...', Elina wanted to tell this to Rex, but she never got an opportunity to approach Rex while this happened.

She stayed there, looking towards Rex while folding her hands as if wishing him to remain quiet.

Needless to say, she wasn't visible to Rex since all the kids had been surrounding Rex. Also, he had been wondering about what they were saying.

He felt that they were insulting Elina while at the same time, he was wondering how the topic arose in the first place.

"Haha, look at him..."

"He is so shocked that he can't even speak a single word!"

"No wonder! A peasant shouldn't even be allowed here..."

"How dare he even converse with us?", said one of the princes.


'Should I just blast all of them?', and that was the first thought that came to his mind after hearing them say that.

'I will just reverse the time and bring them back to life...'

'I just want to turn them to dust at least once!', he said to himself.

Well, the time reversing magic was indeed splendid but it consumed a large amount of mana. Needless to say, his lifespan had also decreased because of that.

He couldn't possibly lose more time living just because of their immature taunts!

Emilia was about to reach Rex when suddenly, someone else went inside the group and held Rex's hand.

It was a girl, she had pinkish red hair and shiny yellowish golden eyes.


'It's her...', he said to himself when he spotted her hair.

It was the same girl whom he had seen earlier. She was the daughter of the Baron whom he had seen when he was finding those who didn't detest him or have any ill intent.


He inhaled and exhaled a large amount of air as if he was calming himself.

'Calm down Rex, do not be hasty...'

"Are you alright?", she asked.

All their attentions were now diverted towards the little girl. She was about the same age as Julia so of course, Rex considered her as little, not that he considered anyone as an elder until now.

"Yes...", Rex nodded his head as if he was replying to what she asked.

"Damn! How dare low-status filth like you interrupt what we were doing?!", said one of the many princesses who were messing with Rex.

Of course, now their bullying would be directed towards the girl because she was different than the others which usually hurt them to see.

Moreover, they were having fun teasing and taunting Rex, therefore they wanted to punish her for ruining their fun!

"...", the girl didn't say anything when they said that. 

Well, she kept quiet while her head was lowered as if she was staring at the ground.

"Yes! That's how you should be!"

"Your head should be lowered in front of us!", said the same boy who had started this nuisance!

'Is she regretting now for helping me?', Rex asked himself while looking at the girl.

"Now! Let his hand go and get out of our sight!", said the same princess who had been insulting Rex for long and was ordering or trash-talking the girl a second ago.


The girl remained quiet, she didn't let Rex's hand go. In fact, she tightened her grip as if she was trying to disobey them.

Well, it was a rule that the lower status had to obey and do whatever the higher status demanded. But the situation now didn't follow that, the girl basically did the opposite of what she was asked.

Many of them observed what she did especially the kids who were ordering her observed that her grip tightened and she never let his hand go. Their anger increased and they started to trash talk!

"Your father is just a baron isn't he?"

"I will ask my father to give him adequate punishment!", the girl smirked after saying that.

Needless to say, others laughed after hearing that.

Were the kids so foolish that they were saying all these things in front of the great Kings? This was easily showing how arrogant and proud they were of the wealth which their parents had made!

Of course, no one stopped them, everyone continued to watch.

Many did get pissed on hearing what the kids were saying, but none of them opened their mouths. They wanted to see how their kids handled the matter. One could consider it as if they were checking how their next-generation would act.

"Yes, you and your family would come to roads and will the beg and-", she was continuously her taunts and warnings when suddenly a loud noise was heard.


Emilia rushed and slapped her with all her might. The sound was so loud and so sharp that all the laughter died and those Kings who were smirking or laughing, suddenly looked at Elendo.

Whatever Emilia did was mindblowing, no one would have ever expected her to get angry and slap a princess, nevertheless, in front of all!

"How dare you badmouth others and threaten others using your father's authority?", Emilia asked in a raised voice.

Of course, the girl who got slapped was of the same age as Emilia. Her cheeks had turned red and had swollen too.

A tear from her left eye flowed down purely because of the pain that she felt after the slap.

"Why you-", she was going to shout at Emilia, but before that Emilia started her speech which caused an intense pounding in everyone's heart, especially Rex's heart!

"Were you born with money?"

"Did you come to this world with money and dress?"


"You came naked, and you will go naked!"

"Money, Authority, Jewels, Dresses, none of them will go with you!"

"They will stay here, the only thing that will go with you will be your bad deeds and arrogance and everything that was earned by you which weren't materialistic!", as she said, her voice kept rising.

"You were trash-talking about Rex just because of some puny rumors?", Emilia asked.

"You have no idea how strong he is!"

"He is probably the strongest out of everyone present here!", she said in the loudest voice.

'Huh? Does she know about my power?', Rex asked with his eyes widely opened.

Elina and Alex were shocked to hear that.

'What is she saying...?'

'Our son has a power greater than anyone present here?', Alex asked himself and so did Elina.

They could hardly imagine what Emilia tried to tell.

"He is the wealthiest among all of us!", she said yet again in a loud voice.


'It's as if she knows about my stats...'

''Well, my wealth stat is indeed infinite...', Rex had a weird expression on his face.

"You know what, everything that you have heard about his is wrong!"

"I know what he is like, although I haven't been with him for a long time, I have encountered him a few times and those few encounters were more than enough to tell me about his character!"

"Tell me, can any one of you go and live somewhere outside without the support of your parents at the tender age of 5?"

"Can anyone of you be wealthy and kind enough to give someone 1 billion gold coins?"

"Can you be kind enough to let the slave go for whom you had spent your fortune?"

"Can you..."

"Can you..."

"Can you be charming enough to make me fall for you...?"

"I believe..."

She raised her right hand and pointed towards Rex and said, "He is the strongest, kindest, wealthiest out of all of us!"


To be continued...


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